Daming Haiku

Chapter 61 Attack 1

In addition to the strongest wall of this era, there is also a moat outside the city wall that is more than a few feet wide.

This is not included. On the side of the moat Hanoi, there is also a sheep and horse wall, five feet high and six feet thick, and there is also a female wall on it, with officers and soldiers stationed.

Beyond the moat, there are also three layers of defense facilities, namely, horse traps, traps, deer forts, and even a lot of iron thisbulus scattered in the grass on the ground outside the deer forts.

It is really a very difficult task to open this channel, and this task falls on the engineering troops of Yu Jiajun.

The engineers held all kinds of strange tools that were not weapons. Under the cover of the infantry, they rushed into the battlefield, gathered several points, and began to rush towards the city wall.

After they entered the battlefield, the defenders watching on the city found the movement of the Yu family army. Although they did not dare to climb the city, they urgently ordered the garrison officers and soldiers to fire again to stop Yu's army from attacking the city.

So the cannons on the wall were dumb and fire for a while, and now they have been resurrected. Some undestroy steel cannons, now, under the supervision of high diving and military generals, started again.

Although the officer's artillery skills are very poor, it is still possible to bombard such a dense offensive force. After several cannons, the attacking troops suddenly suffered casualties, and shells fell into the array of the attacking troops, instantly causing casualties of more than a dozen infantry or engineers.

The artillerymen were anxious at a glance. They immediately concentrated their firepower and began to bombard those places where they fired fire again. Almost in a while, several cannons that had just been resurrected were dumbed by the cannons of the Yu family army.

At this time, the snipers also began to enter the battlefield. They quickly found their support on the battlefield, loaded the high-precision wolf tooth rifle in their hands, mounted it on the support, and began to stare at the eagle-like eyes, locking on the wall, as long as they found officers and soldiers or officers on the wall. The soldiers tried to push the artillery to the mouth of the stack and tried to bombard them, and immediately began to sniper.

Many officers and soldiers were forced to appear on the wall and try to shoot arrows or cannons to block the attack, but many people were shot head-on. They either smashed on the spot or shot in the chest and fell on the wall with blood on their back.

On the sheep and horse wall in the moat, there were also officers and soldiers stationed at this time. They also tried to shoot arrows or shoot the attacking Yu's soldiers. However, their blocking action was fiercely counterattacked by the Yu's army at the beginning. Groups of Yu's army * hands lined up like a wall while staring at the moat. Opposite the sheep and horse wall, when they saw the officers and soldiers on the sheep and horse wall begin to move, they immediately stopped moving forward.

In the roar of the officers, *hands raised guns and began to shoot at the defenders on the wall of sheep and horses. Although the officers and soldiers had bows and arrows and bird guns, the range was limited to dozens of steps, and they could only reach the other side of the moat. However, Yu's army was equipped with linemine rifles and used Minnie bullets with a full range. It is 300 steps away, and you can generally aim and shoot accurately within 200 steps.

So under the shooting of the platoon gun of the family army, the officers and soldiers who had just emerged were turned over a lot and suppressed them in an instant, which made the officers and soldiers shout loudly. Some people even urincontinent on the spot and urinated their crotch.

So it seems that there are many troops and firearms and equipment of the Beijing Division, but in fact, on the battlefield, they are completely suppressed by the firepower of the family army. In addition, these defenders around Chaoyangmen themselves are the group of defeated soldiers led by Gao Qiqian, which were built in the Battle of Julu. After the defeat of the slave army, these soldiers and horses were relaxed. After the defeat, many officers and soldiers simply started to do * business. They were no better than the Jiannu army, and even more brutal.

In order to hide their incompetence and make some achievements to cover up their failure, they often kill good deeds, cut off the heads of the people, shaved their hair, and try to ask for credit from the heads of people disguised as slaves.

Later, although he was recruited by Gao Qiqian, Gao Qiqian did not restrain them too much, so after these defeated soldiers were brought back to the capital, they entered Beijing and stationed in the area, doing a lot of things that harmed the people, and Gao Qiqian did not care about it.

Now it is a joke to expect these defeated soldiers to work for the court, so there are many of them, but there are very few people who really dare to fight. Even if there are some guys who want to lick their stinky feet and try to show their bravery at this time, in the shelling just now, Many people have been killed. Some people just jumped out to try to resist, but they were immediately hunted by snipers.

makes the fighting spirit of the officers and defenders extremely low at this time, and few people dare to show themselves, so don't expect them to stop the family's army from approaching the moat.

