Daming Shuanglong Biography

064 [defeat Jianghua]

Keep calm... Ye answered and meditate so that he can recover from cramps as soon as possible. Coincidentally, his body fell deeply and escaped the arrows of the Japanese army.

Looking at the bodies of their compatriots stained with blood, * the volunteers were angry. Those who were lucky enough not to swim and swam towards the enemy's ship. Some smart people put the body directly above their heads so that they would not be attacked, but when these people swam to the Japanese army, they had lost more than half of their soldiers.

Ye Da's feet finally returned to normal at this time, and his body gradually adapted to the temperature of the sea. Although it was still cold, he could swim. He quickly swam to the surface of the water to breathe, but countless arrows greeted him, which scared him to dive back into the water. It's too dangerous!"

Now I really admire the great Chairman M. Winter swimming is really not something that ordinary people can play.

*'s volunteers risk the belief that they will die, because they can't retreat, because they have no way back. Moreover, the Japanese army is not good at water warfare, and there are many people who are seasick, so their attack power is naturally greatly reduced. The situation finally began to change. Finally, a ship took the lead in breaking a hole from the bottom of the ship. The cold sea gushed out of the hole in an instant, wetting the thick leather boots worn by the Japanese soldiers on the ship, and the water gushed out like a hand of the sea god Poseidon stretched out from the bottom of the ship, suddenly pulling all the Japanese troops on the ship. In the sea.

The Japanese army on this ship basically had no water. They fell into the water and fluttered twice. They either froze to death or drowned. Then other ships began to be attacked, and Japanese soldiers were buried in the sea one after another.

The Xiu family is also a little anxious. * Once the volunteer fight is successful, one of his own ship will die, which is a great loss. He is worthy of being the commander-in-chief. He immediately ordered all the Japanese army to shoot arrows under the boats around him, so that they can help each other and destroy the enemy.

The Xiu family's order is a fatal blow to the volunteers. On the vast sea, the distance between each two ships is not too dense. In this way, the volunteers can easily be found by other ships, and the Japanese army began to shoot arrows into the sea crazily, regardless of whether there is anyone there. The volunteers have There is no way to go.

They all died, and the volunteers continued to risk their lives to swim under enemy ships and destroy them. The situation was very tragic. In the end, the Japanese army basically damaged more than a dozen ships, and the whole army was destroyed. However, seeing that there was no hope of winning, Ye Da found a long straw, then used it to breathe, and hid deep into the bottom of the sea.

After clearing the first line of defense, Yukita commanded the army to advance to Jianghua Island!

When the Japanese army was far away, Ye Da dived out of the water. All his men were dead. Looking at the bodies of countless friendly enemies on the sea, Ye Da looked up to the sky with helplessly trembling lips and sighed: "It would be good if it was summer!" Ye Da climbed into his own boat and changed into a dry and warm clothes, although his whole body was frozen purple, and there was basically no normal color of skin.

The Japanese army advanced into Jianghua Island after minor losses. Jin Qianyi had already laid a defense line on the shore with the remaining volunteers, all full of bows and strings, and gunpowder was tied to the arrows, waiting for the arrival of the Japanese army.

Xiujia ordered the army to stop on the sea in the distance. While observing the * defense line, he said, "If the cannon can be brought over, this defense line is not fearful at all! But with more than 200 people, it doesn't have to be too hard at all!"

"Archer cover! Others rushed to the beach and landed!" Xiujia ordered that all the ships rushed to the shore as fast as possible.

"Fight arrows!" At the order of Jin Qianyi, an arrow lit gunpowder flew to the sea. At the same time, the Japanese arrows also responded.

Because of the absolute disadvantage of the number of volunteers, their arrows were all covered by the arrows from the Japanese army, but those gunpowder could also blow up huge waves in the Japanese army, blow up ships and blow up soldiers. But after all, the damage is limited, and the volunteers have not been able to hold out for a long time in the face of the rain of arrows. Many soldiers have been hit by several arrows, but no one has shouted pain and no one has retreated. They all held their positions and relied on the dam as a barrier to resist tenaciously.

"Fight!" With the order of the Xiu family, hundreds of Japanese soldiers were quickly rushed down on the five ships that landed first. They were not afraid of the oncoming arrows, pulled out Japanese knives and rushed towards the soldiers.

"Damn it! I'll fight with you!" Jin Qianyong grabbed the meteor hammer, stood up and shouted, "Brothers! We may not be able to retreat today, so let's kill a few more Japanese soldiers in the end!"

Other volunteers also abandoned their bows and arrows, grabbed the big knives on the ground and carried behind their backs, and stared at the Japanese soldiers rushing in front of them. Their expression was full of perseverance and unyielding. This is not a nation that is easy to conquer!


