Daming Haiku

Chapter 209 Ashes and Smoke

Blood spewed out of his cut wound. Chen Wencan looked up at the sky. The color of the sky turned gray in his eyes and gradually began to darken again. It was not until he completely fell into darkness that his body fell from the horse's back.

The reason why Chen Wencan was defeated was that he had no way out. Although Nanri Island does not look small, it is only a few dozen square kilometers. Now the sea wolf has defeated the sailors and completely turned Nanri Island into an isolated island.

Now the officers and soldiers he finally controlled have also been completely defeated by the sea wolf, and as the main general, he leads many more officers and soldiers than the enemy, and he has actually made the battle such a virtue.

Escape? Where can he escape to such a big Nanri Island? Now he has run out of troops. It is only a matter of time for his death. At most, two or three days, the officers and army will be completely finished.

And if he doesn't die, he will be responsible for this war in the end. At that time, even his family will be implicated. It's better to make a decision and end himself at this time. At least he can still get a good reputation afterwards. After that, the court will more or less give some pensions to his family.

So under such circumstances, Chen Wencan, whether for the sake of fame or the benefit of his family, finally chose to commit suicide with a horizontal knife when he was defeated, which also made him a loyal king.

Under the push of the sea wolf infantry, the officers and army completely collapsed. The general Chen Wencan committed suicide, and the rest of the officers and soldiers were scattered as birds and beasts. Li Dazui saw the defeat of the officers and soldiers, so he no longer delayed. He immediately ordered the phalanx to disband and start chasing the officers and soldiers, including Yu Xiaotian, as a unit, and also ordered to stay in the battalion. The two infantry companies attacked and began to join the pursuit of the officers.

Suddenly, a chase battle was staged on Nanri Island. About 2,000 sea wolf infantry, with bayonets*, began to chase thousands of officers and soldiers all over the mountains, and directly chased the wolves and fled everywhere.

Although the sea wolf has no cavalry, which is somewhat troublesome for them to chase the enemy, there are also not many horsemen on the side of the army. In terms of two legs, there are not many people in the world who can run over the sea wolf infantry.

Seawolf's infantry even includes seamen. In normal physical training, long-distance running is the most common training method. Before the end of the new barracks, all new recruits must be able to reach it, carry 30 catties, and run ten miles within 25 minutes, otherwise they will fail!

In addition, the sea wolf department eats well and can keep up with nutrition. The physical fitness is definitely much better than ordinary people, and the endurance is much stronger than that of officers and soldiers.

On the other hand, most of the soldiers have been trying to find money all year round. They have been trained several times a year. Even if they use their strength to escape their lives, no sea wolves can run fast.

The sea wolf infantry defeated the officers and soldiers in the first battle, and their morale suddenly rose to the peak. With the order of Li's big mouth, several companies were all disbanded. Under the leadership of their respective company commanders, they spread their feet and chased after the officers and soldiers.

These sea wolf infantry are familiar with the terrain of the island and have good physical strength. Once they start to chase, they are really powerful and chase the officers and soldiers several miles away in one breath.

The officers and soldiers ran slowly and were stabbed to the ground by the sea wolf's infantry with long guns or bayonets. They dared not neglect their feet and ran around crazily, but their physical strength was limited. After the camp was taken last night, they didn't have much food, and they could only find something casually. Fill it in. Everyone only drank some thin rice soup when they got up in the morning. Now they have been hungry and their feet are weak.

So not long after they fled, they ran exhausted, gasping like broken bellows one by one, and their hearts seemed to jump out of their mouths with one mouths.

And behind it was the shouts of the sea wolves, which shocked them even more. Some people were really tired and couldn't run. They simply threw their knives and guns and lay on the ground on their backs. A dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, and the sea wolves caught up to deal with them.

For these guys lying down, the sea wolf did not kill them. While running around them, they continued to chase the fleeing officers and soldiers in front of them, while ordering them to return to the camp on the shore to gather. As long as they surrendered, the sea wolf did not kill the prisoners.

These officers and soldiers who lie down and wait to die are somewhat relieved. Think about it carefully, this is an island. Where can they go even if they run? Their officers and sailors have been killed. Even if they escape to the mountains, what to eat and drink? Sooner or later, they will starve to death, so I want to understand this. Since the sea wolf said that they would not kill prisoners, they can only accept their fate. At least it is better to be killed or starved alive.

These officers and soldiers are not loyal to the Ming Dynasty. Most of them are soldiers just to make a living. Now the officials are dead. Who else are they for?

