Daming Haiku

Chapter 257 Bear Futai with a big head

However, when they were hit hard by the sea wolf garrison one after another, they found that these outsiders were very powerful, and the firearms in their hands made them have no room for resistance.

Every time they go to attack docks and camps, they have to leave at least half of the bodies. Even if the indigenous people are not afraid of death, such casualties are unbearable.

A tribe has at most one or two thousand people, which is a super-large tribe. Two or three hundred people died in a battle, and all of them are young warriors in the clan. Two times, there are basically no young and strong warriors in a large tribe, and it is difficult to survive.

Even if they act together, in the face of the volcanic eruption-like platoon shooting, they are still killed and injured, and they can't even touch the edge of the dock and camp, so the indigenous people naturally dare not easily attack the dock and camp area.

After the sea wolf transported more and more people, the number of garrison in the dog port has also increased to more than one battalion. Even the sea wolf transferred two special operations teams to the dog port and put them into the elimination of the local indigenous people.

The members of these special forces are not vegetarian. They have all undergone extremely rigorous training in mountain and jungle combat. In addition, their weapons are also very good, and they even have the ability to fight at night. In a short time, they took the landmen to pull out the nests of two big tribes one after another, almost Solve all.

Such a thunderous method made some local indigenous people finally realize that it was impossible for them to drive these outsiders out of the dog port again, so they had to withdraw from their original territory and find other places to survive.

However, Ma Tiancheng also obeyed Yu Xiaotian's instructions. Although he used thunder to deal with the natives who attacked them and their tribes, he was kind to the captured natives. After domesticating a small number of local natives, he also sent these natives back to their tribes and gave them some gifts to let these The natives went back to bring a message to their patriarch, explaining that the sea wolves did not want to drive them out, but to drive them out of the land where they lived.

As long as these native tribes are willing to live in peace with sea wolves in the future, sea wolves can delimit some land for these tribes to stay, and are willing to teach them farming techniques to help them cultivate land and improve their lives.

In addition, sea wolves are also willing to trade with them and exchange what they need in exchange for local specialties such as leather sheets they hunted, but the premise is that they must stop attacking sea wolves in the future, let alone wander around secretly and try to hunt the heads of sea wolves.

What's more, these native tribes have to obey the orders of the sea wolves, so that the two sides can be at peace, and the sea wolves will not easily use force against them and drive them out of their territory.

However, it is obvious that such a thing cannot be done in a few months. It takes a long process for the two sides to establish a preliminary trust. It is more than Xiaotian's belief that as long as the level of civilization exceeds these natives, after a long time, in the imperceptibility, sooner or later, these natives will gradually It will be assimilated and tamed, but it will take some time.

In addition, for such pioneering actions, the mortality rate of the hard laborers of sea wolves is also quite high. After all, the environment here is very bad when it is not improved. In addition, the hard workers can't eat well, nutrition can't keep up, and the amount of labor is very heavy, so every day Many hard labor or died of illness, or died in accidents, and even a little carelessness. People working on the periphery may also be attacked by the natives, and their heads were cut off and hunted as trophies.

For this reason, Ma Tiancheng came up with a new way to deal with these sporadic sneak attacks. With more and more reclamation hard labor transported, in addition to leaving some manpower to continue to build docks and camps, a large number of hard labors began to advance towards the land in the port. Ma Tiancheng grouped these hard labors into groups of 100 to 200 people. Don't designate a reclaimed area for them, set up a temporary camp, each camp is only built with a simple fence, and a high watchtower is built among them.

Each group of hard labor sent a squad of infantry to garrison. These infantry are not only responsible for taking care of these hard labors, but also responsible for protecting them. There are two soldiers left on the Wangloud building, both of whom use wolf-tooth rifles to monitor the situation around the camp. In addition to monitoring those hard labors, they are more monitoring Zhou. In the case of the natives, once they found the natives sneaking, they quickly knocked on the gongs to warn and take back the hard labor back to the camp.

As long as the hard labors hear the police and can escape back within 200 meters of the camp, it basically ensures safety. When the natives are chased within 200 meters of the camp, they will often be shot by the sea wolf soldiers with a wolf tooth rifle. In this way, the sneak attack strategy of the natives is also curbed, and the natives suffer a lot, so this is So that the expansion work of the camp can be carried out smoothly.

Speaking of these hard labors, they are farming. In fact, it is impossible to carry out large-scale farming operations in the early stage. These hard laborers are more transforming the local environment.