Jin Qianyi suddenly jumped up the dam and swung a hammer over it. First, he defeated two enemy soldiers. The other volunteers were not willing to lag behind. They all grabbed the big knife and fought with the Japanese army.

The first Japanese army rushed ashore, and the defense line of the volunteers was completely disintegrated, and the rest of the Japanese army landed smoothly and without hindrance. This time, the Xiu family led all elites, but they couldn't take any advantage of these desperate volunteers. Some of them still couldn't get a wounded volunteer.

The volunteers have no hope of survival. This is the power beyond themselves aroused by the backwater war and the despair of sinking the boat. What's more, this force also adds the historical responsibility of saving the country and the people!

Although they were brave, the number of them had an absolute disadvantage. The volunteers did not support them for long. In the end, only Jin Qianyi was surrounded by dozens of Japanese soldiers, but no Japanese soldier dared to come forward, because as long as they took that step, Jin Qianyi's meteor hammer would smash the man's head fiercely. .

Cangkong is spinning anxiously in the air at this time. The owner is more or less auspicious, and he can't help himself.

Suddenly, a cold arrow came out of the crowd. Jin Qianyi couldn't dodge and was suddenly shot in the back. He staggered a few steps and barely supported it.

"Up!" The surrounding Japanese soldiers killed all of them while Jin Qianli's foothold was unstable. Jin Qianli scolded, "I will pull you up!" He swd the meteor hammer at the Japanese soldiers, and a large area of the Japanese soldiers were swept down. However, other Japanese soldiers have rushed up and stabbed their knives into Jin Qianji's body.

The sky swooped down from the sky with a scream. He no longer knew what he could do, but he wanted to get close to Jin Qianyong! However, another cold arrow shot him through and fell in front of Jin Qianyi.

"Sky!" Jin Qianying has been crying out his most loyal friend with the last voice he can shout. Jin Qianyong's eyes began to blur. He looked at the unconscious sky and said with a smile, "We are still partners on Huangquan Road!"

After this battle, Ye Da was the only one who survived. After the Japanese army retreated, he quietly returned to the island. There were many volunteers and Japanese corpses floating on the sea, and the island was the same. Ye Da found Jin Qianyi's body. His head was gone. The only thing that could confirm his identity was the eagle he was holding in his arms, which was empty. They died together and became friends forever.

The destruction of Jianghua Island, the spirit of Jin Qianyi and Jin Qianbaht was a serious blow to Ye Da. He began to feel that he could no longer do things according to his own ideas. Although this is an era that has nothing to do with himself, some people died because of himself or indirectly because of his own death. Go, don't you need to pay any responsibility?

Ye Da couldn't help crying. He had never cried so much when he grew up. After crying, he made up his mind not to go back to China. He must make a career in the land of * and drive the Japanese army back to his hometown!

There is nothing to miss here, and my current task is to find wisdom. But only then did he find that he had ignored one thing, that is, where did the wisdom go? At that time, he only watched the two wise boats go north, but the north side is so big. Where should he find it? I really hate that I didn't think about a place in advance, and now I have to look for it like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Ye Da took out a * map. To the north of Jianghua Island is Kaicheng, and Kaicheng was also occupied by the Japanese army. Their only possibility is that they are in a coastal fishing village. Ye Da looked for some dry food and entanglement on the shore and rowed a boat to the north. I hope everything goes well.

Wisdom had woken up at this time, and the little volunteer was by her side. Wisdom felt some pain in her head. She saw the little volunteer grabbing his hands and quickly asked, "Where are we?" Where's my husband?"

The little volunteer was caught in pain and quickly broke free and said, "Sister-in-law, please be gentle. Ye Da knocked you unconscious and asked me to take you away from Jianghua Island. We are now in a small fishing village, which is very safe."

"What about you? Have you started the war? Wisdom is very anxious, and she is very worried about Ye Da's safety.

The little volunteer's face suddenly became depressed. He cried and said, "I just went to Jianghua Island to inspect it, but I didn't find any vasives. The whole army was destroyed."

"What? So, what about my husband!" Wisdom heard this like a bolt from the blue, and Ye Da was her only relative.

"I, I didn't look carefully, but the river is full of dead bodies, and Brother Ye's chance of survived is very small."

"I don't believe it. My husband must be blessed. He won't die! Go, take me to the battlefield!" Wisdom also knows that Ye Da's chance of survival is very small, but he doesn't see the body, and no one wants to believe the bad results. That is, he doesn't cry without seeing the coffin.

The little volunteer saw that the woman was a little crazy and did not dare to disobey, so he had to row a boat to take her back to Jianghua Island.

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