Daming Haiku

Chapter 106 It's the emperor's turn

And the people are already grateful to the court for the sudden 180-degree turn of the court, punishing corrupt officials, killing those local tyrants and evil gentry, reducing rents and burdens, and canceling all kinds of additional dispatches. Now they see that the court has tried its best to transfer a large amount of food from other places to give disaster victims and refugees. Although there are not many hungry people giving out relief, they have made each of them grateful.

Some people deliberately publicized these sudden court measures, saying that these were all done by General Yu Jianguo in the current court. As soon as the people heard it, they were even more grateful to Xiaotian. Many people worshipped the portrait of Yu Xiaotian at home. If they couldn't make a portrait, they would write a name and Yu Xiaotian. Heaven was worshipped as a living immortal.

In fact, it is easy for ordinary people to be satisfied. As long as someone is a little better to them, they will be grateful to you. As long as they can eat and die of hunger, few people will rebel and do that kind of head-dropping thing.

So in less than two years, the chaos in the whole north has been fundamentally reversed. A group of exiles have been wiped out by the officers and soldiers, and a large number of exiles began to return to their hometowns and return to the land they abandoned.

During this period, local governments have confiscated a lot of corrupt officials and corrupt officials, profiteers and inferior gentry, turning them into local rich land. Yu Xiaotian also issued an order to let local governments temporarily rent these ownerless official fields to some landless people, or rent seeds to those abolished soldiers, so that There is a piece of land that belongs to them.

As long as there is land, there is hope for the Chinese people, and they are willing to be fixed on the land and work hard.

Especially after the implementation of the evolutionary version of the system changed by Yu Xiaotian, many landlords have lost the motivation to continue to annex land. Even if they have annexed more land, they will not only not be able to obtain greater benefits as before, but on the contrary, they will have to pay because of their large amount of land. Taxes have also risen.

Yu Xiaotian proposed a step-by-step method for the collection of land tax. The smaller the number of land owned, the lower the proportion of grain needs to be paid. On the contrary, the higher the proportion of tax paid per mu of land. Some landlords like the merger of a large amount of land through several generations, This is unlucky.

Although some big landlords are not enough to be killed by Yu Xiaotian and can continue to be their riches, they own a large amount of land, and even some families own thousands of mu of land. The grain they have to pay every year is simply astronomical, which makes them suffer.

Originally, whoever has more land is awesome, but now who has more land is unlucky and who wants to pay more land, and the proportion is higher. And these big landlords have too much land to cultivate themselves, so they can only be planted by landless farmers. After the farmers pay the rent, they have to leave enough food for their lives, so The tenant rent should not be too high, otherwise you can't find tenants to rent seeds.

However, the tenant rent paid by the tenants is calculated according to the new tax system, but it is not enough to pay the government. In this way, the more land, the more money will be lost. Who is interested in continuing to annex the land?

Of course, the landlords will not agree to such a system, and landlords everywhere have also stirred up a lot about this. They jointly wrote to the court and even made trouble for this reason, and some local landlords gathered force to try to fight against the government.

Yu Xiaotian has slightly adjusted this, slightly reducing the burden of some landlords who own more land, but it has also been carefully calculated. Even after the reduction, most of these landlords can only rely on tenant rent to maintain. It is still impossible to continue to make a fortune through tenant rent. Love.

In this way, it has fundamentally temporarily curbed the momentum of land annexation. Owning more land will not bring much benefits to landlords. Who is willing to annex the land?

Of course, like some generations of small landlords who earn some land by careful calculation and frugal use, Yu Xiaotian's policy is still protected. As long as the amount of their land does not exceed a certain amount, they can still obtain a good harvest on their land, and there will be no seeds. There is a lot of land, and the high amount of land has been collected.

In this way, it has protected a large number of rich farmers or small landlords who have accumulated some land through their own efforts, so as to overturn a boat of people. Those who have suffered the real losses are those rich gentry and powerful nobles who have annexed a large amount of land by means of clever robbery.

In the thirteenth year of Chongzhen, Yu Xiaotian really did cruel things to the imperial relatives of the Zhu family who were placed all over the country. These royal relatives who were placed all over the country were rich and occupied a large amount of land. In the Ming Dynasty, these imperial relatives were all over the country. , all obtained a large amount of land through rewards and robbery.

But because their surname is Zhu or have relatives with the Zhu family, they have never assumed any responsibility for the country, but they have occupied a lot of resources and have long been unnoticed by Yu Xiaotian. Previously, he was busy dealing with those local tyrants and evil gentry and did not touch these imperial relatives first, but now he has stabilized the Central Plains. After the situation, I finally remembered these royal relatives.

In the name of Chongzhen, Yu Xiaotian issued an order to the feudal kings and relatives of the emperors, telling them that since they are also the Ming royal family and relatives of the emperor, they should bear their responsibility for the Ming Dynasty, and they should not bear nothing as before.

