Daming Haiku

Chapter 231 Straight to Jinjiang

The defenders in Chongwu's city were scared and fled one after another. They hid in the city with their heads in their arms. They were led by Liu Yidao and shelled another. As a result, dozens of people were killed and injured on the spot. The roof of the main hall of thousands of officials in the city was opened and a wall was knocked down.

Seeing that Chongwu's defenders made a posture of being beaten to death with their heads, resolutely refused to fire guns and dared not go out of the city to fight, so Liu Yidao sent sailors, rowed the swamiboard to the dock, boarded these official warships abandoned on the dock, and began to knock and inspect.

The sea wolf has a high appetite now, but they don't want to drag back any boat they used to catch. Now even if they seize the ship, they have to pick it out. Don't want those that are too old, don't want those with poor quality, and don't want those that are damaged, as long as the hull is strong, the ship is short and the material is strong.

So more than a dozen officers' naval warships were turned upside down by sea wolves. After picking them, they finally chose seven of them in good condition. They directly anchored and sailed away from the dock. As for the remaining ships, they didn't even have the interest and directly overturned the gunpowder stored on the ship. Some fire oil cleaned up the available things on the ship, loaded it with other ships, and then set fire to ignite the remaining ships.

There were some merchant ships mooring here at the wharf of Chongwu. At this time, they were also driven away. The sea wolves did not go too much for them. Each ship took 200 taels of silver and let them go. As for the official ship, they were taken away and burned.

After the sea wolf fleet left for a long time, Chongwu opened the gate and sent people to the dock to try to put out the fire, but when they arrived at the dock, they found that it was no longer necessary, because the boats on the dock had been almost burned, and even if they were extinguished, they were completely scrapped.

Even the wooden trestle has been set on fire by the sea wolf at this time. It is estimated that it will take a lot of time and money to restore the function of the dock.

After Liu Yidao first solved the official ship of Chongwu, he led the fleet to sail to the mouth of the Jinjiang River, leaving four or five ships to block the inland sea of the Luoyang River. He went in and began to search and suppress them. However, anyone who found the warships of the army and the official ships of the government could be caught and burned them. As for the merchant ships, as long as each ship paid a certain amount of payment The money will leave them alone.

And Liu Yidao led the main ships of the First Fleet and went straight to the mouth of the Jinjiang River. At this time, those people who were building the partridge mouth platform at the mouth of the Jinjiang River. When they saw the sea wolf fleet appeared on the sea, they immediately dispersed and ran away.

Minfu can run, but the officers and soldiers still have certain constraints after all. Although the partridge mouth platform has just begun to be built, and it has not yet been built, in order to block the mouth of the Jinjiang River, Cai Shanji still managed to mobilized six or seven cannons of various types from Quanzhou, including two Hongyi cannons removed from the wall, in the partridge. A temporary artillery base was built, and these cannons were temporarily placed here, and the muzzle was aimed at the sea outside the mouth of the river.

When they saw that the sea wolf's fleet was coming in a bad situation and seemed to try to sail directly into the mouth of Jinjiang, a guerrilla responsible for leading the troops here quickly called the officers and soldiers to the artillery to prepare for the battle, operated these cannons, aimed at the slowly coming sea wolf's fleet, and made a gesture to stop them from entering the mouth of Jinjiang.

And the action of the partridge shell on the shore fell into the eyes of Liu Yidao, who was observing the shore with a telescope, and he couldn't help laughing.

How can the current sea wolf fleet be stopped by a small artillery? They are not small pirates when there were only a few ships. Looking at the whole coast of China, the power that can confront the sea wolves head-on now is almost non-existent. Colleagues at sea mention sea wolves, but now they can't avoid them. Don't dare to provoke sea wolves easily.

Even after the Nanri Island War, the news spread that the sea wolf merchant ships even dared to hang the sea wolf flag and sail directly to Guangdong. The pirates along the way did not dare to provoke them easily. They all looked at them from a distance and shook their heads and drove away from them.

The current firepower of the sea wolf fleet can also be said to be second to none along the coast of China. The firepower output capacity of any ship on the main battle ship completely exceeds the firepower output capacity of the partridge shell here.

When he saw that the officers and soldiers in the artillery on the shore were busy trying to block the mouth of the Jinjiang River, it was difficult for Liu Yidao not to laugh, so he waved his hand and ordered several warships to follow him to sail directly to the partridge mouth.

Before the sea wolf's ship approached the partridge shell, several officers and soldiers' cannons in the partridge's shell began to sound one after another. A mass of smoke rose, and firelight spewed out of the battery. It looked quite deterrent and the scene was also quite spectacular.

Unfortunately, their shell accuracy is really too bad. In addition, there are only two heavy guns in the shell, and the other few cannons are just loud and sound to strengthen their courage.

