Daming Haiku

Chapter 117 Knocking on the Mountain

Someone asked Zu Dashou, "Do we have to sit and wait for death or watch the wind direction?"

Zu Dashou nodded and said, "I'm afraid that's the only way!"

So after some discussion, they, the Guanning generals who still controlled some soldiers and horses, finally reached a unified opinion, that is, to watch the result of Yu Xiaotian's army out of the customs and the battle with Jiannu. If Yu Xiaotian really destroys Jiannu, then they will go home in addition to honestly handing over their military power. There is no other way but to retire.

However, if Yu Xiaotian leads the army out of the customs this time but can't kill Jiannu, then they still have the opportunity to continue to bargain with Yu Xiaotian and retain their current position outside the customs.

But today, when they saw these fierce soldiers and horses under Yu Xiaotian's command, they were already half disappointed.

They have been dealing with Jiannu for decades, which is quite insightful, but they have never seen such an elite person, so almost everyone has subconsciously sentenced Jiannu to death and can no longer have the idea of fighting against Yu Xiaotianyang.

Yu Xiaotian did not hold a shelf. After meeting with Zu Dashou and his party, he personally took Zu Dashou to talk happily, but they talked happily.

And Yu Xiaotian declined the invitation of Zu Dashou and others to invite him to the city for banquets and treat them. With military affairs, it was inconvenient to talk about these feats. Instead, he ordered the whole army to camp outside Jinzhou, and invited Zu Dashu and others to have a simple meal in the camp outside the city and discuss the next elimination of Jiannu.

Zu Dashhou and others had no choice but to respond to their orders. Now, although Yu Xiaotian has not ascended the throne and become emperor, he has hanged the name of a supervisor. His identity can now be said to be more than 10,000 people under one person in Daming. In fact, even today's emperor Chongzhen, I'm afraid he can only be at his mercy.

So Yu Xiaotian left them to discuss the big camp, and they did not dare to refuse easily. They could only pinch their noses and agree. Looking at Yu Xiaotian's men, they set up the camp outside the city at a dazzling speed. In less than an hour, a huge barracks with various facilities were quite complete. It was arranged outside Jinzhou City.

In such a short period of time, the Yu family set up such a complete military camp. With this incident alone, Zu Dashou and other generals of Guanning opened their eyes.

Under the unified dispatch, all the generals of the family army are as flexible as arms and fingers, and their duties are not chaotic at all. The efficiency is so high that it can be said that everyone's eyes are opened.

While doing all this, Yu Jiajun did not relax at all about the surrounding situation. The cavalry did not disband at all, but patrolled around the camp separately and immediately responded to any surrounding wind and grass. It can be seen that the vigilance of the family army is so high. Even if this is the Daming control area, they did not There is half a break.

They also felt that Yu Jiajun's distrust of Guan Ningjun, which made them a little embarrassed and a little discouraged.

Fortunately, they didn't do anything wrong today. If they really try to be unfavorable to Xiaotian, I'm afraid they will fall directly here today. These tiger and wolf teachers led by Yu Xiaotian are absolutely capable of flattening their Jinzhou City.

Especially when they saw the artillery troops of the Yu family army entering the camp, they were all secretly surprised. They didn't expect that the Yu family army could carry so many heavy guns in the field march. Although these cannons were wearing gun coats, they were only wrapped in cannon clothes. Looking outside, you can find that the gun racks of these cannons are extremely exquisitely designed and labor-saving.

Each cannon is hung behind a novel front car, and the artillery is either riding on the front car or following both sides of the gun car. Each cannon is pulled by two or four horses, which is very convenient when moving.

Roughly, Yu Xiaotian's exit this time, alone carried more than a hundred heavy cannons, and all of them were Hongyi cannons. Such firepower really made people feel frightened when they looked at it.

The Guanning army used to be quite well equipped. If there is anything good in Daming, they often use it first, and the Hongyi cannon was also the first to be handed over to the Guanning army first.

When Yuan Chonghuan led the crowd to fight Ningyuan's victory outside the customs, he finally won the victory by relying on several Hongyi cannons provided to them in the customs, so Guan Ning's army's firearms were still relatively powerful.

But this is also limited to this. Although they have also obtained several batches of Hongyi cannons over the years, these Hongyi cannons are quite bulky and not suitable for field use. They are mostly scattered in various cities and used as city defense guns. In the field, they can rarely carry some large Hongyi cannons to participate in the war.

