Daming Haiku

Chapter 119 Good luck

When the cavalry charged at high speed and rode the enemy in their hands, their wrists shook greatly, they immediately let go of their hands and threw away their guns. At this time, the huge impact made them have to do so. Few people can pull the tip of the gun out of the enemy's body in this case. If they don't let go, they will lose their balance and be taken down, and even break their arms.

So in this case, the only wise choice for the cavalry is to immediately throw away the gun, and then Lima pulls out the saber he carries with him from his waist, waved the saber and starts to chop the enemy.

At this time, they don't even need to swing a knife. They just need to put the blade forward and cross the horse's side. They just need to rely on the speed of the horses and take their knives to pass by the rebels. The sharp saber is enough to cut the rebels to the ground like mowing grass and fly their heads high.

This is also the simplest and most convenient way for cavalry to kill, but it is very effective and the most effective way. Sometimes some cavalry will choose heavy weapons, such as mace, hammer, chain hammer and other weapons, and the effect is quite good, so even if the cavalry in the family is relatively neatly equipped, it is also allowed. The cavalry choose their own short weapons according to their preferences.

The cavalry of the two companies stepped by, and looked at the 700 or 800 rebels. At this time, they were already killed and fell to the ground. Less than half of the people were still screaming desperately and running away.

But soon another group of rebels fell under the sharp edge of the pursuing cavalry. However, once the collapsed army began to flee, what awaits them was the fate of being slaughtered. It was impossible for two legs to overw the four legs of the war horse. No matter how they ran, they could not escape.

In the past, when the Ming army formed a battle against the Jiannu cavalry, Jiannu was best at using this similar tactics to deal with the Ming army. First, a small group of cavalry attacked the Ming army and first stormed the Ming army. When the Ming army began to collapse, the Jiannu cavalry began to cover up. No matter how large the Ming army was, it could not stand the construction. In such a hunt, only a few Ming troops can escape. Most of the Ming armies are either killed on the spot or can only kneel down and surrender to Jiannu.

Today, the Yu family's cavalry also used this kind of tactics, but they have one more method, that is, they have double-tube flint hair* in their hands. Before rushing, they can kill a group of spearmen who threaten them the most before the enemy array and open the channel for them to step on the battle.

These 700 or 800 rebels were unlucky. They were killed by the cavalry of the Yu family, who turned over their horses, abandoned their armor, and defeated the army. In just ten minutes, they were almost slaughtered by the cavalry company of the Yu family army. Only a few people with horses, such as the rebels, were able to continue to escape for their lives, but in this situation Moreover, there are few opportunities for them to escape.

This battle can be said to be the cavalry of the Yu family. After arriving at Denglai, the most wonderful battle. They only paid the price of a few casualties and killed hundreds of rebels. The results of the battle were so brilliant that even they themselves felt incredible.

It can be said that this standard cavalry assault battle created the first small glory of the family's cavalry, and also set up a standard model, thoroughly testing the results of their previous trainings.

After defeating the rebels, the Yu's cavalry did not continue to advance quickly towards Laizhou City. Because Yu Xiaotian had an order, they were not allowed to act without authorization. He only asked them to knock on the rebels first and let the rebels know that his family's army had come. If they went forward, the rebels had a few Thousands of soldiers and horses gathered under the city of Laizhou. Once they go too deep, I'm afraid they will be surrounded by the rebels. In that case, the only mobile force of the family army may be damaged here.

No matter how powerful an army is, if there is no fast mobile force as an auxiliary force, it can only be a huge but clumsy monster. In addition to its rough skin and thick flesh, it can only passively defend. To put it badly, it can only sit and wait to be beaten.

Therefore, this cavalry is very important for Xiaotian. Once it is lost, he will lose a lot. I'm afraid that he will not be able to build such a strong cavalry team for a long time.

So when he sent this cavalry as a vanguard to Laizhou, he had already given a dead order not to rush forward alone, only to attack on the periphery, and not to fight head-on with the main force of the enemy cavalry. The premise of annihilating the enemy was to ensure their own safety.

This time, Yu Xiaotian chose to rush to Laizhou City on this day. It was not that he expected in advance that the rebels would use fraudulent surrender to cheat Laizhou City to open the door. His historical knowledge was not so rich. Although he also vaguely remembers that Kong Youde used fraudulent surrender schemes and cheated Zhu Wannian out of Laizhou City, which eventually led to Zhu Killed for ten thousand years.

But he can't remember when Kong Youde used this plan, so he didn't plan to save Zhu Wannian at this time.

However, just two days ago, several scouts who were sent to Laizhou for activities grabbed two tongues. Unexpectedly, one of them was a general of the rebels. After interrogation, he learned that Kong Youde cheated Laizhou City to open the door with fraud when he was going to celebrate Qixi Festival.

