Daming Haiku

Chapter 142 Reopening of the Waterway

A few days later, after some discussion, the imperial edict was sent to Laizhou City, giving praise to Zhu Dadian, Yu Xiaotian and others, giving Xiaotian a hereditary Jinyi Weiqian general position, and rewarding him with a thousand taels of silver. In addition, he rewarded Xiaotian with a set of gold and bright armor, which was a reward for Yu Xiaotian.

For Xiaotian, this money is simply pocket money, which makes him look down on him at all, but this also represents Chongzhen's current attitude towards him, indicating that Chongzhen is still very satisfied with him now.

As for others, such as Xu Congzhi, who is now dead due to injury, the court also gave them a lot of care. In addition, Xie Lian, the governor of Denglai, who guarded Laizhou City, Zhu Wannian, the governor of Laizhou, Yang Yufan, the general of Denglai, and others, naturally encouraged them.

In addition, arrangements were also made for Zhu Dadian's inquiry about how to deal with the rebel generals. The captured rebels were sent to the capital for interrogation. For the other rebels, they were treated with leniency and sent them back to their place of origin. Some of them could be recruited into the army. For those Liaodong people who were thieves among them, Shandong is required to be resettled, and they will not be allowed to rebel again.

This kind of thing originally had nothing to do with Yu Xiaotian, but Xiaotian really got involved. Among the rebels captured this time, a considerable group of them were from Liaodong, and some of them were soldiers or residents of the Dongjiang Army. They knew a lot about the situation in Liaodong.

In addition, there are a large number of local people and old soldiers in Shandong who are surrounded by the rebels. The people who can survive in this troubled world are basically the best young people. These people are quite good labor force. After selection, some people can completely brainwash them into the army. These people are all seen Once the bloody operation is good, he can compile a group of tough pawns for his use.

So Yu Xiaotian has been thinking about this group of people for a long time. Now the imperial edict is to ask Zhu Dadian to properly settle these people. This is a big trouble for Zhu Dadian. It costs money to demobilize and resettle these prisoners. Shandong local finance itself has exhausted its inventory because of this Denglai chaos. Now it can In other words, whether it is the treasury or the treasury, it has been lost for a long time, and the mouse can cry out when it goes in.

Zhu Dadian can be said to be quite difficult to settle these prisoners. If he wants to be lazy and save trouble, he can push these things down and make the prefectures settle them by themselves. However, there are a large number of Liaodong people and Denglai people among the rebels. Liaodong is occupied by Jiannu, and Dongjiang Town is also even poorer, and Now the Dongjiang Army is also fighting with each other, and they will definitely not be repatriated.

Needless to say, although Laizhou has been relieved of the siege, looking at these places, except for a few cities that are still in the hands of the government, the countryside outside the city has already been destroyed by the rebels. Few villages and towns have been spared and returned to their hometowns. These people can't make a living. It must be too late. Early on, they will either continue to follow the thief or fall into the grass as a bandit. These people are all bloody guys. Once they fall into the grass as a bandit and do the horse business, the Shandong boundary will be more lively after that.

Zhu Dadian has a headache for this. Although the court has a decree, some of them can be willing to join the army and join the court for use.

However, the military generals are not enthusiastic, because these people are not credible. In addition, they don't want to have too many soldiers and horses to feed too many soldiers and horses. They have to spend money. These prisoners are not from military households and have land for them, especially Zhejiang soldiers and Sichuan soldiers, and they don't want to accept this. Some soldiers from different places, so all departments reacted coldly.

Although Yang Yubo, the general of Denglai, is currently short of soldiers, he does not want these rebels who have been enemies with him, so that how to settle these tens of thousands of prisoners has become a big problem faced by Zhu Dadian.

At this time, Yu Xiaotian pretended to solve Zhu Dadian's problems and said that he could solve this problem for Zhu Dadian.

How could Zhu Dadian not know that Yu Xiaotian still occupied Taiwan Yuan Island? Over the years, he has tried to recruit immigrants to Taiwan Yuan Island. Hearing that Yu Xiaotian was willing to receive these prisoners, he was immediately overjoyed and directly threw these prisoners to Yu Xiaotian.

Although these people are all labor. At present, Denglai and other places have been destroyed by the rebels, and people's livelihood has withered. It will definitely require manpower to recover afterwards, but that's all in the future. If these people can't handle it well, there will still be chaos. Yu Xiaotian is now willing to work hard to get rid of these people. That pair In the future, Denglai and the stability of Shandong will play a good role.

So Zhu Dadian secretly agreed to Yu Xiaotian's proposal to deal with these prisoners. Yu Xiaotian immediately sent people to take over the prison camp and began to screen the prisoners. First, he removed some of the ferocious soldiers and scum, and then ordered the rest of the battalions to be sent to float in batches. On the other side of the mountain, it will be transported by ship in batches.

