Daming Haiku

Chapter 139 Japanese

"But I don't know where the eldest prince is now?" At this time, Meng Fei remembered to ask Yu Xiaotian about the whereabouts of the eldest prince. Nowadays, few people know where the eldest prince is doing. He always needs to find out where the eldest prince is and what he is doing first!

"Oh! This boy is not very comfortable. You may not have seen him. Last year, he just finished his career in the army martial arts hall. He first worked as a trainee officer and worked under you. Now he has just been promoted to the official second lieutenant platoon leader and is being naturalized. This time, I have asked the Ministry of War to transfer him back! He will report to you tomorrow. Let's follow you to Liaoning first and go for training!" Yu Xiaotian replied indifferently.

Meng Fei suddenly fainted and immediately remembered that last year, a group of young officers were completed in the army lecture hall, dozens of whom were sent to be naturalized and listened to under him. These young trainee officers were all very high-minded. Meng Fei was a little uncomfortable with them, so he put them in danger. Just throw it away.

He still remembers that one of them was a tall guy. When he saw him at that time, his face was quite arrogant and he was not liked by him. He specially cleaned up this guy several times and sent him to take a team of people to patrol dangerous places and kill him.

But what Meng Fei didn't expect was the guy, but he was not defeated by him. On the contrary, he was often able to complete the task well and work diligently. Later, he was very liked by Meng Fei, so he left him to be a trainee counselor, but the guy actually refused to accept it and asked to take a separate platoon and stationed to one. Near a Mongolian tribe that often riots, it is responsible for monitoring the Mongolian tribe.

Meng Fei was very angry and felt that this guy was shameless, so he sent him to that place. Later, he was really attacked by hundreds of Mongolian tribal rebels, and he commanded a platoon of garrison and persisted. He fought fiercely with the rebels in Tunbao, held on to the Tundian for two days, and finally survived. , wait until the reinforcements he sent arrived at the scene of the accident. Finally, when the reinforcements arrived and defeated the rebels, they entered Tunbao and found that less than one-third of the soldiers in Tunbao could still stand up, and the guy himself was also injured in several battles and grinned.

This incident left a deep impression on Meng Fei. As an old military general, he was well aware of the plight faced by Tunbao at that time. Under the helplessness, limited ammunition, serious shortage of troops, and heavy casualties, even the army of Dazhong North Korea was very prone to collapse.

If you want to be like him, you have very high requirements for an officer. In addition to being fearless and leading soldiers, such an officer should also have a strong personal charm. He can boost the morale of soldiers at the most difficult times and make a group twist from top to bottom to form the greatest synergy. At the same time, To have a strong grasp of every detail of the battlefield, any mistakes may cause their whole army to be destroyed, but that guy succeeded in doing so, and led a small number of troops, wounded a large number of enemies, and almost completely defeated the enemy.

Later, because of his injury, the guy was sent back to the rear after being treated in the field hospital. Meng Fei also took special care of him at that time, allowing him to return to serve under his command after recovering his injury and was ready to promote him vigorously.

Now he recalled that this guy's eyebrows looked a little like Yu Xiaotian. At that time, he joked that this guy was a little like the eyebrows of today's saints. He didn't expect that the guy named Yu Dashan was actually the eldest prince today, and he was the most dangerous to be lost by him. He stayed in the place for a long time and almost died at the hands of the rebels.

Meng Fei only felt that the cold sweat flowed down, and his legs were so weak that he couldn't support his body. He fell to the ground with a plop and said tremblingly, "Your Holiness! You won't say that it's in the mountains!"

Yu Xiaotian nodded and smiled, "It's that boy. He came back and told me that your boy is very good at doing things outside the customs. He admires you very much!"

Meng Fei sat on the ground, got up, knelt down quickly, kowtowed and cried, "Holy! My Holy God! You are going to scare Weichen to death! I...Weichen...Alas! So close! It's so dangerous! It's almost a disaster! My God, the emperor wants to scare Weichen to death!

This...this...if there is a mistake at that time...! Isn't that..." Speaking of this, Meng Fei had an uncontrollable urge to pee. When he thought about it, he was afraid and no longer dared to think down.

Yu Xiaotian shook his head and said, "Other people are human beings, and my son is not a god. My son can also do what others can do. You don't have to be afraid about it. Even if this boy was folded there at that time, I won't blame you! Just let him go and let him do it. Life and death have its destiny! It's up to him!"

Meng Fei was helped up by the eunuch for a long time and shook his head with a wry smile: "Weichen obeys the order! Weichen really admires the emperor! Admiration! Please rest assured. Let the eldest prince come to report to me tomorrow, and Weichen knows what to do!"

It turns out that Yu Xiaotian has had four sons and two daughters over the years. Since the children grew up, except for their daughters, their sons have been taken away, and then hide their names to be an ordinary child to experience the sufferings of the world. Everything is just like ordinary people and can't enjoy any special. Take care.

In their advanced school, they began to study in primary school, and then gradually went to school. They took advantage of the holiday time and traveled around the world to observe the world and experience the sufferings of the people in the world. Everyone has to suffer a lot. There is only a short time every year. They can return to Yu Xiaotian and enjoy staying with their parents. A happy life.

These four princes are usually not around Xiaotian. In addition to their personal guards, few people know their whereabouts. In addition to training them as ordinary people, it is also a kind of protection for them.