Yu Xiaotian still admires Zhu Wannian, because in history, Zhu Wannian was a very loyal person. Although he also guessed that the rebels might be fraudulently surrendered, in order to occupy the justice, he still went out of the city without hesitation and was surrendered, and was controlled by the rebels.

Kong Youde sent people to escort Zhu Wannian to open the gate and ordered the defenders of Laizhou City to give up resistance, but Zhu Wannian did not obey. He scolded Kong Youde and other rebels under the city, and ordered the defenders not to open the door and surrender. He even killed the thief bravely. He may even be the first person in the world to call out to fire at me, and finally angered the rebels. The army killed him.

After Zhu Wannian was killed, the defenders fired a lot of artillery and successfully repelled the rebel siege again. No matter what Yu Xiaotian thought of the Ming officials, he still admired such a man as Zhu Wannian.

After learning the news, Yu Xiaotian did not continue to delay, but ordered the whole army to start march at full speed, and sent two cavalry companies as the pilots to Laizhou City, in order to rush to the vicinity of Laizhou City on the morning of the Qixi Festival to have a contact exchange of fire with the rebels. This is already He can do the most. As for whether he can save Zhu Wannian at a critical moment, it depends on Zhu Wannian's luck.

So the cavalry company was ordered to immediately accelerate to Laizhou City and successfully rushed to a place about ten miles south of Laizhou City on the morning of Qixi Festival. They encountered such a small group of rebels and took advantage of the opportunity to annihilate this group of rebels here.

This move also coincided with Zhu Wannian's departure from the city, which detonated the rebel's plan and exposed its fraudulent surrender plan in advance. As a result, Zhu Wannian was not caught by the rebels and saved Zhu Wannian's life.

The action of Yu's army also completely angered Kong Youde. Kong Youde immediately sent General Chen to lead the rebel elite cavalry to the scene of the accident to intercept the Yu family's cavalry.

After defeating this small group of rebels, the cavalry company of Yu's army did not continue to move quickly towards Laizhou City. Instead, after cleaning up the battlefield, cut off some people's heads, and then rested on the spot to restore their strength, because they knew very well that the rebels would definitely get it immediately after the war. When the news comes, as expected, elites will be sent immediately.

So if they continue to ride their horses, whether they are horses or generals, they will be tired. In that case, once they encounter the enemy's elite cavalry brigade, they may be entangled by the enemy and can't get out and can only fight to the death. This is not the result that Yu Xiaotian wants.

After they got off the horse and fed water and some refined materials to the horse, the cavalry loosened the belt of the horse and led them slowly to relax the horse and get a better rest. They also took out dry food. After eating some, they all carried coconut shell kettles or bamboo tube water. Pot, drink some water.

It didn't take long for a while to raise a piece of dust in the direction of Laizhou City, and the scouts who monitored the enemy at a high place immediately shouted, "Three miles to the north, there are a large rebel cavalry coming towards our position at a high speed!"

"All of them have it. Prepare for the horse and get on the horse! We should go! Haha!" The two company commanders of the cavalry company shouted loudly and laughed loudly.

Today, they have won a battle, and there is no need to stay here and fight with the enemy to the end. Now that a large number of enemy elite cavalry have been killed, their task has been completed. The next step is to retreat and successfully get rid of these rebel cavalry, if they can lead them to the main force. If it's Ma's side, it will be better.

So when the rebels were about one or more away from them, all the cavalry of the Yu family packed up the saddles of the war horse, turned over the war horse, and under the leadership of the officers, turned the horse's head and galloped towards the road with a large number of people.

Rebel general Chen sometimes saw the cavalry of the Yu family army from afar. He was angry that there was smoke on his head and repeatedly urged his men to speed up and kill all the damn Fujian cavalry to vent their hatred.

But just as they were about to catch up with the Fujian cavalry, the Fujian cavalry began to get on the horse and turn their heads towards them.

Chen is sometimes even more angry. What's the matter? You don't come late, but you came here at this time to ruin my good deeds and killed so many of us. Now that I'm here, you are going to run away. It's simply unreasonable.

So he immediately ordered to pursue at full speed and not let the Fujian cavalry escape, and must kill them all.

So more than a thousand rebel cavalry, shouting one by one, like chicken blood, desperately urged the war horses and chased after the Yu family's cavalry company.

And Yujia's cavalry company immediately accelerated to escape, but the physical strength of the horses of the two sides showed a difference.

(Today, I would like to thank the Nannan language brothers for their reward! It's almost the end of the month. Ask for a few more monthly tickets to hit the monthly ticket list. It's better to be in the top 50! The requirements are not too high! He)