Daming Haiku

Chapter 128 Never break your promise

But later, Yu Xiaotian was busy with various affairs and never saw this teenager again. Unexpectedly, he grew up to be an officer in the family army, and today, under such circumstances, he sacrificed his life to save Yu Xiaotian.

This is really a natural cycle of karma! At that time, he tried his best to find a cure for malaria, saved the teenager, planted a cause, and now he has produced such a result.

Yu Xiaotian nodded and laughed, patted Yu Decheng on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "I remember! You are the little guy back then! Very good! You can recover from your injury and come to see me after you recover. I will thank you very much! Come on, send him down quickly and do your best to treat him. I want him to live! You have to live!"

The guards immediately received the order, and someone quickly took a bed board, simply bandaged Yu Decheng's wound, carried it to the door board, and rushed to the exclusive hospital of the army in the city.

As for the assassin who was killed and several assassins captured alive, they were immediately cleaned up. The living assassins must undergo a hellish torture until the messenger behind them is found out. It is definitely impossible to live again.

It can be predicted that after this assassination time occurs, it will be a bloody storm. I don't know how many people will be involved, and eventually the head will fall to the ground. I don't know how many large families will be involved this time. Finally, the whole house will be killed and the property will be confiscated. For these enemies who tried to assassinate him, Yu Xiao God will never leave his hand easily.

Although this episode is a little bad, Yu Xiaotian has not been affected much. Over the years, there have been many incidents of assassination against him. It can be said that it happens almost every month, and even at the most frequent times, several assassination incidents against Xiaotian can be found in a month.

Behind these people who intend to assassinate filially often represent a certain force or a group of vested interests. Among them, there are not only dismissed officials and former salt princes, and some are royal relatives, powerful and nobles and local gentry. In short, most of these people belong to The original vested interests or vested interest groups in Daming.

The appearance of Yu Xiaotian has led to the loss of their vested interests that have been monopolized or controlled by them for decades or even hundreds of years. How can these people not be ashamed and angry? Therefore, since Yu Xiaotian came to power, it is not uncommon for Xiaotian to assassinate like this.

As for the methods of assassination, they are even more renovated. Some use bows and crossbows, some poisons, and some try to seduce with women. There have even been a long-range sniper using wolf teeth-guns. In addition, a large amount of gunpowder is placed on the only way for Xiaotian to try to blow up Yu Xiaotian to death. There are also, but like today, it is the first time to use grenades to blow up Yu Xiaotian.

Even Yu Xiaotian was injured for this. Last year, an assassin assassin assassinated a patrol soldier of the Yu family army and grabbed a wolf tooth-gun and matching ammunition. On his way to Zhongshu Province, he lay on a roof and tried to kill Yu Xiaotian.

Yu Xiaotian was concentrated at that time and blocked by the steel knife carried around his waist. He failed to kill Yu Xiaotian, but Yu Xiaotian suffered some minor injuries. Therefore, in order to catch the assassin at that time, Jingshi closed the door for three days and finally caught the assassin. Later, he found a large group of people behind the assassin. At that time As a result, thousands of people were killed.

Over the years, there have been dozens of incidents of assassination against Yu Xiaotian alone, but Yu Xiaotian seems to be taken care of by Mengtian, but there has never been any major problem. He can escape safely every time and suffers a little injury at best.

However, so many assassination incidents have made the guards nervous. Liu Wang, the eldest brother-in-law, is even more nervous to death. He is worried about Yu Xiaotian's safety every day. He is afraid that if there is a slight omission, Yu Xiaotian will be hurt. At that time, he will not be able to explain to everyone.

For this reason, he specially found dozens of guards who are extremely loyal to Xiaotian. He guarded Xiaotian day and night and was ready to serve as a meat shield for Yu Xiaotian. He also tried his best to get a soft armor carefully woven with fine steel wire. After testing, it can effectively block arrows or knives and beg for white. When Lai forced Yu Xiaotian to go out, he must wear it close to his body.

Yu Xiaotian is a little numb now. He has long been accustomed to these behaviors of plotting him, so that he is too lazy to raise his anger and nervousness when he encounters this kind of thing. Anyway, Liu Wang will definitely personally investigate the case afterwards. At that time, as long as he nod, he will naturally A large number of people fell.

That's fine. Yu Xiaotian used himself as a bait, which attracted many enemies to attack him. In this way, he really found a large number of enemies who tried to be unfavorable to him, uprooted them, and cut off many guys who were enemies with him.

Even sometimes Yu Xiaotian personally instructed the people who handled the case, pointing the finger at some guys who deliberately fought against him, put the shit on the heads of these political enemies, and then killed them. Now, by investigating and handling the incident that plotted him, he can pull up a large number of his political enemies almost every time, and then thoroughly Ex-minate.

