Daming Haiku

Chapter 274 Differentiation

He carefully looked at the list of people who were sealed at the same time as him this time. After watching it, he couldn't help laughing. Xiong Wencan obviously worked hard on this matter and actually got the list of most of his generals, and roughly figured out their current status and targeted. Official positions have been arranged for these people.

However, Xiong Wencan did not get all the information. Among them, there were many missing personnel. The sealed generals mainly included several chiefs of the fleet, including Liu Yidao, One-eyed Dragon, Ma Xiao, Luo Xianbin, Han Xian, and other Lu Shi, Li Dazui and Meng Fei.

These people were appointed to guard and general positions respectively, and some generals with slightly lower military ranks were appointed as generals, and some people were even appointed to patrol positions.

In Xiong Wencan's view, this has basically included the generals under Yu Xiaotian, but at the same time, many people have been missed, such as important members such as Blackhead and Fang An, which is not included, which shows that Xiong Wencan does not fully grasp the overall situation of the sea wolf, and may Some of the generals stationed on Taiwan Island all year round were deliberately ignored.

After carefully looking at these lists and their divided official positions, Yu Xiaotian gradually restrained his anger and completely calmed down.

Although Xiong Wencan's hand is relatively immoral, it is clear that the carriages and horses will use this move to divide the interior of the sea wolf, so that they will gradually be separated from him in the future.

But if you think about it the other way around, isn't this a test for his men? Taking this opportunity, Yu Xiaotian can take a look by the way. Among his generals, who is of the same heart and morality, and who still has a trace of other ideas in his heart?

You should know that after Zheng Zhilong accepted Zhao'an, the interior was in a mess. Although the historical record is unknown and it is not clear whether Xiong Wencan provoked behind his back, in fact, Zheng Zhilong soon began to fall apart after accepting Zhao'an, like in the past. Brothers Li Kuiqi, Zhong Bin, Liu Laoxiang and others have betrayed Zheng Yiguan one after another, and even made Zheng Yiguan extremely miserable for a period of time. There were only hundreds of people left, and less than 30 warships.

The strength of Li Kuiqi, Zhong Bin, Liu Laoxiang and others is unprecedentedly strong, and they almost overturned Zheng Yiguan, making Zheng Yiguan embarrassed for a while. If it weren't for Zheng Yiguan's strong ability and Xiong Wencan's support and strong financial support behind him, could Zheng Yiguan become a sea giant in history? It's really an unknown.

Now Xiong Wencan has given him such a move, which also fully shows that Xiong Wencan is actually not worried about him, but he wants to tie him to Xiong Wencan's car. In the future, he must follow Xiong Wencan's mercy.

Then why can't he take this opportunity to test his subordinates?

So after Yu Xiaotian secretly discussed with Lin Yiyang, he ordered to go down and recruit these generals to Zhongzuo City. The generals did a good job during this period. After receiving the order, they rushed to Zhongzuo.

After everyone gathered, Yu Xiaotian announced the news in the council chamber. At the beginning, after hearing the news, everyone really felt a little complacent.

After all, these people used to live at the bottom of society. Although they are now following Yu Xiaotian and have become important generals in the Sea Wolf Group, no matter how beautiful they are now, they are still a thief after all.

As Ming people, these people have a deep-rooted special feeling for the Ming Dynasty. Subconsciously, they always think that one day they can become an official, which is the real thing of shining their ancestors.

Although few people expected to become an official one day before, this time Yu Xiaotian accepted the government's recruitment, which also made them think about it more or less.

Now suddenly Yu Xiaotian took out such an appointment list. When he learned that he was also on the list of awards and was about to get such an official position as President Qian and Guard, most people were surprised first, and their faces inevitably showed some pride.

"Yu is here to congratulate you! In the future, you will be officials, which is a great thing! So as soon as I heard the news, I quickly summoned you and told you about it! I'm going to hold a banquet tonight to catch up with you, and the big guys will be happy!" Yu Xiaotian sat in the first place with a smile on his face and said to the generals.

The generals laughed when they heard it, and even thanked Yu Xiaotian. Yu Xiaotian didn't say much, which made people send the prepared wine and dishes directly to the council hall, arrange a banquet, and have a banquet with everyone.

