Daming Haiku

Chapter 26 Fight to the Death

When the fight arrived in front of the Yu family's army and was brought to Yu Xiaotian. After telling Dorton's idea to Xiaotian, Yu Xiaotian laughed wildly.

Through this guy's tone, Yu Xiaotian has determined that Dorge and other slave chiefs have no fighting spirit at this time, and the arrogance when he no longer returned to the customs has completely lost the courage to defeat his family. So what else is he nervous about?

So he immediately rejected the conditions put forward by Dorgan and ordered the guy who came to negotiate to go back and tell Dorgan not to dream anymore. He wanted him to let Yu Xiaotian give way and let these construction slaves to carry so many Ming people out of the customs without even a door!

If Dorgan wants to get out of the customs, then let him go. Yu Xiaotian promised to give him a chance to fight a fair decisive battle. Three days later, he led his troops to the battle. Ten miles south of Tianjin Wei, let Dorgan also bring all the soldiers and horses he could bring. The two sides let go and fight. The winner is the loser is the banditer, and he is willing to gamble and lose. !

If Yu Xiaotian's Yu Jiajun wins, then Jiannu will leave his life behind. If Jiannu wins, he will give up Tianjin Wei and let them escape.

The envoy brought the news back to Dornon. Dornon's nose was crooked and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood on the spot. Dorgan has not been so despised since he joined the army with his father at the age of 14, and today's surname Yu actually doesn't pay attention to him so much, which is really hateful.

At this time, even if Dorge has the intention to give up so many people and goods, it is not possible to escape by detour. If he chooses to abandon so many things obtained at this time, even if he escapes, he will not be good. Who has been afraid of the army of slaves for so many years?

In the fierce battle a few days ago, Yu Jiajun hid behind the defense line they built, relying on the chest wall to shoot confidently and boldly, defeating the offensive he launched repeatedly without fear. Relying on their superior firepower, their Qing army was unable to fight.

But this time Yu Xiaotian took the initiative to lead the army to fight to the death with him in the wild, so what else is he afraid of? In the wild of Yima Pingchuan, they have the most elite cavalry in the world, and they have far more troops than their opponents. Even if the family army or firearms are fierce, is it possible that he can't beat the family army? Even if it is piled up, Yu Jiajun will be piled up to death.

So even if Dorgan made up his mind, three days later, according to Yu Xiaotian, he fought to the death with the Yu family army ten miles on the west bank of the canal in the south of Tianjin.

At the same time, in the palace of Beijing, Chongzhen was in a dilemma, and he was completely confused by Yu Xiaotian.

Yu Xiaotian suddenly led the army to seize Tianjin Wei, which made him sure that Yu Xiaotian was going to rebel. Previously, Yu Xiaotian said in his memorial that he would lead the army to stop Jiannu from leaving the customs and claimed that he would fight to the death with Jiannu. This is not only Chongzhenquan as Yu Xiaotian farting, and people in the court were waiting for several people. They all take Yu Xiaotian's words as bullshit, and no one believes it's true.

Although Yu Xiaotian roared and led 30,000 to 40,000 troops to seize Tianjin Wei, no one believed that he dared to fight against Tianjin Wei with Jiannu on his own.

After thinking of this, many people began to feel a little cold again, thinking that either Yu Xiaotian was crazy or he just said casually to gain some fame for him.

So these days, the people's discussion on this matter has gradually become flat, and many people have begun to wait and see. After all, Yu Xiaotian is just talking about it, or he really wants to meet Jiannu.

When Du Du's troops arrived at Tianjin Wei and attacked fiercely for two consecutive days. After the news that he was defeated by Yu Jiajun and failed to break through Tianjin Wei came out, the hearts of the people were once again ignited. This is the only good news they have heard in half a year. Originally, many people had thought that the slogan Yu Xiaotian called out was just for Just earn some hearts for himself. With the strength of the family army, they should not fight to the death with Jiannu.

However, I didn't expect that Yu Jiajun really fulfilled his promise and blocked Jiannu's way out of the customs. It is said that he also killed thousands of Jiannu, and even built a Beijing view with Jiannu's head before the two armies.

Thousands of slaves! These are thousands of slaves! Since Daming rebelled, he has not heard of such a victory for many years. I don't know how many people's dream of building a Beijing with the head of Jiannu. However, in the Ming Dynasty, no one has ever done this for decades. Unexpectedly, it was done by Yu Xiaotian in Tianjin Wei.

As soon as the news came out, the government and the opposition suddenly became boiling. At this time, Yu Xiaotian sent someone to send a report to the court, in which he claimed that he had won a great victory in Tianjin Wei and annihilated thousands of Jiannu. At present, his salary was close to the bottom, and he hoped that the court would immediately allocate food and salary to Zi continued to block the remaining main force of the Jiannu army in Tianjin.

Moreover, in the midst of the play, Chen asked the court. The construction of the slave army is strong. At present, the main force of the Jiannu army is about to reach Tianjin Wei. With his own strength, I'm afraid that it will be difficult to support. Therefore, Chen invited the court and quickly sent other officers and soldiers to cooperate with the construction of the construction slave army to attack the slave army in one fell swoop. The army was destroyed in the Tianjin Wei area.

After Chongzhen received this play, it was disgusting in his heart! He has almost seen this Yu Xiaotian thoroughly now. Where is this guy fighting Jiannu? The whole thing is to add obstacles to him and come to the north to buy people's hearts.

Yu Xiaotian said that his food and salary was not good, and this matter could only deceive ordinary people. Chongzhen would not easily believe it in any case. If he allocated food and salary to him, he would be the enemy. As long as he was not crazy, he would never be fooled by this.

In addition, as for Yu Xiaotian's request for help, Chongzhen is not interested in talking about it. Nowadays, whether it is Jiannu or Yu Xiaotian, it is his great illness. It is really a rare opportunity for these two groups to bump into each other. No matter who killed whom, it is a good thing for Daming, and it can remove him one. It's too late for him to be happy! How can you send troops to this muddy water?

So Chongzhen directly ignored Yu Xiaotian's report and immediately left it and left it on the desk. Instead, he quietly summoned some important ministers to secretly discuss how to deal with the current situation, and told these ministers about Xiaotian's request for help.

(Special thanks to the three brothers who laugh at the spring breeze, the wind is my soul, and the murder of loneliness! Shouting the monthly ticket, where is the monthly ticket?)