Daming Haiku

Chapter 78 Strong Attack

Therefore, if Zhao Zhizhou of Ninghaizhou knew about it, he would definitely suppress this matter, secretly take back the cannon as their booty, and turn back to ask for credit from the court to have a cannon, which will be of great help to his career in the future. Zhao Zhizhou must be very clear in his heart.

So although Liu Di and Wu Shengtian don't like this gun, Liu Differ is more clear than Wu Shengtian how valuable the hidden behind it is.

So Liu didn't order someone to wrap the cannon, find a place in the village, put it up first, and wait for the rebels to retreat in a few days. If Muping County is not broken, then he will make a fuss about this cannon.

At dawn the next day, the rebels went out of the camp and marched to Xishan Village again. This time, they made fuller preparations and got the door panels and other things outside the village. Some big cars were also pushed out of the village, with a lot of boards and other things nailed on them, and some firewood was loaded on the car. In order to resist the bullets shot from the wall of Xishan Village.

Zhang Tao went to the battlefield in person and drove away hundreds of civilian husbands and thousands of rebels with an order. He surrounded Xishan Village and began to launch a strong attack on Xishan Village.

This time, Wu Shengtian also felt some pressure. The rebels' tactics caused them some trouble. A large number of rebels hid in carts with heavy wooden boards and pushed them towards Xishan Village.

The bullets fired by the soldiers are difficult to kill and injure these rebels, so that the rebels can hide behind the cart and gradually approach the trench.

In addition, there are many people and strongmen who are hostage. In this case, it is basically impossible to save these people again. Moreover, the earth bags carried by the people and firewood bundles are very threatening them. If Min Zhuang is allowed to run to the trench and throw these things into the trench, it will be soon. Passage can be paved to open up the channels for the rebels to attack the wall.

Wu Shengtian is not a pedantic person. Of course, he understands the truth of not being kind to take charge of soldiers. At this time, of course, he will not order not to shoot the people who are forcibly wrapped in. Who let them live in this troubled world and live like grass. Since they have been captured by the rebels, they deserve to die.

Therefore, the Shanghai wolf group * kept shooting at the wall, killing many people and never let the people close to the wall. As for the rebel attack in front of the village gate was the most fierce. A large number of rebels carried heavy boards, superimposed the door panels, and pushed carts to launch an attack towards the area of the fortress gate.

Even if it is a wolf-tooth rifle, in the face of such a situation, it is a little weak and unable to effectively kill and injure the rebels, causing the rebels to repeatedly attack outside the trench.

There are also some firearms in the hands of the rebels. Although the sea wolf's firearms are not sophisticated, once they are close to shooting, it will also constitute a certain amount of killing. Some rebel archers even hid behind the cart, approached the trench and shot arrows at the wall. For a while, they hit the wall.

Zhang Tao was fierce this time, personally supervised the war, and beheaded several leaders who were unfavorable and refused to attack desperately. He suppressed these rebels and launched a wave of deadly attacks.

Now that the cannons in Xishan Village have also been exposed, Wu Shengtian no longer covers up and orders the artillery to fight back, specializing in dense enemy personnel or large cars.

Although these big cars are moving targets, because they are loaded with too many things and there is no road, they can't walk very fast in the frozen fields in the wild, so it is not difficult for two cannons to hit these big cars after approaching.

In addition, the frozen land also provides good help to solid bombs. After the shell falls, the hard land cannot absorb the energy of the shell. After the shell falls to the ground, it will jump up and fly forward continuously like drifting. As long as anything or people and horses are blocked along the way, it will be torn into pieces.

So with the help of the cannon, the rebel attack was not smooth. Several carts were destroyed by the cannon. Once the cart was hit, it would immediately be torn apart. The boards or firewood bundles on it flew around like arrows. The rebels hiding behind the carts were often killed and injured.

The rebels pulled two more old-style artillery and bombarded the wall outside the village. This time, they learned to be more obedient and used earth bags to build a simple bunker, trying to block the cannon bombardment of Xishan Village. However, their old-style guns had a close range and must be within 200 steps before they could On the wall, there is no pressure for the sea wolf's six-pound cannon and twelve-pound cannon to accurately aim and kill them.

Although they built a simple bunker in advance, they still only fired two or three shots and were directly hit by the sea wolf's cannon and destroyed on the spot. The rebel gunner who operated the gun also suffered heavy casualties at the same time.

Zhang Tao looked at the situation on the battlefield, and the blue veins on his forehead jumped. The loss was too great! It's so big that he feels unbearable.

A large number of rebels were sent up and were soon retreated. Many people were corpse outside the trench, but they were still unable to cross the trench and directly enter under the wall to launch a strong attack on Xishan Village.

