Daming Haiku

Chapter 272 Interest Exchange

In the past, Xiong Wencan did not dare to think about the expansion of the territory, but now Yu Xiaotian has given him a rare opportunity. Although Taiwan Member Island is not too big for the territory of the Ming Dynasty, and it is also an isolated island hanging overseas, after all, Taiwan Member Island is not small. If he takes this opportunity, he can The merger of Taiwan Member Island into the territory of Daming is undoubtedly the only precedent for Daming to expand its territory in the past 200 years. This credit is not just comparable to recruiting a pirate.

But the premise of all this lies in Xiaotian. If even Yu Xiaotian can't be recruited, then this matter is naturally rootless. There is no way to talk about it at all. Even if he wants to give him eight courages, he dares not want to open up territory.

So under the persuasion of everyone, Xiong Wencan had to press this idea. When he saw Yu Xiaotian this time, he did not mention the matter of Taiwan Member Island, and Quan should not know about it at all.

Anyway, at present, it is crucial for him to solve the problems faced by Fujian, rather than thinking about the matter farther Taiwan Member Island. Even if someone raises this matter afterwards, he can refuse on the pretext that he does not know about it. If someone says that Yu Xiaotian has a disrespect, it is also Yu Xiaotian's matter to him. For example, the impact is not very big.

So in this recruitment, the thing that Yu Xiaotian was most worried about was also erased by both sides pretending to be confused.

Of course, Yu Xiaotian made great concessions to other areas currently occupied by sea wolves along the coast of Fujian. Even including their old nest Nanri Island, he promised to give up and return them to Fujian officials for control.

The reason why Yu Xiaotian promised to give up Nanri Island is actually very simple. Since he and Fujian officials, the matter of his occupation of Nanri Island has been known to the world. Whether it is Zhu Qinxiang or Zhu Yifeng, the purpose of attacking him at the beginning was to restore Nanri Island.

Now that he has accepted the recruitment, there is no reason to continue to occupy Nanri Island. This is the main reason why he did not hesitate to raze the Nanri Island fortress to the ground. Now that the matter has happened, spitting out Nanri Island has become impossible to bypass it, and he can only pinch his nose. The son recognized it.

However, although he promised to return Nanri Island to the Fujian government at present, there is still room for operation in the future. As we all know, Daming's current ability to control the islands along the coast is very poor, not to mention that he will become an officer in the future. As long as he operates a little, Xiong Wencan will nod and send it to stationed on Nanri Island. Officers and soldiers still use his people, so Nanri Island is actually under his actual control. The worst thing is to pay a little land tax to Fujian every year. This is not a big deal for him, so Yu Xiaotian generously agreed to this condition.

However, on the issue of Weitou Bay, Yu Xiaotian did not give in and resolutely refused to withdraw from Weitou Bay. Xiong Wencan did not bother much about this, because everyone understands, and Xiong Wencan also understands why Yu Xiaotian occupied the area of Weitou Bay. If he forces Yu Xiaotian to withdraw from Weitou Bay, then I guess this move An's matter can only be given up. For Xiaotian, Weitou Bay is a golden mountain. Yu Xiaotian will not easily withdraw from Weitou Bay after killing him.

What's more, after Yu Xiaotian accepts the recruitment, he must find a place to settle down for him. Now it happens to be a favor, so let Yu Xiaotian settle down on the side of Weitou Bay and give him several guard stations. All problems are not a problem, as long as Yu Xiaotian does not He is a fool. Naturally, he will be given a piece every year. This is a big cake. It is better to leave it to Yu Xiaotian than to others.

In addition to Weitou Bay, Sea Wolf currently controls many islands and sites in the coastal area. This time, Yu Xiaotian also generously ceded these sites, saying that as long as the deal was reached, he would order his men to withdraw from these sites.

Of course, Haitan Island is an exception, because Haitan Island will play a very important role in sea wolves in the future. In addition to Haitan Island, which is a natural pasture, it is also a quite good transit place. Whether the sea wolf migrates from Fujian or from the north in the future, it is necessary to be in China. Set up a transit point.

The area of Haitan Island is large enough to be used as a place for rest and quarantine before immigrants go to Taiwan Island, so Yu Xiaotian of Haitan Island will not agree to give up.

At this point, the two sides were entangled for a period of time, but in the evening, Xiong Wencan summoned Yu Xiaotian alone. The two sides talked secretly for about an hour. The next day, Yu Xiaotian agreed to withdraw from Haitan Island.

However, Xiong Wencan personally assured Yu Xiaotian that Haitan Island will be transferred from Yu Xiaotian when stationing troops in the future, and in the future, Haitan Island will restore a pasture in the official name, and this ranch will also be controlled by Yu Xiaotian.

