Daming Haiku

Chapter 108 Change the sea to work for subsidy

But in the end, the final whereabouts of Fuwang and his son has become an eternal mystery. No one can explain it clearly. Fuwang and his son have mysteriously disappeared in the Luoyang Rebellion.

As for the royal families in the remaining provinces that tried to gather force to fight against Yu Xiaotian, none of them could safely survive the end of the 13th year of Chongzhen. In front of the powerful firepower of the new army, those temporarily gathered rebels were simply five scum. Not surprisingly, they were soon sent by Yu Xiaotian. The soldiers were destroyed one after another.

And by the end of Chongzhen's thirteenth year, even Yungui and other places where Yu Xiaotian had not infiltrated his forces before, the Yu family army also attacked them and quickly defeated some local resistance forces that did not listen to the court.

Moreover, Yu Xiaotian ordered that all the registered relatives of the Zhu family should be handed over to the local government for strict supervision. Under special circumstances, they can only stay in the house and are not allowed to leave the house without authorization. All the needs of the house are uniformly distributed and supplied by the local government, which is equivalent to completely putting the descendants of the Zhu family in a cage. Noodles.

Yu Xiaotian's method is already quite mild. Compared with some dynasties, the means of slaughtering the original royal family are quite generous.

Two years later, the situation in the whole north and the Central Plains has basically stabilized. Although there are still some cults such as Bailian religion trying to make trouble in some places, and some powerful people who refuse to be calm are still trying to make trouble for the court, but under the strong suppression of the family army, these are all small fights. Basically, I can't turn over a lot of waves.

With the gradual implementation of various new policies in the land of Daming, the official atmosphere has gradually become clear, and all kinds of extortion and extortion methods used by officials have been banned little by former officials, greatly reducing the burden on the people, and agricultural production in various places is gradually recovering, even if it is the most disaster In the severe Shaanxi region, now the people have also returned to the land and begun to reorganize the land.

Years of war have led to a sharp decline in the population of the north, and many places that have suffered from serious military disasters have had ten rooms and nine empty spaces. Even after the exiles return to their hometown, there is also a serious population shortage, making many lands abandoned due to insufficient manpower and animal resources.

Therefore, Yu Xiaotian ordered some places in Shaanxi and Henan, especially villages that were not suitable for farming in the former mountains, and moved the limited villagers out of the mountainous areas and transferred them to some places where the population is relatively small but the land is more suitable for farming to rearrange, so that they can rent and farm official fields and transfer some of the original Villages in the mountains were abandoned and returned to forests to maintain water and soil. In terms of the natural environment, the first step was taken to maintain soil and water.

In April of Chongzhen's 14th year, Yu Xiaotian finally issued an order to cancel the canal transportation and change the canal transportation to sea transportation. The money and grain transferred to the north in the south abandoned the canal to go by sea, loaded Shanghai ships from coastal ports and transported them to the north, completely eliminating the corruption that ocean transportation consumes too much national resources.

However, this incident has also caused a sharp rebound, because the abandonment of transportation will affect the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of boat people who used to rely on transportation for a living, as well as Caoding and various officials who manage transportation affairs.

The solution given by Yu Xiaotian is that some of the rowing boats are subsidized by the state, purchased and processed, or dismantled or changed to short-distance transportation in rivers, and some of the boat people who settled part of the rowing boats landed and gave them land to become farmers.

Other part of the boatmen who were willing to make a living on the ship moved to the coastal area and recruited their Shanghai ships as crew members.

As for Caoding everywhere, it will be reorganized, the demobilization and resettlement, and the personnel who should continue to be recruited into the army will be recruited into the army for listening.

There are also some former officials in the field of canal transportation, which will be arranged separately, or demobilized, or transferred to other places, only retain some canal sections with good water conservancy conditions and continue to maintain them. As for many sections of canals that are seriously silted, they choose to be abandoned.

On the surface, this practice is very appropriate and has taken into account the interests of the vast majority of people, but in fact, it still seriously affects the vested interests of many people who have made great benefits in canal transportation affairs.

In this way, these people must be very unhappy, so they encourage the people to make trouble, and there are also some people with ulterior motives to participate in it and secretly pay for buyers to try to take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble.

Yu Xiaotian also expected in advance that he could not be prepared for such a large-scale problem that would affect hundreds of thousands of lives. Before this imperial edict came out, a large number of detailed works had been mixed into the people in advance, so when some people began to gather and make trouble, the military and local officials in various places The house immediately began to use thunderous means to arrest a group of provocative people and correct the law on the spot.

By the way, he also pulled out the radish and brought out the mud, which involved a lot of officials who fished in troubled waters. Among them, Nan Zhili alone arrested hundreds of officials, and quickly decided to behead them and abandoned the city.

As a result, the civil unrest along the canal, which had just started for a short time, was pressed down one after another in just more than three months.

