Daming Haiku

Chapter 66 Surprise

The rebels soon entered the effective range of 300 meters, but Wu Shengtian did not move. He secretly thought to himself that 300 steps were actually the effective range of the wolf tooth rifle, but although firing at this distance could kill some rebels, it was estimated that it would immediately make the rebels realize that something was wrong and turn around. If they escape, then they can quickly escape the effective range of the sea wolf's wolf tooth rifle.

The possible annihilation war may be defeated, so he was not in a hurry and continued to calmly watch the rebels advance towards them.

250 steps, Wu Shengtian did not order to fire. 200 steps, but there was still no movement. 150 steps, Wu Shengtian actually took out a cigarette and lit it, and took two deep sips comfortably. Until the rebels were close to their 100 steps, Wu Shengtian lost his cigarette buttocks that was about to burn to gloves and use The foot twisted the cigarette butt.


"Bum bang..."

The sea wolf soldiers had already prepared for shooting. After hearing Wu Shengtian's roar, the first row of soldiers immediately picked up their rifles, held their butt against their shoulders, quickly aimed at an enemy soldier through the door and front sight, and then neatly pulled the trigger.

After the first row of soldiers opened fire, they did not look up to check their shooting effect at all. They turned around and let the second row of soldiers go to the front row. They retreated sideways to the back, put down the gun and quickly pulled out the stick inserted under the barrel, cleaned up the gun, took out the fixed ammunition of the paper bag from the waist ammunition box, and bit open the paper. Shell, pour the medicine into the gun...

After the second row came forward, they immediately began to raise their guns and aim, followed by collective volley, then put down their guns and withdrew to give the third row of soldiers to the front row. They retreated to the back of the queue again and began to fill.

When the third row of soldiers finished fire, the original first row of soldiers had completed loading again and appeared in front of the queue.

In this way, three rows of soldiers fired a volley at the rebels every few breaths. The smoke from the muzzle soon filled the battlefield, covering the sight of many people. The smoke slowly spread around and blended into the air.

When the villagers on the other side of Xishan Village began to fire at a hundred steps away, Wan's face showed a fruitless expression. He said that they were really a bunch of people. At such a long distance, they actually began to release the gundom, which was simply the same virtue as their officers and soldiers' firemen.

Birds can hit 70 steps at most, even if it's up to the sky, and 70 steps unless you stop the naked person, let alone hit the armored man. Even if you wear two more clothes on a person, it may not be able to hit the meat. Unless the immortal bullet hits the person's face, otherwise, you can do this It's just a sound.

When the Ming officers and soldiers fought with Liaodong Jiannu on the battlefield, they did a lot of this kind of thing. It should be said that the Ming officials and soldiers were really equipped with a lot of fire, and archers could not be too few. However, often on the battlefield, these Ming officers and soldiers immediately messed up when they saw the soldiers and horses of Jiannu rushing towards them. .

These firemen and archers often can't wait for the officer to order to fire. They really can't stand the psychological pressure. Often, when the soldiers and horses of Jiannu are far from rushing to them, they begin to fire randomly. As a result, the bullets they shoot out or arrows they shoot can't be shot at Ren at all. General Jiannu.

In addition, the officers and soldiers were not well trained. Before they were under great psychological pressure, they were almost in a hurry and had no time to reload. Soldiers and horses often took advantage of this opportunity to urge horses or accelerate their efforts to rush up and rush to the Ming army array. .

At this time, the Ming army gunners who did not complete the reloading will instantly become a group of soft-footed shrimp, and the fire gun in their hands will also become a fire stick. Either they wait for Jiannu to come to kill them, or they can only choose to turn around and escape, but how many of these Ming soldiers are fools? Will you stand there like a stupid goose and wait for the slaves to kill?

So the Ming officers and soldiers will soon be disrupted by Jiannu. Next, the Ming officers and soldiers will be like frightened rabbits and begin to run away on the battlefield, and Jiannu will immediately start to wave their troops to cover up. Often the result is that the Ming officers and soldiers will be beaten by Jiannu even if the number has an absolute advantage. Escape from defeat.

This is also the reason why over the years, although Daming has invested a huge amount of money and grain in the battlefield of Liaodong and mobilized a large number of soldiers to invest in the Liaodong battlefield, it has been repeatedly defeated, and gradually lost almost all of Liaodong to Jiannu.

