Daming Haiku

Chapter 135 Transfer Support

As soon as Yu Xiaotian's words fell, the Chinese army's order flag immediately waved and flew to convey his order. It had already lined up behind the team to cover the two cavalry companies behind the side of the military formation. Suddenly, there was a loud shout.

Hundreds of horses immediately began to hiss and began to launch together. They bypassed the infantry phalanx of the Yu family army and rushed into the battlefield like an iron stream. Although their troops were not many, only about 500 people, they were as powerful as a rainbow at this time, showing an unprecedented hegemony and creating a momentum. The irresistible momentum rushed into the battlefield, bit the tail of the rebels, and began a shocking massacre.

At this moment, the rebels have been exhausted, mentally broken, have no will to fight, and their morale has fallen. At this time, all the rebels are only concerned about turning around and running towards the way. How can they count the troops to hunt down their enemies? At this time, they have discarded everything that can be discarded one by one. With the strength to breastfeed, he began to escape desperately.

And when they put their buttocks in front of the cavalry, they were doomed.

The cavalry of Yu's army was useless. They directly took off the riding gun in the saddle and chased the rebels under their armpits. With a slight wrench, they put the sharp horse * into the back of the rebel general, and then threw the gun, and then pulled out the saber. The cavalry roared one by one, like a dead sickle. The knife began to harvest the lives of the rebels on a large scale.

Wherever the war horses went, the rebels turned their horses upside down, and the snowy knives flew up and down, bringing up a mass of blood fog and flying heads and limbs.

The pursuit of the cavalry aggravated the chaos of the rebels. The rebels began to flee collectively. Under the pursuit of the cavalry, they were soon cut to pieces. Many rebels were stunned and did not know where it was safer to run. There seemed to be the shouts of the Fujian cavalry, which made them confused. Like a headless fly, it began to run around on the battlefield.

The cavalry of Yu's army gradually divided into several small cavalry teams from the initial collective pursuit and rushed around in the battlefield alternately. Where there were more rebels gathered, they killed the whole rebel group in pieces, which can be said to be like entering no man's land, and it was almost difficult for their men. There is a general.

A large number of rebels, like grass mustard, were constantly harvested by their death sickle, and became a corpse lying on the battlefield, exclaiming and screaming, and ringing through the sky.

The infantry phalanx of Yu's army also began to change at this time. About four companies of light infantry companies broke away from the array and rushed into the battlefield. Some followed the cavalry to pursue the enemy, and some personnel rushed into the battlefield, first collected useful armor, gathered, and then began to harvest people's heads.

A large number of wounded rebels fell on the battlefield. At this time, it is impossible to treat them, so they can only be sent back to the west as soon as possible, which is also a kind of kindness.

Until this time, Yu Xiaotian ordered Wang Hong to lead his Sichuan soldiers to enter the battlefield and assist a small number of light infantry to clean the battlefield, but the two sides had something to say first. Once the Yu family army won on the battlefield and the Sichuan soldiers entered the battlefield to help clean up the battlefield, all the captured materials and heads belonged to the family army. .

But after the war, Yu Xiaotian promised to give 20% of the materials he had captured to the Sichuan soldiers. As for the head, he could give it to Wang Hong one to 20% according to the situation, so that Wang Hong would look back.

Wang Hong got such a big advantage that he didn't have to fight to the death. He could get so many benefits just by leading his troops to clean the battlefield. Therefore, of course, he dared not release one more fart. After being allowed to enter the battlefield, he strictly ordered his men to obey the orders of the soldiers of the army and concentrate the captured heads and materials first. Get up, transport it back to the military camp, and share the stolen goods afterwards.

Of course, his order can't be carried out well. When many Sichuan soldiers enter the battlefield, they will more or less hide some trophies. The worst thing is to collect some scattered silver from the bodies of the rebels and hide them in their arms, replace the broken weapons in their hands with better things. If they encounter armor. The rebels directly stripped their armor and put them on themselves, but they all took some advantage.

The generals of Yu's army did not agree, so they scolded them loudly on the battlefield and even scolded these guys loudly. However, such rebuked and scolding did not have a good effect. Among them, some of the soldiers in Sichuan soldiers even had a small-scale conflict and confrontation with some of the soldiers of Yu's army.

Wang Hong's face is very ugly. He knows that they have taken advantage of it today. Yu Xiaotian can be said to have given him enough face, but these disappointing things under him are so shameless that they still want to take a bigger advantage, and even dare to draw a knife for the soldiers of the family army.

So Wang Hong felt that if he could not even deal with this, he would not have the face to see Yu Xiaotian, so he immediately sent his own soldiers, and even went into battle in person. When he found that there was a conflict between his subordinates and the soldiers of the Yu family army, he rushed over and slashed people without saying a knife. Of course, he only dared to cut his men, for the Yu family Those men of the army absolutely dare not be rude. On the contrary, he is busy making amends and appease these proud soldiers of the army.

