Daming Haiku

Chapter 50 Head-on

And after he set out from Baoding Mansion, he heard that Yu Jiajun had snatched a large amount of wealth and goods from Jiannu, so Chen Xinjia was even more sure that Yu Jiajun must be unbearable now.

He used the style of officers and soldiers to apply it to Yu Jiajun. He thought that after the victory, Yu Jiajun robbed so much property. He must be very happy at this time. He must be busy competing for the share of the stolen goods between you and me.

But in Chen Xinjia's view, all soldiers are not good things. The large number of goods seized by these Jiannu will definitely make the soldiers of the Yu army crazy. At this time, it is estimated that they have been very happy to fight for a long time, and even if they can't make it, they will break their heads first.

Therefore, Chen Xinjia's confidence has greatly increased when he heard about it. He reminded the generals many times on the road that he must take this opportunity to put his army to death. This battle is the battle of Zhongxing and the Ming Dynasty, and the armies must not underestimate the enemy.

Unfortunately, Chen Xinjia took it for granted. He completely regarded Yu Jiajun as an ordinary officer and army, but he did not know the style and operation of Yu Jiajun.

So Chen Xinjia rushed forward and led nearly 30,000 Shanxi soldiers and horses to Jinghai County, marched all the way east along the Daqing River, and hit the position where Yu Jiajun was located.

However, when Chen Xinjia led his army to reach more than 30 miles west of Jinghai County, when the governor was crossing the Daqing River and preparing to reach Jinghai County, he was blocked by Yu Jiajun, who led less than two brigades, in a place called Liuhe Town.

Meng Fei had long judged that Chen Xinjia's troops might choose to cross the river, so he led his troops to ambush in advance.

When Chen Xinjia was crossing the river, when the officers and soldiers had just crossed the river with less than 10,000 people, they suddenly came out of their hiding place, and the whole army rushed straight to the place where the officers crossed the river.

Although Yu's army is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of military strength, and the Yu's soldiers are also quite tired, under the leadership of Meng Fei and other generals, the soldiers of Yu's army are still very brave.

Moreover, the officers and soldiers just crossed the river less than half of the river, and the officers and soldiers on the south bank of the Qing Dynasty did not have an advantage in terms of strength. In addition, most of these soldiers and generals in Shanxi are now dissatisfied with fighting with the Yu's army. They think that the imperial court has done this thing to the extreme. In addition, the death of Lu Xiangsheng made Shanxi and Xuanda The soldiers were even more disappointed with the court.

You should know that when Lu Xiangsheng was in Xuanda, his reputation was quite high. This time, the imperial court transferred Shanxi Xuan's soldiers to the defense, which was initially under Lu Xiangsheng's command.

These people are regarded as Lu Xiangsheng's old subordinates. Most people admire Lu Xiangsheng's as a man, but forced by Yang Sichang and Gao Qiqian's orders, they were allocated to Chen Xinjia. As a result, these 30,000 soldiers and horses from Shanxi Xuanda University hid in the area of Baoding Prefecture in the next few months. It can be said that there is nothing Build a tree.

Later, when he heard the news that Lu Xiangsheng died in the battle of the giant deer, many soldiers who deeply respected Lu Xiangsheng and even cried on the spot.

Therefore, the officers and soldiers of Chen Xinjia seem to be quite elite, but their morale is very low, which is not even expected by Meng Fei's military generals.

As a result, as soon as the two sides came into contact, although the officers and soldiers who crossed the Daqing River earlier under the leadership of the Shanxi general Hu Dawei also resisted, the officers and soldiers immediately collapsed after several rounds of gun shooting.

In the whole ferry area, the officers and soldiers immediately fell into chaos and attacked the enemy halfway. This is a magic move. Meng Fei is the best at winning by surprises. He can always do something unexpected in every battle. This time, he successfully predicted the place where the officers and soldiers crossed the river and set an ambush in advance. It can be said that he made a Chen. Xinjia was caught off guard.

Chen Xinjia didn't expect to hit the ambush of Yu's army here, and the Yu's army was not as weak as he thought. Thousands of Yu's soldiers suddenly appeared in the ferry area, which caught him and his subordinates from guard.

When he heard the sound of cannons, and then rows of * voices sounded, he realized that everything had come too late when the accident happened.

Hu Dawei led his troops to resist a little. Seeing that he could not withstand the attack of the Yu family army, he immediately fled all the way to the west along the south bank of the Qing River. As a result, the pontoon bridge was quickly occupied by the Yu family army. The officers on the north bank were originally urged by Chen Xinjia and quickly crossed the river for reinforcements. As a result, they were attacked by the Yu family army on the river. The block collapsed in an instant.

As a result, when the officers and soldiers on the north bank saw the defeat of the officers and soldiers on the south bank of the river, they immediately fled. Even the several floating bridges they built on the river had no time to destroy and dispersed.

Meng Fei led his troops to the riverside ferry. Looking at this scene, even he couldn't believe that it was so easy to win the battle. From their start to the capture of the ferry, the whole process took less than half an hour, and the officers and soldiers were defeated by them.

On both sides of the ferry, the weapons and materials of the officers and soldiers were discarded everywhere, as well as food that had not yet been transported across the river. Among the thin ice on the river, there were scattered bodies of killed officers and soldiers.

