Daming Haiku

Chapter 33 Final Battle 4

When the long gunner squatted down, * hands were not blocked, and a row of * hands still came forward one after another, continuing to shoot at the front of the two armies, flying rows of bullets to the battlefield like poison bees, tearing anything that blocked them along the way and harvesting lives.

At this time, the atmosphere on the battlefield has been extremely tense. A large number of Jiannu rolled towards the front line of the Yu's army. The row cars collapsed in the artillery fire, and shells fell into the battlefield one by one, opening out of bloody alleys and rows of bullets, harvesting all the lives in front of them, regardless of noble and lowly. No level.

In less than an hour, the first batch of armored soldiers and Han soldiers who were thrown into the battlefield also had a large number of cloth slaves and people. At this time, most of them had fallen to the ground. Even if they were not dead or injured, many people lay on the ground and dared not look up.

A large number of fierce slaves kept trying to rush to the front of the Yu family army, but under the cover of the loss of the rover, their charge was only in vain, like being cut to the ground by the bullets shot by the Yu family army like mowing the grass.

This is simply a one-sided massacre. In the absence of weapons that can compete with the Yu family army, this positive charge is simply a suicidal charge.

Yu Xiaotian quietly looked at the tragic scene in front of him and suddenly remembered that a movie he had seen a long time ago seemed to be a war scene shown in Burning the Old Summer Palace. A large number of Qing cavalry and infantry used simple cold weapons in dense formation towards the modern era of the Eight-Nation. The infantry array charged, but under the intensive artillery fire of the Eight-nation Alliance, it was almost completely destroyed.

But now is the 17th century, and he staged such a scene here by Yu Xiaotian, and the scene is far more than a thousand times more than what was shown in the film.

This is a very unfair decisive battle. His family's army uses weapons, equipment and tactics that are far more than 100 or even 200 years old in this era, but Jiannu still uses ancient tactics, which is no longer the gap that courage and strength can be filled.

Looking at the wanton slaughter of so many lives by his own men, Yu Xiaotian did not feel any guilt or pity, because he knew what enemies he was facing today, which was one of the most brutal enemies encountered in the history of the Chinese nation. The brutality of these slaves can be said to be infiltable.

Yangzhou Shiyi, Jiading three slaughter, Suzhou slaughter, Nanchang slaughter, Ganzhou slaughter, Jiangyin slaughter, Kunshan slaughter, Jiaxing slaughter, Haining slaughter, Jinan slaughter, Jinhua slaughter, Xiamen slaughter, Chaozhou slaughter, Yuanjiang slaughter, Zhoushan slaughter, Xiangtan slaughter, Nanxiong slaughter, Jing County slaughter, Datong slaughter, Fenzhou , Taigu, Bizhou, Zezhou, etc.

These tragic massacres, millions of Chinese people fell under the slaughter knives of these slaves, and countless innocent people were slaughtered by them wantonly.

After Jiannu controlled the world, he was still closed to himself, dragging the whole Chinese nation into a situation that lags behind the world. A hundred years later, the Chinese nation suffered unprecedented humiliation.

So today he brought troops here for only one purpose, which is to completely change this history and completely sweep this group of brutal slaves into the garbage heap of history.

Today, he used the decisive battle in the wild slave as bait to lure Jiannu to fight. It can be said that it was right in his arms. Although the slave army was fierce, it was still an old-style army. Even if the organizational discipline was far beyond the Ming army, the limitations of the times made them unable to have stronger combat power.

And under the leadership of his super bug, his Yu Jiajun has the technical and tactical advantages of the super era. The military's food is enough to wait for work. How can he not achieve such a result?

Seeing batches of Jiannu fall under the artillery fire of his army, he only felt waves of relief, but there was no burden of conscience at all.

If you want to completely solve the big problem of building slaves outside the customs in a short time, then these construction slaves must die. Such a massacre is related to the stability and prosperity of the Chinese nation for hundreds of years in the future, so only one slaughter can be stable for a long time.

When the Jiannu cavalry rushed to the front of the family army fiercely, they also again suffered the baptism of artillery that the previous troops suffered. At this time, the artillerymen of the family army had already shaken their arms and sweated profusely to operate their artillery, as if they had been crazy, and their faces showed fanaticism. The look.

