Daming Haiku

Chapter 264 Go to the appointment

The infantry of these two companies, one company is equipped with a matching wolf tooth rifle, and the other company is equipped with a long gun and a southern Japanese rifle. Together, even if 2,000 officers and soldiers of Fubiao go together, with their combat strength, they can easily crush them into slag.

Therefore, Yu Xiaotian was not worried about this negotiation between Shanglu and Xiong Wencan. What's more, he also has 30 personal guards, each of whom carries two double-barreled flect pistols, and this pistol has also pulled the worm line, and the effective range can reach 30 steps. When firing together, it is only these 30 guards. It can easily stop hundreds of officers and soldiers without any problem.

What's more, these guards are highly capable. In addition to *, they are also equipped with short spears and single knives, and their close combat ability is not weak at all. Even if they encounter those officers and soldiers' own troops, they are only strong or weak. In addition, there is an enhanced * in their waist. If they are thrown out together, no one can really stop them. .

So Yu Xiaotian landed at the mouth of the Minjiang River under the escort of these soldiers and headed for Tantou Town.

And this time, Yu Xiaotian also brought a few horses very luxuriously for his men to ride, so he swaggered across the market and arrived in Tantou Town.

Tantou Town has been surrounded by officers and soldiers like iron barrels at this time. These officers and soldiers are all elite soldiers of Fubiao. Under the leadership of the military generals, each of them has taken out their best condition and stood in their respective positions. It seems that there is a posture to demonstrate to Yu Xiaotian and his entourage. On the surface Go, these officers and soldiers have all changed into new clothes, with helmets and armor, bright armor, sharp knives and guns shining in the sun, and the brocade flags, but they really feel a little murderous.

But when they saw the sea wolf's personnel arrive, they were stunned. The oppressive posture they had just now suddenly disappeared.

Because after the sea wolf personnel arrived here, the two companies of sea wolves quickly lined up outside the town under the order of Meng Fei, who led the team.

Under the order, the sea wolf's march did not make other sounds, but sounded a dense sound of footsteps. Ten infantry platoons of two infantry companies, with platoons, stepped on the roaring footsteps in front of many officers and soldiers and officials who came to negotiate this time, with a dazzling action. Combined, finally, in the sound of a "right" order, the footsteps only heard a bang, and then stopped abruptly.

The sea wolf's marching army changed from a marching state to an array state. The whole process only took a few breaths. All the sea wolf soldiers, from beginning to end, silently moved like arms and fingers under the command of the officers, and finally stopped in the queue to accurately find their positions, and In an instant, the queue was neatly arranged, and then stood there motionless like cast iron.

Although the number of sea wolf soldiers is not large, less than a quarter of the officers and soldiers, these 500 people immediately stood there with a feeling of immobility, invisibly exuding a murderous atmosphere.

Every sea wolf soldier, standing still, did not squint, with a cold expression on his face, and a faint murder flashed in his eyes. Although it had entered the midsummer and the weather was already very hot, their performance still made The officers and soldiers on the face produced a kind of chill, and they all felt that their hair was upside down, and they suddenly became a little **.

Seeing that things seemed to be wrong, the generals of the officers and soldiers quickly shouted and scolded that their subordinates were all in good teams and could not move without authorization. If you just look at the formation of these officers and soldiers, it would be a little interesting, but in front of the sea wolf's infantry, their performance would suddenly It gives people a feeling of local chicken and dog.

The sea wolf's infantry did not wear their whole body like the officers and soldiers, but everyone wore a wide-brimmed rattan helmet. The rattan helmet was inlaid with iron pieces and without armor. Everyone wore a thin hemp short sleeve of the same style, with a pair of trousers and leg leg leggings. This kind of military uniform is the same as the clothing of this era. There has been a big difference. The most important thing is that it looks very capable, simple to make, and comfortable to wear. It is very suitable for summer, and there is no feeling of hanging when moving.

The soldiers have a belt tied around their waist, and there are some incomprehensible canvas belts hanging on the front and back of their bodies. There is a leather box on each side of the belt, and a short sword inserted into the sheath behind the buttocks. There is also a small canvas bag on the waist of each person, which is stuffed with two iron melons side by side, and one hanging on the other side of the waist. A kettle made of bamboo tubes can hold about two liters of water.

The equipment of the whole sea wolf infantry is neat and capable. Although the color is not as gorgeous as the uniform of officers and soldiers, it is expensive to be neat and uniform.

When the sea wolf infantry arrived in Tantou Town, the battle deliberately set by the officers and soldiers suddenly turned into a joke in front of them. Looking at the appearance of the sea wolf, the officers and soldiers suddenly had a sense of shame, and the expressions on their faces were all very ugly.

