Daming Haiku

Chapter 52 The Death of Wu Xiang

This time, Guanning army was unlucky. More than a dozen siege guns fired alternately, and shells fell into their battalion one after another. The officers in the battalion were scattered, and the tents were destroyed one by cannons one by one. Finally, even the place where they stored grass was hit by hot shells, and then a fire broke out.

Together with the fire, a large number of war horses in the camp began to be shocked. They became manic in the camp and jumped around. A group of war horses knocked down the railings and began to collide around in the camp. As a result, they also trampled and injured many officers and soldiers.

Wu Xiang couldn't hold on any longer and ordered the whole army to retreat back to Tongzhou.

At this time, a cannonball fell impartially in front of Wu Xiang. The dust splashed and the smoke and dust rolled. When the dust settled, everyone could no longer find Wu Xiang.

Finally, Wu Sangui and his own soldiers picked up some of Wu Xiang's fragmentary bodies and put them in a bag. While crying, they began to escape.

At this time, the whole Guanning army has been dispersed, and the soldiers will take care of each other and scramble to escape from the camp and escape from this hellish place.

Yan Fucheng saw that the army had collapsed, so he ordered a ceasefire and led the army to start the pursuit. As a result, Wu Xiang's troops, after seven days, failed to capture the Tianjin Wei. Instead, they were almost annihilated by the Yu army. 20,000 Guanning army, and the whole army was completely collapsed. Some fled to Tongzhou with Wu Sangui, and some fled with Zu Dabi and Zu Kuan. Jizhou, and some of the rest were directly scattered on the spot. About 3,000 Guanning soldiers will eventually be captured by the Yu family army. In the other seven days, nearly 4,000 people of the 20,000 Guanning army were annihilated by the Yu family army.

After this battle, the whole Guanning army also declared that it had completely lost its combat effectiveness and no longer became a threat to the Yu family army.

At this time, the overall super strong combat effectiveness of Yu Jiajun is completely displayed in front of the world. This is not only the reason for the bravery of Yu Jiajun, but more of the super-era advantages shown by Yu Jiajun in technology.

Through Yu Xiaotian's continuous accumulation and continuous development of technology for more than ten years, the quality of weapons now on hand has completely exceeded that of this era. The technical advantages have completely changed the way and even the principle of battlefield warfare, so that both the slave army , or the Ming army, did not know how to deal with this tactic of Yu Jiajun, which made it easy for Yu Jiajun to do what seemed almost impossible to do.

I'm afraid this is what people often call accumulation. Yu Xiaotian has finally created this era through more than ten years of tireless pursuit. This is the strongest army in the world. In the face of the super firepower output of the family army, they can almost easily crush any regular army in the world in this era.

When the news of Wu Xiang's defeat and death reached the capital, Chongzhen really knew what fear was this time. He couldn't imagine how Yu Xiaotian did it.

Yu Xiaotian only led more than 30,000 soldiers and horses to go north. After landing in Tianjin Wei, he first fought fiercely with the army of 100,000 slaves for half a month, and finally defeated the army of 100,000 slaves, and even killed the slave chief Dorgan. How could he still have such a strong combat effectiveness?

Just when everyone thought that Yu Jiajun must have been weak to the extreme, but Yu Jiajun once again gave everyone a super "surprise". They were not as weak as everyone thought, but still maintained a huge combat power.

Chen Xinjia's headquarters and Wu Xiang's headquarters, the two Ming army, have a total strength of nearly 50,000. Although there are not many slaves, they are also elite soldiers that Daming can take out at present, but they are so vulnerable in front of the family army.

Chen Xinjia's headquarters was only hit by the Yu family army, and 30,000 troops collapsed directly. Wu Xiang's troops took advantage of the opportunity to attack Tianjin Wei, but also failed to defeat Tianjin Wei, but also suffered a big defeat by the Yu family army. Even Wu Xiang himself was killed on the spot.

Chongzhen can hardly believe that this is true. When did such a strong soldier come out in the world? Even a few years ago, when he was transferred to the north to pact the Denglai Rebellion, he did not know that Yu Jiajun was so fierce. He only knew that Yu Xiaotian's generals were better able to fight, but he had never heard that he could fight so much.

In less than a month, including the Jiannu army and the Daming army, more than 100,000 troops have fallen into the hands of more than 30,000 soldiers. Is it possible that his men are all heavenly soldiers and generals? What other army in the world can stop their fronts?

Chongzhen was already in a mess at this time. Let's take a look at the troops he can call now. Although there are still millions of troops in various places in the Ming Dynasty, these armies are thousands of miles away or even thousands of miles away, and only the officers and soldiers in the Gyeonggi region are really useful.

However, now around Gyeonggi, after the defeat of Chen Xinjia's troops and Wu Xiang's troops, there are only a handful of Ming troops with strong combat effectiveness. The nominal Beijing camp now does not have much combat effectiveness at all. They are stationed around Gyeonggi. Over the years, the officers and soldiers of these Beijing battalions have been damaged. It's a big loss.

