Daming Haiku

Chapter 270 in person

As a governor transferred from other places, in fact, the governors everywhere have their own unspeakable secrets. It seems that they are very majestic. They are second to none in one side of the world, but in fact, they are not as beautiful as outsiders think. There will be giant valves and groups that have already formed in various places. These people The energy is very strong, although on the surface, they dare not confront the governor.

But in fact, these people can completely disobey the governor like him. As long as Xiong Wencan wants to do something and involve a little bit of their interests, these people will secretly hinder him, and even simply disrespect the order. Xiong Wencan can do nothing about these people.

When he first came to Fujian, he had not yet established his own team. If he wanted to do something, he must rely on the local generals. However, what the Ming officers and soldiers are like now. In fact, he is also very clear that these military generals are extremely arrogant and have little ability, but they are greedy. The means of withholding military grain are all good hands, and the matter of war has become a sideline for them.

Most of these military generals are hereditary. With the shade of their ancestors, they have already formed their own forces in the place. Although they are still heavy on literature and martial arts. On the surface, these generals have to listen to him, in fact, these guys are mostly some bags of wine and rice bags, and they are not enough to fail.

Judging from these two incidents of Zhu Qinxiang and Zhu Yifeng's soldiers and horses dealing with sea wolves, these local troops in Fujian are basically useless, otherwise they would not have made such a mess.

So if Xiong Wencan wants to make achievements in Fujian, then he must have a team under his own control. To put it bluntly, it is the force that can be used as a gun for him.

At present, once you can recruit Xiaotian, there is no doubt that Xiaotian will be the most suitable candidate. Although this person has a high reputation and strong strength in the world, after all, he belongs to the grassroots class and is also a thief. Once he enters the bureaucratic system, there is nothing to rely on. He can only rely on Xiong Wencan to gain a foothold. .

So for Zhao'an Yu Xiaotian this time, as long as he succeeds, it will indeed be beneficial and harmless to his future career. Since Yu Xiaotian does have the intention to accept Zhao'an now, why can't he take a step back? Will Xiaotian become his subordinate?

Thinking of this, Xiong Wencan took a deep breath and nodded and nodded, "In this case, send someone to send a message to Qian Xiaocheng. If Lu Wenheng can't talk to Yu Xiaotian this time, then you might as well stabilize him first. I also want to see this Yu Xiaotian. What kind of person is! ......”

After the first peace talks in Tantou Town did not make progress, Yu Xiaotian temporarily took a boat to Haitan Island. Now the whole Haitan Island has been controlled by sea wolves. It turned out that more than a dozen piers on the island have now been taken over by seawolves, and the sea wolves have begun to build a temporary code on the west coast of Haitan Island. Head, for the sea wolf's warships and merchant ships to berth, or to shelter from the wind.

After the sea wolf completely controlled Haitan Island, the situation on Haitan Island, which was originally chaotic, began to be controlled. As a large island hanging on the sea, it has always been a gathering place for Japanese pirates and pirates and sea merchants, where pirates and businessmen traded here.

In recent years, as the sea wolves have gradually become stronger, the number of pirates around Haitan Island has been decreasing, but a small group of pirates still often haunt the vicinity of Haitan Island, and often secretly go to the island to supply or attack fishing villages on the island.

Although the sea wolves have repeatedly strengthened their efforts to suppress these small pirates, these pirates are actually some fishermen. When they have nothing to fish, they will turn into pirates to make a profit when they have an opportunity. Therefore, the population of Haitan Island has always been very small. The total population of Haitan Island is less than 3,000, and There are also hundreds of officers stationed on the island.

These officers and soldiers never think about thieves, and even often wear casual clothes to do pirate trade, so the fishermen living on Haitan Island have been living in this fear for years.

Nowacon Island is officially controlled by sea wolves, and this chaotic situation has begun to be completely reversed. The sea wolves who landed on the island cleaned up the limited fishing villages on the island, completely disrupted the fishermen in the fishing villages, and resettled them as a household. In this way, they are usually busy with fishing. After the stolen fishermen were disrupted and monitored, they could only do their job honestly.

But with the control of sea wolves, the lives of these fishermen have become much better. They can basically rely on fishing to meet their needs for life. Naturally, they are unwilling to do blood licking business.

In addition, Haitan Island has a large area of land that can be used for pioneering farming. In addition, there are a large amount of grassland on the island that can be used as pastures. In addition, Haitan Island is surrounded by the sea, which is a quite good ranch in the south. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, this was the ranch of the government. In the Yuan Dynasty, it was also used as the government. Use of pasture.

You can also see traces of the old pastures around the island, which shows that this is indeed a relatively good pasture.

And the sea wolves are most lacking now are horses. Whether it is the Nanri Island they controlled before, or the current freshwater, Keelung and other places, they are not suitable for ranching. This is also one of the main reasons why Yu Xiaotian took Haitan Island at this time. He must do some good for his army in advance. Prepare, in case one day, when he leads the army to cross the land, I'm afraid it will be too late.

Therefore, after the Sea Wolf Department landed on the island, it quickly carried out a detailed inspection of Haitan Island, marked a large area on the island, and officially established the Sea Wolf Group Army Horse Farm.

Under the order of Xiaotian, the Sea Wolf Group gathered all kinds of free-range horses under their jurisdiction, began to transport them to the Haitian Island Horse Farm, and began to breed and raise them on Haitan Island.

In addition, since the fifth year of the apocalypse, Yu Xiaotian has sent people north to contact the Dongjiang army in the Liaodong area, and even tried every way to contact the Tart. On the one hand, he exported grain and other things to the Dongjiang army, and on the other hand, exported some luxury consumer goods to the Tart. Through such means, he initially built in the eastern Liaodong area. Set up a primary business network to input the goods of sea wolf into the Liaodong area.

