Daming Haiku

Chapter 71 Beyond common sense

All day long, these people have to be white-eyed by Shandong people and carefully hold their tails to be human beings. Now they can finally raise their eyebrows and exhale. During this period, they have killed, robbed and even more, they are grooms every day, playing with fresh women every night.

This life can be said to be really comfortable. As for the Shandong soldiers who used to look down on them, now they have either been slaughtered or arrested by them. Now they look at them like gray grandchildren and feel happy to think about it.

When he looked at the earthen on the horse island behind Xishan Village and Xishan Village, he decided not to wait for the Hongyi cannon that followed him and immediately began to attack Xishan Village. Tonight, he would at least sleep in Xishan Village, comfortably and warm, and then find a few beautiful women to toss around.

He doesn't believe it. A group of villagers can resist the attack of so many soldiers and horses.

So under his order, a large group of temporarily recruited bandits and soldiers immediately carried door panels, Eight Immortal tables, and drove a large group of ragged people to the front of the battle, making them carry cloth bags full of ice and snow on their backs, bundles of firewood, or some wood.

"You people heard it clearly. After a while, with the military order, you will run to the side of the village with your things on your back, and the cat will only rush forward. As long as you fill the things on your back into the ditch, even if you are done, when you come back, you will give you a hot soup and give you a piece of cake to eat if you are well done!

If anyone disohes and retreats or escapes without permission, be careful of your heads. The knife in my hand is not vegetarian! Killing you is like killing chickens!" A traitor stood in front of the large group of forcibly wrapped people, hysterically roared at these people, threatened them, and used a bowl of hot soup and a small dark and indescribable mixed-faced cake for them, telling them what to do and what to do!

These forcibly wrapped refugees or ordinary people were like dead ashes, shivering all over their bodies, and no one spoke. Only people sobbed in the crowd. After they were captured, they were hungry for a long time and almost starved to death. Today, these rebels forced them to attack the village, presumably Many people can't survive today.

But if they can't live, they can't live. No one knows if they can survive in the future, but if they can run back alive, then at least they can get a mouthful of hot soup, a piece of cake, and a bite to eat. Now, it is the greatest luxury for them.

So now these refugees have no intention of resistance at all. They can only numbly listen to the orders of these rebels and carry the cloth bags and firewood bundles with their weak bodies.

As for the other side, the bandits and soldiers who were regarded as cannon fodder and escorted in the first round were also temporarily organized, asking some rebels to lead them to tell them what to do and what to do. In addition, there was also a reward, saying that as long as they captured Xishan Village, they would enjoy it. The first attack People who go up the wall can also be rewarded with a beautiful woman.

These bandits and soldiers also know that they are cannon fodder, but now that they have defected to the rebels, they can only sell their lives for the rebels, so they all look very excited and screamed and ready to set out.

With Zhang Tao's order, the army beat the drums. After the rumble of the drums, someone blew the horn and the low horn rolled far away. At this time, the refugees and soldiers were driven away and began to rush towards Xishan Village.

Wu Shengtian stood coldly on the wall and looked at the chaotic army outside. The number of the chaotic army was quite large, which made him feel a little pressure, but it was not enough to scare him. This chaotic army was easy for him to deal with, but in order to reduce unnecessary casualties, he did not lead his troops out of the village this time. Fight against the rebels.

He ordered the sea wolf infantry to climb the wall, enter the preset position, and be ready to meet the enemy. From the courtyard of the Liu family, he took out several boxes of iron shells* and put them on the wall of the wall, ready to fight a hard battle.

Seeing that there were nearly a thousand rebels and refugees outside, carrying tables and door panels, and firewood bundles and other things to launch attacks, he ordered: "Everyone should stabilize. After entering 150 steps, you can fire, but it is best to aim and kill those refugees as little as possible. Prepare in a row at the village gate, once needed If so, you have to go out, cut off the refugees and put them outside the village gate! Everyone, get ready!"

The platoon leaders immediately stood up to receive the order, ran back to the wall they were responsible for, and began to convey the order.

There is nothing fancy in this kind of defensive battle, as long as the enemy can be repelled, and Wu Shengtian is very clear that this is a tentative attack by the rebels. The rebels have not planned to crush the whole army and fight to break the net.

Although there are not many sea wolf soldiers, they can still basically control the whole fortress wall. Every two steps, there will be a soldier with a rifle in his hand to prepare for battle.