Considering that the climate in this area is humid, hot and rainy, the grassland shrubs are dense, and there are many stagnant ponds, which makes this area full of miasma and mosquitoes are rampant. Many hard labor in the early stage died of the epidemic. Therefore, in order to reduce the threat of the outbreak of the epidemic, Yu Xiaotian instructed Ma Tiancheng to lead the camp to expand the local environment first. After the collation, the hard laborers were ordered to fill some dead ponds and low-lying areas, burn a large area of wasteland, burn grass and bushes, and reduce the environment where mosquitoes breed. In addition, during the famine, a large number of mosquitoes were burned.

In this way, it will lay the foundation for the arrival of a large number of immigrants in the next step. When the environment here is greatly improved, the number of mosquitoes here will be greatly reduced. In this way, the threat of epidemic outbreaks will be greatly reduced. In the future, a large number of immigrants will not have to worry too much about the outbreak. The epidemic is on a large scale.

Some of these hard laborers died without heartache, because these people did not want to regard them as a stable and controllable population at all. On the contrary, these people have great instability, and a little carelessness may cause chaos, so it is most suitable for doing this kind of thing and is completely used as consumables.

Although this is not very humane, it is indeed a very useful way. As long as they can experience this suffering and survive, as long as they give them a little favor in the future, these people will restrain a lot, and in the future they will gradually become honest, and the people who survive will gradually be gradually absorbed into the sea. The wolf's controllable population gradually escapes from the status of hard labor.

At the end of April, the Fujian governor's government, which had been idle for several months because of Zhu Yifeng, who was arrested, finally welcomed its new owner.

Xiong Wencan was ordered to transfer to the position of governor of Fujian in Shandong, which made Xiong Wencan very happy. Although it is only a step from the political envoy to the governor, it is very difficult to sell this step. Although Fujian is now a eventful place, it is also better than Ji Liao in the north, Guanshan in the northwest, Yungui in the south, etc. Land.

Even if Fujian is now very chaotic, it is mainly concentrated in the coastal area. For the mainland of Fujian, it is far stronger than other places. In addition, Fujian is still a distribution center for Daming smuggling trade because it is close to the sea. This place is a treasure place with a lot of fat. The person who stares at this position of governor of Fujian has gone to sea!

So in order to compete with the Fujian governor, Xiong Wencan spent a lot of money, whether in the local or in the capital, to lobby those who could help him speak. Finally, he did not waste his time and finally pocketed the Fujian governor.

When he received the imperial edict sent by the court, Xiong Wencan's heart was put into his stomach, so he quickly handed over the affairs at hand, and immediately rushed from Shandong to Fujian with his family's servants and staff under the escort of his own soldiers.

The traffic in this era can't be compared with future generations. It takes two hours to get to get to the place in a plane. Therefore, this quite long distance from Shandong to Fujian is either by boat, or by car, or by sedan chair. It is fast to walk for a month, and it is normal to walk for two months. Even if you walk for three months, there is no one. Say he is not.

Xiong Wencan did not rush to Fujian in a hurry, because local officials like him passed along the way to be the objects of public officials and gentry. If he missed this journey, he would lose a lot of losses, so he did not rush along the way. It took him two months to walk from Shandong to Fujian. Along the way, I also received a lot of gifts, and I haven't arrived in Fujian yet. This is almost recovered to compete for the money spent by the governor of Fujian.

Therefore, in this era, it is impossible to be an official without spending money, nor can it be spent less. Officials naturally have to find ways to recover costs and make a lot of money. In this way, the corruption of officials in the era of the Ming Dynasty prevailed, which is the most important reason for the collapse of the Ming Dynasty.

But after Xiong Wencan arrived at the Fujian governor's government and carefully understood the situation here, he suddenly couldn't laugh.

Although he also heard some information about Fujian when he was in Shandong, those were all news from the officials. I don't know how many Fujian officials whitewashed before they were sent to Beijing.

For example, the number of officers and soldiers annihilated by the sea wolf this time is as many as 30,000, but after being whitewashed by officials, there are only about 10,000 people left in the loss of Beijing, and as many as 300 warships were lost. When they arrived in Beijing, they only said that some warships were lost.

In addition, the sea wolf controlled the Weitou Bay, burned the moon port, shelled Quanzhou, attacked Tong'an County, and wrapped dumplings from thousands of officers and soldiers in Yanping Prefecture. When these things were reported to the capital, they became Fujian officers and soldiers to fiercely fight against the pirates. Finally, after several fierce battles, they defeated the pirates and killed thousands of thieves, and Sink several thief ships.

For their losses, the news reported by Fujian officials either did not say a word, or compressed the numbers.

At that time, Xiong Wencan could only learn something about Fujian from official news, but when he arrived here and asked his men to secretly inquire about it, he knew that things were far from being as simple as he thought. The news he heard here and the news he had known before were completely different. Version.