Daming Haiku

Chapter 255 Industrial prototype

After thinking for a moment, Lin Yiyang shook his head and said, "I'm afraid Xiong Wencan won't have much idea about the military power. Although the court and the government will be afraid of the lord's military power, they also know that these soldiers were brought out by the master. Even if they want to take the lord's military power, We have to weigh whether these soldiers can be controlled or not! And if they do this, the lord will agree or not!

Because the lord's foundation is at sea, if the government is forced to do this, the lord will lead the army away. At that time, won't they lift a stone and hit themselves in the foot?

If Xiong Futai is not a stupid person, he will not do this. Maybe he will find a way to help his lord to expand his military strength! Now for Xiong Futai, it is more important to recruit the master to stabilize the master than the big thing. The students think that he dares not do so!"

Yu Xiaotian nodded: "That should be good. Xiong Wencan is not a stupid person and should be able to think of the benefits!" So what about the rest about the status of Freshwater City and other places? What does Mr. Lin think?

After listening to this, Lin Yiyang laughed and said, "Ha ha! Taiwan Member Island has not been under the jurisdiction of the Ming Dynasty since ancient times, otherwise Nanfutai may not have promised to let the red-haired people leave Penghu and retreat to the members! Xiong Wencan wants Pingjing along the coast of Fujian, not to expand the territory, so as long as the lord does not agree, who dares to forcibly take Taiwan Yuandao as the jurisdiction of Daming?

Even if he makes this request, whether he agrees or not is in the mind of the Lord! If you don't promise him, there's nothing you can do. If you agree, I guess it's a big gift!

Even if the lord agrees, what if the court appoints officials to come here? But just pay a little more tax to the court every year! Whose or who should this be!"

Yu Xiaotian's face relaxed slightly at this time, so he also laughed. In Xiaotian's outer study, there was a burst of laughter at this time.

After Yu Xiaotian finalized this matter, the next step was to wait. With the completion of the earth blast furnaces, coke also began to burn out from the coke oven, and then batches were shipped to the area of the earth blast furnace group, waiting for the earth blast furnace to be opened.

Yu Xiaotian is also uncertain about the construction of these earth blast furnaces, but his opponents provide some general guidance, and the rest needs to be solved by the craftsmen themselves.

Among sea wolves, there are really many iron-making craftsmen, because there are iron fields in Fujian and Guangdong, and there are more than 100 iron fields, large and small together. There are always some iron fields in these iron fields that will collapse due to poor management. The craftsmen in the iron field naturally close down with the original iron field that made a living and lost them. The way to make a living.

So over the years, Yu Xiaotian has been arranging people to secretly search for craftsmen in such a closed iron field, but more than 50 ironmaking craftsmen.

There are many smart people among these craftsmen, some of whom even master the skills of steel speculation and steel filling. In the past two years, after they have been searched under the banner of sea wolves, they have not been idle and have been arranged to work in a small iron field, most of whom are temporarily doing gunfire or shooting. Things.

Outside Danshui City, Sea Wolf built a small ironmaking furnace to allow these craftsmen to make a small amount of iron to keep their craft from being abandoned. In addition, a small amount of steel is also used to produce a small amount of steel for gun production.

So among these people, there are many experienced iron-making craftsmen who have provided some valuable suggestions for Yu Xiaotian to build an earth blast furnace this time.

Although few of these craftsmen are literate, they have passed down from generation to generation and accumulated a lot of effective ironmaking experience.

After learning that Yu Xiaotian was going to build a steelmaking furnace, these craftsmen began to be curious. They had heard of the steel stir-frying method and steel filling method, but they did not believe that Yu Xiaotian would use this kind of furnace to make steel water, because these craftsmen also knew that steel is much more difficult to melt than raw iron. The furnace temperature is not enough to melt the molten steel.

But nowadays, sea wolf people have a blind trust in filial piety, and no one dares to say for sure that they can't. They can only wait and see if it works.

After Yu Xiaotian put forward the concept of earth blast furnace, these craftsmen were also very involved and put forward some ideas based on their experience.

In addition, Xiaotian has some ways to improve the furnace temperature, such as heating in front of the air furnace, which can effectively improve the furnace temperature. At this time, there is no way, so the construction of an earth blast furnace has not become an insurmountable difficulty.

In just two or three months, earth blast furnaces of different shapes have been built one after another. In addition, according to the design drawings provided by Yu Xiaotian, the craftsmen also made a batch of fan-leaf-style blowers with wood and cooked iron, replacing those bellows used in the original iron furnaces or horse racks with animal power drums or It is water drain.