Therefore, in the future, in addition to leaving 100 to 300 mu of land for each person to be exempted from receiving farmland according to their different ranks, the rest of the more fields will also be collected according to ordinary fields, but considering that they are the face of the relatives of the imperial family, only in terms of the proportion of receiving farmland, Normally, it has been reduced. Even if they rent out, they can still earn some price difference, which is a special preferential treatment for them.

With this imperial edict, the imperial relatives from all over the country blew up at that time! They have been lying on the credit book of their ancestors for more than 200 years and have been enjoying the highest treatment. When will they receive the land empowerment on their heads? Now the world is really going to change. Now that Yu Jianguo actually wants to pull hair from them, is that okay?

So these imperial relatives immediately quit and scolded Yu Xiaotian one after another, saying that this was by no means the original intention of today's emperor. It was Yu Xiaotian's edict in the name of the saint. They would never agree. If Yu Xiaotian did not take back his order, then they would rise into the army. King Jingqin wants to overturn filial piety.

And some local vassal kings have also been supported by some local officials and gentry. Not long after Li Zicheng was destroyed, Zhu Changxun, the king of Fu in Luoyang, Henan Province, did a big thing that Yu Xiaotian had been waiting for a long time.

After the imperial edict of receiving the vassal king Tianfu, the new magistrate of Luoyang personally came to the Fuwang Mansion to declare and inform the King of Fu that you can't continue to be exempted from the ten-thousands of hectares of land in the future. In addition to leaving 500 mu of land and can enjoy the exemption treatment, the rest of the extra mu of land must be handed over!

Zhu Changxun, the king of Fu, was furious as soon as he heard it. On the spot, the slaves and bodyguards of the royal palace beat the Luoyang magistrate, stripped off the official robe of the Luoyang magistrate, knocked off his official hat, threw it directly on the street, humiliated him, and said wildly that this world is the world of the Zhu family. How can he let him If anyone dares to come to the house to receive the Tian Fu of the Fu of the Zhu family, then no one will forgive him.

Luoyang magistrate was humiliated and returned to the government office. He immediately went to the court and reported the matter to Yu Xiaotian. Yu Xiaotian was very happy as soon as he heard it.

Henan is now suffering from transportation problems, and the speed of grain transportation is slow. All provinces in Henan have been suffering for the relief difficulties of the local hungry people. Moreover, Henan has been suffering from military disasters for so many years, and the finances of various prefectures are very tight. Although Yu Xiaotian has allocated a lot of relief funds to Henan, the food problem and funds have never been solved. The law has been fundamentally solved.

And who in the world doesn't know that the Fuwang Mansion is rich? This King of Fu is the son of Emperor Wanli of Mingshenzong, and he is a brother of Mingguangzong. Since he was a child, he has attracted the love of Emperor Wanli. He has wanted to make him the crown prince many times, which caused a national dispute. Fortunately, the ministers insisted that they did not let Guangzong be abolished.

Because Wanli loved Zhu Changxun, he later named him the king of Fu and was in Luoyang. However, Zhu Changxun lived in Beijing and refused to go to Luoyang for a vassal. Later, he was forced by the ministers to go to Luoyang.

Wanli distributed 20,000 hectares of land to King Fu. It is said that the local land in Luoyang was not enough for King Fu. Later, he could only give him the official land of other prefectures, so that King Fu's land was all over Henan, and even Shanxi had his land.

And Fuwang is very greedy. After the vassal, he still thought it was not enough. He swore violently in Luoyang and annexed the land. It is said that his family's wealth is invincible.

This guy is greedy and stingy to die. In another history of time and space, Li Zicheng attacked Luoyang. The defenders of Luoyang wanted to eat or not and pay. The guard officials knew that there was a lot of money and grain in Fu Wang's house, so they came to ask Fu Wang to take some money and food out for emergency, but Zhu Changxun was still a dime at that time. He said nothing and refused to pay for food. As a result, the Luoyang guard was distracted and unwilling to work hard, causing Luoyang to be defeated by Li Zicheng.

In the end, Fuwang, the fat man, was not good. He was stripped and washed by Li Zicheng, and slaughtered a few deer to find a super-large iron pot. Even the deer boiled it, and divided the meat to the soldiers to eat, which was nicknamed Fulu Banquet!

Yu Xiaotian has been thinking about this guy for a long time, but because he is still wearing a bright vest now, it is not convenient to deal with this guy, so he has not moved this guy since he came to power.

Now this guy is so arrogant that he has beaten all the Luoyang magistrate he sent, stripped off the magistrate's robe and knocked off his official hat. This matter is not big or small. According to the big thing, his behavior is even a conspiracy. How dare to beat the imperial court order officials, is it okay?