Yu Zhenhua, the eldest prince, has been smart and smart since he was a child. After attending school, he has always been among the top grades. When he grew up, he first studied in the Naval Academy for a year and completed the courses of the Naval Academy in one year. As a trainee officer, he served on the ship for half a year. He once went to sea with ships, caught whales, and also He chased pirates and even participated in the battle of Jiannu with the ship, but he didn't get any war in the navy at that time.

Later, this guy made his own decision and asked Yu Xiaotian to bring him to the army martial arts hall. After two years of further study, he obtained the status of an army trainee officer. After graduation, he asked to go outside the customs. As a result, he was thrown to Meng Fei's side by Yu Xiaotian. Meng Fei was completely kept in the dark and did not know that the eldest prince was by his side. He was also thrown to one of the most dangerous garrison points by Meng Fei and almost died at the hands of Mongolian rebels.

So this guy's experience is also quite legendary and deeply loved by Xiaotian, but the more he likes this guy, the stricter Yu Xiaotian is to him. This time, he talked with the eldest prince and hoped that he would also participate in this war.

Obviously, this guy is not a calm guy. As soon as he heard it, he became interested and immediately expressed his willingness to go, but on the condition that he wanted to lead the army in person. Yu Xiaotian agreed and handed him over to Meng Fei.

In the fifth winter of Chengtian, after a fierce preparation, a large fleet finally assembled from Lushun Port and embarked on the road of the Eastern Expedition to Japan.

In fact, Japan can't afford such a prosmotive expedition by the Dazhong Dynasty. Over the years, the Chinese-dominated pirate group, which has been ferocious, revolved around Japan every day. What they do can be said to be heinous. They attack the coastal areas of Japan every day, burning, killing and looting. It can be said that they have done A bad thing.

The Tokugawa shogunate of Japan has organized fleets and soldiers and horses to suppress it many times, but it has lost a battle and has never taken advantage of it, which also forced the Tokugawa shogunate to strengthen the closure of the country. In order to prevent these pirates, he also sacrificed the same set used by Daming in those years and adopted the policy of banning the sea. Some people on the coastal islands moved into the mainland to clear the coastal area.

In addition, they also had to defend everywhere, consuming a lot of national strength. Now it can be said that they are exhausted, and the whole Japanese country is full of wind and cranes.

Dazhong Dynasty sent a large army to conquer the Japanese country. Although they used a large number of knife teams formed by North Koreans, and their combat effectiveness was doubtful, but with the support of the main army and navy, with their landing, the Japanese army could not stop their attack at all.

After these knife teams composed of Korean sticks were now armed and landed in Japan, they also gave full play to their ferocity and slaughtered the Japanese, many times more than the soldiers of the Dazhong army.

Although the Japanese warriors, as untime professional soldiers, have very strong personal combat effectiveness, but in the face of the large and medium-sized army in group combat, even the cannon fodder servants composed of these Korean sticks trained by the large and medium-sized army can't take advantage at all.

In more than a month, the whole island of Kyushu, Japan, has fallen, and several vassal states on Kyushu Island, such as Hizen, Satsuma and Osumi, have been destroyed or surrendered.

Then the four islands were also captured, and the island's vassal states were instantly subverted. Then Meng Fei landed from the southern part of Honshu Island and began to attack from south to north.

During this period, Meng Fei also recruited a group of Japanese warriors and formed a new knife team on the spot to act as the leader-party and cannon fodder to open the way for the large and medium-sized army. Once these forcibly recruited Japanese warriors changed their masters, they also worked very vigorously. Although they attacked their compatriots, they were never soft-hearted. There are more people than those Korean sticks.

Tokugawa Idemitsu felt that something was wrong and quickly summoned all the vassals to send troops to stop the attack of the North Korean-fresh servant troops who followed the Dazhong army to invade their Japan.

The two sides immediately launched a series of fierce battles. Japan is also the first country in Asia to imitate the Western-style arqueline gun and use it in the war. It is called an iron cannon. It is quite well-made and equipped with a considerable number of equipment. When they were against the Shangchao-Xianting knife team, they did not suffer losses.

Theting dao dui with a Japanese smoothbore gun shot against them, which often doesn't get much benefit, and the casualties on both sides are not small. However, due to the strict discipline of the large and medium-sized army, the supervision of these knife teams is very strict, and they do not hesitate to slaughter those deserters who dare to collapse before the battle, so In the case of wolves and tigers before, these high-level Korean sticks actually broke out in the small universe and fought desperately before the battle. (It's not that they don't want to retreat, but they really dare not retreat!) As a result, it is often possible to win more with less and fight a lot of beautiful battles.

However, once the Japanese army meets the main force of the large and medium army head-on, the Japanese army will only be slaughtered. Because of the backward gunmaking technology, Japan is equipped with a small number of cannons. When it meets the large and medium-sized army, the artillery of the large and medium-sized army can often collect fire and shoot the Japanese army.

Then the two sides lined up to fight and encountered a wolf tooth two-style rifle with a fire hat, and the Japanese army could only be slaughtered. In front of long-range rifles, the iron cannons used by the Japanese could not reach the large and medium army at all.

This time, God no longer helped the Japanese, and there was no more divine wind to save them. In the face of the attack of the Dazhong army and the North Korean-fresh servant army, the Japanese army lost a battle. If they lost a battle, they died a large area and were captured. The elite troops were quickly exhausted. Then the Dazhong army advanced forward and occupied The territory began to carry out a strong clean-up. For those who were sensitive and stubborn, they would never be soft and wiped out in an instant.