Even if their strength exceeds that of the sea wolf, this power is obviously suppressed by others, and this is still on the land and the territory of the government, which makes the people on the official side a little a little aggrieved.

"What a big show! Just let them stop outside the town and don't let anything happen!" After Qian Xiaocheng saw the military appearance of the sea wolf, his face was also very ugly, but his skills were not as good as people. There was nothing to say. Today, he accompanied Lu Wenheng on behalf of Xiong Wenheng to negotiate with Yu Xiaotian. He didn't want to be bad things by these soldiers, so he made an order to Fubiao people.

Although Qian Xiaocheng does not have an official position, the reputation of the governor's painting can still suppress people. Even if he listens to it, he dares not despise it.

What's more, they also saw the prestige of the sea wolves. Just looking at the murderous spirit and array of rectification of the other party, they can see that this is a tiger and wolf division. This time, they are just ordered to come to see the scene, but they have no intention of fighting with these sea wolves. Once they cause trouble, they can't eat. Let's go, so no one wants to touch the sea wolf's moldy head now.

So the battalion gins waved their orders and gave a place to the sea wolf's battalion. Those officers and soldiers who stared at the front and the sea wolf infantry team breathed a long sigh of relief and immediately dispersed, and gave an open space outside the town to the sea wolf.

After these officers and soldiers retreated, many people secretly shouted that they were happy. Until this time, they still felt that their legs and stomachs were a little twisted. The awe-inspiring murderous spirit passed on by the other party made them creepy. If it hadn't been for the forced support, some people would feel pissed on the spot. I want to have the idea of peeing my pants.

Yu Xiaotian did not talk nonsense. With a wave of his hand, one company immediately disbanded on the spot, quickly dispersed and unloaded all kinds of camping materials pulled on the car, and began to camp on the spot. The soldiers of the other company immediately dispersed around the camp in platoons and set up a cordon, and no idle people were allowed to approach their camp.

Under the command of Meng Fei, these people, like arm fingers, are not chaotic at all. They arranged all kinds of things in an orderly manner. In a short time, they arranged a small camp and began to collect materials on the spot to build a camp fence, so that the camp formed a certain defensive ability.

And when the sea wolf members were doing these things, a group of officials were also observing the performance of the sea wolf members from afar from the official camp in Tantou Town.

One of the officials in the residence wearing black gauze wearing a cyan official uniform and embroidered with cloud cranes on his chest squinted, quietly observed the performance of the sea wolf, took a slight breath, then spit out, and then shook his head. From his official uniform, it can be seen that this person is a four-grade civil servant, at least It should be a magistrate.

"No wonder the wolf thieves are so fierce. Just by their performance today, it can be seen that these wolf thieves are really powerful! I didn't expect that Yu Xiaotian would have such a means to make his thieves so elite!"

"What Lord Lu said is that today, the wolf thieves are really fierce. No wonder the officers and soldiers have been defeated repeatedly in front of them!" Qian Xiaocheng stood beside the official and said to him that it was not someone else who spoke just now, but Lu Wenheng, the governor of Fuzhou, who was ordered to negotiate with Yu Xiaotian.

Seeing that the sea wolf troops quickly stood firm outside the town and tied down the camp, Lu Wenheng waved his hand and said, "Well, since Yu Xiaotian has come, please come and see him!"

Lu Wenheng did not want to surrender his identity and went to greet Yu Xiaotian in person. After all, he was a magistrate and a member of the Ming Dynasty. He personally greeted a pirate leader. It was more or less made people feel that he was too honored by Xiaotian.

Qian Xiaocheng nodded and brought two Lu Wenheng's entourage to the sea wolf temporary camp under the escort of a team of officers and soldiers.

Seeing that someone had come from the official side, Yu Xiaotian did not take the initiative to meet them under the escort of his personal guard.

Qian Xiaocheng also saw Yu Xiaotian for the first time. When he approached and saw Yu Xiaotian's appearance, he couldn't help sighing. Yu Xiaotian's age was also a reason for his surprise. He looked at the pirate leaders on the sea, especially some powerful bosses, which one was not 30 or 40 years old, but Yu Xiaotian is obviously less than 30 years old at most, but he didn't expect to make such a world at sea.

Although he hasn't spoken yet, when he stood there, he naturally gave people a sense of pressure, which made people unable to have a little contempt for it. Qian Xiaocheng had to secretly shout good.

(This is not scientific! I set up an automatic update in the middle of the night yesterday. Why didn't I update it today? It seems that there is something wrong with the vertical and horizontal system again! This is so tricky! I'm dizzy!)