Daming Haiku

Chapter 142 The World of ZTE

After hearing these rumors, Yu Xiaotian laughed and continued to do what he should do. For this reason, some ministers began to think about it and felt that today's emperor was no longer the enterprising saint in those years, so they began to slack off, and even began to make small movements below, testing Do something to enrich your own pockets or form a party for personal gain.

But what they didn't expect was that things didn't seem to be as simple as they thought. Some ministers and officials, who had just slacked down or made some small moves, were immediately caught by the Metropolitan Proctorial Yuan, immediately reported to Yu Xiaotian, and quickly arrested him, handed him to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for interrogation, and then handed over to Dali. The temple quickly made a quick judgment and once again arrested and killed a group of corrupt officials.

At this time, many ministers realized that the current emperor did not seem to care much about the government, but in fact, their hearts were bright! If you want to do small actions under him, I'm afraid that you can't rub sand in the eyes of today's emperor, so you will soon suppress this crooked wind.

In the sixth year of Chengtian, the battle of the Eastern Expedition to Japan was basically over. Yu Xiaotian changed the original Japanese to Donghai Province and issued an order to recruit immigrants and move to Donghai Province.

At this time, China has begun to present a preliminary situation of national peace and people's security. The implementation of various new policies for the benefit of the people has enabled the people to obtain the most basic living conditions, so all kinds of sporadic riots have gradually disappeared.

With the end of the huge investment in river flooding areas in the early stage, the original river flooding areas have returned to calm, and a large number of farmland in flooded areas have begun to be re-cultivated. In addition, the construction of supporting water conservancy projects has made agricultural production in northern grain-producing areas begin to enter a stage of steady improvement.

With the expansion of recultivation area and the promotion and planting of various good seeds, although the north continues to be affected by the small glacier climate, grain production is steadily increasing year by year, and with various high-yielding crops such as well-growing rice, dry rice and selected well-bred wheat and red The promotion and cultivation of potatoes, corn, potatoes and other crops has greatly improved grain production in the whole north year by year.

The gradual recovery of agriculture in the north has also led to a significant reduction in the demand for grain in the south, which has greatly reduced the pressure of grain transportation in the south and the north.

In addition, after Xiaotian ascended the throne, he tried his best to implement various measures to encourage the development of industry and commerce, so that the northern economy is also recovering rapidly and greatly improving, which also makes the fiscal revenue of China and North Korea increase year by year.

This is still the result obtained by Yu Xiaotian has always adhered to the low tax structure. He has taken measures such as light endowment farming and light trophy merchants. He has not increased the proportion and amount of tax collection for many years, and requires such a light tax policy to be implemented.

The common people have obtained a lot of benefits from it. In the past, they could not solve the problem of eating. Of course, they can't have much spare money on hand.

However, with Yu Xiaotian's implementation of the policy of light farming, farmers gradually began to get a small amount of savings through farming. Although they are still very poor, they have more or less spare money on hand. If people have spare money in their hands, they will definitely be a little generous, and the demand for various daily necessities will also be With the improvement, it has also led to the development of small handicrafts.

At this time, the social division of labor began to become more refined than before. The original farmers' almost completely self-sufficient small peasant economy began to undergo some changes, and the social consumption capacity has been greatly improved.

Although during the Ming Dynasty, on the surface, agriculture was more important than merchants, the so-called heavy agriculture was just a constant squeeze of farmers and extract more wealth from them.

On the surface, light merchants seem to be very good for business and do not charge commercial taxes, but in fact, they are only cheaper for some large merchants who collude with government officials. For ordinary businessmen, the government often forcibly purchases, either without paying the bill or giving extremely low prices, making merchants or small hands work. Because of these reasons, Fang often went bankrupt and eventually had to go bankrupt and become a beggar on the street.

However, with the establishment of the Great China and North Korea, officials have governed the Qingming Festival, strictly investigated and dealt with all kinds of collusion between officials and businessmen, or forcibly increased the dispatch of merchants. On the surface, the Great China Dynasty increased the collection of taxes on merchants, which seemed to increase their burden, but in fact, for many merchants, they were exempted from extortion by the government. After the heavy burden, their burden was greatly reduced.

In addition, with the introduction of a unified monetary policy between China and North Korea, the issuance of a unified currency has controlled the financial market, which has greatly facilitated the process of transactions in the field of commercial circulation and promoted the development of commercialization.

