Daming Haiku

Chapter 45 Skyfall

As soon as the Yu family army saw this group of slaves, they immediately stopped their way and let go without saying a word. * They fired in turn. The first brigade and the second brigade had an infantry battalion, with a total strength of only four battalions, with a total strength of less than 5,000.

However, their firepower is still too strong to deal with less than 10,000 slave soldiers. Although they did not carry artillery in order to speed up the way, the * in their hands still killed these slave soldiers.

The combat effectiveness of these scattered soldiers left behind by Jiannu is very limited. In addition, their morale has fallen to the bottom long ago because they learned that their main force was defeated, and there is no fighting spirit at all.

Especially those wrapped slaves, who are themselves Han Chinese, or the population composition of some other tribes robbed by Jiannu. When their masters were powerful, they were very honest, but now they heard that their masters had been destroyed by the Yu family army, they immediately stopped listening to them.

Even some cloth slaves defected on the spot, took revenge, complained, and directly aimed their knives and guns at their former masters, and attacked them more fiercely than anyone else.

The less than 10,000 Jiannu scattered soldiers, who just took a look at the side with the Yu family army, were immediately beaten and collapsed. Without even any room for resistance, they were killed. The remaining less than 600 or 700 slightly elite Jiannu began to escape with their master.

However, under the shooting of the platoon gun of the family army, they were still knocked over. Even the slave general who stayed here was knocked down on the spot and lost his breath when he landed.

In the end, less than 200 Jiannu escaped, but under the pursuit of the scouts and the cavalry company, they may not be able to escape.

Until the soldiers of the Yu family army would appear in front of these hostages, the people did not know what had happened. Until a group of auxiliary soldiers found that something was wrong, and the soldiers and horses who came were not their slave masters. When they were scattered and fled everywhere, some people realized that this Help the soldiers and horses who come here to rescue them.

So someone bravely greeted him, knelt on the ground and asked the identity of the general of the Yu family army. The Yu family army reported their identity and told them that the Jiannu army had been defeated by them. At this time, most of them had been annihilated, and a small number of them had been dispersed. Only then did they know that the Ming people who were taken hostage. Some of them are the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, and they are the generals led by Yu Xiaotian, the commander-in-chief of Fujian.

They were thousands of miles away. When they heard the news, they rushed to Tianjin Wei by boat, which blocked the Jiannu army and fought fiercely for half a month. They finally defeated the Jiannu army in one fell swoop. Now these soldiers have come here specially to rescue these people.

When the people heard the news, they burst into tears one by one. This is really a help! In fact, these people have already given no hope to the Ming court and the officers and army. They have silently acquiesced to their fate, like a pile of walking corpses, following Jiannu to the future of their fate, to serve Jiannu as slaves outside the customs, and never return to their hometown and never see them again. Relatives.

But what never expected was that here, a savior fell from the sky, and a Yu family army appeared. Unexpectedly, the army of Jiannu was defeated in one fell swoop, and even completely annihilated them. They were blocked here and saved.

Almost everyone couldn't believe their ears, and the news spread all of a sudden. Within a radius of more than ten miles, hundreds of thousands of people gathered flew to get the news. Almost everyone dared not believe that it was true. Even after inquiring, they did hear the explosion of beans from the distance just now. The sound of fire, but I can't believe that someone can defeat the Jiannu army.

After confirming that they were rescued, these people immediately sat on the ground, cried, and felt happy for their desperate life. Then countless people knelt down and even kowtowed to the benefactors of the Yu family army.

Some people almost fainted when they cried. Of course, there are many people who cried and fainted, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

Until this time, some people remembered that there were many * people who were accomplices to Jiannu here, which were also called Korean sticks. In addition, there were also many bastards among them, acting as two or even three dog legs for Jiannu.

So many people's new hatred and old hatred surged together, and immediately began to identify these guys for Yu Jiajun. In addition, some of them had been suppressing their anger and did not dare to attack. They even directly grabbed some of the guys who harmed them, opened their old fists, and immediately fought bitterly.

It's really a headache for these hundreds of thousands of people to mess together. The soldiers of the First Brigade really tossed until dark to stabilize the situation.

They finally found more than 3,000* auxiliary soldiers from the crowd, disarmed them all, detained them, and killed two or three hundred of the most angry people in public.

In addition, they also found more than 2,000 guys who served as dog legs for Jiannu all the way from among the people. More than 2,000 people were attracted to the power. For the guys who were accomplice of Jiannu, Yu Jiajun was even more rude. They directly stripped off their clothes one by one, hung them on the tree, and let the people to deal with them casually.

