Daming Haiku

Chapter 266 Unyield

The other side's subordinates brought by Yu Xiaotian also showed neither humble nor arrogant, without showing a trace of flattery or clinginging. Everything seemed to be normal and did not pay attention to these officials at all.

Lu Wenheng was not in a hurry to discuss the appeasement with Yu Xiaotian. Instead, after sitting down with Yu Xiaotian, he chatted with him and asked about something about the sea from time to time, and Yu Xiaotian was not worried at all. Since Lu Wenheng was curious, he took some anecdotes about the sea as anecdotes to Lu Wen. Heng said something.

Of course, Lu Wenheng is not aimless. During the chat, he mentioned some of the two wars between the sea wolf, the dry silk man and the red-haired man, in order to get some first-hand information from Yu Xiaotian.

Yu Xiaotian did not deliberately hide anything and lightly told the two wars to Lu Wenheng and others, as if this kind of thing was not a big deal at all.

After listening to Yu Xiaotian's brief introduction to the two wars, both Lu Wenheng and the men he brought took a cold breath and felt worried.

Although there have been many rumors about these two wars in advance, these rumors are always not detailed, and there will inevitably be something exaggerated. However, the situation of the two wars recently mentioned from Yu Xiaotian should undoubtedly be true, because Yu Xiaotian does not need to do anything about it. Don't hide it.

And Yu Xiaotian did not deliberately hide the loss of the sea wolf, which increased the credibility of his words. After listening to his words, no one doubted the two wars.

Everyone has a feeling of coolness in their hearts. In the past, they had a trace of luck and felt that the combat effectiveness of the sea wolf might not be as strong as rumored, but today they really know that the maritime combat effectiveness of the sea wolf is really so powerful. Now, let alone Fujian sailors can't afford to provoke them, even if Pull the sailors from Guangdong and Guangxi, including those from Zhejiang, together, and I guess it's not enough for the sea wolf's sailors to clean up.

In addition, they also saw the performance of the sea wolf step by step army with their own eyes just now, which made Lu Wenheng and others feel more afraid. Unconsciously, their attitude was lower.

That night, Lu Wenheng was not in a hurry to negotiate with Yu Xiaotian and others, but held a banquet in the camp to entertain Yu Xiaotian and his party, and Yu Xiaotian did not refuse. During the banquet, he and Lu Wenheng and others exchanged cups, but he behaved a little rudely, which made people feel that he was indeed a rough person, and it was very The kind of person who is very thick.

Lu Wenheng is a little suspicious of this. On the one hand, he is a little disdain for Xiaotian, but on the other hand, he still has a suspicion, because Lu Wenheng has not paid attention to Xiaotian for a day or two. In recent years, since Yu Xiaotian's rise in the coastal area of Fuzhou, he has paid attention to the development of Yu Xiaotian.

From the information he collected, he did not feel that Yu Xiaotian was such a rude person. From Yu Xiaotian to the present step by step in recent years, he has been almost undefeated. In every war, he showed his meticulousness, and many opponents who were stronger than him were inexplicably fallen into his hands. This Can a person be a rude person?

But today, when the two sides sat down and began to drink, Lu Wenheng found that Yu Xiaotian did not seem to be very wise as rumored, but between words and actions, it seemed to be very vulgar, but invisibly, it still revealed a kind of Tough.

So even if Yu Xiaotian is vulgar, no one dares to express dissatisfaction with him. Those officials who came to negotiate are still carefully dealing with Yu Xiaotian and others.

However, although Yu Xiaotian and others drank with Lu Wenheng and others here, the surrounding vigilance was not relaxed. Every dish and pot of wine will be checked with silver chopsticks before being delivered to the wine table, so as to prevent people from poisoning Yu Xiaotian and others.

There is nothing the government can do about this. They can only let Yu Xiaotian's men test these dishes and drinks. After all, everyone knows that the two sides have not reached an agreement at present, and it is understandable to beware of such a thing.

As for the secret takeover of Yu Xiaotian, no one has thought about it, and even Yu Lu Wenheng has thought about it, because this matter is really ** powerful. Everyone knows that Yu Xiaotian is the soul of the sea wolf. If he can take it in Xiaotian, then even if it is immortalised sea wolf, But it won't be long before the sea wolf will have internal strife for power and profit, and sooner or later it will fall apart.

Therefore, although Lu Wenheng was ordered to negotiate with Yu Xiaotian this time, he still couldn't help but want to make this idea.

For this reason, he even made a plan in advance to prepare his men. Once there is a chance, it is best to catch all the people in Xiaotian and his party.

But today, after watching the two companies of sea wolf marches brought by Yu Xiaotian, he immediately gave up this idea, because even if he is not a soldier, he can see that these sea wolves brought by Yu Xiaotian are definitely a group of tiger and wolves.