In this way, Haitan Island actually changed the soup without changing the medicine. On the surface, it was returned to the Fujian official, but in fact, it was still equivalent to Yu Xiaotian, and it was under the actual control of Yu Xiaotian. Both sides were very happy.

However, regarding Yu Xiaotian's return to the court and the reorganization of the sea wolf army, the two sides have reached a certain degree of deadlock. Yu Xiaotian asked to give him 20,000 soldiers, which is very difficult for Xiong Wencan, because there are only so many general soldiers in Fujian. If Yu Xiaotian eats 20,000 at once, then there is no doubt It will cause dissatisfaction among other Fujian generals.

You should know that these military generals live on empty meals. The total amount of Fujian is only so much. Suddenly, Yu Xiaotian accounts for one-third, so the interests of others will naturally be greatly affected. Xiong Wencan is new to Fujian and has not yet gained a foothold. It will definitely cause a big rebound.

Therefore, Xiong Wencan resolutely refused to promise to give Yu Xiaotian 20,000 soldiers. At first, he only promised to give Yu Xiaotian 3,000 soldiers. There was a big gap between the two sides in this matter. After talking for a whole day, no agreement was finally reached.

After another secret negotiation between the two sides that night, the matter was finally finalized the next morning. Yu Xiaotian, as a general of the defense, could have mastered the strength of a battalion. The strength of the Daming battalion was exactly 3,000, but Xiong Wencan "considered" that Yu Zhigao was arrested by the court this time, Quan State and town officials and soldiers are seriously consumed and need to be added.

Yu Xiaotian happened to have both a navy and a mainland division, so Xiong Wencan agreed to give Yu Xiaotian 6,000 soldiers, and finally Yu Xiaotian agreed to Xiong Wencan's condition.

As for the remaining members of the sea wolf, according to the normal statement, after Xiaotian returns to the service, they will be disbanded on the spot or placed separately, and local governments should cooperate with the resettlement.

This item is simply bullshit. Even if Yu Xiaotian wears an official coat, it is impossible for him to disband the soldiers who are not easy to train on the spot. Except for the fact that he will be officially converted into a part of the officers and soldiers, he can leave the rest in the name of the merchant ship crew, even if he can't leave so many, fresh water City, Keelung Fort, Dagou Port and other places can also settle them, so this is just to say, he will definitely not bother officials everywhere to help him settle these brothers!

Although Yu Xiaotian did not fully achieve his goal, he currently has nearly 20,000 men, and most people will still rely on him to support him in the future. At least with the stroke of Xiong Wencan, he can still get 6,000 people's salaries from Fujian officials every year, which is quite good, so Yu Xiaotian can only do so. .

After five consecutive days of negotiations, the two sides finally reached an agreement. Of course, no written agreement will be signed. After that, things will be operated by Xiong Wencan.

After everything was negotiated, Yu Xiaotian no longer delayed and said goodbye to Xiong Wencan very politely. Xiong Wencan actually personally sent him out of Tantou Town in Xiaotian. Just now, the two sides said goodbye and watched Yu Xiaotian and his men go to the south bank of the Minjiang River estuary.

Looking at the back of Yu Xiaotian and his party, Xiong Wencan slowly put away the smile on his face and said to Qian Xiaocheng beside him, "Do you think this son is of great use?"

Qian Xiaocheng was also looking at Yu Xiaotian and his party who were leaving. After hearing Xiong Wencan's question, he couldn't help smiling bitterly and saying, "This person is not a thing in the pool. I'm afraid it will be difficult to completely control it!"

Xiong Wencan looked coldly at Yu Xiaotian and his party who were slowly retreating in front of him: "Yes! Although this son is vulgar on the surface, he is actually meticulous. This recruitment has almost taken advantage of him. I really don't know if what I have done this time is right!"

Seeing that Xiong Wencan was in a bad mood, Qian Xiaocheng advised: "Adults don't worry too much. Although students do not deny that this person is a hero, as long as I am still in the Ming Dynasty, this person can't make too many waves!

As long as the adult takes both his kindness and use this person well, then this person will still be a help from the adult! As long as he agrees to recruit him, then the adult only needs to use a little trick next. Is it possible that he will not accept him?

Xiong Wencan turned his head and looked at Qian Xiaocheng and asked with a solemn face, "What's the matter?"

Qian Xiaocheng bowed slightly and whispered in Xiong Wencan's ear for a while. Xiong Wencan listened to the locked eyebrows, gradually relaxed, and finally smiled and said, "Wonderful plan! It's really a trick! In this way, why don't you worry that this son doesn't share the same heart with me! That's it!"