Daming Shuanglong Biography

045 [Crane Wing Array]

Although Ye Da stayed, his heart had flown to Yizhou thousands of miles away. It's just that his decision this time is very correct, because if he starts from the time he gets the news and arrives at the Yalu River, he will not see a Ming army. Because Zu Chengxun's army was completely destroyed when it attacked Pyongyang a few days later, only Zu Chengxun fled back to the country in confusion.

The news reached Lishui, and Li Shunchen said worriedly, "Can't even the Celestial Empire defeat the Japanese pirates?"

Ye Da was not too discouraged: "Don't worry, General, after this wave of defeat, the emperor of the Celestial Empire will certainly not be able to sit still, and more reinforcements with high combat effectiveness will come one after another!"

"I hope so."

"What are the movements of the Japanese army these days?" Ye Da wanted to go to sea quickly and win several battles with the crane wing array, and then he could leave by himself. And Li Shunchen didn't have enough reasons to keep him.

Li Shunchen looked at Ye Da meaningfully and said, "The detective said that a Japanese army has been rampant recently, robbing our fleet everywhere. Although we have only lost a few fishing boats and small detective boats, it can be seen that the Japanese army has a strong sense of revenge."

"You mean that the leader of the Japanese navy this time may be our defeated general?"

"I think the possibility is very high."

"Then let's attack too!"

"I also have this idea," although Li Shunchen is very unwilling to leave Ye Da, the safety of the country is more important: "A few days ago, he wrote a letter to Yuan Jun and Li Yiqi, but Li Yiqi was rushing here, but Yuan Jun did not reply."

"Then you can write a letter to Zuo Yizheng. I believe Yuanjun dares not disobey the king's order."

"I have written the letter, and there should be an explanation in a few days."

Li Yiqi's fleet soon came to Lishui. Taking advantage of the free time, the two sides formed a joint fleet to practice the "Crane Wing Array" again.

"Ye Da's idea is very powerful! At that time, as long as your brother commands well, we will be absolutely invincible!" Li Yiqi is very happy.

A few days later, Yuan Jun's messenger finally arrived. Yuan Jun agreed to meet him and meet in Luliang three days later. Li Shunchen immediately ordered to bury the pot to make rice, and when he was full, he rushed to Luliang.

Luliang was not too far from Lishui. It only took half a day to sail, and the Jeolla United Fleet arrived at Luliang, which was a little far from Yuanjun. It took two days before Yuanjun to arrive.

The three armies met and immediately held the highest military meeting of the navy. Yuanjun's face was no longer full of anger and hatred from half a month ago, replaced by an anxious expression.

"There has been some bad news recently. It is reported that a large number of Japanese fleets have gathered along the coast of Busan. It seems that we should gather superior forces like us and wait for an opportunity to fight back," Yuanjun said worriedly.

"This is very bad, and I also heard here that recently, a Japanese fleet has been attacking all the ships at sea in the waters of Jeolla Province, which seems to have some revenge," Li Shunchen also said.

"What are you afraid of! We unite to fight with them, and we have a deadly weapon - the turtle ship, and the invincible tactic of 'the crane wing array'!" Li Yiqi is not afraid at all.

"Crane Wing Array?" Yuan Jun still didn't know that Li Shunchen's fleet was practicing this formation.

"Invented by Ye Da

"But it's just a little * to the Japanese military's tactics"

"Say what should we do? Go straight to Busan to fight against the Japanese army?

"Let me see. Let's first find out which Japanese army is currently active in Jeolla Province and how many warships there are. Let's remove this first, test our 'hex wing array' by the way, and then go to Busan to prepare for the decisive battle!"

"Well, that's it!"

After the negotiation, * the joint fleet sailed out of Luliang Bay. Fortunately, when the combined fleet sailed to the south of the South China Sea Island, several small Japanese speedboats appeared in the sight of the North Korean army. The Japanese boat also saw the vast * navy at the same time.

The ship turned around and ran away.

"It seems to be the reconnaissance ship of the Japanese army"

"Chasing!" At Li Shunchen's order, dozens of North Korean speedboats chased after him. We can't let these reconnaissance ships go. They will expose our whereabouts.

Li Shunchen also ordered the army to stop in place, keep quiet and not fire. "The main force of this Japanese army should be nearby!"

Japanese reconnaissance ships are not as good as regular warships, and they will soon be surrounded by a large number of * speedboats. Under the cover of fire, all the Japanese reconnaissance sailors were buried at the bottom of the sea.

Then Li Shunchen sent several reconnaissance ships to find the position of the main force of the Japanese army. Before long, the news came that the main force of the Japanese army was stationed in Nailiang, and the number of Japanese warships was large, which seemed to be more than the number of the * joint fleet.

"Let's go!" Yuan Jun said anxiously.

"We can't hurry. The number of Japanese troops is huge, so we should not win, and we see that the sea here in Nailiang is very shallow, which is not conducive to the battle of large ships such as turtle ships. We have to find a way to lead them out!" Li Shunchen said, "Yuanjun, do you have any good suggestions for understanding the waters of Qingshang Road?"

Yuan Jun was happy at this time, because Li Shunchen finally had time to beg him.