Looking at the happy expressions of the generals, Yu Xiaotian couldn't help sighing secretly in his heart, but on the surface, he did not show unheuphoria. Instead, after observing the crowd, he unexpectedly found that Liu Yidao did not seem to be as happy as others.

So Yu Xiaotian pretended to be inadvertent while drinking with everyone and asked Liu Yidao, "Yi Dao, today is a happy day. You will have an official body in the future. You will be a serious court official in the future. If nothing goes wrong, then you will be a garrison in the future. Why do you But you don't look happy? Why is this?"

Liu Yidao stood up and hugged Xiaotian and said, "The big master, I dare to ask one thing. Do you dare to ask the sub-feignty given me by the government this time, but was it agreed by you and Lord Xiong?"

Yu Xiaotian showed a stunned expression. After hesitating for a moment, he shook his head and said, "This is not true! When I went to Tantou Town to discuss with Xiong Futai, I didn't talk about this matter. I thought that the appointment of you would be agreed separately after Zhao'an, but I didn't expect that Xiong Futai took the matter into consideration first. After all, he wanted more than me!

Taking advantage of this recruitment, Xiong Futai did not forget your guys, and even arranged their future positions in advance! This seems to be my negligence! Here I want to apologize to everyone. Don't think I did it on purpose! Ha ha!"

After listening to Yu Xiaotian's words, everyone got up and said they didn't dare, but after listening, Liu Yidao locked his eyebrows and suddenly shook his head and said, "This is not right! Xiong Wencan has no reason to do this. If the big man accepts the recruitment and then arranges a position for me, it is reasonable, but this matter should also be done by the big owner. Why does this Xiong Wencan have to pay rewards with me and others?

After listening to Liu Yidao's words, the generals who were still happy nodded one after another. After whispering to each other, they also felt that this matter did not seem to be a little wrong. Yu Xiaotian has not been officially appointed yet, and why did these sea wolf followers follow Yu Xiaotian? What about appointing together? And is it that Xiong Wencan is too filial and directly appoints them?

After Liu Yidao did this, the generals realize that the matter was not as simple as they thought on the surface, so the sound of persuading wine and laughing in the hall gradually cooled down.

Yu Xiaotian played with the wine glass in his hand with an indifferent face, nodded slightly to Liu Yidao, drank the wine in the glass, stood up and walked back and forth in the hall with his hands on his back, and said, "Listen to this knife, it seems that this matter is indeed a little too anxious! But in general, it's a good thing for big guys.

Although you follow me, Yu asked myself that I have not treated everyone badly, after all, we used to be thieves, and Yu can't give such glory to our brothers.

Now with the appointment of the government, all brothers have become great generals in the future, and they no longer have to bear the name of thieves. In this way, I have something on my mind!"

After Liu Yidao finished speaking, he was silent for a while. Suddenly, he smashed his glass and fell to the ground heavily. He said angrily, "In my opinion, this Xiong Wencan is not good at all! I, Liu Yidao, have been reading books for a few days, and how can I not know what these officials are thinking!

From the perspective of his subordinates, Xiong Wencan did this with good intentions and think carefully for us! Humph! I'm afraid this old bastard wants to take this opportunity to provoke the relationship between us and the big boss. If I expect it well, this old thief just wants me to be estranged from the big boss for this matter in the future, and gradually be divided by it to disintegrate our sea wolf's strength!

If I guess correctly, then this bullshit guard is really not rare. Since I, Liu Yidao, have been with the big boss, this heart belongs to our sea wolf. Even if I die, I am still the ghost of the sea wolf!

If it hadn't been for the big head of us taking our brothers step by step, what kind of climate would we be now? And you guys, the old thief just gave you an empty official position, which made you two forget. You should know that this official is not so easy. As long as you accept the appointment of the old thief, it is equivalent to swallowing the bait given to you by the old thief. Sooner or later, you will be led by the old bear thief. If you don't like it, then I, Liu Yidao, have nothing to say, but I, Liu Yidao, don't want this broken guard!

I still follow the boss, and it's better to be the deputy commander of the first fleet!"