And the dozens of followers around Yu Xiaotian are also masters. Once he wants to take down Yu Xiaotian, he is really not sure enough to take control Xiaotian and others on the spot. As long as Yu Xiaotian gets a little time, the sea wolves he brought can be killed immediately. .

Compared with these tiger and wolf soldiers of the sea wolf, the more than 2,000 officers and soldiers he brought from Fuzhou are simply rabble. Once they start, these officers and soldiers may not be the opponents of these 500 sea wolves. At that time, not to mention defeating Yu Xiaotian, even he himself can't guarantee whether he can escape. Get away from here.

If he starts, not only can't take Yu Xiaotian, but also Yu Xiaotian, not to mention that this is a big joke, I guess his life will be lost here.

Yu Xiaotian, who is ashamed and angry, is a thief. Over the years, there are no 100,000 people killed and at least tens of thousands of them. Even if he is the governor of Fuzhou, once he provokes Yu Xiaotian, killing him is no worse than killing chickens.

What's more serious is that once you can't get Yu Xiaotian, things will develop to an irreparable level. Next, don't think about it. In less than two days, Yu Xiaotian's fleet will enter the mouth of the Minjiang River and go straight to the city of Fuzhou, which can turn Fuzhou City into a sea of corpses! In that case, even if Lu Wenheng died, he would take the whole Fujian into the ditch!

So when Yu Xiaotian came, Lu Wenheng completely gave up the idea in his heart, and before the banquet began, he went down to strictly tell the military generals who led the team, so that they would not move without permission, let alone have any conflict with the sea wolf masses.

And after those generals looked at the fierceness of the sea wolf masses today, they were also a little nervous, and after using some rumors among their colleagues to confirm it recently, they consciously brought these officers and soldiers who consciously brought them were not the opponents of these sea wolf masses armed to their teeth at all, so they said that Lu Wenheng won't let them move. Even if Lu Wenheng wants them to forcibly take down Yu Xiaotian, it is estimated that they will first weigh whether they have that ability.

So the two sides can be said to have dispersed happily that night, and neither of them deliberately provoked them. It was not until after both sides drank almost that they dispersed.

In the morning of the next day, Shuangyi came to the big account arranged in advance and began formal negotiations.

However, once the negotiations began, the two sides no longer had the harmonious atmosphere when they met yesterday. As one thing was brought forward, the two sides suddenly began to tense.

Lu Wenheng directly proposed that Yu Xiaotian immediately and unconditionally surrender to the official, accept the official's recruitment, and immediately return the coastal areas they currently occupy, especially the Weitouwan area under their control to the government, all sea wolves and their ships, and put down their weapons on the spot. , accept the consolidation and placement of the government.

As for Fujian officials, they can ensure the safety of the sea wolf masses and make their so-called proper placement.

After listening to Lu Wenheng's requirements, Yu Xiaotian sneered and said, "I'm afraid Lord Lu's words are wrong. I don't want to listen to these words when Yu came today!"

Let's not talk about whether these requirements put forward by Lord Lu are reasonable or not, let's talk about Weitou Bay. So far, as far, as far as Yu knows, it seems to be within the control of the government!

Whether it is this Jinmen Qianhu Institute, the Central Left Institute or even the Gaopu Institute, the government has appointed officials or officers and soldiers to garrison at present. How can we talk about returning it?

In addition, don't forget that this time, my sea wolf won. It's not that you Fujian officers and army won. It seems that my sea wolf is the winner. This recruitment is not our proposal. How did you say these words from the population of Lu University? I listened, as if I asked Lord Lu for a move. What about it?

If that's the case, then don't talk about it. Let's just talk about it this time. As for the rest, we don't have to say anything more!"

As soon as Lu Wenheng heard this, he was immediately choked to death. After all, he represented the court and the officials. What he said just now is also necessary. He can't come up and say that I can give you any official. You can accept the recruitment, and you can do whatever you want in the future.

So what he just said was just some scenes, but he didn't expect that Yu Xiaotian didn't eat him at all and directly choked him.

But how dare he tear his face now! The purpose of his coming this time is to find a way to recruit this guy. Once the conversation collapses, then the next thing will be unimaginable. The sea wolf's gunboat is outside the mouth of the Min River, and can break into the Min River at any time and go straight to the city of Fuzhou.

Once the sea wolf's gunboat arrives at Fuzhou City and fires a few shots at Fuzhou City, then he, the governor of Fuzhou, can't afford to walk away.

(I dare not be careless today. Check it first before updating! There is something wrong with the provincial system again! Yesterday's conscience was not my fault. Please forgive me!)