Daming Haiku

Chapter 47 Buying People's Hearts 2

And Yu's army finally came all the way to the king of Qin in the north, and even wanted to condemn them in the name of resisting the decree and drive them back to Fujian. Isn't it obvious to give them to Jiannu as slaves?

As soon as they heard this, hundreds of people gathered here immediately were in an uproar, and all of them showed anger. Some rude people were stunned at this time. They actually forgot their identities and immediately cursed, simply taking Emperor Chongzhen with them.

Yu Xiaotian looked at these people's noise coldly and did not stop them. After letting them vent first, he stopped their noise "painful" again, and then said:

I'm afraid you don't know yet. Yu also learned the news after he led his troops to Tianjin Wei. At the time when Jiannu entered the south of the customs and went down to the plunder, Lu Xiangsheng Lu was originally transferred to the capital, and the governor of the world to control the bandits.

However, after seeing the great power of Jiannu, the court actually tried to make peace with Jiannu, so that Yang Sichang, the chief minister of the court, the current chief minister of the court, and the internal servant, took a high potential and saw that the saint's heart, Lord Lu was the main battle, and their master, in order not to let Lord Lu obtain war achievements, they were in a dilemma and seized his military power. Go.

Poor Lord Lu was dedicated to serving the country, but his military power was taken away. There were only thousands of weak soldiers left. Even at the behest of Yang Sichang and others, all places cut off the supply of grain to the soldiers and horses led by Lord Lu, so that Lord Lu cut off grain for a few days and was surrounded by the army of slaves.

With tens of thousands of hidden governors, Chen was stationed less than 50 miles away from Lord Lu, but refused to send a soldier to rescue Lord Lu. Lord Lu led his generals and fought to the death, and finally tried his best to die on the battlefield.

I'm afraid Lord Lu is the only one in the Ming Dynasty. When Jiannu entered the customs, he wanted to prevent the Jiannu army from attacking and plundering the customs, but in the end, he was not determined and was eventually killed by the treacherous ministers!

It's ridiculous that after Yu led his troops to arrive at Tianjin Wei, he sent someone to ask the court to fight to the death of Tianjin Wei and Jiannu, but the court did not allow it, and even regarded him as a conspiracy to rebel.

Yang Sichang and others actually wanted to mobilise a large army and cooperate with the Jiannu army to wipe out my headquarters in Tianjin Wei. The emperor actually approved their request and mobilized the officers and army to prepare to destroy me.

Fortunately, Tianli was so sparse that they didn't miss it. When their news was revealed, the people of Beijing were furious that they forced the court not to dare to do so. Otherwise, I'm afraid that Yu would not have died at the hands of Jiannu at this time, but at the hands of the imperial army!"

When Yu Xiaotian said this, he once again showed extreme indignation and almost trembling all over.

Hearing this, the people present suddenly made an uproar again. This time, the sound of scolding resounded throughout the camp. Even the soldiers and generals of the Yu family around them scolded angrily, with a furious look on their faces.

This time, even some scholars, who did not dare to scold indiscriminately, are now also stunned. What the hell is this court? Looking at us people, they were harmed by Jiannu, they actually wanted to make peace with Jiannu and tried to find ways not to prevent those loyal ministers from blocking Jiannu. Isn't this regard us people as grass mustard?

We are the people of the Ming Dynasty. We pay taxes to the Ming Dynasty, feed the court, civil and military officials, and serve as soldiers. Now we build slaves into the customs and plunder the four directions, harm us, and want to take us out as slaves. The court actually turns a blind eye to it and find ways to save these loyal and brave people who want to save us. The taxi was put to death.

What the hell is this emperor? You can only faint to this extent! Did these so-called court ministers grow up eating shit? What's the use of Daming to feed so many bastards?

Some people in the crowd scolded on the spot. Under their deliberate noise, the people present hated them to the extreme. If it hadn't been for the fact that they were unarmed, I guess some people would have copied the guy to beat the capital on the spot and asked the current emperor what kind of shit emperor he was.

Yu Xiaotian looked at the excited crowd and was slightly complacent. After throwing out his words today, he estimated that no one would be willing to be a bullshit for the court in the future.

Next, when these people are repatriated, it is estimated that there will not be many people in Shandong and Beizhili who are willing to listen to the court when they hear this news!

"However, Yu Mounian grew up eating Daming's rice (bah, this guy is staring at the lies!), even if he risked the world, since he came here, he did not plan to go back alive! The court is unjust, but you people are innocent. Even if the court will condemn me, kill my head, and kill me with thousands of knives in the future!

