Daming Haiku

Chapter 226 Luo Tiancun

When Liu Wutang heard the news, he immediately ordered the officers and soldiers to stop moving forward and temporarily camp on the spot, and the general Zhongqian's generals garrison came to him to discuss what to do next.

Liu Wutang looked at the map and scolded secretly. There is no need to think about who this group of thieves who blocked their way is. Now they can go deep into such a deep place in Tong'an County to block their way. I'm afraid they can't find a second one except for the sea wolves.

The sea wolf is really arrogant. This time, he dared to go deep into such a place on land, which didn't pay attention to their officers and soldiers at all.

And the place they chose today is really good. The two mountains are sandwiched with a ditch, which is the only way to Tong'an County. They set up a camp here, which is clear that they want to stop them from going to Tong'an County for rescue.

If he can't repel this group of sea wolves today, then not to mention rescuing Tong'an County, it may not even protect himself, and the terrain in this area is also very unfavorable to them, because there is no wide open terrain for their officers and soldiers.

Now if he wants to break through the interception of the other party and enter Tong'an County, he can only bravely lead the army to attack and disperse this group of pirates in one fell swoop to rush out of the mountain pass and enter Tong'an County.

But if he wants to take a detour, he must withdraw dozens of miles away and take a detour to Quanzhou Prefecture to make a detour to Tong'an County, which has increased the distance of one or two hundred miles.

You should know that when they came from Yanping Mansion, it was not easy to walk along the way. Almost all the way were mountain roads. It's easy to say that infantry marched alone, but these 4,000 officers and soldiers ate horses and consumed a lot of food every day. Even if the government supplied them some supplies along the way, but most of the time They still have to bring a lot of food.

The officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty go out to fight, but they don't pay attention to it. Usually, when they are stationed, it's enough for the officials to bully them. But once they go out to fight, the officials should also be better against their soldiers. Otherwise, no one can guarantee whether these officers and soldiers will stab them in the back when they go to battle. Even if you don't turn the tip of the gun to them, once you expect them to fight, there is no way to coax a disperse on the spot.

So on the way out to fight, officers often find ways to make soldiers full or even eat better. What they are afraid of is that soldiers refuse to leave on the road. Delaying the march is small, and once there is a mutiny, it will be a big trouble.

However, it is not easy for officers and soldiers to eat. In addition to asking the government of the places they passed along the way to provide them with some food and fodder, the usual way is to force the villages along the way and force them to provide them with food.

Some soldiers simply walked all the way and robbed all the way, so that as soon as the people heard that they wanted officers and soldiers there, some people immediately packed up and fled to the mountains to hide. Some villages simply closed the gates and said nothing to let the officers and soldiers in. The officers and soldiers were pressed, so they simply picked up knives and guns and worked with the officers and soldiers. .

Therefore, the reputation of this officer and army is extremely stinking in the hearts of the people, and local officials are also aware of this. It is not that there is really no way. They will not easily transfer officers and troops from other places to fight. What they are afraid of is that when these officers and soldiers go to fight in different places, the border will cause great resentment among the people.

But now Fujian officials have no choice, so they have to transfer troops from Yanping Prefecture and Tingzhou Prefecture. Otherwise, they can't draw any available soldiers at all over the coastal areas.

This time, General Liu led his troops from Yanping Mansion. It was hard to walk the way. His officers and soldiers were disgone, and he did not dare to let these officers and soldiers go too much. Otherwise, local officials would have to impeach him afterwards, so he could only walk slowly for fear of any trouble on the road.

In the past few days, Cai Shanji, the left political envoy and sea patrol who temporarily replaced Zhu Yifeng in Fujian, sent people to rush to his army every day to speed up his march. It is necessary to arrive at Tong'an County within five days. Now he has been delayed for two days. If he continues, he will be cruel to participate in politics after the event. Impeach him fiercely.

It has not completely reached the end of the Ming Dynasty. Although the generals are usually very arrogant, they are not as big as the generals at the end of the Ming Dynasty. The status of the generals is still very low, and the civilian officials still oppress them, so this general Liu dares not take Cai Shanji's words too much. Wind by the ear.

Today, when he learned that there was such a sea wolf's soldiers and horses blocking their way in the area of Luotian Village, the general Liu Shen thought for a moment and gathered his generals to discuss it. He thought that with their military superiority, as long as they were strong enough, there was still no problem to defeat this group of pirates.

Otherwise, they would be scared off by such a few thieves and have to take a detour and delay the matter. If it is spread out afterwards, it is estimated that they will be shot to death by those civil servants. Therefore, at present, they can only break through this group of roadblocks, and this is beneficial, that is, before arriving in Tong'an County, they can greatly boost morale.

In addition, there are not many thieves who should go ashore this time. As long as they are defeated, then they will be their first success.

