Daming Haiku

Chapter 212 Shelling the Golden Gate

The inspection sweated on the anxious forehead of the city, but he couldn't come up with an idea. He knew very well that although Kinmen Island was not too small, there were few residents on the island. Except for the military households on the island, there were only two fishing villages. Even if all the young men were concentrated in the city of Kinmen, there would be no more than 700 people. These people were flat At that time, there was not much training at all, and there were no more than 100 people with combat effectiveness.

Look at the sea wolf's fleet, dozens of large ships have at least 2,000 to 3,000 people, and have also unloaded these more than 300 elite soldiers on the shore. Even if the Golden Gate does its best, it can't withstand their attack.

In the past minute by minute, everyone in the city was ashes. They did not dare to say surrender easily, but they did not dare to say war, because they were not fools. They knew that this time the officers and soldiers' advances against the sea wolves completely provoked the sea wolves. This time the sea wolves clearly wanted to retaliate against the government.

And their Golden Gate is the first to be taken down by the other side. If they don't surrender, can they defend the Acropolis? Obviously, no one has such confidence.

Even if they repel the sea wolf once or twice, how long can they last? Looking at the gunboats of the seawolves staring at them, they can't summon the courage to fight to the end with the seawolves.

Once the sea wolf is angry again, when the city is broken, the sea wolf will really slaughter everyone in the city. There are not many people skeptical about this.

So the people in the whole city of Jinmen have been timid before the war, let alone completely lost their morale.

At this time, even the officers and soldiers of those cannons did not dare to easily operate their cannons and make a little resistance.

Two quarters of an hour, that is, half an hour. During this half an hour, the sea wolf unloaded several long ladders to the shore. These long ladders are combined and are scattered on the ship. After unloading to the shore, they can be quickly assembled with thick iron bolts to form a siege ladder. Obviously, the sea wolf is strong. It's time to capture this Golden Gate.

As the limited time approached, the inspector's forehead sweated more and hurriedly wandered around the city. Finally, he made up his mind and sent a trusted man to put it under the city with a rope to find the sea wolf for negotiation.

The requirements of this patrol are not high. After sending his men to find Liu Tong, who led the troops to land, they told Liu Tong that they did not intend to be the enemy of the sea wolf. If the sea wolf needs it, they can only keep the Acropolis. Other places on the island are under the control of the sea wolf, and the city can provide a batch of wine and meat to the sea wolf. In addition, With 500 taels of silver, just ask the sea wolf to let go of the city of Jinmen and not occupy the city of Jinmen.

However, such a request was also immediately rejected by Liu Tong, telling the officers and soldiers who ran out to negotiate that the sea wolf wanted the whole Kinmen Island, including the city of thousands of households. This condition was not negotiable, and the sea wolf was not interested in the conditions they put forward, as long as the people in the city surrendered and obeyed to the sea wolf's. They can ensure the safety of everyone and never kill indiscriminately. At the same time, they also guarantee that they will not rob the private property of the people in the city, including the property of the inspector, which will be protected.

Now the time is coming. Liu Tongling's officers and soldiers returned to the city and immediately told the inspector to surrender immediately, otherwise they would immediately launch a shelling operation on the city of Qianhu.

The negotiator had no choice but to run back to the city, was pulled up by the military rope on the city, and told the patrol again what Liu Tong said.

The inspector is so angry! Although his official position is humble, at least he is also a Ming official. Now thousands of households are not on the island. Even if he is the largest, he has the responsibility of defending the land. Once the thief is surrendered, he will never be fooled in the future. Once the thief retreats one day, even if he leaves his life, he will be held accountable by Shangfeng in the future. At that time, it will be light. If you lose your head, you may be cut down all over the door.

So this patrolman thought about it and dared not make up his mind to surrender, but while he was still hesitating, the time limit for the sea wolf had arrived.

I saw the big ships of seawolves on the sea suddenly began to spit out flames one after another. In an instant, a mass of gunpowder smoke rose on the sea, and various shells roared and flew towards the city of Kinmen.

The people in the city exclaimed and began to avoid guns. Suddenly, they became a mess. Many soldiers were so scared that they lost their weapons on the spot, turned around and fled the city wall.

The firepower of the sea wolf fleet, even the Dutch and Portuguese, may not exceed the firepower of the sea wolf fleet, and this time there are two large Western-style splint ships participating in the war. Several ships opened fire at the same time, with a total of more than 20 guns of more than 12 pounds.

Although the shells were also solid bullets and not too powerful, the momentum was very scary. The shells roared and scattered in the city of Kinmen, stirring up pieces of dust and gravel inside and outside the city.