And today, in the eyes of this rebel general surnamed Wan, it seems that these villagers in Xishan Village are repeating the stupid things that the Ming army often do.

A hundred steps away, they began to fire randomly, so I'm afraid they won't have time to reload them again. He only needs to rush forward. As long as he rushes to those villagers, it is estimated that it will be a sure victory.

So he immediately roared, pulled out his waist knife from his waist, raised his head and shook the bright single knife and shouted, "Brothers, rush forward for me!" ......”

But as soon as his words fell, Wan's eyes came out of his eyes. If it hadn't been for the eyelids in front of his eyes, his eyes would have directly come out of his eyes and fell to the ground.

Because just as he shouted excitedly and commanded to accelerate forward, he suddenly saw the row of armored soldiers rushing to the front of the queue. After the sound of the enemy, they screamed one after another and fell down on the snow, with blood splashing and splashing everywhere.

The traitor surnamed Wan feels that his brain is a little insufficient at this moment and thinks that he must have hallucinations. How can this be possible? How is this possible?

This is a hundred steps away! Aren't those in Xishan Village brave enough to take birds? Even if it's not a bird, they have the sharpest Lumi, but they can't fight so far?

So he quickly closed his mouth, shook his head vigorously, closed his eyes and opened it again, closed it, and shook his head again, but after opening it again, the scene in front of him still did not change. The armored soldiers who were walking in the front of him really fell to the ground one after another, making a sad scream in unison.

"Fight! Damn it, grandma! How is this possible?" He couldn't help muttering that he was on the battlefield for a moment, and he was the commander. He wanted to make a decision immediately and adjust the tactics, but only cared about being confused.

At this time, a series of fire began to sound on the opposite side, and he immediately saw that more armored soldiers began to splash scarlet blood on their bodies and fell on the way forward one after another.

"Grandma's! What the hell is this? What happened here? Why?" The guy put his head in his hands and screamed. All the common sense was subverted at this time. He only felt that his brain was not enough, just like a pot of paste, completely messy.

From the first round of the sea wolf infantry volley, such a series of volleys lasted for more than a dozen rounds, and each * hand shot at least five or six times in a row. Then Wu Shengtian shouted loudly and ordered to stop firing.

After a while, the smoke covering them gradually dissipated, and the scene in the distance once again appeared in front of the people in Xishan Village, 100 meters away from them. At this time, the ground was full of corpses. The blood on the bodies was still steaming in the cold, and some injured people were piled up. He struggled, squirmed, and let out a scream after another.

And the rebel generals who were still arrogant and didn't know their surnames just now. At this time, almost half of the people had fallen to the ground, and the remaining rebel generals who were not killed or injured were already killed. At this time, they had already become frightened birds, cheering one by one, exerting their strength to eat milk, and were spreading Zi ran towards them on their way, and even several horse-riding soldiers who supervised the battle behind were killed on the spot.

The speed of the collapse of the whole rebel army can be said to be jaw-dropping. In fact, this is also nonsense. In the face of those unstoppable and inescapable terrible bullets, these rebels are also human beings. How can they not be afraid?

So the rebels suffered the first few inexplicable slams. When they watched their people harvest their lives like rows by mowing, the rest of course had a nervous breakdown. This battle could not be fought at all. If they walked forward, they would meet these bullets spilled by these Xishan village soldiers like rain and wanted to rush to him. In the near past, it's just nine deaths, no! It should be said that ten deaths are not alive.

At this time, even if each of them has another bear-hearted leopard, they have no courage to rush forward. These people are all scared. Today, the bird sling used by the soldiers of Xishan Village has subverted all their understanding of the bird tongs. The birds in the hands of these Xishan Village soldiers can actually be 100 meters away. The person who can wear armor will be beaten to death.

As for those who are not wearing armor, they don't even have a chance. There is even a bullet that penetrates a person's body and kills the latter person, and the first person may be better, but the person behind him is better than the first one who is penetrated by a bullet. People are more miserable.

After all, the first person was pierced into his body, entered a small eye, and came out with a blood hole. However, when the bullet hit the man behind him again, the bullet had been deformed and broken. After entering the human body, it could not penetrate, but it smashed all the internal organs and died tragically.