Daming Haiku

Chapter 112 Substitue

After Yu Xiaotian invited Chongzhen to sit down, he turned around and walked to the front of the high platform, shook the big red cloak on his shoulder, gave a standard military salute to the soldiers kneeling below, and shouted, "No gift!"

When tens of thousands of soldiers heard the order, they immediately stood up and shouted in unison, "Thank you, Marshal!" After saying that, the school grounds returned to quiet in an instant.

Yu Xiaotian glanced at the soldiers and horses in front of him with satisfaction, nodded and shouted, "Guys! Today is an important day for me! Yu specially invited the current emperor to see you off!

Once upon a time, outside the northern pass, there was such a thug that occupied the whole Liaodong and enslaved our Liaodong Han people for decades!

They are fierce and cruel, killing our Han people, repeatedly committing crimes and doing all kinds of evil. They have been in trouble for decades, but no one can cure them, but now they will pay the price for this. This time, Yu will personally lead you to go to Liaodong and completely erase it from the world! Revenge my hometown!

Take back the glory we have lost for decades and let these slaves tremble at our feet forever! It's our luck that you can join someone on this expedition!

We will tell the world that from now on, no one in the world will ever ride on our heads again, and the humiliation of those years will be completely washed away by us!


Yu Xiaotian said in a very loud voice for about ten minutes before he finally ended his speech. Although the time was not very long, everyone below couldn't help but boil. Under the leadership of the generals, he roared again with a tsunami, and all the soldiers were pulled out. With the weapon, he raised his head and raised his arms and roared:

"Vow to kill Jiannu and restore Liaodong..."

This roar, like a thunderbolt on the flat ground, rolled towards the distance and echoed between heaven and earth for a long time.

Then Meng Fei, who went on an expedition as the deputy commander, rushed out of the ranks under the high platform, ran to the high platform, pulled out his waist knife, made a knife-wielding salute to Yu Xiaotian and Chongzhen on the high platform, and shouted loudly, "Please inspect the army and the emperor, and swear to set out!"

Yu Xiaotian shouted, "Yes!"

After saying that, the generals below immediately began to take the battalion as a unit, and then began to fish out. Each battalion formed a horizontal row of 50 people and a vertical phalanx of 25 people. They stepped on a neat pace and rumbled past the front of the high platform.

Chongzhen's heart was sad, but his mood was also very complicated. He sat silently on the dragon chair to watch the inspection ceremony of Yu Jiajun in front of him. In the eyes of these soldiers, there was no existence of him, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Everything was regarded as filial piety and did not pay attention to him at all. Today, although he is the current saint He came to watch the ceremony in the name, but he was always a supporting role, which filled his heart with a feeling of humiliation and frustration.

He knew that from now on, the Zhu Dynasty of the Ming Dynasty had completely become a past tense. From now on, the world has completely changed his surname. Today, as the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty, he came to hold a funeral for the Ming Dynasty. Although these people are still in the name of a Ming Dynasty, they It is to swear allegiance to Yu Xiaotian in public.

The tall Yu Xiaotian in front of him has covered all his glory, so that the world now only knows Yu Xiaotian and has forgotten him, the former emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Chongzhen stared blankly at the square arrays in front of him and slowly passed under the high platform. However, when each square array passed, he gave Yu Xiaotian the highest etiquette to their soldiers, but few people were looking at him as the emperor.

Fortunately, Yu Xiaotian has not completely forgotten his existence. After the review began, he invited Chongzhen to come forward to watch the ceremony. Chongzhen had no choice but to go to the front desk and stand side by side with Yu Xiaotian until he saw all the soldiers lined up, and then returned to their queue position.

Yu Xiaotian fakely asked Chongzhen to say a few words to the soldiers, but Chongzhen shook his head to refuse Yu Xiaotian's invitation, but just said, "I wish Yu Aiqing and all the soldiers today that after they can get out of the customs, they will win the horse and success. I hope Yu Aiqing will win as soon as possible. I will wait for you in Beijing. Come back! It's not too late to talk about it!"

Yu Xiaotian nodded and smiled, "Please rest assured that there is nothing to worry about building slaves. I am fully sure about this trip. I will calm him out the battle and completely put an end to the future troubles! Please wait for the good news of Weichen! At that time, everything will be holy!"

Yu Xiaotian's last sentence made outsiders hear it a little confused. They didn't know what he meant, but Chongzhen was very clear about the meaning of his words and nodded, "I will do what I said, and I hope you can fulfill your promise at that time!"

Yu Xiaotian nodded and said, "A gentleman is hard to chase! How can you and I joke! Please take care..."