Several pontoon bridges remained intact on the river. Only one was set on fire by the officers and soldiers, and the rest were intact. A large number of officers and soldiers in the distance across the river were rushing to escape, and no one stopped them from crossing the river at the other side of the ferry.

Meng Fei laughed and immediately ordered to advance lightly. The cavalry was currently assaulting across the river, controlling the ferry on the other side. The infantry all went into battle lightly, and then crossed the river to pursue the officers and soldiers.

Chen Xinjia was escorted by his own soldiers and fled all the way. He escaped more than ten miles before he remembered that this was wrong. Although Yu Jiajun was powerful, he was still across a river? As long as they guard the river bank and prevent the Yu family army from crossing the river, no matter how powerful the Yu family army is, they can't do anything about it.

But when he realized, it was too late. At this time, Yu Jiajun had begun to cross the river and control the ferry on the north bank. When Chen Xinjia wanted to collect his troops to take back the ferry, it was too late to say.

As a result, Meng Fei spent a whole day chasing Chen Xinjia's troops dozens of miles away, and then breathlessly ordered to stop the pursuit, collect the captured materials, and return to the ferry.

In this battle, Chen Xinjia lost more than 10,000 soldiers and horses in one day. More than 3,000 of them were captured by the Yu family army, and the rest were scattered on the spot. After he fled all the way to Bazhou to collect the defeated soldiers, he did not know that he had lost his lord this time!

Originally, he was a tiger who wanted to make a great contribution, but in turn, he hit his head and broke his blood. Nearly 30,000 elite soldiers in Shanxi lost more than half of them after a fierce battle in one day. By the time he ran to Bazhou, he had only had more than 10,000 officers and soldiers left, and they had basically run away. Dispersed.

Wang Pu, the general officer, was nowhere to be found when he was defeated, and the general Hu Dawei was also lost. Only Yang Guozhu was still by his side. Otherwise, I'm afraid that this time his army would really be destroyed in Jinghai County.

The news that Meng Fei led his troops to defeat Chen Xinjia's troops in the Battle of Daqing River soon returned to Yu Xiaotian's ears. After hearing this, Yu Xiaotian was also stunned for a moment and felt that the battle was a little too easy? Less than one day, the troops of less than two brigades beat Chen Xinjia's troops.

Even after listening to Meng Fei's victory, Yu Xiaotian knew that from their fight to the end, the officers and soldiers were actually beaten by Meng Fei and chased their buttocks.

Yu's soldiers can be said to have been chasing all the way, and they have not encountered decent resistance from the officers and soldiers at all. In this way, they have been driving Chen Xinjia's troops dozens of miles away and fled to Bazhou.

Moreover, after the pursuit in one day, the Second and Fourth Brigade also captured a lot of officers and soldiers and captured a large number of armor and grain, which basically mutilated Chen Xinjia's headquarters this time. In a short period of time, Chen Xinjia's headquarters is estimated to be difficult to make a difference.

Even Chen Xinjia himself ran all the way to Bazhou and didn't understand how he lost this battle. As soon as the two sides came into contact, why did his officers and soldiers lose?

Obviously, Yu's army doesn't have many troops. Why did the wolf rush to kill him? Twenty or thirty thousand soldiers and horses collapsed when they collapsed? This really doesn't make sense!

So in the end, he attributed the reason for this defeat to Hu Dawei, saying that it was because Hu Dawei was on the south bank and failed to stop the attack of the family's army, resulting in the loss of the ferry, which led to the defeat in the battle. Therefore, after arriving in Bazhou, he quickly wrote a memorial and reported the defeat to the emperor.

At this time, Chen Xinjia can be said to be like a mourning girl. He knows that his future is estimated to be completely finished. If he wins this battle, it is estimated that his future will be bright, but he has become this virtue in this battle. Twenty or 30,000 troops were attacked by thousands of family troops, and they will defeat him in one fell swoop.

Even if this matter is put in peacetime, I don't think the court will forgive him, let alone at this juke moment.

The news reached the capital. After listening to it, Chongzhen angrily slapped a piece of paperweight on the dragon case, and tore up Chen Xinjia's memorial to pieces and fell heavily on the ground opposite the dragon case.

Originally, he doubted Chen Xinjia this time and suspected that Chen Xinjia had revealed the news that he was trying to make peace with slaves. However, considering that it was time to use people, he did not touch Chen Xinjia and wanted Chen Xinjia to make some achievements at this time, but he did not expect Chen Xinjia to do so beautifully.

30,000 elite officers and soldiers were actually similar to tofu in his hand. When he met Yu Jiajun, he was beaten by others. He also had the face to shirk responsibility, saying that this was all caused by the disrespect of orders of his generals.

So Chongzhen immediately issued an order to remove Chen Xinjia's position as secretary of the military department, and ordered Tiqi to leave Beijing overnight to rush to Bazhou, take Chen Xinjia and escort him back to the capital to plead.

(Thank you for another big reward from your old friend who laughs in the desert! In addition, I would also like to thank the book friend 2420152, book friend 3135473, a few intoxicating and cold tea friends for their rewards! This month, due to eye problems, I can't use the computer for a long time, and I can only guarantee one update a day. I really failed everyone! The cold wind here apologizes to everyone again, please forgive me!)