After taking away these provoking or secretly insitiating minds, the rest of the Cao people are much easier to deal with. In addition, the court gave them more preferential treatment. Compared with these bottom boatmen, when they were boatmen on the boat, they were boatmen, and the treatment given by the current court, they naturally fell down. Drum, began to accept resettlement.

This time, the court can save a huge amount of shipping costs every year. The most important thing is to avoid the burden of ordinary people who have been peeled off a few layers of skin because of shipping.

Part of the money saved was invested in maritime affairs, and a large number of new cargo ships were built for grain transportation from the south to the north, and many ship workers who were unemployed due to the cancellation of sea transportation, reducing a large amount of waste due to sea transportation.

In addition, Yu Xiaotian is not allowed to divert the remaining funds saved, but has been invested in the renovation of rivers in the Huanghuai area that are prone to flooding all year round, especially the two major rivers of the Yellow River and the Huai River, which is the main goal of investing heavily in management.

In history, the Yellow River has changed its course many times, which has brought endless disasters to the people around the Yellow River in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. The Yellow River is prone to silting, resulting in frequent breaks in the downstream. That is, Pan Jixun, a minister, made great efforts to control the Yellow River during the Wanli period, which stabilized the lower reaches of the Yellow River.

However, after the reign of Apocalypse, the state affairs were in chaos and the financial constraints, coupled with the prevalence of corruption and contempt of officials, made the imperial court unable to comprehensively manage the Huanghuai flooding area.

Now Yu Xiaotian canceled the canal transportation and saved a large amount of money, so he simply invested in the river management in the Huanghuai River Basin. It happened that the people were also very poor. Yu Xiaotian selected a group of capable officials to go to various places to carry out river control projects, and ordered that the people should not be requisitioned at will and can be provided with work for their behalf. The way is to recruit idle disaster victims and pay for food to repair and build the river.

The method of providing relief for work has brought benefits to the people. At this time, many people have not been settled. These mobile disaster victims may bring instability to society at any time. Once they are deceived or led by people, they may cause chaos.

The method of replacing workers for relief attracted a large number of mobile disaster victims to the river control project. The court allocated money and grain to the project, or food, in exchange for the efforts of the exiles to strengthen and repair the rivers that often flooded everywhere. After the end of the project, it was also responsible for the soil for these people. The local residence has fixed it so that it has land to grow and a home, and fundamentally solves the problem that the migrant disaster victims have nowhere to settle down.

Yu Xiaotian was particularly impressed by the fact that Li Zicheng opened the seal and later dug up the Yellow River to flood Kaifeng City. Now Li Zicheng has been destroyed and Kaifeng is temporarily safe, but the Yellow River next to Kaifeng is still like a sharp blade selected for the people in Kaifeng and Guidefu, which may be possible at any time. There is a flood of exits.

Therefore, Yu Xiaotian ordered the Ministry of Industry to strengthen the repair work of the embankments on both sides of the Yellow River section in the lower reaches of Luoyang, and sent the supervisors and imperial history of the Metropolitan Inspection Institute to conduct secret investigations on river management sites in various places to conduct a strict financial review of the river control project to ensure that the money and grain invested can be truly used on the river control project without being used by those officials. The officials are full of their own pockets.

For this reason, he also caught the dirty hands of some corrupt officials. Yu Xiaotian did not kill them. After the investigation, he ordered people to chop off their hands alive, but did not let them die. He hung them on the river construction site and were beaten by the wind and rain for people to visit, so as to deter the officials who succeeded them and made them dare not to stretch out dirty anymore. Greed with money and food to govern the river.

Throughout the 14 years of Chongzhen, the whole country of the Ming Dynasty has entered a relatively stable state. Although there are still small-scale riots or civil unrest in many places, the scale is not large, and it was soon extinguished by the Yu family troops stationed in various places.

After the Yu family army extended their tentacles to all parts of the country, the old-style armies in various places also gradually began to be replaced by the Yu family army. A large number of former Ming troops unloaded their armor and returned to the fields, took off their identity as soldiers for generations, became serious farmers, and assigned their land to them to settle down for farming.

This also reduced the number of redundant soldiers and the financial burden of the imperial court, but this is the abolition of officers and soldiers, and has also been strongly resisted and rebounded by many Ming army generals. The military generals in many places will know that their soldiers and horses will be abolished, and they will immediately become light pole commanders, so of course Reluctance to comply easily.

Some generals with more troops simply led their troops to rebel, attack the surrounding state capitals and counties, plundered the places, and forcibly wrapped the people to join the army as cannon fodder for them.

Among them, even Zuo Liangyu, the general stationed in the area of Xiangyang Mansion, is the most noisy. This guy is not a good bird in another historical time and space. In this time and space, he is still virtuous. He holds soldiers in the Huguang area and often does not listen to orders and harm the people.