However, in exchange, the people who were ordered to go north to do business did not use gold and silver as return items, but used horses as exchange to transport the obtained horses south by boat in batches and finally arrived at Nanri Island for private breeding.

But at present, this is basically a loss-making business, and the Golden Tart is not a fool. Although they also like all kinds of luxury goods imported by sea wolves, they also know the importance of war horses. They are still quite vigilant about exchanging horses for these goods.

And Mao Wenlong's unit of the Dongjiang Army also looked very closely at the war horses. After all, they have to rely on war horses to fight or escape for their lives in Liaodong. It is never possible without war horses, and Mao Wenlong has no cash on hand. He naturally raised his hands and feet to welcome the food imported to them by the sea wolf, but he often defaults on the payment and gives it to the sea. When wolves hit IOUs, even if they pay with horses, they often use old horses or injured horses, which makes the sea wolf personnel working in Liaodong very unhappy.

After two years, although the sea wolf exported a large amount of supplies to Liaodong, the number of horses exchanged is quite limited, with a total of only 400 to 500, most of which are old horses or castrated horses. Even so, because of the long-distance transportation, the transportation and breeding conditions on the ship are limited, and the horses are not Adapted to life on the ship, nearly half of the horses died during the transportation to the south.

In the end, there are only more than 200 horses that can reach Nanri Island. Among them, the number of horses that can be used as stallion with physical health can be used as stallion. After selection, there are only 30 or 40 horses. The rest are not suitable for stallion at all. They can only be domesticated for a period of time, take care of their bodies and hand over to the army. Used.

As for the more than 100 horses they tried to get in the past, most of which are very short Yunnan horses or hybrid horses. Some of these horses are not even as tall as donkeys. When the war horses are really pitiful, they will not use these horses for expansion and domestication in the future, but Temporarily concentrated for domestication for a period of time and temporarily supplied for temporary use in the military.

So although the sea wolf occupied Haitan Island and circled a huge pasture, the number of horses in the pasture today is really small.

The good thing is that Xiaotian is not in a hurry yet. After all, there is still some time before the world is in complete chaos. He still has the opportunity to prepare. Now it is good to set up the frame first. In the future, through various means, he believes that one day, the sea wolf can form a usable cavalry.

Taking advantage of nothing to do during this period, Yu Xiaotian stayed on Haitan Island, inspected the situation everywhere on Haitan Island, and instructed the sea wolves to build lighthouses in some parts of the island for passing ships to sail at night in the future.

Of course, the other members of the sea wolf must not be idle during this period. Since he failed to reach an agreement with the official this time, Yu Xiaotian will certainly not let his men restrain. On the contrary, after he returned to Haitan Island from Tantou Town, he immediately ordered the leaders everywhere to increase the attack on the land.

Therefore, after Xiaotian left the mouth of the Minjiang River, the sea wolves distributed all over the coast of Fujian were full of energy and began to increase the intensity of land attacks, while the sea wolf ships operating in the mouth of the Minjiang River simply blocked the mouth of the Minjiang River, and all ships were not allowed to enter or leave the mouth of the Minjiang River, so that The maritime merchants in Fuzhou are full of bitterness, begging their grandparents to find the government and ask the government to find a way to solve the current problems.

For a period of time, police alerts came one after another along the coast of Fujian, and documents asking for help flew all over the sky, and flew to Fuzhou City one after another, making the three departments of Fujian nervous and one miserable. For a moment, they did not know how to deal with this situation at all.

As the governor of Fujian, Xiong Wencan will certainly get these news as soon as possible, but Xiong Wencan did not show too much nervousness.

After Qian Xiaocheng returned to Fuzhou, he carefully told Xiong Wencan about their peace talks with Yu Xiaotian in Tantou Town. After discussion, he further confirmed Yu Xiaotian's true thoughts.

As for Lu Wenheng's trip to Tantou Town, it can be said that he was disgraced by Yu Xiaotian and returned to Fuzhou City, and he had to report the situation of this trip to Xiong Wencan.

Xiong Wencan comforted Lu Wenheng and asked Lu Wenheng to go back to rest. After Lu Wenheng returned to the house, he found that he had unexpectedly received a generous gift from the sea wolf, and even Li Yi personally apologized to Lu Wenheng.

After listening to Li Yi's explanation, Lu Wenheng understood why Yu Xiaotian was so difficult for him in Tantou Town. He couldn't help sighing. Looking at this unexpected generous courtesy, he could only admit that who made him unlucky and spread such a thing, but let him stand out. It is inevitable.

In fact, Yu Xiaotian does not want to offend Lu Wenheng. On the whole, Lu Wenheng is an official in Fuzhou, and his official voice is quite good. Moreover, he has been an official in Fujian for a long time and has a high reputation among Fujian officials. Since Yu Xiaotian will enjoy the cool under the big tree Xiong Wencan in the future, he does not want Lu Wenheng to be like this. People are extremely offended, so although he was against Lu Wenheng everywhere in Tantou Town, this misunderstanding still needs to be solved after the matter is over. Otherwise, maybe Lu Wenheng will give him a hurt. Although he is not afraid, it is better to reduce some trouble. .

Even Qian Xiaocheng secretly received a generous gift after returning to Fuzhou, which made Qian Xiaocheng more assured and more confident of the future recruitment.

Under the mediation of everyone, more than ten days later, Yu Xiaotian received another message from Li Yi, saying that Xiong Wencan had confirmed that he was still waiting for Yu Xiaotian's visit in Tantou Town five days later.

After Yu Xiaotian read the news, he laughed a few times and ordered him to be ready to start...

(Today, I would like to thank GZG1972 for the reward! Thank you for your support! In addition, today's update is late. Here is a big chapter! Ha ha!)