Daming Haiku

Chapter 103 Guan Gong vs Qin Qiong

After controlling the southeast provinces, Yu Xiaotian also grasped the lifeline of the Ming economy, and then the next was the Central Plains provinces.

The Ming civil unrest started in Shaanxi and affected Henan, Shanxi, Huguang, Nanzhili and southern Shandong. If these places are not controlled, the chaos of the Ming Dynasty can not be completely suppressed.

Therefore, Yu Xiaotian subdued Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting, and made them walk at the front stage, first squeezed the living space of various civilian troops militarily, and initially achieved results.

At the end of the 12th year of Chongzhen, a large number of exiled army leaders led by Zhang Xianzhong and Luo Rucai were forced to surrender or killed one after another, making the situation in Huguang, Henan gradually stabilize. Only a number of exiles such as Ma Shouying, Ge Liyan He Yilong and others were still in Nanzhili. Activities around Yinghuo Mountain on the border with Henan and Huguang.

And Shaanxi also left only a few exiles such as Li Zicheng, who were driven to Pingliang, Qingyang, Yan'an and other places, and were squeezed to operate or survive in some remote areas.

Especially after the kill of Zhang Xianzhong, the morale of the whole exiles was greatly frustrated. Some small number of exiles had little prospects because they saw the continued trouble. Some leaders either surrendered to the government, disbanded their exiles, and were sent back to their hometowns for resettlement.

However, Li Zicheng was obviously tough, but he refused to bow his head and surrender, and continued to run around Pingliangfu and Qingyangfu with the rest.

After solving Zhang Xianzhong, Hong Chengchou began to collect troops and mobilize the main force of the Shaanxi army to the west according to Yu Xiaotian's instructions. Chen's troops in the areas of Chunhua, Sanshui, Fengxiang and Longzhou blocked the way for Li Zicheng's troops to continue east, and received the support of some of Yu Xiaotian's newly trained Yu's army to make them Strength and combat effectiveness have been greatly improved again.

When Li Zicheng arrived in June of Chongzhen's 13th year, he was already struggling. Under the military pressure of Hong Chengchou, he led his troops to flee to Ningxia, but after arriving there, he found that there was no place to raise food at all, so he had to lead his troops to flee to the area of Lintao Mansion, but he was led by Lu Fangtian, the newly appointed governor of Lintao. Blocking.

By this time, Li Zicheng had basically reached the point of exhaustion of food, and the number of civilian troops under his command had also fallen to less than 20,000, and the core combat troops were only about 2,000.

Lu Fangtian, the governor of Lintao, gathered the local garrison of Lintao and blocked them in Longmen Town east of Lintao. There was a fierce battle between the two sides. Lu Fangtian's strength was insufficient, but he did not retreat. In the end, Lintao's officers were defeated. Lu Fangtian died in the chaotic army, which was also the first to die in the exiled civilian army after Xiaotian came to power. Senior official of the hand.

However, although Li Zicheng won this battle, he also suffered great losses. After breaking through the obstruction of the officers and army, he did not get many trophies. Lintao was a border town in Daming itself, which was a poor and remote place. After Li Zicheng led his troops to break into Lintao's mansion, he did not get much benefit and still could not be raised. It's enough for them to pay for a period of time.

In September, Li Zicheng had to give up Lintao Mansion and lead his troops back east to try to fight back to his hometown Yan'an Mansion, but this time he did not have a chance to return to his hometown Mizhi County.

Hong Chengchou took advantage of Li Zicheng to escape to Ningxia first, and then ran to Lintao Mansion to complete the final arrangement of Li Zicheng's subjugated.

Hong Chengchou gathered nearly 25,000 Shaanxi troops and set up layers of defense along Qingyang Prefecture and Pingliang Prefecture, blocking Li Zicheng's return road to the east.

Li Zicheng led his troops to fight with the officers and soldiers all the way. Although he repeatedly won small victories and broke through several obstructions by the officers and soldiers, the losses were also getting greater and greater. When he led his troops to Zhenyuan County, there were only less than 5,000 soldiers left under his command, and he was almost completely out of food.

Li Zicheng knew that if he could not get some more food, he was afraid that his soldiers and horses would immediately disperse, so he decided to take risks and attack the town of Zhenyuan County. After trying to break through the city, he grabbed some food and let him add that he could break through the blockade of the officers and soldiers and escape to the territory of Yan'an Prefecture.

As long as he returns to the territory of Yan'an Prefecture, he believes that he is a local person in Yan'an Prefecture, familiar with the local terrain, humanities, and familiar with people, so he can have a chance to breathe.

But what he didn't expect was that just as he advanced all the way to Yan'an Prefecture, Hong Chengchou had roughly guessed the route he wanted to take and sent less than two integrated battalions to the Zhenyuan County area in advance.

The leader of the team makes people feel a little unpredictable. It is actually Kong Youde, who was captured alive by Yu Xiaotian, but now he has changed his name to Kong Jinzhong. No one has known that he is Kong Youde, the traitor who created the Denglai Rebellion in those years.

