Daming Haiku

Chapter 117 Yujia Army Cavalry

Zhu Wannian's family knew that he was not lucky. When he saw that the rebel cavalry's horse was about to step on him, he did not avoid it, but suddenly rolled away and dod a shot stabbed him by a rebel. With a single knife in his hand, he cut off the front hoof of a rebel sitting on the war horse. The horse hissed miserably. The sound immediately fell to the ground and smashed the rebel cavalry on his back on the ground, even if they were trampled on by other rebel horses.

And this personal soldier got a knife, but he didn't have a chance to do it again. A rebel waved a knife, and his left arm was cut off on the spot and fell to the ground. Blood soared far away. Then he just screamed, a rebel horse hit him, hit him upside down, and fell heavily on the ground. Several bones were smashed and spewing blood on the spot, but he was stunned that he had not yet lost the single knife in his hand.

Lying on the ground, he still gritted his teeth and waved a knife and cut the leg of a war horse, but he was seriously injured and was unable to cut off the leg of the war horse. However, this knife still cut a big cut out of the horse's leg. The horse hiss sadly on the spot, knocked over the ground, and threw a rebel. When they got to the horse, the horses that rushed behind in an instant drowned them all in the herd...

This episode did not stop the rebels from chasing Zhu Wannian, but it made the defenders in the city sigh and suddenly became angry. On the one hand, they lamented the loyalty and bravery of Zhu Wannian's own soldiers, and on the other hand, they hated the cunning and ferocity of the rebels. Seeing that Zhu Wannian had approached the gate, the gunners in the city roared sharply. He said, "Fire! Bombard his mother's thief!"

Several flames suddenly spewed out from the tower, and a mass of gunpowder smoke and dark shells roared out of the gun and hit the rebel cavalry rushing below.

Solidly hit the cavalry, and the hit rate is not high, but at this time, the rebel cavalry are chasing Zhu Wannian. The formation is quite dense. As long as you don't hit too far, you can always get something if you fall into the crowd. Therefore, after a few shots passed, the rebel cavalry immediately turned upside down, raising a bloody fog, and the remnants of the limbs of the horse. , flying, the scene was quite tragic.

Such a shelling immediately disrupted the rhythm of the rebels' pursuit, so that the rebels had to quickly pluck their horses and disperse their formations to avoid being dropped into the crowd by shells, one after another, causing too many casualties.

This also stopped the pursuit speed of the rebel cavalry, so that Zhu Wannian and his party were finally closer to the city gate. When the rebels gathered and accelerated the pursuit, Zhu Wannian and his party were already very close to the city gate suspension bridge. At this time, dozens of horses rushed out of the city gate and lined up outside the suspension bridge. I am ready to receive Zhu Wannian's entry into the city.

The archers and gunners gathered on the gate also began to prepare to launch. Hundreds of archers raised their arms high, struggled to open their bows and pointed their arrows in mid-air. Under the order of the officers, they released their bowstrings one after another, and only heard a dense swish sound. Hundreds of arrows scattered outside the gate as if it were raining. The face fell into the formation of the rebel attack.

Many rebel cavalry quickly raised their arms and raised their cavalry shields to cover their key points, but there were still some rebel cavalrymen who were hit by arrows, screaming and fell one after another, or were frightened by the war horses and began to run around on the battlefield, forcing the cavalry to control their horses desperately to avoid falling into the battle. Horse.

Seeing that Zhu Wannian has rushed to the suspension bridge, the city is heavily defended, and there are dozens of cavalry outside the gate to protect the suspension bridge. The rebels among the rebel cavalry know that they have no way to catch Zhu Wannian today and continue to rush over. With these people, they can't take the city. The door, so he had to roar helplessly and greeted his men to quickly round the horse and turn the horse's head to escape back to this battle.

After Zhu Wannian was escorted by his own soldiers and fled back to the city, he was also pale and secretly confessed that he was lucky. If it hadn't been for the emergency behind the rebels, which led to the failure of the rebels, even if it was over today, it would be a great blessing to escape back to the city now. After pulling the rein, he could not get off the horse for a long time, or After being taken down by his own soldiers, he was panicked to death for a long time, and his heart beat violently.

It took Zhu Wannian to recover and tidy up his official robe. Now he doesn't know where to lose his hat, so he can only close his hair a little and go to see Xie Lian.

After seeing Xie Lian, everyone repeatedly said happy to Zhu Wannian. This time, everyone was also very scared and was gratified that Zhu Wannian could almost die.