Shells fell on the water far away from the sea wolf boats, stirring up waves and posing no threat to the sea wolf boats at all.

After several warships of the sea wolf fished close to the shore, the ship immediately raised the battle flag. The gunners began to fill the artillery on the ship and pushed the cannon to the gun gate. As the hull moved, they began to aim at the artillery on the shore.

In order to improve the accuracy of the shelling, the ships closed their sails after approaching the shore, and even simply anchored the ship, stopping the ship. The side of the hull was aimed at the position of the battery, making it easier for the gunners on the ship to aim.

Seeing the sea wolf ships sideways to the artillery base, a black hole was exposed at the gun gate of the ship. The officers and soldiers of the artillery on the shore were even more panicked. They desperately loaded the push gun and soon hit another round of shells, but the accuracy was really pitiful. This round of shells still fell into the water. I didn't even touch the side of the sea wolf boat.

However, the sea wolf fleet was unreasonable at this time. Several ships responsible for shelling fired one after another, and the shells roared and hit the shore. The watchman on the ship roared at the landing point of each gun and ordered the gunner to adjust the artillery.

The first round of shells landed on the shore, and the accuracy was not high, but it was not outrageous. Most of them landed around the shell, and some of them accurately hit the shell.

And this fort is only a temporary fortification. The building is not strong. Most of it is made of some sandbags, and the thickness is also very limited. There is no top cover. It is an open temporary fort.

So as long as the shell hits, it will cause a lot of damage to the battery. Even the most common solid bullet can collapse a section of the wall.

After some adjustment, the sea wolf's fleet began to shoot quickly on the shore, and each cannon had calibrated the target and began to fire quickly.

The sea wolf's gunner training level is several times, even dozens of times or even dozens of times, whether it is loading and aiming, it is much faster, and the aiming accuracy is much higher.

Although the shelling on the shore of the ship is not as accurate as the fixed fort on the shore, the sea wolf's gunner is still quite beautiful. Just after a quarter of an hour, looking at the partridge's mouth shell, it has become a ruin.

The sandbags of the temporary battery had already collapsed, and even the artillery in the artillery were buried, and the officers and soldiers in the artillery were also killed and injured.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the guerrilla sitting here immediately put oil on the soles of his feet and escaped from the battery with his own soldiers. When the official ran away, if the soldiers still defended the artillery base, he would really become a fool!

So after a few rounds of shelling, the officers and soldiers in the shell were like a nest. A swarm of bees surged out of the shell, screamed and began to flee to Quanzhou City.

Each ship put down several sangs, loaded 50 sailors, and began to land on the shore and rushed towards the battery. When they captured the battery, they easily occupied the battery without even firing a single shot. In addition to the bodies of dozens of officers and soldiers left, Only some untreated wounded were alive. The officers and soldiers who could run had already run away, and the partridge shell was also declared lost.

Liu Yidao didn't even have the interest in observing the war situation. With the main fleet, Shi Shiran directly broke into the mouth of Jinjiang and sailed towards Quanzhou City.

Of course, the officials and defenders in Quanzhou City have already heard the rumble of cannons from the mouth of the partridge. At this time, their hearts are full of horror. Under the orders of the generals, the defenders bravely climbed to the city to defend the city and prepared to fight against the attack of the sea wolf.

Cai Shanji was in the office of the governor of Quanzhou and quickly discussed countermeasures with the new governor of Quanzhou. However, at this time, there are only more than 1,000 officers and soldiers in Quanzhou Prefecture. It is definitely impossible for them to go out of the city to fight. They can't let the officers and soldiers swim to stop the sea wolf's fleet, so they can only give a dead order and order to order the defenders to defend the city to ensure Quanzhou City is not lost.

Now Cai Shanji finally understands that the sea wolf is actually going to attack Tong'an County in ten days, which is just a false shot. The target they really want to attack is actually Quanzhou City. Only by attacking Quanzhou City can they completely beat Fujian officials, because a government city is attacked is far more affected than a county being attacked. There is a lot of shock to come.

So after waiting for Cai Shanji's reply, Yu Xiaotian sent a large fleet to directly attack Quanzhou Prefecture, making it clear that he wanted to force Cai Shanji to agree to his terms.

However, although it can be seen from Xiaotian's idea, Cai Shanji has no choice. Now the most important thing for him is to keep Quanzhou City first. Once Quanzhou City is also broken by the sea wolf, it is useless to say anything.

So he quickly sent someone to inquire about the news, first to see how many sailors and horses the sea wolf had come. As for how to retreat from the enemy next, he could first look at the situation before he could figure out.

(Second update, I didn't go up today! Not bad, but I'm sleepy to death! I have to transport water in the middle of the night. I can't sleep. The hospital is simply a mosquito nest! Bite me to death! Monthly pass, summon the monthly pass!)