At this time, some cannons have been hot, so they directly took water, wet their cotton-padded clothes, wiped the barrel, and forcibly cooled the barrel in order to shoot more shells.

Although it is dangerous, it is also a feasible way to do so. Even if it reduces the life of these guns, it is not enough to take care of it at this time.

There are too many slaves to kill. They are rolling in like a tide. If they can't kill them as much as possible, the infantry front will be under greater pressure.

So at this time, the artillerymen were almost in a state of madness, continuously firing fiercely, and the loud sound of artillery made many artillerymen' ears buzz at this time, but at this time, no one took care of this matter, pulling their necks, shouting, and constantly struggling to reset the cannons, and then Clean up the cannon and reload it at an almost crazy speed.

Countless shells roared to the battlefield and hit the battlefield heavily. Then they raised a mass of blood fog and opened up blood alleys. A large number of slave cavalry were torn to pieces with horses in front of the shells, and people were beaten upside down.

But Jiannu is also crazy at this time. They know that if they can't tear up the front of the family army today, what fate will be waiting for them? They are also human beings, and there are also their wives and children outside the gate looking forward to their return.

But if they don't defeat this group of Yu's army, they will be buried in the gate and can no longer return to their home outside the gate.

So at this time, they also took out all their courage, put their bodies on the horse's back as tightly as possible, desperately urged the sitting horses, and shouted forward and rushed forward.

More than 10,000 slaves and Mongolian cavalry, like a black torrent, swept across the battlefield, across the corpses and broken rovers of the ground, stepped on the ground with dust and dust, and even trampled some of the wounded who were still whining into meat and mud on the spot.

Although shells continue to fall into their crowd, and almost every shell has to harvest several of their lives, it still can't stop them from pouring towards the Yujia army line.

The speed of the cavalry far exceeded the speed of infantry propulsion. It only took them a few minutes to rush to the front of the army.

And it was also at this time that the artillery of the Yu family army completely smashed the last few rowing cars, and the last batch of slaves who were still trying to charge forward were also knocked to the ground by Yu's army's platoon guns.

In the area more than 100 steps in front of the front of the army, it has almost become a hell on earth. A large number of corpses of slave soldiers have piled up here, and some places have even piled up into more than half-human-high corpses. Human blood trickles out of the corpses, gathered on the ground to form a blood-red stream, and then flow again. Enter some low-lying places and gather into a blood pool.

The air is filled with the disgusting smell of blood, mixed with the smell of choking smoke, not to mention how bad it is, but now no one can care about this, because the cavalry have rushed to this death line at this time.

The * hands who had just defeated the marching charge, and even couldn't even take a breath, and then ushered in a more cruel battle, continuing to fill their ammunition for the fire that had begun to burn.

With the arrival of the cavalry, rows of * roared again on the front line of the Yu family army, and rows of bombs swept across the battlefield again.

The cavalry who rushed to the front seemed to hit an invisible wall in an instant. Suddenly, they turned upside down. The injured war horses jumped up sadly, hit the ground one after another, and threw the Jiannu or Mongolian cavalry on their back heavily out.

Many cavalry were caught off guard and were heavily used to the ground. Even if they were broken, they could no longer climb up. These Jiannu cavalry are quite well equipped. Through so many years of continuous fighting with the Ming army and continuous victory, they have captured a lot of armor from the Ming army, plus Jiannu They also attach great importance to the construction of armor. Outside their capital, a large number of blacksmiths have gathered to build weapons armor for them day and night.

Therefore, Jiannu's cavalry is particularly well equipped, basically everyone has armor, and even some Jiannu wear two layers of armor, and their protection ability is quite strong.

But at this time, the heavy armor on their bodies became their burden. After their horses were overturned, they could only be used to the solid ground like sandbags. They fell to pieces, and those who broke their necks on the spot and died directly.

Even if they are not killed, these heavily armored Jiannu cavalry are not easy to get up again after being knocked down. What's more cavalry behind them are rushing desperately. Many Jiannu cavalry, who were dropped from their horses, even before they could get up, were directly hit by the subsequent cavalry. Then he was trampled under the horse's hoof and trampled to death on the battlefield.