Daming Haiku

Chapter 100 A few-pronged

However, while vigorously combating corruption, Yu Xiaotian also fully took into account the difficulties of the officials of the Ming Dynasty. After the founding of the country, the salaries given to officials were low, which to some extent also caused officials not be able to make ends meet if they were not greedy. Even if the founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang took strict measures, he could not stop the greed of officials.

Therefore, Deputy Yu Xiaotian raised the income of officials and included some of the personnel who had previously left the edge of the system to work for the government. At the same time as the salary given by the state, he also issued a death order to cancel all kinds of malpractices privately established or formed by former local governments throughout the country, such aslin The means of making money, such as sharp kicking and fire and silver consumption, are strictly ordered to be cancelled immediately by all localities while raising wages.

Once it is found that someone still uses these methods to force the people, then I'm sorry that the imperial envoy of the Metropolitan Inspectorate and Jinyiwei will settle accounts with them.

Officials reacted to this. Some corrupt officials thought that this ostensibly increased their income, but in fact, they cut off their secret money and caused them to lose control of some of their opponents. In the past, some of their subordinates depended on the power given by them. Li, take the money for them and feed them.

But now these personnel have been included in the system, and the court uniformly gives them salaries, and their identities and powers and responsibilities have been clarified. These people only need to follow the rules in the future. As for their former masters, their control over them has weakened a lot.

The most important thing is that although the court issued a decree to increase their salaries, this part of the salary raised is still much less than the money they secretly hold, which undoubtedly cuts off their financial path. The real corrupt officials do not live on salaries at all, so there is no doubt that such a new policy has been touched again. The vested interests of these corrupt officials were moved.

But where is Yu Xiaotian's tough means? Most of them have now learned it and resisted it head-on. It is clear that they pay New Year's greetings to the Lord of Hell and think they will live a long life.

But if you want them to comply, these corrupt officials will definitely not do it. They will have more tricks to deceive them. Although there are orders above, they have their own methods below, which is called countermeasures under policies. As long as they are still officials, they can continue to cover the sky.

Of course, when Yu Xiaotian decided to promulgate the new policy, he also knew very well that a considerable number of officials would think so, but he did not care about these things for the time being and just promulgate the policy first. The next step is to strictly investigate and deal with it. In troubled times, it is impossible not to kill some people.

You used to be greedy, which can be said to be too stingy. You can't support your family and have to be greedy. Now I have raised your salary. If you are still greedy, don't blame me for being rude.

Therefore, Yu Xiaotian greeted the Metropolitan Inspection House early. He selected people all over the country to select those meritorious scholars who have been harmed by corrupt officials or some young people who are illiterate but have no meritorious but are shrewd and capable. Those who have meritorious people are temporarily arranged to enter the Metropolitan Inspection Yuan as a supervisor. They have no reputation but are fine. The person who can use it will arrange to enter the brocade guard.

After months of intensive preparation, hundreds of newly released supervision and imperial historians, coupled with thousands of freshly released brocade guards, swarmed out of the capital, like a group of vicious dogs with teeth and claws, according to their results of drawing lots. Land, begin to exercise their power.

Although Yu Xiaotian knew that these people may not be able to achieve what he wanted to achieve completely, he could expect that these people would definitely set off a huge bloody storm on the land of Daming. It is estimated that within two years, how many officials in the country will fall to the ground and be killed.

However, such a result can be expected that in the near future, the corruption of local officials will be greatly curbed. Of course, if you want to truly achieve such a goal, there must be enough force to support these imperial historians and new brocade guards.

Therefore, in this year, Xiaotian spared no effort to continue to expand the number of soldiers and horses in his family army, and gradually began to secretly take action against the Ming army.

A group of hereditary generals were sent by him to lead troops to suppress the rebels or thieves. Like these Qiu eight people who obtained military power by relying on the hereditary merits of their ancestors, there are really few people who are really competent. They are more like some landlords with military positions. When they really want to use their troops to fight, Each of them immediately appeared in their original form.

Even if they are allowed to enter some small group of mountain thief bandits, these guys often have more than enough to fail. If they fail to complete the task, many people are simply killed directly by their enemies or are defeated and fled home.

And through such a method, Yu Xiaotian also seized the pain of these guys and dismissed them on the charge of incompetence. He went back to be their rich man and handed over the military power and pulled them down. If he refused to comply, he would kill them all over with the charge of rebellion and directly uprooted them without any future trouble.

After pulling out these guys who stood in the pit and did not shit, Yu Xiaotian used the soldiers of the family army to fill their vacancies and gradually infiltrated his Yu Xiaotian's force all parts of the country.

In less than a year, Yu Xiaotian pulled out more than a dozen general officers, more than 30 deputy generals, and a large group of generals participating in the guerrilla. As for Mr. Qian's generals, needless to say, the number is almost impossible to count.

By such a means, he promoted a large number of officers from his family army, replacing these pulled radishes, a radish and a pit. In addition, he also filled tens of thousands of soldiers of the family army all over the country.

Moreover, Yu Xiaotian re-employed the recruitment system to completely replace the original military household system implemented by Daming. In the future, soldiers will no longer be a hereditary occupation, and the military household system and hereditary replacement system will be banned. Officers will no longer rely on the hereditary inheritance, but will be selected and stationed by the military to form a local warlord group in the province.

Of course, these actions have not touched the warlord family groups that currently hold more military power in the Ming Dynasty. For the time being, he has not moved, such as the Guanning army outside the customs, because he still needs Zu Dashou, a group of Guanning soldiers, to stare at Jiannu outside the customs for the time being. Now he is not free to wipe out for the time being. Jiannu restored Liaodong.