Daming Haiku

Chapter 204 Unexpected Bird

After watching it, Yu Xiaotian nodded slightly. First, he was satisfied with the accuracy of the shelling, and second, he was satisfied with Chen Wencan, who commanded the opposite army. At least this was the strongest officer in Fujian. Although he was hit by a shell head-on, at least there was no chaos on the spot, which was also rare.

The officers and soldiers continued to push forward slowly, but Chen Wencan still did not order to start the assault, because he knew that at such a distance, the manpower was limited. Once the assault was launched in advance, they would have begun to vent their strength without waiting for the officers to rush to the front of the enemy. The charge would lose their impact and must wait until they reached 100 steps close to the enemy. Only at the left and right distance can launch an assault. Even cavalry must be at a distance of 200 to 300 steps to run wildly, so as to ensure that they will not be exhausted when rushing to the enemy.

In the position of the artillery company, when they began to fire, they did not stop. They launched a round of rapid shooting and began to shell at the officers at a rate of two rounds per minute. At first, they first hit the dead soldiers in front of the queue. After a few consecutive shots, they did not defeat them, so they turned to Li Under the order of the big mouth, he adjusted the muzzle and began to bombard the main officers and soldiers behind him.

There are many rabbles among the main force of the officers and army. They can't maintain their formation in front of the shelling like those dead men. After two rounds of shelling, the main force of the officers and army began to be a little chaotic. Some timid people who are afraid of death have turned around and run back.

But Chen Wencan can't let the team disperse at this moment. He put his own soldiers behind the battle and personally led his troops to suppress the array. When he saw someone turning around to escape, he immediately ordered his own soldiers to release arrows.

Some of the soldiers were archers, and their archery level was quite good, but after a round of shooting, more than a dozen officers and soldiers who wanted to flee were shot on the spot.

"Who dares to escape from the battle, this is the end! Keep moving forward. If you don't take down the battalion today, you will never withdraw your troops!" Chen Wencan roared harshly.

Seeing that being a deserter was also dead, he suppressed the desire of many officers and soldiers to escape, and had to continue to push forward.

Thousands of people pressed on at the same time, and the momentum was still quite large, and inevitably caused some psychological pressure on the sea wolf. Some new soldiers who had never seen the battle began to be nervous at this time, their whole body became stiff, their hands clenched their weapons hard, and their foreheads were a little sweaty.

But for veterans, this situation is not much pressure on them, because they are well aware of their strength and have seen battles, so there is no response.

When the officers had advanced to a distance of about 200 meters in front of the Seawolves, Li Dazui suddenly shouted: "Ten steps forward in a row, and three rows are arranged horizontally! Get ready to shoot!"

The first battalion and company are actually the first * company formed by Yu Xiaotian to use all wolf tooth rifles. This company is the elite of the sea wolf army, all equipped with the line Mine tice rifle, which is called the wolf tooth rifle, so that all the companies equipped with wolf tooth rifles, the whole sea wolf army is also Only two companies were formed, and the other company was placed in the second battalion. This was the first time they appeared in front of the battle.

In order to test the actual combat ability of all the use of wolf-tooth rifles, Li Dazui took them out directly and put them in front of the battle.

After the first company came out, it took only a short time to disperse in front of the front, arranged into three rows, with 70 soldiers in each platoon, and 30 other bombers lined up behind.

After such a company lined up, the horizontal line was only about 50 meters wide, and the distance between each soldier was about two punches.

"Reload!" A company commander pulled out the wild geese knife from his waist and raised his head and roared loudly.

There was a bang. A company of soldiers quickly put the stock of the long gun under their feet in the sound of order. The muzzle took out the ammunition from the waist and loaded it into the barrel of the gun. Then they pulled out the stick under the barrel, inserted it into the muzzle and gently pounded it a few times, pounded the projectile and gunpowder, inserted it in and picked it up. The gun poured a little gunpowder from the bamboo tube into the fire door, covered the fire door, and opened the flect device with a click.

"Two hundred steps of ruler, aim!" The company commander shouted again.

After the successful trial production of the wolf tooth rifle, Yu Xiaotian asked for shooting and made small improvements to the wolf tooth rifle, that is, to modify the original fixed door into a selectable movable door, with a ruler on it, which can adjust the ruler of the door according to the distance, which greatly improves the accuracy of the wolf tooth rifle. In addition, it also reduces the trouble of training, making it easier for soldiers to master the aiming and shooting skills of this gun.

200 meters is the absolute effective range of the wolf tooth rifle. Although absolute precision shooting cannot be guaranteed, the accuracy can be guaranteed when fire is used at this distance. In addition, there is no problem with the penetration of the projectile, which is very suitable for shooting enemy cluster targets.