Yu Xiaotian is not the kind of person who likes to kill indiscriminately. He often only kills some major criminals and does not use the method of chopping all over the door. However, for these rich guys, he uses the method of raiding his family property and confiscate all his property. For this reason, he can be released every year. Some small wealth has almost become a way to make money for Yu Xiaotian.

After this assassination incident, the honor guard team entering the palace became more nervous, increasing defense forces along the way, and a group of snipers were arranged high to closely monitor those gathered on the roadside on the way.

But on the next road, there was no accident. When it was close to the Meridian Gate, another assassination occurred. Several assassins suddenly took out the small strong crossbow dipped in highly poison and launched it at Yu Xiaotian's royal chave, but such a means killed dozens of guards. Under the maintenance of the scholar, it was impossible to hurt Xiaotian at all. Instead, two guards blocked the arrow for Xiaotian. They were injured and were quickly poisoned and sent down for rescue.

Two of several assassins were killed directly on the spot, and the other four were also injured on the spot and quickly dragged down.

In less than an hour, there were two consecutive assassinations against Xiaotian. It can be imagined that Yu Xiaotian forced Chongzhen Zen to be located in him this time, which has caused the anger of many people. He would rather take risks to prevent Yu Xiaotian from ascending to the throne.

Yu Xiaotian's mood finally became bad at this time. He scolded me for being as tired as a dog every day. He was exhausted for this Chinese spirit, but there was a bunch of bastards, holding the shortcomings, or for the interests of their people or the group, thinking about it every day. In order to kill me, can't I get angry and be a sick cat?

Since you bastards don't know whether it's good or bad, I don't mind cleaning up your bastards after ascending the throne. I want to be a reformer, but I will never end up like those reformers in history. Anyone who wants to stop me from moving forward is a national sinner. What's the big deal about killing some? Even if future generations say that I'm a tyrant?

After this idea, in the three years after Xiaotian's accession to the throne, a large-scale clean-up took place in the whole world. Tens of thousands of people landed, and thousands of large households were completely eliminated by Yu Xiaotian, which really shocked a large number of so-called righteous people who tried to restore the Ming Dynasty against China, which made Yu Xiao In the following time, he got a trace of peace and gradually stopped the momentum of trying to stab him.

The scale of the ceremony of the whole Zen position is quite large, and it is very solemn. All kinds of etiquette take turns to fight, exhausting Yu Xiaotian.

Chongzhen, who announced his abdication, looked very bad on this day. He must have not had a good rest for at least a few days in advance. When Yu Xiaotian entered the palace to accept the Zen throne, Chongzhen had already changed his dragon robe, changed into a red robe, and waited for Yu Xiaotian's arrival outside the door of the Taihe Hall.

In addition, hundreds of civil and military officials entered the palace to watch the ceremony in the square outside the Taihe Hall. For the first time in more than three years, Chongzhen has seen so many civil and military officials entering the court, but when he looked up, it was already different. There were not many ministers he knew. The civil and military officials in the whole dynasty came here. At that time, it had been basically replaced by Yu Xiaotian, and several former ministers could no longer appear in the palace.

Chongzhen couldn't help suffering in his heart. Hundreds of years of the Ming Dynasty, but today, it is finally out of his hands. The whole world of the Zhu family also completely changed hands on this day and handed it over to Xiaotian.

After Yu Xiaotian entered the palace, a concession ceremony was held in the Taihe Hall. Chongzhen held the national jade seal in his hand and personally handed it over to Yu Xiaotian, and gave a great gift to Xiaotian, which was regarded as a complete handover of imperial power.

He stopped Chongzhen in front of Xiaotian and whispered to Chongzhen, "Today, I believe in the righteousness of Wang Nengxiao, and Zen is in me. This is the blessing of the world, and it is also the blessing of my Chinese nation!

This skill is comparable to the sun and the moon, and Xinwang can definitely leave a name in history! Later generations will definitely write a great book for the great righteousness of today's King of Faith!

Yu promised to believe that you will never break your promise. Xinwang can rest assured to go to settle in Quanzhou. As long as Yu is there, no one dares to touch you and your family! Yu did what he said!

As for the future of the princes, if the king is willing to let them return to civilian life, Yu can arrange it separately. As long as he keeps his promise, then everything will be a believer according to the previous agreement! I won't disappoint Xinwang!"

(Yesterday, I conducted a unified review of all the previous chapters and found that there were update errors or omissions in individual chapters, so I sorted out and supplemented the previous chapters and adjusted the order of some chapters. I would like to apologize to the brothers again!)