After Kong Youde was captured by Yu Xiaotian, he took him back to the south. Yu Xiaotian Nian left his life for the sake of this guy who had been fighting with Jiannu outside the customs for many years and knew the situation outside the customs, and threw him into the Yu family army school for further study.

At first, Kong Youde was very uncomfortable with the strict control of the family army. He repeatedly violated the precepts and was cleaned up by the instructor. But later, he also figured out that Yu Xiaotian could keep him alive, which was already a pardon. Later, after he came to Danshui, he accidentally saw Sun Yuanhua, who stayed in Danshui and is now dedicated to learning. After meeting, Sun Yuanhua really taught Kong Youde another lesson.

Sun Yuanhua enlightened Kong Youde and asked Kong Youde to follow Yu Xiaotian to work hard in the future. Yu Xiaotian is a person who can achieve great things. Now he follows Yu Xiaotian as soon as possible. In the future, he can whitewash his origin and achieve a career. Moreover, Yu Xiaotian knows people well. It is quite good for his subordinates, as long as Kong Youde is good in the future. It's easy to do, and you will never treat him badly.

So after Kong Youde was taught, he felt at ease and stayed in the army school for two years. After changing his name, he was awarded the rank of second lieutenant and a trainee deputy company commander. Then he was sent to Hong Kong Island for a period of time. Later, he went south with the army and fought several battles with the Vietnamese. Then he was promoted to deputy battalion commander.

When he went north this time, he served under the 9th Brigade. He fought quite bravely and made great achievements. He was promoted to become a battalion commander. When Hong Chengchou returned to Shaanxi, Yu Xiaotian asked Kong Youde to follow Hong Chengchou back to Shaanxi as a person who monitored Hong Chengchou and listened to the order under Hong Chengchou's account.

Kong Youde followed Hong Chengchou in Shaanxi during this period and made achievements when he fought against Luo Rucai and Zhang Xianzhong. Now his military rank has been upgraded to the rank of lieutenant colonel, but he still leads the battalion as the battalion commander for the time being. Next, if necessary, he can be alone at any time. He led the establishment of a brigade and became a senior general of the Yu family army.

This time, Hong Chengchou wanted to eliminate Li Zicheng and saw that Li Zicheng might go to the area of Zhenyuan County, so he took a battalion led by Kong Youde with another part of the newly trained recruits in Shaanxi and went to Zhenyuan County to be responsible for blocking Li Zicheng.

As a result, there was a somewhat ironic situation. Kong Youde fought against Li Zicheng. Later, when Yu Xiaotian learned about this, he spewed a mouthful of tea far away with a smile on the spot. Where is this? It's simply Guan Gong's battle with Qin Qiong! However, Yu Xiaotian accidentally appeared in this time and space, which led to such an absurd thing.

Li Zicheng didn't know at all that there would be such a deadly soldier hidden in Zhenyuan County at this time. He thought that in a small county like Zhenyuan County, there could be hundreds of officers or township bravery at best. Even if their ability to attack the city was not strong, as long as they fought, they could still take the county. The city, so he took the soldiers and horses under his command and surrounded the town of Zhenyuan County.

Kong Youde actually learned from the scouts that Li Zicheng led his troops to attack Zhenyuan County. After thinking about it, he played a trick and decided to show his nose in front of everyone this time and play a means to leave Li Zicheng here.

So he ordered Zhenyuan County to close the gate early, block the news that his troops were stationed here, and left three companies of troops under his command, while he led the cavalry company and the remaining elites to go out of the city.

After Li Zicheng led his army to arrive at the county seat, he surrounded the county town three floors outside, and then threatened the defenders of Zhenyuan County to immediately open the city and surrender. Otherwise, he would attack the city and kill a chicken and dog in the county.

It is not the first time that Li Zicheng has done such a thing. Since he started his army and followed Gao Yingxiang's rebellion, things like slaughtering the city have not been done once or twice. Often, as long as they attack the city, they encounter strong resistance from the defenders in the city. In order to threaten other city defenders in the future, these exiles After the army captured the city, it often took extremely bloody measures to massacre the city.

But this time his threat obviously did not play a role. There was no response on the wall of Zhenyuan County. Instead, he bombarded several of his men sent to persuade him to surrender.

In anger, Li Zicheng immediately ordered to start the siege. Thousands of civilian troops, driven by Li Zicheng's core soldiers, began to flock up, set up ladder ants to climb the city, and launched a fierce attack on Zhenyuan County.

But to Li Zicheng's surprise, the defenders in Zhenyuan County seemed to be more than he thought, and the resistance was relatively tenacious. What surprised him was that there were some fire-guns in the defenders that could shoot far away. Although the number was not large, they were very powerful, killing some of his generals one after another. Several of his attacks have been repeatedly frustrated.

(It's really touching! I'm really ashamed that my brothers still give me a reward for this speed of update! Today, I would like to thank my old friend Eagle's martial arts brothers, and there is also a reward from Pangzi Liu Chao's friend! This book was probably completed during the Spring Festival, and now I'm starting to think about the new book!)