Many officers and soldiers of the Beijing camp are completely unbearable. These officers and soldiers guarded in the area of the Beijing Division are all some old soldiers. They are estimated to be better than anyone else in eating, drinking and playing, but they rarely perform. Their combat effectiveness is so low that people can't bear to read. They have entered the customs several times. The officers and soldiers of the Beijing camp met Jiannu, they were all defeated and even collapsed when they heard the sound. There is no combat power at all.

This is also the reason why every time a slave enters the customs, Chongzhen always has to transfer Shanxi soldiers, Guanning army and Shandong soldiers and horses to defend the capital, precisely because the Beijing battalions in the Beijing division area basically have little combat effectiveness.

Now that the Shanxi elite in his hand has been defeated, only some of the remaining soldiers have fled to Bazhou and did not dare to move again in Bazhou. Chen Xinjia was arrested and questioned. Those soldiers are now also have no fighting spirit and are scared by the Yu family army, so they can't count on it at all. If they are forced to fight, it is estimated that Yu Jiajun As soon as they appear, they can immediately break up.

The Guanning army, which was finally transferred from Shanhaiguan to Guanhaiguan, was almost completely destroyed by Tianjin Wei. Obviously, it is not expected for the time being. Even if there are some Guanning troops in the Guanning area, but now the Guanning army outside the customs has not been destroyed, and the slave chief Taiji still led troops to stare at the area of Jinzhou and Shanhaiguan. These soldiers and horses can't move.

So in the whole Gyeonggi area, the current situation has only reached an unprecedented level, and no decent soldier can be found to withstand the attack of the family army.

And Yu Xiaotian issued a serious article to ask for the Ming Dynasty this time. Although he did not explicitly say that he was going to rebel, he also played the banner of entering the side of the emperor of Beijing and Qing Dynasty, which was equivalent to completely tearing off his last disguise, breaking with the Ming Dynasty and having a showdown with the court.

Thinking of these things, Chongzhen couldn't help feeling cool in his heart and completely lost his mind.

Chongzhen had no idea, and those courtiers were even more helpless. At this time, many ministers began to set off their cannons and impeach those ministers who were mainly for Xiaotian falling into the well. Taking advantage of the initial war of the Yu army, they thought that the Yu family army was weak and wanted to take advantage of the situation to destroy the family army, saying that they were misleading the country. At the beginning, this matter was You shouldn't do this.

Anyone can release the cannon. Many ministers who were not qualified to participate in the secret discussion at the beginning have become smart people. They stand and talk one by one. They have nothing to say. In a word, most people do not scold Xiaotian as a traitor at this time. On the contrary, they have impeached those powerful elicitors. The ministers who asked for the family army said that they were wrong. If it weren't for them, why would they make such a deal?

Chongzhen looked at the memorials made by these ministers and had a strong desire to kill. What did he do earlier? Now they all jump out and fall into the well. Isn't it obvious that they are all backfire cannons? What's the use of saying this now? On the contrary, they all think of a way. How to resist the enemy is the right thing! At this time, Yu Jiajun has defeated the Ming army twice in a row and is about to send troops to the capital, but these people are doing these things. How can Chongzhen not be angry?

But Chongzhen was angry and had no choice. At this time, he had no time to deal with these guys who were full and didn't do business, so he quickly ordered Cao Huachun to admirate the Beijing camp and the prime minister's defense of the capital division to ask for help from all places, and ordered the capital division to be under martial law again, and ordered the soldiers and horses of the world to go north to the king of Qin immediately.

Cao Huachun was originally a eunuch, and how many military talents did he have? But at this point, he can only try his best to gather soldiers and horses from all over the capital, rush to the king of the capital, and strengthen the garrison of the capital as fast as possible.

In addition, Chongzhen issued an order to support the troops of Liu Yuliang, the current chief assistant, to support the army, sit in Tongzhou, and be responsible for blocking the attack of the Yu family army in the east of the capital.

After Liu Yuliang received the order, he felt uneasy, which can be said to be frightened, but this time he also took the idea of sending troops to suppress Yu Xiaotian. Now that things have come to such a point, he can't shirk it. At this time, many court officials in Beijing have attacked him, saying that he is the minister who misled the country, Liu Yuliang had no choice but to sit on this radish and rushed out of the city to Tongzhou to sit in the town overnight.

In addition, as today's court has financial difficulties, to put it bluntly, there is no money in hand. Now we have to fight a war, and we have to fight a big battle. If we want the soldiers to use their lives to surround the capital, how can we not have money to pay?

However, Yu Xiaotian is now stuck in Tianjin Wei. Even if he immediately transferred money from Nanzhili to go north, he could not reach Beijing. Chongzhen was anxious to get angry about this matter, so Xue Guoguan, who is currently a scholar of Wuying Hall, gave Chongzhen an idea to Chongzhen to make hundreds of officials and foreign relatives of the capital to subsidize the capital.