The shells that fell into the city were even if many houses were destroyed, and bricks and stones flew around the city.

The patrolman screamed in panic and ordered the officers and soldiers in the city to fire back, but these officers and soldiers were so scared that they were so scared that they were busy in the city and began to load artillery. It was not until the sea wolf's fleet fired three rounds that they finally filled the cannons.

Several cannons in the city also roared at this time. After hearing a few loud noises, the cannonball flew out of the chamber and hit the sea, but the accuracy made all the officers and soldiers feel discouraged, because after these cannons were bombarded, they did not hit any sea wolf ships, and the shells were not even close to the sea wolf ships. When they fell, they landed on the water far away from the sea wolf ship, which only stirred up a few sea waters.

The counterattack in the city of Kinmen suddenly annoyed the sea wolf. The firepower of several artillery ships became more fierce. Instead of retreating, they approached the shore and began to directly shell the city of Kinmen.

Jinmen City itself is built not far from the sea, and the south gate is only three or four hundred meters away from the shore, which is completely within the direct sight of the sea wolf heavy artillery.

After another round of volley, several shells accurately hit the south gate tower of the Acropolis. With a roar, a large mass of dust rose at the south gate tower. The good gate tower collapsed on the spot under the heavy artillery bombardment of the sea wolf and became a piece of masonry ruins.

Fortunately, the patrol commanding the battle in the city was not in the gate building at that time. Fortunately, he was not buried alive on the spot, but now he was also half scared to death. He even shouted with his feet and ordered the officers and soldiers to fire artillery to fight back. The officers and soldiers were in a hurry and entered the artillery. Line reload.

When they finally started firing again, something finally happened. When a copper burst was lit, it suddenly burst. After a huge roar, there was a scream on the gun position. The two gunners were even lifted into the air by the explosion on the spot, and the bodies were torn apart. He fell directly into the city.

Looking at the copper hair, at this time, the whole gun body was blown apart, the muzzle became **, and the gun position had been collapsed and broken into pieces on the spot. The gunners on the gun position were even dead or injured, and there was not even a standing person.

The sudden explosion of the cannon made the officers and soldiers who had no morale completely fall into chaos, scaring the gunners of several other cannons. At this time, they did not dare to install guns again, including the Hongyi cannon that rushed to battle, which was also completely dumb.

The naval shelling time of the sea wolf was not very long. Under the order of Xiaotian, they stopped firing, and the sea wolf land soldiers who had already landed on the shore, under the leadership of Liu Tong, made a huge shout in unison and quickly formed a team to drive towards the Acropolis.

Yu Xiaotian specially equipped them with an infantry platoon using all wolf tooth rifles and 50 wolf tooth rifles. These people approached about a hundred steps below the wall and stopped moving forward. They lined up word by word, picked up their wolf tooth rifles and aimed at the city. On the wall.

There were also a small number of officers and soldiers on the wall, who stretched out their heads under the order of the patrol, as if to resist, and even lifted out two tiger squat guns, mounted them on the city stacks, aimed at the city, ready to stop the sea wolves from attacking the city.

The artillery platoon of the landing sea wolf also dragged two 12-pound mountain howitzers close to the city wall and immediately began to build a simple artillery position about 150 meters below the city, set up two 12-pound mountain howitzers on the ground, and quickly completed the loading.

The two guns raised their muzzle and aimed at the wall, which just pointed at the location of the tiger squat guns of the two officers and soldiers in the city. Soon, they began to fire.

The two cannons only fired two cannons each, and then looked at the two tiger squat guns on the wall, which had disappeared, including the stack where they were located. At this time, they were also collapsed. The two small guns were blown into the city, and even several officers and artillerymen were killed on the spot.

Hearing the roar of the officer of the sea wolf, the row of * hands holding wolf-tooth rifles, even if they began to shoot in unison, several officers and soldiers who had probed their heads in the city and were ready to resist began to suspect whether the sea wolf was sick. Unexpectedly, they began to release birds a hundred steps away.

But when they spewed blood arrows, they realized that the sea wolf's bird could kill people a hundred steps away, but now it was too late.

About six or seven officers and soldiers who were still trying to resist were shot at the head of the city by the sea wolf's * on the spot. Either their heads blossomed on the spot or they were shot in the chest and abdomen. Basically, they died when they met. There was no reason to be spared.

At this time, the whole wall was swept away, and the officers and soldiers were so scared that they dared not look up. The remaining sea wolf immediately carried a few long ladders and roared towards the wall.

(Today, I would like to thank Haijue's friends for their reward! Don't say anything, write well, worthy of the love of the brothers!)