After a long time, they remembered about the rebels outside, so they quickly turned their heads to observe the situation of the rebels. Although the rebels were ready to attack the city, they only tentatively attacked, and soon they were repelled by Yang Yubo, so they retreated in dismay and withdrew their troops. Go back to the direction of their camp.

A rebel cavalry was sent by Kong Youde and ran quickly to the south of Laizhou City, but because of the distance, they could not see what was going on in the distance.

However, after careful analysis, these people all feel that today's events should be a good thing for them. Originally, the rebels had deceived Zhu Wannian out of the city and surrendered. As long as they persisted for a while, Zhu Wannian will arrive at the enemy's front. At that time, they will deal with Zhu Wannian as much as they want. Zhu Wannian. Zhu Ten thousand years is the meat on their cutting board, and it is impossible to escape back.

But when they were about to succeed in their treachery, suddenly there was chaos. There was a sound of gunfire in the distance, and there was a faint sound of killing, and even the sound of dense fire.

Why is this? There is only one explanation, that is, behind the rebels, there is a rebel enemy. Who else can there be the rebels? It must be an officer!

Thinking of this, the people in Laizhou suddenly rejoiced. For months, the court did not send them a soldier and a soldier of reinforcements to trap them in the lonely city. They fought to the death with the rebels here. They saw no hope and did not know what decision the court would make. Such a long wait made people Desperation.

But today they suddenly saw hope. If they guess correctly, an officer and army have come near Laizhou City. Since the officer and army came, they must have come to fight against the rebels and relieve Laizhou. Now they are saved!

After guessing this, although it could not be confirmed for the time being, the soldiers and civilians in Laizhou suddenly boiled up and down the city. They ran around the city one by one and almost jumped up. When many people heard the news, they suddenly cried and almost broke down.

But this news still brings great hope to the people in Laizhou and boosts their morale. At least they know that now that the court has made up its mind to suppress the rebels, they are no longer isolated and helpless. It is estimated that there will be A large number of officers and soldiers came to relieve their siege.

Laizhou City became lively, and they were all extremely excited. They were ready to continue to work with the rebels.

Besides, Kong Youde outside the city, his nose was crooked with anger, and the duck that came to his mouth flew away. This was all because the Fujian soldiers and horses led by the surname Yu did not come too late, but at this time, he messed up his good deeds.

Seeing that Zhu Wannian fled back to Laizhou City, and his fraudulent surrender plan was also exposed, which completely ruined his plan to open the gate of Laizhou City. Kong Youde almost vomited blood on the spot.

So he immediately sent his general Chen Yan, led more than 1,000 elite cavalry, and immediately galloped to the south of Laizhou, ordering them to kill all the Fujian cavalry and kill them without leaving any of them.

So Chen sometimes immediately ordered all the soldiers and horses, broke away from the large array, and rolled towards the south of Laizhou City like a gust. Along the way, the rebels were all angry to death, shouting and rolling their arms and sleeves, vowing to kill all the Fujian cavalry who had done their good deeds.

The place where the fierce battle just took place, about ten miles south of Laizhou, a group of about 700 or 800 rebels, led by a rebel general, set up cards here to watch the official road coming from Pingdu.

Just as they all focused on the other side of Laizhou City, suddenly there was a piece of dust at the end of the official road, and then gradually felt that the dust on the ground began to vibrate slightly. The rebels felt a slight vibration under their feet, so they looked at the end of the official road one after another.

Suddenly, someone exclaimed: "A cavalry is coming this way!"

So someone climbed to build a pergola and looked at the end of the official road against the sun. At this time, a flag appeared on the horizon at the end of the official road. You can't see these flags clearly in the distance, but you can roughly see the color. These flags represent the flags of the officers and soldiers, so these people immediately exclaimed: "Yes, officials The army is coming! The officers are coming! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

These rebels suddenly became chaotic. Their group were left in the periphery, which itself showed that they were not the direct members of Kong Youde and other traitors, so they could only do some chores, and their combat effectiveness was naturally not much higher.

However, the rebel general who led the army was still the direct line of the old department of Dongjiang. After hearing the enemy attack, he quickly collected these miscellaneous soldiers and blocked the official road, trying to intercept the sudden appearance of the officer cavalry, and quickly sent people back to Laizhou to inform Kong Youde of the news and beg Kong Youde. Assistance.

At this time, the cavalry in the official road has appeared within their sight. The number of this cavalry is not too large, only about 500 or 600 at most, but when they approach, the rebels will immediately find that this group of Fujian cavalry is well equipped, everyone has armor, and even the horses are covered with some hair. Felt or half-length leather armor.

(It seems that we will continue to thank the rewards of the shrimp pervert and the desert laughing west wind brothers today!)