Daming Haiku

Chapter 69 Chen Guangfu's depression

Li San thought about it for a while and said with a bad smile, "Of course, the higher the better. The small one feels that whoever bids high will be the best!" But a human head costs at least 20 taels of silver..."

After nightfall, Xishan Village sent two scouts to inform Li San of today's battle situation in Xishan Village. After hearing this, Li San immediately laughed and couldn't close his mouth.

There are nearly 300 rebel heads, 222, which can be exchanged for at least 6,000 taels of silver. These 6,000 taels of silver are not a small amount. Even if they are used to buy delicate girls in the hands of human traffickers, they can buy at least hundreds of them. If they are exchanged for grain, even if the price of grain in Shandong is extremely high now, one stone of grain It takes three or four taels of silver to eat. These 6,000 taels of silver can also be exchanged for at least 1,000 stones of grain, which is enough to feed many people for a short time.

At this time, Luzhi County has also sent people to spread the news that Li San was willing to betray the rebels. In Mouping County, some military generals and officials guarding other city gates suddenly became interested.

So after nightfall, they sent people to privately run to the north gate to discuss with Li San about buying the rebel head.

These people are not short of money, and what they are most afraid of is military merit. At present, since the head can be bought, even if some people are unwilling to spend money, they are afraid that in case others spend money to buy it, they will have no shame on their faces.

So these people came to Li San to buy heads. More than 300 heads, except for 50 left for Lv Zhixian, were ordered overnight.

For the time being, because the rebels have not retreated, it is not convenient for the heads of Xishan Village to take risks to transport them to the city, so these people first pay the deposit and reserve the head. After the rebels retreated, they immediately went to Liu to pick up the goods.

Liu Di and Wu Shengtian were also happy that they couldn't close their mouths for this matter. It turned out that they fought and killed people, cut off people's heads, and could still sell at such a good price. This was an unexpected surprise and made a fortune in vain.

With this money, they no longer need to let the top allocate money to this side. They can solve part of the problem on the spot with the sale of people. It is estimated that the news will definitely make Shangfeng very satisfied. Several of them will be praised in charge. In the future, they will be among the sea wolves. I don't think the day of promotion will be too far away.

So they quickly sent people to run to the ice, cut off some uncut people's heads, carefully transported them back and piled them up. Now it's cold, and one person's head is as frozen as a stone, and they don't worry that they will rot and deteriorate at all. These people who seem to grin on their teeth are extremely ferocious. It turned out to make people look very uncomfortable, but now when they look at it again, it makes people feel much more pleasing to the eye. These are all white silver!

Besides, the traitor surnamed Wan fled back to the rebel camp and told Chen Guangfu about the defeat in Xishan Village during the day and almost the whole army was destroyed. On the one hand, Chen Guangfu was furious on the spot, and on the other hand, he was shocked.

He never thought that a small Xishan village would have such a fighting power. Although the guy surnamed Wan he sent was average, he used to be born and died with him in Dongjiang Town. After a hundred battles, although most of his men brought some of the rebels later, they were not the core. Elite, but after all, many of them used to be the old headquarters of the Dongjiang Army, and they have seen battles, which is by no means as easy to deal with ordinary Shandong soldiers.

But such 500 soldiers and horses went to Xishan Village. After the First World War, they were killed by the regiment training of Xishan Village. This fact makes Chen Guangfu confused.

Especially after listening to the report of the surnamed Wan, he said that in Xishan Village, he held an extremely sharp and unparalleled bird, which could kill the armored person a hundred steps away. Chen Guangfu didn't believe this at all. How could he not understand the performance of the bird? Even if it was Lu Mi, it was absolutely impossible to be a hundred steps away. The armored man was beaten to death.

But Wan's trembling trembling, told the situation of the war at that time, and insisted that it was true, including several soldiers who protected him to escape, they also insisted that this was absolutely true.

But their words still attracted the ruthless ridicule of other colleagues. In the eyes of those traitors, this surname is full of tongues, and what they say is simply bullshit. If you can kill the armored man a hundred steps away, then don't fight in the future. Who can withstand this kind of bird?

So in their eyes, Wan must have done something stupidly and was defeated by Tuan Lianxiang Yong of Xishan Village. When this guy came back to say so, he must have wanted to shirk responsibility. They did faintly hear a series of sound from Xishan Village during the day, but they didn't believe it at all. What Wan said was true. Of.

