Daming Haiku

Chapter 276 Down

Of course, in the next adaptation, the sea wolf currently has far more than 6,000 soldiers, so Yu Xiaotian and the generals have already made arrangements to withdraw most of the members to some locations under their actual control. The navy will only allow the Second Fleet to accept the adaptation and serve as a naval division in the army in the future. .

As for the land division, the current army strength of Sea Wolf has reached about 7,000, and it is also only adapted by the first battalion. The rest of the troops are temporarily withdrawn to Haitan Island, Tamsui City and Dagou Port. If there is any business, they can be mobilized at any time.

As for the demobilization of the sea wolf in the agreement, it is not a problem. During this period, the sea wolf captured a large number of people in large-scale operations along the Fujian coastline. The sea wolf transferred part of the population that can be used as immigrants to freshwater and Haitan Island, and other people who do not meet the requirements of the sea wolf. , they were dismissed as sea wolves and ordered them to return to their respective places of origin.

Originally, Xiong Wencan wanted to divide the internal plan of the sea wolf through this incident. He never thought that it would be so easily resolved by Yu Xiaotian. Although these sea wolf generals accepted the official appointment of Fujian, these generals unanimously expressed their willingness to stay under Yu Xiaotian's account after receiving the order. Do as you are ordered.

When Cai Shanji arrived at Gaopu with his general Xie Longyi, the sea wolf troops who were waiting to accept the reorganization as agreed were already waiting for their arrival.

Cai Shanji had been in contact with the sea wolf in Quanzhou some time ago. Of course, he has also seen the strength of the sea wolf masses, but Xie Longyi has not directly participated in the battle against the sea wolf in the past year, and has not seen the situation of the sea wolf masses.

As the oldest qualified general officer in Fujian, Xie Longyi is undoubtedly a veteran. This time, she was ordered by Xiong Wencan to accompany Cai Shanji to Weitou Bay to reorganize the subordinates of Xiaotian. Xie Longyi was quite curious about the sea wolves who could make the whole Fujian.

When they came from Fuzhou on the way, Xie Longyi inquired more about the sea wolf from Cai Shanji. Hearing Cai Shanji praise the sea wolf, Xie Longyi felt a little upset.

He has also been a general for many years, and in the past few years, he has not only killed many mountain thieves in the southern and northern battles of Fujian, but also fought with pirates along the coast many times, and even fought with the red-haired people who harassed the coast many times, and even participated in the battle of Penghu.

It can be said that Xie Longyi thinks that he has learned what kind of thief soldiers in the world. Now that Xie Longyi feels less comfortable to hear people hold the sea wolves to the sky.

Although it is true that the officers and soldiers were indeed defeated by the sea wolf, Xie Longyi, who has never really seen the sea wolf, always feels psychologically unacceptable. After all, they are the officers and wolves, and the sea wolves are just thieves. Since they are thieves, no matter how fierce they are, they are still thieves. This is still deep-rooted. Tigu's thoughts have always influenced Xie Longyi's inner understanding of the sea wolf.

So although Xie Longyi didn't say much on the way, there was still a trace of contempt for the sea wolf in his heart.

When he led 2,000 officers and arrived outside Gaopu as a guard to protect him and Cai Shanji, Xie Longyi specially ordered him to go down and make the accompanying two thousand officers and soldiers full of energy, intending to let the sea wolves see what was a good soldier.

But when he led the officers and soldiers to arrive outside the city, he saw about 3,000 people, who had already lined up outside the east gate of Gaopu City, waiting for their arrival.

Until this time, Xie Longyi stared and saw his pupils suddenly shrink, and he was a little stunned.

Although the two sides were still about hundreds of feet away from each other, awe-inspiring murderous atmosphere came to her face, which made Xie Longyi suffocate and took a cold breath.

He thought that the soldiers he brought out were an absolute elite division in Fujian. There were more than 1,000 of them, all of whom were his own soldiers. These soldiers were raised at the expense of a lot of money. He thought that even the Fubiao officers and soldiers outside Fuzhou could not be compared with them.

Moreover, he had ordered these personal soldiers to fight with great spirit and asked these sea wolves to see their prestige, but when he saw the sea wolves marching in array outside the city, he was still ruthlessly hit.

The 3,000 sea wolves were listed in a total of three phalanxes outside the city, each of which is about 1,000.

