Daming Shuanglong Biography

047 [wheel tactics]

It is said that Yasuharu Nawakisaka fled east with his remnants and finally ran to the Japanese joint navy garrison: Busan.

"What? Failed again! Your fleet is more than our two combined!" Jiugui Jialong and Kato Yoshiaki were shocked when they heard the news.

"Brother Wakisaka, what did I say? I asked you to wait for my fleet. That's what Guan Bai meant, but you are good. You don't listen to me or Guan Bai. Now it's good. You have been defeated by Li Shunchen twice and lost your family. What face do you think you have to go back to see Lord Guan Bai?" Nine ghosts Jialong angrily rebuked Yasuharu Wakisaka.

Yasuharu Wakizaka was very unconvinced: Guan Bai asked you to lead the army, but you didn't go to the battlefield for several months, and now you are here to say sarcastic things. But who makes himself a loser? He can only say this: "That Li Shunchen is too cunning! I, I can't beat him!"

Kato Jiaming said, "Okay, it's all in the past. I think this Li Shunchen is really difficult to deal with. We should figure out how to defeat him."

"You don't know that Li Shunchen's fleet has several giant warships, which are several times larger than our home ships, and their warships are full of iron nails. What we are best at boarding operations is useless at at all. If we fight hard, we can't beat him at all. However, that kind of ship is so deep that it can't travel in the shallow sea. Unfortunately, I was lured to the deep water by him twice. That guy is simply an invincible warship in the deep water!"

"Is this really the case?" Jiugui Jialong and Kato Yoshiaki were very surprised: "This is really not easy to do!"

"I think Li Shunchen will come to Busan soon. We must find a shallow seaport that is easy to defend and difficult to defend as soon as possible. No matter what method Li Shunchen uses this time, we must not be fooled again!" When Yasuharu Wakisaka said this, he just wanted to cry. My Wakisaka fleet was destroyed by me, an unfilial descendant!

Kato Yoshiaki nodded and said, "I think Wasaka is right. After all, he has suffered the loss of Li Shunchen. We should leave immediately!"

"But where is more suitable?" Nine ghosts Garon are worried

"This is not easy! Just grab a local fisherman and ask!"

A * fisherman was arrested. This fisherman said that Angupu was killed in the end. The Japanese are not trustworthy!

Subsequently, the Japanese combined fleet went to Angupu. Rectify the defensive measures and wait for Li Shunchen to come!

* This side won a big victory, but there is still a worrying problem: that is, the Japanese combined fleet in Busan, according to Yuan Jun's idea, this Japanese army is the biggest threat to him, because it is closest to his water army camp on land. I don't know when the Japanese army will be powerful, and his old nest will be removed. So he kept urging Li Shunchen and Li Yiqi to go to Busan to completely drive away the Japanese navy!

The North Korean army has just won a great victory, and they are also in high momentum. They want to kill a few more Japanese troops and sink a few more Japanese warships. At this moment, they already think that they are the most powerful navy in the world!

"Let's go!" Under Li Shunchen's order, * united the navy fleet went to Busan!

Angpu is located in the west of Busan, not too far away, but the water here is very shallow. Not to mention the turtle ship, even ordinary large warships can't get in and out freely. Li Shunchen received a report that the Japanese army had set up a fortress in Angupu, and suddenly became worried.

"What's there to worry about? Let's use our trick to 'invive the snake out of the hole'!" Yuanjun is full of confidence.

"It seems that this is the only way to do it," Li Shunchen said

Ye Da shook his head and said, "I saw that once the Japanese army chose this place and did not intend to be fooled again. Moreover, the battle of Xianshan Island did not catch the Japanese commander. If Yasuharu Wasaka is here this time, the Japanese army will never be fooled!"

"How do you know if you don't try? Give me the task of seducing the enemy this time!" Yuan Jun said confidently

Ye Da and the three of them looked at Yuan Jun in surprise and didn't understand how Yuan Jun, who had always retreated, was so proactive. This time, Yuan Jun thought that the Japanese army had invaded his hometown! If he doesn't take the initiative, he will not even have a place to settle down in the future. In the end, he will never want to see Li Shunchen and Li Yiqi.

Seeing that there was no objection from everyone, Yuan Jun led several of his board house boats to the inland sea of Angupu, leaving a sentence: "You set an ambush!"

Li Shunchen is a little worried about Yuanjun: "Ye Da, take ten board house boats to the sea to pick up Ying Yuanjun."


Yuanjun is really anxious this time. His sailor barracks are on Geoje Island opposite Angupu. The two places are across the sea and very close. If the Japanese want to destroy his camp, it only takes a lot of incense, so Yuan can be more anxious than anyone else, which is also the reason why he is willing to be a pioneer.

As soon as they entered the inland sea, the Japanese reconnaissance ship had conveyed the news to the three generals including Jiugui Garon.

"Li Shunchen came so fast!" When Yasuji Wakisaka heard the news, he suddenly jumped up.

"Are you so excited to use it? Let's go out and have a look." Three people came to the central flagship together. Speaking of this central flagship, it was the central flagship of the luxury navy coach "Japan Maru" specially created by Toyotomi Hideyoshi for Naki Jialong during the invasion.

"Why are there only a few?" Nine ghosts Garon are puzzled.

"What! This is a trick to lure soldiers! Li Shunchen bullied me with these tricks twice." When Yasuharu Wakisaka talked about this matter, tears couldn't stop pouring out.

"What you said, there must be Li Shunchen's main force on the sea?"

"That's need not be said! The super-large warships I saw were not in this team.

Yuan Jun was ordering his men to fire at the Japanese army at this time, but because he did not dare to get too close, the shell could not hit the Japanese army. The Japanese army also symbolically fought back twice.

"Well, wait and see for a while and order the whole army not to act rashly. If the enemy comes, they will sink him. If the enemy retreats, it is not allowed to chase him!" Although Jiugui Jialong was a little hesitant, he still adopted the advice of Yasuharu Wakisaka. It's better to be careful about war.

"Fuck, why is there no movement in the Japanese army!" Yuan Jun scolded, "Come closer to the shore, come closer!" At this time, a shell suddenly exploded not far from Yuanjun's warship, and Yuanjun quickly ordered to turn around and "escape". Yuan Jun thought that the performance was enough this time, but when he looked back, the Japanese army still did not catch up. Yuanjun, who was angry, threw the sword in his hand on the deck fiercely.

Yuan Jun did not fool the Japanese army for a long time, and even the three giants of the nine ghosts went back to their rooms to rest. Finally, he drove out of the sea in dismay.