After Yu can't come, I will lead the troops back in dismay! Otherwise, Yu will be sorry for the conscience of heaven and earth! Therefore, the court doesn't care about it. I'm in charge of Yu, isn't it just an army of 100,000 slaves? We are human beings and they are animals. Are there anyone who is afraid of animals?

I would like to thank those soldiers under me who are of the same heart and willing to risk the crime of resisting the decree and advancing and retreating with me. Even if they are hungry, no one retreats.

When the army of Jiannu saw that I ran out of food and tried to destroy me in World War I, but I didn't know how could I deal with my soldiers and soldiers? After a day of fierce battle with it, although we lost a lot in the end, we finally defeated the people of the world and defeated the army of the slaves in one fell swoop.

Nanu Chief Dorgun also gave the head in front of the battle on the spot. Yu had to come here before to save you!

If you want to thank me, you don't have to thank me for filial piety, but to thank my soldiers. If they are not willing to shed their blood and fight to the death against the enemy, how can I do this alone?

Here, Yu wants to pay tribute to those soldiers who died in this battle, you can close your eyes under the nine springs. I have not lived up to my original promise. The Jiannu army is defeated, and you can rest in peace!

Come on, drink!"

After saying that, someone immediately picked up a jar of spirits, patted the mud seal, and suddenly floated out a fragrance of wine. Yu Xiaotian took over the wine jar and poured three bowls of spirits.

After he picked it up, he raised his head and shouted loudly, "Brothers, have a good journey! This bowl of wine is my farewell wine for you! Drink it!"

After saying that, he dumped the bowl of wine on the ground.

At this time, everyone knelt on the ground, and no less than the soldiers also remembered the brothers who died in front of the two armies and couldn't help crying.

And the people who were summoned also knelt down one after another, kowtowed repeatedly, and each of them cried bitterly. They were sincerely grateful! If it is not these soldiers of the family army who fought hard to build slaves, how can they escape? If Yu Jiajun can defeat Jiannu, he will definitely kill and injure many soldiers. These heads are really worth beating!

Yu Xiaotian then picked up another bowl of wine and shouted, "Brothers who go first! You have a good journey. Don't forget to take care of each other on the Jiuquan Road. As long as Yu has a breath, you can't let your family suffer. Now Yu is afraid that he is a rebel in the court, but as long as Yu is still alive, he must take care of your family for a day!

If the court wants to kill me, then please occupy a seat for Yu under the nine springs. One day, he will definitely take you to the hell and make trouble for him! Take this bowl of wine and have a good journey! Don't worry about it!"

With that, he dumped the bowl of wine on the ground.

After the third bowl of wine was served by Yu Xiaotian, he shouted angrily, "Today, I have done what I want to do. As for how the court deals with me, Yu will follow, but Yu is not a muddy person. If the court wants to kill me, then even for me, Yu I won't be willing to be killed by the whole family. I would like to ask today's emperor what is a loyal minister and what is a treacherous minister!

I was willing to risk my death to be loyal to the king, but why did the court treat me like this? When I came to this king, why didn't the court give me some food and salary to sit back and watch my soldiers suffer from hunger? Why don't you send one soldier to support our army against the enemy?

Why do you want to find a way to kill me, why do you regard the people all over the world as grass mustard, and why do you sit back and watch Jiannu take so many wise people out of the customs as slaves?

I drank this bowl of wine today! Even if it is stabbed to the sky, I have to figure it out. Why is that? I also want to ask for justice for my brothers who died in the battlefield, and for Lord Lu Xiangsheng Lu!"

With that, Yu Xiaotian picked up the wine bowl and poured it down. Of course, he was so heroic that he had to sprinkle more than half of the wine. After showing the bottom of the bowl, Yu Xiaotian wiped the wine around his mouth and threw the bowl to the ground heavily.

At this time, all the soldiers in the family immediately raised their weapons and roared, "Yes! Ask today's emperor why! Why is this!? Damn, why do you treat us like this? We work hard for him. Why does he treat us like this..."

Some people recruited this time are a little dumbfounded. Looking at Yu Xiaotian and his generals, this is going crazy! Why did you say that? Isn't this clearly telling the world that they want to rebel against the Ming Dynasty?

However, some people think that General Yu is really a straightforward person, but he is a man who should do what he should do, but he is not loyal. This Ming court is really rotten. If the loyal person is not good, what's the use of this court still loyal to him?

He made such a contribution to the Ming Dynasty, but he was not valued by the Ming court. Instead, he wanted to be punished for his words, so the court really has nothing worthy of loyalty!

When it was lively, several fast horses suddenly roared into the camp from outside the camp. In the camp, only the scouts had the right to ride horses. If others had dared to run like this in the camp, they would have been taken down.

"urgent news..." Several scouts on fast horses rushed into the camp while shouting and drinking.