In fact, the siege equipment of Yu's army is not complete at this time. Like heavy siege equipment, it is impossible for them to build them in advance. From Tongzhou to the Beijing side, many times the siege army began to build siege equipment on the spot after the soldiers arrived outside the destination city.

However, after Yu Jiajun arrived here, he did not make much preparation, mainly because it was not allowed in time, so they did not have much siege equipment on hand, only some temporary simple siege equipment, and only some local methods could be used to solve the problem.

Under the cover of artillery and infantry, the engineering troops operated all kinds of strange weapons and quickly approached the moat. Soon they encountered the iron thistle zone, so they immediately used nail rakes, or magnets prepared in advance, to quickly clean up the iron thistle on the ground, sweep it open, and clear the way forward.

Moreover, the engineers have prepared a lot of small red flags and inserted them on both sides of the cleared channel, so that the subsequent infantry can accurately see the location of the channel to avoid stepping into the uncleaned area and piercing the soles of the foot.

In addition, in order to facilitate the arrangement and collection, iron thistle is often worn with wire or rope, thrown on the ground in a string, and hugged with a nail rake, which can often be pulled out, which is also more convenient.

As for magnets that were purchased in advance by Yu Jiajun, the number is not large, but they can suck up the iron thisrium hidden on the ground at once. However, because of the limited magnet magnetism, this method is not easy to use.

The most difficult thing to deal with is some non-iron wooden terrestles or bamboo sticks on the ground. Fortunately, there are relatively few bamboos in the north, and the Beijing side did not prepare too many wood-terpenters or bamboo sticks. Therefore, although this caused some trouble to the Yu family army, the engineers soon cleaned up a fairly wide channel.

Then there are horse pits and deer fortress, which were originally to block the advance of the attacking army. These deer fortresses can effectively prevent the enemy infantry from attacking, but the premise is that there must be enough defenders, archery or firing to shoot the blocked enemy in front of the deer fortress. That's it.

But at this time, the officers and garrison were completely suppressed by the Yu family army and could not raise their heads at all, so the engineers basically did not take much time to clear these deer forts.

They were going to have a lot of sharp axes, rushed to the front of the deer fortress, smashed it, cut it off the deer fortress, pushed it down one by one, and dragged it aside, and opened the channel.

As for the pit, it is mainly to deal with cavalry and infantry. The engineers poke the ground in front of them while walking with the long guns in their hands. When they encounter the camouflage pit, they will immediately find out the location of the pit and destroy it immediately.

Near the moat, there was also a horse, but unfortunately it did not play their role. Under the destruction of the engineers, it was quickly torn apart.

The officers and soldiers can only watch these short soldiers and soldiers destroy these defensive facilities outside the city one by one, but they can't help but stare.

Occasionally, gunners were forced to fire a shot, but they would immediately be knocked off by the artillery of the Yu family army and could not form intensive firepower to block the attack of the family army.

In less than an hour, the engineering troops successfully blocked the breakthrough outside the moat and finally arrived at the moat.

And the moat is now seriously insufficient due to the lack of rain in the north. In the moat more than ten feet deep, there is only more than two feet deep, and the deepest part is only about one meter.

Of course, this still hinders the progress of the army. After the engineers arrived at the river, they could only adopt the old method. At this time, in the absence of modern construction machinery, there was no way to fill sandbags, which was more affordable.

So several new barracks that had already been prepared later, that is, the new barracks formed by the prisoners in Tongzhou, have finally come in handy.

In order to show his justice, Yu Xiaotian did not come along the way to use the people as cannon fodder for the Yu family, but brought several new barracks.

These recruits are all made up of prisoners. There are a small number of newly recruited civilians, which will certainly not be used for war. After all, they have not received initial training, but physical work is not a problem.

So these new recruits of the family army played a role at this time. Everyone prepared a large cloth bag in advance. After the attack began, they began to put the cloth bags with earth. At this time, with an order, the new recruits picked up the earth bag and began to rush towards the moat.

There were Jiajun infantry on both sides to provide cover for them, constantly shooting the officers and soldiers who shot arrows on the opposite sheep and horse wall and the wall, so that these recruits did not encounter strong resistance.

The recruits gasped like cows, gasped, carried heavy earth bags, ran to the side of the moat, and dumped the earth bags on their shoulders into the moat according to the instructions of the engineers who were blocked here.

(Thank you for the reward of 3135473 and the Spring Breeze Brothers!)