Daming Shuanglong Biography

068 [Blood Battle Pyongyang]

Li Yi unfolded the topographic map of Pyongyang and said to Li Rusong: "Pyongyang City is located on the plain, with two sides of the river, which is also easy to attack and difficult to defend. There are six gates in Pyongyang City. Qixing Gate is located in the north, the ordinary gate is located in the west by the ordinary river, Lumen and Maoqiu Gate are located in the south, and Datong Gate and Changqing Gate are located in the east. If we attack, we need to divide the team into six units and surround the city of Pyongyang without giving the enemy a chance to escape.

Li Rusong didn't say anything. He looked at Huo Fangyi beside him. Huo Fangyi has now been fully trusted by Li Rusong. Li Rusong wants to hear his opinion at this time. Huo Fangyi was also rude. He carefully looked at this map full of *, and then pointed to a high point in the north of Pyongyang and said, "Where is this place?"

Li Yi replied, "This place is called Peony Platform. Standing on the Peony Platform, you can take a look at the whole picture of Pyongyang. According to our detective's report, this is the 2,000 troops led by the Japanese general Matsuura Zhenxin.

"If we attack Pyongyang without taking care of this peony platform, the result is inevitable that the enemy's attack on both sides will create a very passive situation." Huo Fangyi said so.

Li Rusong nodded: "Occupying the commanding heights has always been an important factor in the war situation. The task of attacking the Peony Platform will be done by your * army."

There are 3,000 monks available for the meditation monk. He took the initiative to say, "Leave it to me!"

Li Yi said, "Wait a minute, as far as I know, the fortifications of Peonytai are extremely strong, with a height of five feet, with a total of four gates, among which Rosefinch and Xuanwu are two gates to guard the pass. If they attack hard, they will inevitably pay a heavy price. Your troops alone are not enough.

Li Rusong said, "In this case, I ordered Wu Weizhong to lead 2,000 people as your posterity. You must take down the Peony Pavilion before sunset! I will order to attack Pyongyang early tomorrow morning!"

Wu Weizhong led 2,000 people and Jingxiu monks to fight on the Peony Platform, and Li Rusong and Li Yi continued to discuss the siege of the city.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War says that the city should not be besieged to death! Leave a gap, so that the enemy will have any scruples when they defend and will not do their best. At that time, as long as the enemy is defeated, they will inevitably escape from the gap. We can ambush the enemy on the way they must go, and annihilate the enemy!"

Li Rusong nodded again. Although he also knew what Huo Fangyi said, he didn't expect that Huo Fangyi had also read Sun Tzu's Art of War and could use it on the battlefield. He was indeed a rare talent!

"Brother Huo is right!" Li Yi nodded violently.

Li Rusong immediately ordered that the army was divided into six teams. Yang Yuan led 10,000 elite soldiers to attack the Qixing Gate. Li Rusong's second brother Li Rubai led 11,000 elite soldiers to attack the ordinary gate. Zu Chengxun led 10,000 elite soldiers to attack the Maoqiu Gate. Li Yi led the * army to attack Lumen. Datong Gate and Changqing Gate remained unattacked. He personally led 9,000 people to sit. At the rear of the town, respond. As for the ambush, because the army was familiar with the terrain, Li Rusong sent messengers to Liu Chenglong overnight. Liu Chenglong was also very powerful. He arranged Li Shiyan, the defense envoy of Huanghai Road overnight, to help the general Jin Jing lead 10,000 elite soldiers to ambush on the road that the Japanese army must pass. Later, he felt that * people's weapons were backward, so he simply let Luo Shangzhi lead 3,000 Zhejiang soldiers to push artillery to ambush near the Datong River. In this way, the plan for the siege and ambush is fully formulated, and the next step is to implement it!

With the order of the retreat monk, 3,000 monks and soldiers began to attack the peony platform with a ladder. Wu Weizhong led the troops behind him. Li Rusong had already told his generals that they would let * people go first in a hard battle. After all, we were here to help them! Therefore, Wu Weizhong wants to see if the monks and soldiers can take down the peony platform by themselves, so he doesn't have to go.

The monks and soldiers attacked the Zhuquemen and Xuanwumen in two groups. Although the monks rushed forward, the siege was very cruel after all. The Japanese army had already prepared iron cannons and *. They stood on the high wall to shoot and fire. Bullets and arrows fell from the sky like raindrops, penetrating the monks fiercely. Although the Peony Platform is not big, in less than half an hour, the monks and soldiers have been killed and injured, which is extremely tragic. Nevertheless, in the grief and indignation of the imminent subjugation of the country, and the command and encouragement of the retreat monks did not retreat. They were not afraid of blood and sweat, and continued to climb on the ladder with sharp weapons all over the sky.

The retreat monk is cold in the future. He knows that this battle is difficult. His army does not have advanced weapons, even in terms of numbers, and the terrain is conducive to the victory of the Japanese army. The only condition for winning this battle is the hearts of his soldiers who do not want to be enslaved!

However, he also ignored that there was a good friend Daming to help them behind him.

The battle lasted until late at night, and the bodies of monks and soldiers in the city piled up like mountains. Wu Weizhong looked at the night at this time, and then gritted his teeth and shouted, "The whole team, rush!"

Wu Weizhong's Ming army did not join the battle of the monks, but climbed up from the west side of the Peony Terrace in the night. With the containment of * people, it will be easy for the Ming army to attack the city.