In addition, China and North Korea continue to invest in various infrastructure construction, and the number of official procurement has increased year by year. Yu Xiaotian has implemented an open bidding system in many projects or official procurement, canceling the previous hidden operations, putting official procurement on the surface, and allowing merchants to compete.

This largely curbs the means of collusion and secretly cheating between officials and businessmen, so that some skilled businessmen no longer need to bribe officials and obtain official orders through normal competition. After winning the bid, they will sign a peace treaty with the official, that is, the contract, and the official is strictly ordered to settle in accordance with the contract. , do not default or refuse to settle the account.

Such a large number of official orders have also greatly promoted the development of industrial commercialization and enriched a large number of businessmen.

But Chinese people have a very bad habit, that is, after they have money, they don't know how to manage their money. Their favorite and most accustomed way is to buy land, as if land is their most assured way of financial management.

On the mainland of China and North Korea, the desire for land annexation is now fundamentally curbed by the change of land tax structure. The more land you buy, the higher the tax you have to pay, so that you buy more land. On the contrary, you can't make money, but you have to lose money year by year.

This makes many people who have money. After making money, they don't know where to invest their money. They can only dig the cellar at home and hide the money.

This will cause a large number of currencies to eventually settle in society, which will have a considerable negative impact on economic development.

In this regard, the Ministry of Households and state-owned banks also had a headache, so Yu Xiaotian instructed them to launch interest deposits and lending businesses.

In fact, the lending business was done by bank or money shop a long time ago, but in this era, the loan business of private bank, as well as the private lending interest rate of landlords, is very high. The highest interest rate in a month can reach 30% or even 50%, and many landlords control it through this kind of loan means. Control and exploit those small farmers and extract more wealth from them.

This also caused many small farmers or small craftsmen who had to borrow money from them eventually went on the road of bankruptcy because they could not pay interest, and had to offset their land or houses to the landlords or banks that lent them money.

During the Ming Dynasty, this situation was very serious. In the richest southern and other places, many farmers or silkworm farmers eventually went bankrupt and became beggars because of this situation.

Now in the fifth year of Chengtian, with the gradual implementation of the new monetary policy, the unified currency has been fully recognized by the public and began to replace the old currency and become the only currency, it was decreed to separate two branches from the original large Chinese banks, one specializing in charge of economic management. The camp is responsible for small loans to farmers, and the other is mainly responsible for large loans for industry and commerce.

At the same time, they are allowed to absorb deposits, but the deposit interest rate is low and the loan interest rate is also low, so that people can borrow from these two branches to avoid the heavy profit exploitation by those landlords or private money.

The credit of banks in Greater China has now been established, and it is impossible for those private banks to be comparable to banks in Greater China in scale and credit.

Although the interest rate for state-owned banks to absorb deposits is not high, it is relatively safer than putting money in private banks. Most people are still willing to put their rich spare money in state-owned banks and get a little interest.

In addition, through the Ministry of Household, a system has been promulgated to regulate private banks, limiting private banks and private loans, stipulating the maximum amount of interest that cannot be exceeded, and the amount of interest collected and stored. When they are allowed to absorb deposits, they can be higher than state-owned banks, but not too high. At the same time, they can lend At that time, the interest must also be limited to a certain proportion.

With the expansion of the loan business of state-owned banks, the low loan interest rate immediately attracted a large number of people to borrow from state-owned banks.

In this way, those landlords and evil gentry who lived on usury and some banks lost their business. If no one asked them for a loan, their money could not be released. If they could not be released, they would have to pay high interest to the people who put the money in their hands. They became a pure loss. Who will lose money? They didn't do it, so they had no choice but to shut down their business.

This also led to the gradual expulsion of a large number of private loans from the market and the closure of a large number of small private banks. On the surface, it seemed to be a bad thing, but in fact, it made the Dazhong court control the entire financial market, standardized the financial market, and avoided the risk of small private banks, resulting in Civil disturbance.

This also receives a lot of idle funds from state-owned banks, which can enable the Dazhong court to dispatch more funds, concentrate on some major events, and invest in the establishment of more state-owned factories.

(Some brothers may find that the content of the first two chapters is repeated. Let me explain that the problem is the chapter of 'Historical Mystery', which involves the content that some people don't like to read, so they have received a large number of complaints as soon as the update, which may lead to the book being blocked, so they have no choice but to The content of one chapter has been greatly deleted and the content of the latter chapter has been on top, which has led to a large overlap of the content of the two chapters. It is not that I want to cheat the number of words and money, but that some content has offended some guys and can only compromise! I'm sorry to everyone here!)