Poor more than two thousand murderers, this time they have completely received retribution. The weather itself is cold, and they will soon get cold after taking off their clothes. In addition, the people hate them very much, grabbing anything that can be thrown and smashing them desperately.

More than 2,000 guys, none of whom survived in the middle of the night, were killed alive or frozen to death here, which is the end of their evil life.

The commander of the first brigade did not dare to easily dispose of the remaining more than 3,000 Korean sticks, so he sent people back to Yu Xiaotian for instructions. After dark, Yu Xiaotian sent an order to tell them to deal with them like those two dog legs. These * people were not worthy of sympathy. Even if they were forced to come, they also treated Daming Bai The surname has committed a heinous crime, so no matter how they deal with it, they deserve it.

So after the evening, the remaining auxiliary soldiers brought by the captured Jiannu were also suddenly driven up, tied with ropes, and directly threw them into the crowd in batches, so they suddenly punched and kicked, shouted and screamed. It didn't take long for these 3,000 Korean sticks. , were also killed alive, and only dozens of clever guys were left to be captured and interrogate them for some intelligence.

In fact, the people can go at this time, but these people did not leave immediately, because there may be many scattered soldiers of Jiannu around. If they go on the road like this, they may encounter these scattered soldiers of Jiannu stars.

So they listened to Yu Jiajun's advice and all stayed here for the time being to wait for Yu Xiaotian's next order.

That night, Yu Jiajun found some highly regarded or knowledgeable people from these crowds and asked these people to come forward to take hundreds of thousands of people as a group, more or less, and try to be the villagers of their own hometown. In this way, these people will first manage these people and establish A preliminary order.

In addition, these people have been tortured and hungry all the way. Many people have become extremely weak and let them go home. It is estimated that they will starve to death on the road if they can't get home. Therefore, the most important thing now is to supplement their nutrition and let them have a hot meal first.

And now the weather is very cold. Many people have even robbed cotton-padded clothes by Jiannu, and they have to distribute some cold-proof things to them, saving many people from freezing to death overnight.

These things need to be arranged. Fortunately, there are quartermasters in all brigades, who are good at coordinating such things. After Yu Jiajun arrived here, the first thing was to control a large number of materials abandoned by Jiannu and not allowing anyone to approach them to avoid being robbed by red-eyed refugees.

And after nightfall, such a thing did happen. Many refugees looked at Jiannu running away, so they couldn't resist the greed in their hearts and wanted to take advantage of the chaos to grab some goods and take them home.

That night, there was a night of gunfire in the area where supplies were piled up. After dawn, it was found that many guys who tried to fish in troubled waters at night were killed.

After the nightfall, Yu's army allocated a large amount of food from these captured materials, so that the grouped people could receive some food, bury their own pots to make rice, cook some hot porridge, add some salt, and distribute it to these refugees to eat a hot meal first. The amount is not large, so that too many people will be killed that night. They are extremely hungry. People don't know how to be restrained. If they are given too much food, they may not know how to be full and eat until they can't move and support themselves to death. This kind of thing has been seen a lot in the past, so they are very experienced. When distributing food, it is only enough for them to eat half full and save people to death.

The next day, Yu Xiaotian brought a heavy camp, took over the first brigade to manage the temporary refugee camp, and brought military supplies and a direct picket team to inspect and accept the materials here.

When these people came here, they were also shocked by the mountains of materials here. They are also people who have seen a big scene. The amount of materials prepared by Yu Jiajun during the Northern Expedition this time is really quite large, but after all, it is a planned, classified and organized transfer of materials in batches.

However, the materials I saw here are very complicated. It can be said that there are some that I can't think of, some that I can't imagine, from gold, silver jewelry, to bronze antiques, grain cloth, iron pots, iron spoons, iron farm tools, various weapons, fire guns, gunpowder, except for porcelain that are not easy to carry and preserve. In addition, almost all the things that Jiannu like were swept by them and piled up here.

In addition, there are a large number of mules, horses, sheep, pigs and dogs, even a lot of chickens and ducks, all of which were left here by Jiannu. The rich materials and variety made people dizzy. At that time, these people responsible for receiving these supplies were so big, and they didn't know where to come from for a while. Let's do it.

So it takes a lot of manpower, material resources and time to sort out and transport these goods to Tianjin Wei alone. It is definitely impossible to arrange so many goods in three or two days.