Even if they push the cart outside the trench of Xishan Village and let the archers hiding behind the cart shoot against the Xishan Village soldiers on the wall of the village, they do not take advantage of it at all. Often they only have one chance to show up. The second time they will be shot and knocked to the ground.

Some rebels hid behind the door panels and firewood bundles and pushed forward. When they were within 100 meters of the trench, they could not stop the bullets shot from the wall of the village. Even if they were bombed, they penetrated the shelters and killed them outside the stockade.

The whole wall of the village has been making a banging sound for a moment. The wall of the village wall is almost shrouded in gunpowder smoke, which affects the sight. Fortunately, the north wind blew on this day, and the wind is relatively strong, which can quickly blow away the smoke. Otherwise, these smoke alone will cause a lot to the sea wolf soldiers. The trouble.

The two sides fought fiercely for most of the day, and the rebels paid the price of hundreds of deaths before barely opening up the passage on the three trenches. Zhang Tao was refreshed and immediately sent the elite soldiers in his hand.

The rebels rushed to the wall with the help of various shields, rushing under the wall from which channels were opened.

At this time, the villagers in the village finally came in handy. They prepared quite a lot of rolling stones, bricks and tiles on the wall in advance. As soon as the rebels rushed under the wall, the villagers smashed down the rolling stones, and many rebels were smashed on the spot. His head was broken, his tendons were broken, and he fell under the wall.

Then the villagers carried buckets of boiling water, splashed their heads, and opened many of the rebels' hot skins. The screams were like killing pigs, and they rolled all over the ground in pain.

A rebel was desperately trying to put a ladder on the wall, but as soon as he looked up, he was watered by a bucket of boiling water on his face, and his eyes were burned on the spot. He covered his eyes with his hands and made a sad scream, but after a while, his whole face had a layer of transparent blisters, which looked more like As a ghost, he screamed and bumped around and fell headlong into the trench. Even if he stopped screaming, he was pierced by the sharp wooden stakes in the trench on the spot, completely ending his life.

However, when the boiling water was poured down and fell on the ground for a while, it was frozen by the extremely low temperature. At the foot of the whole wall, it soon accumulated a layer of ice that did not leave enough light. When the boiling water was poured, the ice melted, and then it was frozen again, which was even more slippery.

Although many rebels barely rushed under the wall, they immediately fell into a rolling gourd. They couldn't stand firm, rolling and crawling one by one, and they were embarrassed.

There were even some rebels who slipped out on the ice after falling down. They were about to fall into the ditch and were stabbed to death by sharp stakes. In panic, they exclaimed repeatedly and desperately wanted to catch anything that could be grasped, but they accidentally grabbed their companion's legs. Not only did they not stop, but even their companions were dragged down. They all fell into the deep trench and were strung together into sugar-coated haws.

The rebels also tried their best to erect a long ladder and climb the wall, but the ice below was very slippery. Even if the long ladder was erected, their feet were unstable. After the person climbed up, the long ladder slipped down, and the person above fell on the hard ground. The person who spit blood on the spot was really A lot.

The original mode of siege is that some people approach the city wall and erect long ladders to attack the city. Some people want to shoot arrows outside the trench or moat to suppress the defenders on the wall and provide cover for the attackers.

But the sea wolf's rifle is really too sharp. These archers who came to the outside of the trench were always beaten, and died when they appeared.

As a result, people who are close to the wall can never get effective cover, and the villagers on the wall don't even have to worry too much. They leaned directly from the mouth of the stack, shooting arrows or throwing masonry, or pouring boiling water.

The rebels attacked until the afternoon and failed to attack the wall. Instead, they were under the wall, with heavy casualties and corpses all over the ground. Many rebels fell into the trench and were killed by sharp stakes.

Wu Shengtian didn't even let the soldiers use it. Unexpectedly, he resisted the attacks of the rebels again and again, and the bodies of the rebels were everywhere.

Zhang Tao couldn't believe that the soldiers of this small Xishan Village could have such a fighting power and resist such a fierce offensive. Although he was angry and scolded, he had no choice. As a result, in the afternoon of the battle, he almost rotated all the troops he could send out, but he still couldn't attack. Go down to Xishan Village and take a look. The number of casualties under his men has at least 500, and even more. If they continue to fight, these rebels will probably not do it.

These people rebel for the purpose of making money and profiting women, not for life. If there are too many people die, the rest of the people will be resentful. If they don't do it, they will mutiny. It is not impossible to have another mutiny.

Looking at the resentful eyes of the subordinates, Zhang Tao had no choice but to order Mingjin to withdraw the army, which ended the day's fierce battle.