These sea wolves are all dressed in uniformly. Everyone wears a clean and neat blue-black suit all over their bodies, with a four-finger-wide belt around their waist, and two-finger-wide belts on their left and right shoulders and belts connected to the waist. Although they are wearing ordinary straw shoes under their feet, their calves are all colored indish. The color leggings are clean and tidy all over, and there is no straining. There is also a simple rattan helmet on the head. In front of the rattan helmet, there are palm-sized iron pieces, which are all polished and polished and polished.

All the sea wolves in the array seem to be extremely capable. They are basically between 18 and 30 years old. There is no old, weak and disabled soldiers. Everyone stands there, all as straight as a javelin, full of spirit. Although their sea wolf flags blown by the sea breeze, everyone is like iron. Like a nail, it is nailed in place, giving people a sense of oppression as motionless as a mountain.

From Xie Longyi's perspective, the sea wolf's three military phalanxes outside the city are as neat as tofu pieces cut out by knives, horizontally and vertically. No matter from any angle, they form their own line, creating a violent beauty invisibly, making people almost unable to breathe.

Xie Longyi just looked at it and could no longer take her eyes back. She stared at the 3,000 sea wolves in front of her and couldn't help exclaiming: "Xiong Bing! If it's really a strong soldier!"

And Cai Shanji, who was walking in front of the sedan chair, opened the curtain of the sedan window at this time. First, he looked at the sea wolf team in front of him. There was also a look in his eyes, but he quickly withdrew his eyes and smiled at Xie Longyi, who was already a little dazed next to his sedan:

"Xie Junmen, after seeing this sea wolf today, I don't know if Xie Junmen has any doubts?"

Xie Longyi was full of shock at this moment. For a moment, she actually forgot where she was. When she heard Cai Shanji's voice, she was stunned and returned to her body. After being stunned, she opened her mouth and whispered: "Ah?! What's your advice, Lord Fantai?"

Cai Shanji couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Just now, when he spoke, Mr. Xie didn't hear his feelings at all, so he had to smile bitterly and repeat the question just now.

After hearing this, Xie Longyi couldn't help showing a trace of shame. She couldn't help turning her head and looking back at the officers and soldiers behind him. Although the officers and soldiers he claimed to have brought were absolutely strong soldiers in Fujian, when the two sides stopped and lined up again, they naturally made a judgment.

Compared with the 3,000 sea wolves in front of him, these pro-military officers and soldiers, which he was originally proud of, simply became a mob. Such a comparison undoubtedly hit the arrogant Xie Longyi.

But he did not want to speak against his will. Although he scolded in his heart, he still nodded honestly and said, "As Lord Cai said, the sea wolves are indeed a strong soldier. Although Xie does not want to admit it, he has to say that these thieves have only been seen in their lives! Awesome!"

Cai Shanji nodded slightly and said, "I am very happy that Xie Junmen can say so! I want to persuade Xie Junmen that there is a sky outside this day, and there are mountains outside the mountain! After seeing Yu Xiaotian for a while, don't be angry. You should know that Yu Xiaotian is not as good as ordinary people. He is arrogant and is by no means a good person to meet. It is better for Xie Junmen to restrain his men and never have trouble here!

You should know that Yu Xiaotian is already a celebrity in front of Lord Futai. It's better for me not to touch his moldy head! Ha ha! As far as I know, this person has always been soft but not hard. A standard piece of knife meat has just returned to the court, but don't make mistakes in this matter because of Xie Junmen and your men!"

According to Xie Longyi's original temper, if the sea wolf had not greatly deterred him this time, he would have been determined to give Yu Xiaotian a majesty first.

Although Yu Xiaotian is a popular person in front of Xiong Wencan at present, Xie Longyi is the boss among the Fujian generals. Although Yu Xiaotian was exceptionally appointed as a general by the imperial court, he is still far lower than his general officer. In the future, it will not sound good. When something happens, he still has to be restrained by him. As a The head of the thief, as the general, has to give him a majesty first to let him know what to do in the future.

But today, after seeing the 3,000 sea wolf marches facing each other outside the city, his thoughts along the way were suddenly thrown to Java.

Now Cai Shanji specially reminded that he can't know the benefits. Since the sea wolf can make the whole territory of Fujian jump, how can he be a good person to meet? If he still wants to play the prestige of the peak here, not to mention whether others eat this set, in case he catches this knife If he dares to turn against him and turn against him again, he will be fooled to say whether he can leave here or not. Even if he can run back to Fuzhou alive, he will be labeled as a co-colleague by Xiong Wencan. At that time, he will really want the whole family to be unlucky.

Thinking of this, although it was a hot day, Xie Longyi still felt a chill in her heart and could no longer afford to give Yu Xiaotian a strong idea.