Of course, Yu Xiaotian also expected this situation, but he is also trying to use this incident to see how Wang Hong is. If Wang Hong protects his shortcomings everywhere and wants to continue to take advantage of him on the battlefield, then he will want Wang Hong to look good and have many ways to deal with Wang Hong in the future.

So after ordering Wang Hong to lead his troops into the battlefield and clean up the battlefield, he began to lead his troops to the left.

Yu's military phalanx is not chaotic and keeps advancing towards the west of the battlefield at a uniform speed. Although the speed is not fast, it is very stable and does not leave any opportunity for the rebels. As for the rebels who have been defeated later, it is no longer worrying now. At least today and many days in the next, these people will not be able to recover their combat strength. .

After repeatedly cutting the rebels, the cavalry tore up the rebels, encircled nearly 2,000 rebels, and drove them to the Sichuan soldiers like ducks.

These rebels had already been scared out of their courage at this time. They had long lost their weapons, like a flock of sheep, and were driven by the cavalry of the Yu family and circled them to the Sichuan soldiers. A company of light infantry of the Yu family army took over them first and made them all squat on the ground with their heads, making the rebels above the general flag. The officers stood up and took them away from the team alone. As long as these officers were strangled, the remaining rebels would be leaderless, and no one dared to come.

At this time, the Sichuan soldiers came up, circled the remaining rebels, drove them back to the camp, and left some people to watch them.

The cavalry company did not continue to pursue the remaining escaped rebels, but chased the main infantry phalanx that had begun to advance towards the west battlefield, protected both sides of the infantry phalanx, and headed for the next battlefield.

And the bodies of the wounded soldiers and fallen soldiers in their team have been sent away from the battlefield at the fastest speed and sent back to the medical camp in the army camp for treatment or cleaning and convergence.

Such an orderly organization of the battlefield made Zhu Dadian and other Chinese soldiers who watched the battle in the rear amazed and nodded and praised them repeatedly. This is the most beautiful battlefield organization they have ever seen in their lives, changing from attack to defense, and then chasing again, and then cleaning up the battlefield and transferring their casualties on their brothers. It can be said that everything Yu Jiajun did was interlinked, and there was no chaos.

If this is done by other soldiers, even if they can win, it is estimated that it will become a pot of porridge at this time. I'm afraid that they will not be able to get together and continue to fight for a long time.

However, after completing these actions, Yu Jiajun began to turn into the march and drive towards the west battlefield. With such a ability, even the standard battalion general brought by Zhu Dadian could only nod to show his admiration and ask himself that he could not do this.

Kong Youde was originally leading troops to storm the array of Shandong soldiers and Zhejiang soldiers. Shandong soldiers and Zhejiang soldiers were retreating steadily, and even began to show signs of collapse. He was happy in his heart. He thought that Yu finally did not add trouble to him this time. After he defeated these Shandong soldiers and Zhejiang soldiers first, Yu Xiaotian will also be alone at that time. As long as he drags down the formula, he will always drag down the fighting spirit of these Fujian soldiers.

However, just as he was about to gather troops to give the most violent blow to the Shandong and Zhejiang soldiers and completely defeat them, guns began to fire on the southern battlefield, and shouts of killing came from there. Soon after, he heard that the army moved and began to attack his men in the south. Army.

So his heart suddenly thumped and became nervous. These days, he has fully learned the strength of the Yu family army, which is not only super sharp firearms, but also the general Ji Senyan and boldly fights well. It can be said that he has only seen the strongest opponent in his life.

In the past, what he was most worried about was that the court would send the Guanning army outside the customs to suppress him, because those Guanning army had many cavalry and strong combat power, no less than his old troops of the Dongjiang army. Moreover, the Guanning army has eaten up the benefits given to them by the court over the years, with the most complete armor and the largest number of war horses. The soldiers are full of food.

Although Guan Ningjun has little achievements against Jiannu, he has to admit that they are the best in the Ming army.

However, the imperial court did not transfer Guan Ning's army into Guan and came to suppress him. Instead, it transferred Fujian soldiers from thousands of miles away to Shandong to suppress him.

Although these Fujian soldiers don't have many cavalry, a small number of cavalry are still quite elite. The most terrible thing is their infantry. These marches are closely arrayed, the cooperation is very close, and the firearms are extremely sharp. They are simply hedgehogs that can breathe fire, which makes him unable to deal with them at all.

(It's against the sky, it's really against the sky! Today, with the strong support of the brothers, it actually rushed to the top 30 of the total monthly ticket list and the second place in the historical monthly ticket list! It really surprised me! Even if you die, you can close your eyes! Even if I can't maintain this ranking this month, I feel satisfied! In addition, today's new friend Bandit Brother's song brother gave a blockbuster reward, plus the old friend Eagle Wu Brothers's heavy reward, and the old friend Damoxiao Xifeng Brothers' reward. Of course, you can't forget the zcf9527 friend's reward. No matter how much, I am very grateful for the cold wind! Among other things, let's go out three times today to thank you for your help! If you have a monthly ticket, please continue to support it!! This is the first update! Update two more chapters in the afternoon!)