By the time Songpu Zhenxin found that there was an enemy attack on the west side, more than a dozen Ming soldiers had climbed to the stage. Songpu Zhenxin immediately separated part of the army from the two gates to drive away the Ming army. The Ming army, which had already reached the wall, fought hand-to-hand with the Japanese army, but was soon killed, and the Ming army could not attack it for a while. However, this relieved a lot of pressure on the monks in front of the attack, and the monks' morale was even higher and they fought desperately with the Japanese army.

The battle lasted from evening to late at night and until dawn the next day. The sound of gunfire and shouts was endless. Sometimes it was impossible to see whether it was an enemy or a friend, and the two sides just killed together.

Li Rusong, who was in the rear guard, had been worried about the war ahead. The next day, at dawn, the messenger reported that Liu Chenglong had sent an ambush!

"Good! The whole team attacks!" Li Rusong couldn't wait for a long time. He issued an order to attack.

Huo Fangyi followed Li Rusong, and he witnessed the bloody siege.

President Xiaoxi arranged more than 2,000 soldiers at each gate. Each soldier was equipped with iron cannons and fire arrows, as well as rolling wood and stones. These are not the most terrible. The most terrible thing is kerosene boiled water!

In the siege, it is necessary to climb the city, and it is necessary to build a ladder. The Japanese army has long been prepared for the Ming army's offensive method. First, kerosene fell from the sky and was scattered on the ladder. Then the fire arrows fired one by one to ignite the ladder directly. The soldiers who had been on the ladder were burned in an instant. The soldiers who were ready to go up the ladder were scared and retreated. However, they were also greeted by huge stones falling from the sky, bullets and fire arrows flying all over the sky. For a while, the Ming army was difficult to walk and howled all over the field.

This is Li Rusong's first battle since he entered the dynasty. Although he did not underestimate the Japanese army, the resistance strength of the Japanese army was also unexpected. He hurriedly shuttled back and forth among the army and shouted for the siege army. And once he found that there was a retreating soldier, he rushed forward and waved his knife to cut him off the horse! And said, "Get rid of the latter! Kill without mercy! Those who climb the city first will enjoy 5,000 taels of silver!"

War is not said by mouth. No soldier is not afraid of death. Li Rusong told his soldiers with his actions that there is only one way to retreat! If you move forward, you can still be rewarded with silver. If you are dead, you can only attack with all your strength!

Li Rusong's move really drove the atmosphere on the battlefield, and the Ming army ushered in an offensive **!

Under the threat and inspiration of their own generals, the soldiers of the Ming army scrambled to step on the bodies of their companions and attack forward. Just as Li Rusong relaxed and walked back to his front, a bullet suddenly flew towards his head.

The bullet was so fast that ordinary people's eyes could not see it. Huo Fangyi stood beside Li Rusong at this time. Of course, he could not see the bullet, but he suddenly felt the murderous spirit of an instant. This was a reflexive sensation of martial arts practitioners to death conditions. He immediately flew up and kicked Li Rusong off his horse. .

Huo Fangyi's side was full of Li Rusong's loyal servants. They all thought that Huo Fangyi was going to rebel and rushed up to cut Huo Fangyi with a knife. At this time, the horse of Li Rusong** suddenly wailed and came to the ground.

The soldiers rushed up and grabbed Huo Fangyi.

Li Rusong was kicked unexpectedly and was angry, but when he saw his horse suddenly die, he felt that something was wrong. He bent down and touched the wound on the horse's body. It was a bullet.

Li Rusong gratefully motioned the soldiers to retreat, and then stepped forward and patted Huo Fangyi on the shoulder: "Kid, you saved my life!"

Huo Fangyi smiled and said, "General, just don't kill me as an assassin, haha"

"Haha" Li Rusong feels that Huo Fangyi's future life may be more wonderful.

With the rising morale of the Ming soldiers, the advantage in the number of the Ming army began to become more and more obvious, and the resistance of the Japanese army on the walls of Pyongyang became weaker and weaker. Seeing that the time was ripe, Li Rusong ordered to push out the cannon he brought from Liaodong.

Why didn't you use the cannon at the beginning, because at that time, the value of shells was far more important than the lives of soldiers, and it was impossible for such high-tech weapons to bring many long-distance battlefields, so it was necessary to save some use, and this was only the first battle since he entered the DPRK, and there were many hard battles to fight later. Another reason for the late launch of artillery is to hold all the attention of the Japanese army first and not give them a chance to destroy the artillery.

In this battle, Li Rusong only launched two types of artillery. The first is the siege gun, which is powerful but close to attack, concentrating firepower on the gate of Pyongyang. The other is a field gun, which has a long attack distance and little power, but the shell has a large scattered attack range and focuses on attacking the Japanese army at the head of the city.

As soon as the artillery came into battle, it was obviously felt that the balance of victory tilted quickly towards the Ming army. Countless shells flew into the sky, fell to the top of the city * The Japanese defenders blew up the sky, fell into the city, blew up houses and lit trees. Before long, black smoke rolled in Pyongyang, and the city wall was also full of corpses. More powerful were the siege guns. The Ming army pushed the cannons under the city gate, and one shell after another hit the thick gate. It seemed that it was only a matter of time before the gate was smashed open, and the retreat of the Japanese army was only a matter of time. Although these shells can also hurt their own people, the casualties are relatively small compared with the sea of tactics.