Chongzhen stood on the high platform and looked at this strong man and horse. Under the leadership of Yu Xiaotian, he slowly drove out of the campus, and then turned north and walked towards Shanhaiguan. When he didn't say anything for a long time. When this man and horse gradually disappeared at the end of the road, he suddenly stammed and almost fell. Sitting on the ground, the whole person's strength seems to have been drained,

Wang Chengen, the eunuch who followed him, with tears in his eyes, came forward to hold Chongzhen and whispered, "Take care! It's time for us to go back to Beijing!"

Chongzhen nodded and said, "Yes! It's time for us to go back!"

At the same time, at the docks of Dengzhou Water City and Qingdao, several other brigades of Yu Jiajun also began to set foot on the trestle under the leadership of the generals, and began to board a warship, and then sailed and anchored. Yang Fan left the dock, thinking about driving in the direction of the Liaodong Peninsula.

Since he learned that the army entered the customs and was intercepted by the Yu family army in the customs, and finally the whole army was destroyed, Jin Jiannu completely fell into fear and chaos.

All the Jiannu subordinates have never thought that they entered the customs in 11 years, but finally got such a result.

They hardly got any benefits, but left tens of thousands of elite Jiannu in the customs, and a large number of soldiers of the Eight Banners of Mongolia who followed them into the customs. With this fiasco, only a few people were finally able to escape back to the customs.

Du Du, the deputy commander who led the troops into the customs, finally led less than 3,000 defeated soldiers to escape from the customs, and the rest of the military and horses of the construction slaves were almost lost in the customs.

If it hadn't been for the sudden failure of the family army and sent troops to attack the family army after the defeat of the Jiannu army, it would have been difficult for even Du Du and others to successfully sneak back to the customs this time. It was precisely because of this that Du Du took advantage of the chaos to collect some remnants of the soldiers. The defeated general finally bypassed the Ming Jingshi and broke out from the gate. Finally, it took more than two months to return to Liaodong.

Originally, Huang Taiji, who was waiting for Dorgom and others to return with a large number of people with wealth and goods, heard the news and was almost angry to death on the spot. Fortunately, the left and right waiters quickly beat his chest and rubbed his back before making him recover.

After Huang Taiji woke up, he immediately cried loudly, gritted his teeth and vowed to avenge his brother Dorcon, but everyone knew that it would be difficult for them to recover after this battle.

After this battle, except for the three flags of the two yellow flags and the Zhenglan flag, the other five flags were all elite this time and entered the customs with the army, but they caused a disaster.

The soldiers and horses, including the Mongolian Eight Banners and the Han Eight Banners that accompanied the customs, have also been lost, which is undoubtedly a fatal blow to Hou Jin. This is in response to that sentence. Stealing chickens can't eat rice. This time, Jiannu has eclipsed even his underwear.

But this news makes Huang Taiji dare not believe it, because he knows the ability of the Ming army very well. This time, Dorkon and Yue Tuo led the troops into the customs. The soldiers and horses are the elite of the eight flags, and their combat power is extremely strong. In addition, there are more than 30,000 Mongolian eight flags to help the battle. With the Ming army's combat power, they almost want to eat them. It is impossible.

Who on earth did this? Huang Taiji immediately inquired, and the broken soldiers who fled back outside the customs cried and told Huang Taiji that it was not the Ming army in the north who led the Tianjin guard to throw away their armor, but the officers and soldiers from Fujian in the south, known as the Yu family army.

The defeated soldiers detailed how the Yu family army completely defeated them this time, how they left Dorcong in the customs, and also stated the rumored relationship between Yu Xiaotian and the imperial court to Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji is a very intelligent guy, and even some people call him a strange talent in history. He is by no means a fool, and immediately made things clear.

So he was immediately furious and thought that Dorgon had done a stupid thing this time. If it were him, after Du Du led his troops to Tianjin Wei and was beaten by Yu Jiajun, he would immediately give up the captured population, livestock and heavy goods and immediately lighten them. He gave up taking Tianjin Wei to go out of the customs, chose to take a detour to the west of the capital, and then chose a place to lead his troops out of the customs.

Although this is equivalent to a trip to the customs for nothing, at least the soldiers and horses have been saved, leaving the green mountains without worrying about firewood. In the future, they will still have a chance to start again.

And Huang Taiji can judge that I'm afraid that Yu Xiaotian's intention to go north this time is not to drink, not exactly to deal with their slave army. In fact, he hides a huge ambition at a deeper level, that is, I'm afraid that his ultimate purpose this time is actually for the Ming court, and he has the idea of usurpation of power.

If Dorge chooses to give up so many abtioned population and livestock and heavy vehicles and chooses to bypass the Ming Jingshi out of the customs, then due to the situation of the family army at that time, it is absolutely difficult to chase them and block them in the customs. Next, he will definitely fight with the Ming officials and soldiers. No one can intercept Dorson's department at all.

(Special thanks to the spring breeze, xellos, and 1727653 brothers!)