So a large number of officers and soldiers saw that they could not run away from the sea wolf, so they had to kneel down and surrender and were taken to the seaside to gather. Occasionally, some generals could not run away. With their own soldiers around them, they turned over to try to resist, but in front of the sea wolf's platoons and bayonets, they were not even if they were strong in martial arts. After a while, he was slaughtered by the sea wolf infantry.

In the end, he couldn't run away. Some Mr. Qian also simply didn't run away. Like soldiers, he knelt down and begged for mercy in order to survive.

The whole pursuit lasted until dark, and it was officially over. More than 5,000 officers and soldiers who landed on the island finally chose to surrender. In addition, more than 1,000 people were killed by sea wolves, and only three or 400 people temporarily fled into the mountains.

For these remaining officers and soldiers, the sea wolves did not go to the mountain to search for them, because these defeated soldiers did not even bring a grain of food when they entered the mountain. At this time, it was winter again. They could not find anything to eat in the mountain. In less than two days, the gang would be hungry and surrendered themselves.

So this battle ended with a complete victory for the sea wolf. The officers and soldiers on Nanri Island were almost in this battle. The whole army was destroyed, and the rest was solved only a matter of time.

At this time, the battle of Nanri Island between the sea wolf and the officers and the army also came to a perfect end. Unfortunately, Yu Zhigao, as the commander-in-chief of the army, finally escaped.

After Yu Zhigao led the fleet to fight with the sea wolf fleet, it was beaten to ashes and smoke by the sea wolf fleet. In the end, he only led less than 20 ships to escape to the Nanri Channel, went down the wind and fled in the direction of Quanzhou.

However, more than a dozen sea wolves' flying fast ships, relying on the advantage of fast speed, caught up with Yu Zhigao and soon caught up with Yu.

Yu Zhigao led the defeated soldiers and retreated. Later, he saw the ships he brought by him, one by one by one by the sea wolf's fleet, knowing that it was impossible to escape back to Quanzhou.

So Yu Zhigao turned his heart, simply led the crowd straight to the shore, stopped the boat to the shore, and then led the remnants to abandon the ship and fled to the shore.

So the whole officer navy who stayed on Nanri Island finally escaped the destruction of the ship after Yu Zhigao abandoned the ship. There were only dozens of ships led by Zhang Jiace to return to the land to transport supplies and finally escaped the end of the destruction.

But when the sea wolf troops were cheering and celebrating on Nanri Island, Yu Xiaotian told them one thing, and they knew that this battle was far from over.

When the news of the destruction of the entire army of the officers and soldiers on Nanri Island reached Zhu Yifeng, who was waiting for news at the governor's office, Zhu Yifeng almost fainted on the spot.

A day ago, he was personally writing a memorial to the imperial court and preparing a special book. This time, he sent troops to restore Nanri Island. He did not seek merit but no mistakes, at least he did not let the Wei Party find his problems.

However, as soon as this medal was sent out this morning, it received the news that Yu Zhigao's fleet from Xinghuafu was attacked by the sea wolf fleet on Nanri Island and the whole army was destroyed.

Such sudden news almost confused Zhu Yifeng. He could hardly believe his ears and asked the person who reported the news three times to make sure that he had heard it wrong.

The report was a Mr. Qian from Xinghua Mansion. On the other side of Xinghua Mansion, he was mainly responsible for protecting the dock at the mouth of Mulanxi. An officer and army's sailor warship fled there with injuries and informed them of the destruction of the whole Yu Zhigao fleet. As soon as the soldiers heard it, they were flying and jumped. They quickly informed Xing The governor of Xinghua was even more shocked to hear that and personally interrogated the officers and soldiers on the ship, and then made sure that the news was not fake.

So Xinghua Mansion suddenly became a mess. For a moment, he didn't know what to do, so he quickly sent someone to Fuzhou to report the bad news to Zhu Yifeng.

When Xinghuafu reacted, Yu Zhigao also fled to Xinghuafu with the remnants of two or three hundred officers and soldiers, confirming the news.

The whole Fujian officers and sailors gathered on Nanri Island, in this battle, almost the whole army exhausted, more than 200 ships of various types, and finally escaped less than a dozen.

The land official was even more panicked and quickly ordered Zhang Jiace to strengthen the defense along the coast of Xinghuafu, guard against the sea wolf with the power of great victory and raid Xinghuafu.

After learning the news, Zhu Yifeng had a feeling of being beaten with a stick. He never thought that the sea wolf would suddenly kill a horse gun. After giving up Nanri Island first, he suddenly returned to Nanri Island and annihilated the officers and sailors in the area of Nanri Island in one fell swoop.

That's more than 200 boats! It can be said that the essence of the whole Fujian sailor is almost all on Nanri Island, but after the war, such a big sailor was extinguished.