Originally, with the performance of the wolf tooth rifle, it could fully guarantee that it could effectively kill and injure the enemy's living targets within 300 meters, but in order to be safe, Li Dazui still decided to shoot at the enemy group in 200 steps.

The soldiers who were ordered immediately adjusted the gate ruler to 200 meters, then raised their guns and put the butt on their shoulders, steadily stabilized the gun body, and pointed the muzzle at the officers and soldiers who were advancing towards them.

Chen Wencan has been paying attention to the movement of the sea wolf in front of him on the horse behind the team. When he saw that his dead men were still about 200 steps away from the other party, the sea wolf's followers began to line up and raised the "bird" for a moment, but immediately showed a trace of disdain on his face.

As a military general, of course, he knows a lot about the performance of birds. Even the best bird in this era, the effective range will not exceed 70 steps, and often can only hit 50 steps. It is still very difficult to accurately hit targets of the same size as people.

But the sea wolf began to raise his gun and aim 200 steps away. This is simply a joke. Unless they don't shoot, it is impossible to shoot their own people at all. If they really don't shoot, 200 steps to 70 steps, how long can they hold the bird?

Therefore, Chen Wencan believes that the sea wolf looks well-trained on the surface, but in fact it is also a rookie. It is as virtuous as the officers and soldiers. When they see the enemy approaching, they just shoot first. As for whether they can't fight, they should strengthen themselves first. After they open fire, it is very troublesome to load this * again, as long as they take advantage of this opportunity. They will rush over, and the * in their hands will become a burning stick. No matter how well their queue is, they will not worry about being dispersed by the dead sent by themselves.

So when Chen Wencan saw this, he began to feel a little relieved. He thought that the sea wolf was actually not so powerful, and he was still likely to win the battle.

Chen Wencan looked at it this way, and many of his men also saw it the same way. The generals who were originally panicked also showed a sneer.

Even those who dare to die in the front also saw the behavior of the sea wolf opposite. They were not nervous at all. They may be afraid of the cannon shells, but they are not worried about these*. After all, in order to make contributions in the First World War, Chen Wencan and his generals did not hesitate this time. Blood, put all the cotton armor in the army on them.

These people all have experience and have some understanding of the performance of birds. In their opinion, as long as they wear cotton armor, they will be hit by birds in 50 steps. If it's not unlucky, the dragonfly can't wear their cotton armor, not to mention that the sea wolf is even more unlikely to hit them at a distance of 200 steps.

So when they saw the sea wolf's troops starting to line up and raise guns, instead of feeling nervous, they relaxed a little, and even shouted arrogantly to cheer themselves up.

When the team led Mr. Qian, when he saw the sea wolf people raising guns, he felt that the opportunity had come. Although 200 steps were a little far away, as long as the other party opened fire, it created an opportunity for them. They could completely rush over and disperse the opponent's before loading again after firing. Team formation.

So the boss immediately raised his waist knife and roared, "Go! Kill it! Kill one enough, kill two to earn one! Enter the camp, and there will be a heavy reward! Brothers, go!"

After hearing the roar of Mr. Qian, these darests also roared together, raised their weapons in their hands, and began to run forward with screaming.

Hundreds of officers and soldiers began to rush to the sea wolf's team. At this time, the company commander showed a cruel sneer at the corners of his mouth and shouted, "Fire!" While roaring, he waved the single knife in his hand forward heavily, and the tip of the knife pointed straight at the officers and soldiers who rushed over.

The * hand in the front row had already finished aiming at this time. After waiting for the order to fire and the order, they then pulled the trigger.

Immediately before the sea wolf array, there was a bean-like sound. The body of each * hand shook slightly when firing, and the shoulder flashed back to remove the recoil generated by the gun shooting.

Dozens of bullets suddenly flew out of the muzzle and hit the officers and soldiers opposite.

The swordsman who rushed to the front suddenly seemed to hit an invisible wall, and some fragments flew up from the shields in their hands, which reached a huge force on their arms.

Many people were shocked and lowered their heads to check. Suddenly, they saw holes in the shield in their hands. Looking at their bodies, there was also a ball of blood red.

How is it possible that these people don't trust their eyes at all? The shields in their hands are made of solid wood, some of which are covered with a layer of raw cowhide, and even some people's shields are wrapped in a layer of iron sheet. How can they be pierced by birds?

This is nearly 200 steps away! What's more, they felt a sharp pain from their bodies. Obviously, these tongs not only penetrated the shield in their hands, but even the cotton armor they were wearing did not block each other's tongs.

Some people howled in pain, fell to the ground with disbelief and unwillingness.