Chen Guangfu, as the main general who came here this time, although he did not believe what his subordinates surnamed Wan said, he was still a little suspicious. First of all, he felt that the group training in Xishan Village was not simple. The general large families or the group training village bravery in large villages were poorly equipped, although it could also be able to get one Ignition, even small cannon, but it is difficult to get a lot of birds.

After all, bird spears are military equipment. The price is high, and the number of birds scattered to the market is not large. However, this Xishan Village has been proved today that they have a large number of birds, at least two or three hundred birds.

What on earth is the big family surnamed Liu in Xishan Village? How can he get so many birds? Is it possible that this guy is not a super queen behind him? So he immediately sent someone to the captured locals to inquire about Liu's different origins.

In a short time, someone came back to report that although Liu was from Shandong, he was not in Ninghai Prefecture before. He only came back last year. According to himself, he went to Guangdong, Fujian a few years ago to do business and made a fortune. Now he wants to go back to his hometown to buy some industries. Last year, he came back to buy Xishan Village. A large amount of land, and the money to build the wall of Xishan Village, also bought a considerable amount of land on Yangma Island, and also set up an earth encirclement on Yangma Island.

It is said that he raised hundreds of Jiading and Xiangyong. These Jiading Xiangyong are very tough. Soon after his arrival, he suppressed many local snakes and killed many local ruffians who tried to trouble him, so that when it comes to Xishan Village, the locals dare not provoke Liu.

And Liu's behavior is strange. Since last year, he has been opening a porridge shed in Xishan Village to serve porridge, but he has formed a lot of good relationships, but in private, he bought a large number of children and women, especially women, bought them back from human traffickers, and then shipped them to the south by ship.

shows that this guy may be a big business trafficker, but what exactly does he do? No one can make it clear. All they know is that this guy is very rich, very rich, and has a lot of food on hand. During this period, he has hosted a large number of refugees and can still feed them. .

After listening to this, Chen Guangfu combined with a group of men sent today to tentatively attack the failure of the North Gate. His head suddenly felt a little big. He thought why I was so unlucky, but he came up to fight Mouping County and encountered such a piece of knife meat.

Although this Xishan Village is absolutely a big fat sheep, it seems that this fat sheep is not delicious, and this Xishan Village is still a tiger. If you are not careful, you may be bitten by him.

Today, he sent 500 people to Xishan Village, but almost the whole army was destroyed. In addition, many people sent to attack the North Gate Pass were also killed and injured. He didn't know who guarded the North Gate Pass, but according to his subordinates who retreated, the officers and soldiers guarded the North Gate also had a lot of sharp and abnormal birds in their hands. The fight is far and accurate, and it is also fierce. Is there any connection between Beiguanxiang and Xishan Village? Chen Guangfu couldn't guess.

At present, his situation is very embarrassing. Although he brought 2,000 people, he has suffered heavy losses in only two or three days. At present, with his strength, it is no longer easy to capture Mouping County.

After he came to Mouping County this time, he felt that the defenders here seemed to have a strong will to resist, especially after today's World War I at the North Gate, the resistance of other gates was also strengthening.

At present, there are only more than 1,000 horses left, and it is impossible for him to capture Mouping County again. Therefore, after thinking about it, Chen Guangfu did not dare to lead troops to Xishan Village to retaliate without authorization. Instead, he sent a fast horse to immediately return to Dengzhou and ask Li Jiucheng, who is sitting in Dengzhou, for help.

He ordered the person who ran back to report the news to report the situation in Xishan Village to Li Jiucheng, and asked Li Jiucheng to send him as many reinforcements as possible this time and pull two heavy guns. Only in this way could he avenge this arrow.

After sending the people who reported the news, Chen Guangfu ordered to continue to blockade and surround Mouping County, avoid the Beiguan, and specially attack several other city gates. Even if it is a mast, it should at least maintain pressure on the defenders in Mouping County and keep them in a state of tension.

In the next ten days, the other gate battles were fierce, but only the north gate was calm, and the rebels never dared to attack the north gate, which made Li San quite depressed.

However, the defenders on the other side of the city gate complained about this, screaming in a hurry every day, and it seemed that they might be conquered by the rebels at any time.

Zhao Zhizhou and other officials are nervous to death these days for fear that the city gate can't withstand the attack of the rebels, so they think of the Xishan Village regiment training guarding the north gate.

Zhao Zhizhou wants to regard these fierce soldiers in Xishan Village as his direct reserve team and serve as firefighters. Wherever the battle situation is tight, he will send them to go.