Daming Shuanglong Biography

056 [Eagle King Qian Yi]

With the call of the eagle, there was a group of * soldiers wearing red headscarves and holding big knives. The leader was riding a horse, wearing a red helmet and holding a black meteor hammer. It seemed that this person was Jin Qianyi's brother. They are rushing towards this side, and the number of people in this group is no more than hundreds.

The Japanese army was shocked by the sudden * soldier, and the leading Japanese army hurriedly shouted: "Withdraw, withdraw!"

Since he came, how could he go back so easily? Jin Qianyi took the lead in swung the meteor hammer and killed him. As soon as a Japanese soldier was halfway on the horse, he was swung to his head with a hammer. The tragic Japanese soldier's head instantly exploded into blood plasma, and the scared horse roared twice and ran forward. The subsequent volunteers fought with the Japanese soldiers with big knives. The Japanese soldiers did not want to fight and retreated, but the number of volunteers was large. Soon after, all several Japanese soldiers were killed, * the volunteers were not injured.

"Brother!" Before the horse stopped, Jin Qianbaht jumped down from the horse, threw away the meteor hammer in his hand, and reached out to hold Jin Qianbaht. At this time, Cangkong had been waiting beside Jin Qianbaht and shouted sadly. Jin Qianbah's eyes have begun to blur. Although the knife did not stab the heart, because there were many knife wounds on his body before, he could not last long.

"Brother, I'm afraid I'm more or less lucky this time, but unfortunately I didn't see the day when the Japanese pirates were expelled..." Jin Qianbaht swallowed the blood that kept pouring out of his mouth and spoke with all his strength, which may be his last few words.

"Brother, stop talking. I'll take you to the doctor right away!"

"Don't go, I have a few more words to say."

Jin Qianli's eyes also began to shed tears, and his lips kept trembling: "You say it."

"Don't tell Dad, wait until the war is over, and tell him, and..." Jin Qianbaht pointed his finger to one knee at the moment, constantly dripping blood out of his mouth, holding a knife in one hand supporting his shattering body, said, "This man has the talent to leave him behind."

Jin Qianyi nodded, and Jin Qianbaa smiled with satisfaction, and then his smile slowly stiffened.

"Brother!" Jin Qianyi hugged Jin Qianbaht tightly and cried bitterly, and the sky also cried miserably. All the volunteers lowered their heads. At this time, Ye Da also knew that Jin Qianbah was taken away by Death. He wanted to walk over to see the last one, but he couldn't stand it. His eyes began to white, and he shook his body and fell to the ground.

When Ye Da woke up again, he was already lying **, wrapped tightly all over his body, and he felt a little pain in his head and weakness. Wisdom was standing beside him at this time: "Are you awake?"

Ye answered weakly, "Where are we?"

"This is Jin Qianyi's volunteer base"

"What about you? Didn't I let the horse run away with you?"

Wisdom said angrily, "You also said that I was lying on the back of the horse and was thrown to the ground by the horse after running for a while, and then I ran back to find you."

"What about the golden baht?" Ye Daming knew that Jin Qianbaht was more or less lucky, but his consciousness was a little blurred at that time and he was not sure of his memory.

"He is dead, and his brother is preparing to hold a funeral for him now."

Ye Da tried his best to get up from **, but he couldn't do it. "Wisdom help me. I want to go out and have a look."

"The doctor told you not to move around and just take a few days off."

"No, Jin Qianbaht died because of me. I have to go out and look at him again." Ye Da is still working hard.

"I don't care about you. Anyway, I can't help you."

"Then you can call a few men for me."

"Well, I don't care." Wisdom pouted and said, "Forget it. Have a good rest for a few days, and it's not too late to go at the funeral."

Ye Da closed his eyes and felt quite unquiet. If it hadn't been for his blind desire to return to China, he would not have let Jin Qianbaht die, and at the same time let Li Shunchen lose a general, could he say that his idea itself was wrong? Are you too capricious? Or do you say that your ideas are incompatible with this era? In fact, thinking from another perspective, standing in their position, at this moment of the survival of the nation-state will not let a talented person leave so easily. Perhaps each of them has national righteousness on their shoulders, and their own thoughts seem to be too free. Of course, there is no emancipation in this era. Do you really want to integrate with the ancients?

Ye Da began to hesitate about his persistent idea of returning home.

Wisdom has taken good care of Ye Da these days. From the wisdom's mouth, Ye Da learned that her grandfather had indeed been killed by Japanese soldiers. Because Wisdom did not give up, he had to let Jin Qianyi send several people to escort her back to the village to have a look. Ye answered curiously and asked her, "Will Jin Qianyong listen to you?"

"Of course, he is easy to get along with."

"How's the injury?" Jin Qianye felt that Ye Da was almost awake, so he came to visit him. At the same time, he still had a lot to ask Ye Da.


"Are you also a soldier under Li Shunchen?"


"Why did you come to Qingzhou City?"

"It's a long story. I was originally from the Ming Dynasty. For some reason, I followed General Li Shunchen. This time, Jin Qianbaht helped me lead me back to the Ming Dynasty."

Wisely said in surprise, "Are you not a person?"

Ye answered and nodded

"Is it Li Shunchen who asked you to do something?"

"No, it's because I'm homesick

Jin Qianyong frowned and blushed a little: "You mean that my brother's sacrifice is just because you want to go home?"

Ye Da had not yet realized that Jin Qianyi had begun to be angry. He only thought that he was the primary responsible person responsible for the death of Jin Qianzhu. He felt extremely guilty and said, "It's all my fault. I didn't expect that there were too many difficulties and dangers on the way. I killed Jin Qianbaht."

Wisdom had seen that Jin Qianyi was about to break out. She quickly stabbed Ye to ask him to stop talking.

Jin Qianying heard Ye's words and said angrily, "The big man should die in battle and die for the country. How can he die because of his children's love and nostalgia for his hometown? Before his death, my brother told me that you are a person with great talent. What's the use of leaving you if people like you don't want to work for the country?"

Ye Da thought to himself: I'm not from your country! But he didn't dare to say it when he saw Jin Qianyong's angry face.