However, the Yu family army brought out so many Hongyi cannons from Guan inside at one time, and it was so light that such equipment made these Guanning soldiers amazed.

And they also saw a large number of cold weapons such as ordinary knives and spears used by the Yu family army. Most of the soldiers carried a fire-gun that seemed to be extremely well-built, which surprised them even more. Now anyone has heard that the Yu family's army is good at fighting fire-guns, and their fire-guns can match Far away, you can even take your life from three or four hundred steps, which is quite sharp and abnormal.

After seeing these fire-guns they carried this time, and the number was so numerous that the soldiers of Guanning were even more timid and dared not have any bad intentions towards the family army.

Taking advantage of the free time to camp, Yu Xiaotian did not directly ask Zu Dashou and other Guanning generals about the recent activities of Jiannu. Instead, he casually found an open space on the spot and casually recruited a platoon of fire-gunsmen of Yu Jiajun and gave Zu Da Shou and other Guanning generals a shooting performance.

Under the order of Xiaotian, some soldiers quickly set up more than a dozen chest targets 150 to 200 steps away, and a row of fire-guns stood side by side. At the command of the platoon leader, they raised their guns and aimed.

Zu Dashou and other generals were immediately hung up. They all stared at the chest targets. They were all armed men. Of course, they immediately judged the distance between the chest targets and these fire-shooters, and they were all full of curiosity.

Rumors say that Yu Jiajun's fire-guns can kill people hundreds of steps away, but these are rumors. These Guanning generals have never seen it with their own eyes. Over the years, they have also tried to spend a lot of money to get several Yu Jiajun's fire-guns from Guan, but because Yu Jiajun's strict control of firearms, They have never been able to get what they wanted.

Today, when Yu Xiaotian wanted to show them the power of these family's arms and guns in person, of course, these people's appetites were hung up, and they all held their breath and stared at the dozen chest targets with wide eyes.

Even if they are transferred to bombardment so far, they may not be able to hit it, let alone think about it, so they have some doubts.

But with the sound of a row of gunfire, their eyes suddenly fell to the ground. Although the distance was so far that they could not see the situation on the chest target, they still saw that several chest targets were knocked to the ground on the spot because they were not fixed and not reliable.

After the shooting, Yu Xiaotian invited Zu Dashou and others to inspect the target in person, so under the protection of the guards, these people went to the place where the target was set.

Zu Dashou and several Guan Ning generals came over and observed the chest target carefully, and each of them couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. At least a few slingshots were left on each of these chest targets, and the chest target was made of thick wood. Each bullet effectively penetrated the chest target, so that at such a distance, even if it was hit On humans, you can also ensure that the bismium is ejected into the human body.

So Zu Dashou and several Guanning army generals had a chill in their hearts, and each of them secretly called a fluke. Fortunately, they did not choose to fight against Yu Xiaotian by force. Otherwise, it was estimated that they were these chest targets and were hit by Yu Jiajun's fire-guns.

Now they completely understand why Wu Xiang led his troops to attack the Tianjin Wei occupied by his family at the beginning and was beaten so miserably. Even he himself was beaten into pieces on the spot. It turned out that the fire-gun in Yu's army's hands was really not blown. This thing was really sharp.

-At least no one can think of a way to restrain them at present. This guy is far and accurate. Even if they defend the city, it is estimated that they will not be good. They can knock down the defenders guarding on the wall one by one far away from the city without worrying about being counterattacked by the defenders. This battle makes people feel desperate. , can't fight at all! It's just a pure part of being beaten, but there is no chance to counter it.

Now they know the reason why Yu Jiajun can take down the capital in just a few days. Not to mention that the capital is the capital camp guard with silver-like spearheads, even if they pull these Guanning troops to defend the city, it is estimated that they are not much better than those Beijing camps.

Today, Yu Xiaotian seems to let them watch the shooting performance. To put it bluntly, he is knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger. Let them first know the strength of the fire-gun in their hand, so as to avoid any crooked ideas in their hearts.

After this beating, Zu Dashou and several Guanning generals restrained the arrogance in their hearts and became much more respectful to Xiaotian.

After the camp was set up, Yu Xiaotian invited them to enter the camp and talk in the big tent that had just been set up. After the two sides sat down, Yu Xiaotian did not greet them too much. After simply asked about the strength and training equipment of the Guanning army in Jinzhou, he began to ask them about the situation of Jiannu.

Zu Dashou and others did not dare to deceive. They simply told Xiaotian about their current military situation and equipment training, and then began to report to Xiaotian about the situation of Jiannu.