"The sea area of Xianshan Island is deep and not too far from here, which is an ideal choice."

"Well, let's lead the enemy to where to go and then look at the effect of our 'the crane wing array'."

"Li Yiqi, you and Yuan Jun, lead your troops to Xianshan Island. I'll lure the Japanese army." Li Shunchen always takes the lead to the most dangerous places.

"No, the operation of the crane wing array needs you, the commander-in-chief. You can't take risks!" Ye Da said.

"Then let me go," Li Yiqi said

"You can't do it either. The performance of the crane wing array still needs your cooperation, so you can't go!"

Then the three of them turned their eyes to Yuanjun, and now there is only Yuanjun left. Yuan can don't want to do this job: "Don't look at me, I only have those few warships. If they sink again, the Qingshangdao navy will no longer exist!"


This is a good opportunity. Ye Da automatically asked, "If General Li doesn't give up, I can command a few board houses. I promise to complete the task smoothly."

Li Shunchen was a little hesitant and didn't say anything. First, although Ye Da gradually gained his trust, after all, he was a foreigner and was still worried. Second, Ye Da made contributions this time, and there was no excuse to keep Ye Da. However, there are no excellent candidates, because Luo Da's use of these confidants is indispensable when practicing the crane wing array, and other shipowners do not seem to have the ability of Ye Da. Although I don't want to use Ye Da, there is nothing I can do for the victory of the war.

"Okay, I'll give you ten board houses, and you have to make a good start for us!"

Ye Da looked at Li Shunchen's trusted and helpless eyes and said, "Don't worry!"

The two sides parted ways, and Ye Da settled ten board houseboats along the coast of the South China Sea Island. Waiting for the hour, I felt that Li Shunchen and the others had almost arrived at Xianshan Island. Ye Da has a wonderful idea. It's night, and the night is relatively dark. The Japanese army that was killed just now has not sank to the bottom of the sea. If he wears Japanese military uniforms and pretends to be a Japanese scout, it is more likely that the leader of the Japanese army will believe it.

He said he would do it. He told Jin Qianbah about his idea.

"What? No, that's too dangerous! General Li gave our lives to the captain!" Jin Qianbaht is extremely opposed.

"I think it's ten times more dangerous for us to rush in and lure the enemy. If I go in alone, I won't lose anything if I fail."

"It still doesn't work..."

"I have made up my mind, so let's do it. These ten board house boats will be handed over to you. If I come out smoothly, it will prove that my plan has been successful. Of course, I may also fail. You should pay attention to the movement of the Japanese army. Once they go to sea, you should quickly lead your troops south and lure the enemy to the sea of Xianshan Island!"

"This..." Jin Qianbaht may have never seen such an adventurous leader in his life.

"What are you hesitating about? Send a few soldiers to get some Japanese clothes!"


Ye Da found a complete military uniform and put it on his body. Despite this, the military uniform was also full of holes. At a glance, the owner of the dress was just killed by an arrow. He entrusted the ten board house boats to Jin Qianbaht, and then drove a small boat slowly into the night.

Jin Qianbah prayed with great worry, "May Buddha bless you."

Ye Da quietly drove into Jiannailiang and saw many fires on the shore from afar, and many large and medium-sized warships were stationed on the shore. Although the night is relatively dark, you can still see clearly the flag on the central flagship: Wakisaka. Oh, it turned out to be Yasuharu Wakisaka who was defeated in the last Battle of Sichuan. No wonder he lost so badly last time.

Ye Da also had to leave a way out for himself. If he told Yasuji Wakisaka in person, he might doubt it, because Ye Da couldn't be sure whether he recognized all the Japanese scouts as leaders. And even if Yasuharu Wakisaka believed it, he ordered the whole army to mobilize, and he would have no time to run back. Then you can only find a sailor to send a message for yourself, so that you can use this time to rush back to the ship. If so, the best way is to pretend to be injured.

After thinking about it, Ye Da began to look for a more hidden place with fewer guards, because it was easy for him to deal with this possible mutation. Finally, Ye Da found a shore surrounded by trees, and two Japanese sailors were patrolling. Just start with them!

Ye Da slowly approached the guard.

"Who is it?" The two guards quickly found him.

"I'm the scout of General Wakisaka, and I found important news."

Because Ye Da wore a Japanese military uniform and could speak Japanese, the two guards believed him. He also helped the lighting him to get ashore quickly.

"Go and report to General Wakisaka. Go out of the sea all the way to the west. There is a * navy stationed on the South China Sea Island not far away. There are more than ten search board house boats. I, my leg is injured." Ye Da pretended to be in pain. Ye Da's military uniform has been stained red with blood, and the night color is relatively dark, and the two guards did not doubt him.

This is also a good opportunity for these two guards to make contributions. Since the investigators are injured, why not? One responded quickly and said to the other guard, "Take good care of him and I'll report it!" After saying that, he ran away. The other reacted a little late and scolded, "Bak. You have made all the achievements! Please have a drink when you come back."

Ye Da can leave now, but if he suddenly leaves, the guard will be suspicious. He simply kills him, and then throws his body into the sea. When the guard comes back and can't see him, he will certainly not think that he is dead.