It really took a lot of time to deal with these things, and the food consumption is also very large, but Yu Xiaotian doesn't care about this. Now his men will send large ships to the north every day to transfer the hungry refugees here. When they come, the ship transports a large number of food and various ammunition materials. When he goes back, Then fill the personnel and send these people to Haitan Island for an early quarantine, and then assign them.

So Yu Xiaotian is currently hoarding a lot of food on the side of Fushan, including Yangma Island, and there is no pressure to feed so many people.

Although others are a little strange about Zhu Dadian's disposal of the prisoners to Yu Xiaotian, it is better to do more than to do less. Everyone also turns a blind eye and is too lazy to ask, so as to avoid such trouble falling on them.

In this way, Yu Xiaotian spent more than ten days outside Laizhou to deal with these prisoners.

Immediately, Zhu Dadian received another batch of transferred military food and began to supervise the eastward again, preparing to defeat Dengzhou and completely solve the rebels in Dengzhou.

Xishan Village has been invaded by the rebels since the New Year. After several fierce fights with the rebels, it has completely gained prestige, forcing the rebels to bow their heads and dare not find trouble in Xishan Village again. Even the two sides secretly engaged in population sales. The rebels transported "life mouths" to Xishan Village all day long.

Xishan Village used grain or silver to settle the rebels in exchange for these raw mouths in the hands of the rebels. There has been no conflict between the two sides for a period of time.

However, after the beginning of spring and March, the sea ice gradually began to melt, which made the relationship between the two sides tense again. While the rebels seized Dengzhou City, they also captured a large number of naval warships frozen in Dengzhou Water City.

Although these warships were burned and sank some of the ships by Zhang Keda, the commander of Dengzhou before the rebels broke through the water city, they still left many usable warships.

In addition, the rebels also lured the officers and soldiers into defrauding a group of officers and soldiers. After they landed, they seized their ships, so that the rebels immediately controlled a large number of warships and had a strong water warfare ability.

Although the quality and performance of the naval warships in the north can't be compared with Yu Xiaotian's naval warships, in Bohai Bay, in addition to Huanglong, Dongjiang Town, who also controls some warships, the rebel naval forces are already quite powerful.

With the thawing of the sea ice in Bohai Bay in the early spring, the rebel sailors regained their ability to go to sea, which is not good news for Xishan Village and Yangma Island.

The reason why the rebels dare not bother them during this period is that they are afraid of the fighting power they have, but once the sea ice melts, the rebels can take warships to attack Yangma Island from the sea.

After all, there is only one soil enclosure on Yangma Island, and its defense ability is not strong. It is all up to the Yujia army infantry and seamen stationed in the earth enclosure on the island to guard here, supplemented by some temporary township bravery to defend Yangma Island soil enclosures.

Once a large number of rebels attack Tuweizi from the sea, the defensive pressure will become great for them. After all, the number of cannons here is extremely limited, and there is also a Xishan village to defend. There are only two 12-pound guns in Tuweizi. No matter how powerful it is, it can't withstand many rebel ships. Many.

Just as Liu Di and Wu Shengtian were worried about this, several ships with high sea wolf flags finally appeared in the eastern waters of Yangma Island.

At this time, Liu Di and Wu Shengtian suddenly put their hearts in their stomachs. It seems that they have not forgotten these people and have always been paying attention to the situation here. As soon as the sea ice began to melt and the channel basically restored its navigation capacity, they sent the warship here.

In addition to several warships, there are also a large number of cargo ships followed. The hulls of these ships are quite large, basically seven or eight hundred sand ships or lucky boats, with a strong loading capacity. This kind of large ship is difficult to see in the north. The largest warship in the hands of the rebels is only about 200, basically There are only some sumas with about 100 materials, which are placed in front of these warships and cargo ships of sea wolves, just like toys.

At this time, nearly 30,000 refugees had been hoarded in the enclosure of Yangma Island. If the Sea Wolf Group had not delivered a large amount of food in advance before winter, I'm afraid there would have been out of food here.

Even so, the food ration in the soil enclosure of Yangma Island has been cut in half during this period to ensure that a large number of people will not starve to death before they get new supplies.

So little food is only enough for these refugees to maintain the most basic heat supply and not to die of cold and starvation. Most people can barely live by relying on this food and lie in the enclosure all day to reduce consumption.

So when they saw a large number of ships coming, Liu Di and Wu Shengtian almost fainted and quickly took people to the dock to welcome the ships this time.

(Today, I would like to thank the good book 130 and Yiye Zhichunqiu for their rewards! By the way, continue to ask for monthly tickets! If you don't have a monthly ticket, you can also make a red ticket! Ha ha! I haven't seen my book on the red list!)