So after making up his mind, Liu Shen immediately began to line up, order troops and generals, and began to prepare for the battle, but he forgot one thing, that is, the sea wolf's marching army was not an ordinary marching army. A few days ago, the sea wolf marching army defeated more than 6,000 elite officers and soldiers in Fujian with less.

Meng Fei held a piece of grass in his mouth, with his hands and waist straight, and paced back and forth in front of the battle. Behind him were more than a thousand sea wolf infantry, standing silently, and the queue was like knife-cut tofu pieces, invisibly exuding an atmosphere of killing.

Everyone has no expression on their faces, but standing there with their chests straight, each waists straight, like a javelin. In the queue, the long guns are like a forest, and the buttstocks of * hands are placed at their feet, holding *'s a gun body, as if cast by steel cast iron, which makes people feel motionless after looking at it.

In the middle of the queue, a sea wolf flag floats on a flagpole more than ten feet high. In the white part of the edge of the flag, several small characters of the second battalion of the sea wolf land division are embroidered with red thread. This flag is the camp flag of the second integrated battalion of the sea wolf army. In the team, there are also slightly smaller company flags, and a smaller one Some military flags fluttered with the wind, and because of their presence in the valley, there was a solemn atmosphere.

On the mountain road in the distance, there was a sound of people shouting horses at this time. Some officers and soldiers kept appearing in their sight and watching them from afar. According to the distance, if the sniper is allowed to use precision sea wolf rifles, they can already shoot them. Some officers and soldiers are in scouting.

However, Meng Fei prohibits the snipers in the battalion from shooting at this time, because once they shoot, although they can defeat the enemy's probing horse, it expose the advantage of the long range of the sea wolf rifle. He has to wait until the officers and soldiers begin to launch a charge, and then give the officers a head-on attack. At that time, the officers and soldiers I know it's awesome, and it's too late.

After a while, a large number of officers and soldiers began to appear at the end of the road. A flag of the officers and soldiers and the flags of various generals fluttered. The dark crowd lined up with irregular teams and drove about a distance of about a li from the front of the Sea Wolf team, and then slowly stopped marching.

Because the terrain in this area is relatively cramped, thousands of officers and soldiers can't all be fully unfolded. On the front, the officers and soldiers only set up about 2,000 troops, forming four formations, filling the whole valley, and the rest of the officers and soldiers lined up behind. Because General Liu did not plan to camp here, they carried the heavy loads with the army. They also followed at the end of the team and waited for the soldiers and horses in front of them to repel the sea wolf, and they immediately continued to move forward.

After the officers and soldiers finished their array, Liu Shen would ride on a Mongolian war horse in the army, stepped on the horseback, stood up, put his hand on the pergola from afar, and looked at the sea wolf team.

It's noon at this time. The winter sun is on their front. Looking from the position of the officers and soldiers, they are in a state of backlight. Liu Wutang can't help frowning a little. Such a position is a little unfavorable for them. It is not easy for archers to see the target clearly in the backlight, which will affect it to a certain extent. Archer's archery accuracy.

In addition, the terrain here is not good. He can't put all his troops into the battlefield at once, so he can only attack in batches, so that his superior forces can't be exerted.

And after carefully looking at the march of the sea wolf on the opposite side, Liu Wutang suddenly took a deep breath, because after all, he is also a general who leads the army. Although his level is not high, there is still some basic common sense.

Just by watching, he felt that today was not as simple as he thought. The sea wolves opposite did not look like any thief soldiers at all. Although the whole sea wolf's array was not large and the number of people was not too many, it gave people a feeling of motionless.

Such a military appearance is the only thing he has seen in his life. In the past, even when he went to Fuzhou, he watched the Fubiao exercises on the side of Fuzhou, and the officers and soldiers of Fujian Fubiao could not discharge such a neat team as the sea wolf and thieves in front of him.

As a leader, why does he not know that from the queue of an army, he can see the training level of the other party. After the team of the sea wolf is arranged in a team, it really gives people a strong sense of threat.

Liu Wutang couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He asked himself that even the more than 100 soldiers he had brought could not reach the level of the other party. This couldn't help remind him of some recent news. Chen Wencan led 7,000 officers and soldiers and claimed to be 20,000 soldiers in the south. After landing on the island, the whole army was completely destroyed by the sea wolf making dumplings.

So today, it seems that the sea wolf can completely annihilate Chen Wencan's division. It doesn't seem to be a fluke. He may have kicked the iron plate today.

But by now, he has no time to adjust it, so he can only fight hard, because once he retreats at this time and orders to retreat, the sea wolf only needs to jump up and cover up, and then his thousands of soldiers will be finished.

No matter how stupid the generals are, they also understand the consequences of retreating on the battlefield. Retiring without fighting is a great blow to morale. A little careless retreat may be taken advantage of, which will eventually lead to collapse and retreat.

(No more nonsense, continue to ask for monthly tickets! This month, it will still be updated twice a day! Never break your promise!)