The propeller-type wind blades are still absolutely new in this era. In the past, the iron furnace was made of bellows made of leather and wood, either by manpower, animal power or even hydraulic power to drive the bellows to move back and forth to blow the iron furnace.

However, after adopting a wind-leaf-type animal power blower, this kind of stupid large blower can effectively improve the efficiency of blowing to the earth blast furnace. After all, this blade-type blower can provide uninterrupted wind power. As the blade rotates, the air will be continuously blown into the furnace. In addition, the air volume transported in the chamber is much larger than that of the old bellows.

If you use the previous bellows to blow such earth blast furnaces, these earth blast furnaces are very small and far larger than those small iron furnaces. They can feed several tons or even more than ten tons at a time, and several large horse platoons or water drains are needed to meet the needs.

However, after changing this impeller blower, an earth blast furnace only needs two or three such blowers to meet the needs of earth blast furnaces.

At first, the craftsmen did not believe that this strange blower could blow out the wind, but after the first impeller blower was built, as soon as it was tested, the wind began to blow out, which immediately made these skeptics shut up.

With their knowledge, of course, I can't figure out why such a few blades can produce such a big wind when they turn, but the facts show that Yu Xiaotian's method is indeed effective.

Unfortunately, they have not built bearings at present. The friction of the wind blades of this kind of blower rotates relatively large, and the concentricity is not very good. Not to mention the vibration is very large, the wear and tear is also relatively severe. It needs to be constantly repaired to ensure operation.

So they have to get two more blowers for each soil blast furnace as a backup, so as to avoid problems during use, resulting in insufficient furnace temperature.

Xiaotian is not worried about this now. Bearings are actually not difficult to produce. As long as he can make high-carbon steel next, he can make bearings. As long as the bearings are produced, it will greatly promote the development of machinery.

In the next step, he will continue to invent gears. As long as these problems are solved, some modern machine tools can be gradually developed.

As long as the first batch of working mother machines are developed and manufactured, Sea Wolf can produce various special machine tools in batches in the future and continue to develop. Not to mention electricity, at least it will not take too long, and the steam engine may be developed. In this way, it can play a role in the development of Sea Wolf's industrial technology. Powerful driving effect.

The construction speed of the earth blast furnace is still quite fast. After all, this kind of thing is done by earth. There is no high technological content, and the materials used are also easy to solve, but the refractory bricks took a little bit of ups and turns, but it finally solved this problem.

With the completion of the earth blast furnace, under the "guidance" of Xiaotian, the craftsmen began to bake. After the oven lasted for two days, they began to throw materials into the furnace. After a batch of raw materials were put into the furnace, the blower began to run at full speed, blowing a large amount of air into the furnace through the preheating furnace. .

The earth blast furnace group immediately began to emit thick smoke, and the feed port at the top also began to breathe out flames with the full operation of the blower.

Yu Xiaotian clicks his mouth, which is a little pity. When the furnace is making steel, there should be many useful by-products, such as gas and sulfur. Unfortunately, with the technical level he has mastered, there is no way to effectively recycle, so he can only discharge it like this to pollute the atmosphere. .

Fortunately, it is not yet the time of the industrial revolution, and the pollution he caused will not have much impact on the whole environment for the time being, but it will not take decades to go on. It is estimated that the sky in this area will not be as blue as before, and the water will not be as clear as before.

This is probably a process that human beings must bear in the development of industrialization. Let's solve it step by step in the future!

Several earth blast furnaces began to operate at the same time. Such a scene is also quite spectacular. In order to speed up the transportation of various materials, Yu Xiaotian even built a wooden track in the area of the earth blast furnace group, specializing in transporting various raw materials. This wooden track was directly to a special wharf by the freshwater river, various original It is expected that after being transported here by ship, the unloading can be loaded onto railcars immediately.

Each car can carry hundreds of pounds of raw materials. Although these simple wooden railcars are very simple and do not use bearings, they are still much more powerful than chicken buses or cattle carts pushed by human power.

When driving on the wooden track, these railcars can be connected in series and pulled by several cows. The weight of the materials transported at a time is far more than that of ordinary ox carts, which also surprises many people. Children run to see the fun when they have time.

Yu Xiaotian himself is also very gratified to see such a scene. This is the prototype of industry! Just like a small chick, as long as it is well nourished, sooner or later, a large industrial zone will appear here.