Under the pressure of the rebels, the refugees struggled to move their legs, carrying those cloth bags and firewood bundles, and staggering on the snow that has not yet melted. From time to time, you can see a pool of black blood stains on the ground, which is probably the blood stains left when the rebels came to attack and were killed.

The snow on the ground is mottled because of these large blood stains, but this cannot stop those refugees and soldiers from moving towards Xishan Village.

The sound of rumble drums and horns from time to time in the rebel array echoed in the air, but in Xishan Village, it seemed quiet. Only a figure could be seen from afar. Standing behind the wall like a javelin, looking at the rebels and refugees rushing outside the village with cold eyes.

The rebels did not advance fast. They carefully held the door panel table to cover their bodies. The refugees also carried things step by step and moved their legs forward.

Some people are already extremely weak. Not to mention running forward, even if they move their feet, they have to take a deep breath. Some people simply walk halfway and fall to the ground tiredly and can no longer climb up.

But they did not arouse anyone's kindness. Rebels followed them and forced them forward with long guns or sharp knives.

When they saw someone falling down and couldn't get up, they beat them with the back of a knife and beat them with the barrel of a long gun. If they still don't get up and continue to carry things, then they will shoot down with their mercilessly, or nail them to the frozen with a long gun. On the ground.

The dying screams of refugees are full of the battlefield, but there is no sympathy here, and the rest is only the brutality in human nature.

The sea wolf infantry on the wall has been silently calculating the distance of the enemy. After the enemy entered the distance of about 200 steps, * the hand mounted the rifle on the stack wall, and even the reserved holes were useless.

"Wolf Tooth Rifle Fire!" After seeing that the enemy had reached a predetermined shooting distance of 150 steps, a platoon leader finally ordered to start firing.

These * hands holding wolf-tooth rifles have already set the ruler on the gun body at 150 meters, ready for everything before firing.

When the order sounded, the * hands in this row immediately began to shoot one after another. They did not shoot together this time, but allowed the * hands to choose their own target to shoot.

The main reason is that these rebels carried a lot of door panels and other things, and walked in a relatively scattered manner. There is no rules and formation to speak of. On the contrary, they can't get enough good casualties. On the contrary, they let the soldiers aim accurately by themselves. On the contrary, they can strive to shoot more rebels.

In addition, although a batch of ammunition is stored in Xishan Village, the quantity is not very large. Before the sea ice in Bohai Bay melts, they can't get more ammunition for the time being, so the ammunition can be saved a little less. In addition, the wolf tooth rifle is different from the smoothbore gun, and its shooting is relatively accurate, at 200 meters. Within that, you can basically aim and shoot accurately.

So Wu Shengtian decided to let the soldiers play separately and strive to kill as many rebels as possible, and reduce the killing and injury of those poor refugees.

Under the order, the gunfire suddenly began to sound, and a small flame flashed from time to time on a wall, and a gunpowder smoke rose, followed by a bang.

Zhang Tao was also observing the movement on the wall at this time. When he saw the fire and smoke rise, his pupils also shrank slightly. It was true that this group of villagers in Xishan Village really began to release a hundred steps away.

But he still doesn't believe that any birds can kill people a hundred steps away, and it seems that the villagers did not shoot randomly this time, but scatteredly.

Can you kill people in this way? Of course, he also knows what the level of bird is. He can hit people in 50 steps, even if he is quite lucky. If he wants to hit people in 70 steps, not to mention whether he can kill people, at least he has to rely on God's blessing to hit people.

But Xishan Village and Xiangyong actually began to shoot at the soldiers sent by him so sporadically a hundred steps away. It's simply a joke! Can this distance also hit people?

So he couldn't help but feel a feeling of contempt in his heart, and he was not nervous about it. He felt that these villagers in Xishan Village were not good enough. Next, he was very confident that he could take this Xishan Village.

But often the progress of things does not follow the psychology of the rebels. Just when almost all the rebels think that the Xishan village soldiers did this was a pure waste of gunpowder and could not pose a threat to their people, they found that things did not seem to be what they thought. So simple.

(I'm dizzy! I forgot to ask for a monthly ticket yesterday! What about the agreed monthly ticket? Brothers, you can't forget to vote! Help! Thank you very much! In addition, I especially thank Coke for adding some ice brothers' rewards! Shout, I want a monthly ticket!)