Daming Shuanglong Biography

080 [Chizuki Sachiko] one

The lifting of the sea ban is not only what Toyotomi Hideyoshi has always hoped for, but also what most Japanese want to see. Whether in ancient times and now, China has occupied the majority of Japan's foreign trade. It is said that as many as 90%. Chinese silk, pottery, etc. are common necessities of Japanese. Since the Tang Dynasty, Japan has had frequent trade with China, and we can imagine the impact of the sea ban policy of the Ming Dynasty on Japan.

It doesn't mean that Japan can't do it without China, but when everyone has spare money to buy a higher quality of life, there is no place to spend this money, then the Japanese will be greedy for materially rich neighbors, and this money has to be used to buy weapons and have to use it for war.

The ship slowly docked at the dock of the guard house, and the sailors on the dock fixed the boat firmly to the shore with ropes.

"Your Excellency, please" Xiaoxi walked slowly down from the deck with Ye Da and the other three.

When Ye Da was at sea, he saw the lights on the dock from afar. At present, at night, the Japanese actually lit countless lanterns on both sides of the passage of the dock, illuminating the originally dark dock. When the ship docked, Ye Da stood on the deck and saw many people with musical instruments standing on the inside of these lanterns, such as drums and sheng. It can be seen that the Japanese welcome their "friendly visit" this time, and Ye Da regards himself as the head of state.

Ye Da and two pretending imperial envoys got off the boat together. With a salute, the Japanese band began to beat gongs and drums and played music. Originally, Ye Da wanted to listen to what ancient Japanese music was like, but the more he listened to this music, the less depressed and sad it was. It was completely different from the Japanese songs he usually listened to. Maybe this was a happy song, and he could not hear negative emotions. But after taking two steps, Ye Da suddenly found that he knew it wrong, because Xie Yongzi and Xu Tianyi behind him said, "What the hell, playing the music of my Celestial Empire like this? If it was listened to by Emperor Wanli, he would not cut off his head directly!"

Ye Da sweated a little. Why didn't he think of it? It turned out that the Japanese played the music of their own country. No wonder they didn't hear it like that. Originally, Japan, such a small country must play the music of the Celestial Empire to welcome us!

President Xiaoxi only led the way in front of him. He didn't expect that Ye Da had gone through some thought for such a while. Tengto Gaohu did not disembark. He had something to do. It is said that the last time he didn't go for a few rounds under Li Shunchen's fleet and was defeated. Hideyoshi did not kill him, because Tengtang Gaohu was also a rare fierce general, so he made this boy guilty and meritorious deeds, but in the end, Hideyoshi may have to do this for him. I regret the decision.

Ye Da has been arrogant all the way. He has made up his mind for a long time that he must not lose the people of his own country when he comes to the Genie! Without saying anything, President Xiaoxi did not directly take the three people to see Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but found a hotel for the three to stay, and sent two guards to guard the door at the same time.

"The three adults are resting here. If you need anything, just tell the people outside."

Ye Da waved his hand as if he had ordered a servant: "Okay, it's your business."

"..." Xiaoxi was extremely uncomfortable, but it was not easy to attack, and he was eager to meet Taige first to report on the work and discuss the negotiation.

Japanese hotels are relatively simple. It should be said that the places where they lived in ancient times were relatively simple. There were no TV, computers, network cables and other equipment. However, what excited Ye Da was that there was a hot spring here. He had never been in a hot spring after he grew up.

"Two adults, do you want to soak in the hot spring? It's very comfortable." Ye Da and the two fake imperial envoys had nothing to say along the way. First of all, it was really difficult to communicate, and the two adults were too lazy to talk to Ye Da.

"Well" Ye answered that he didn't understand the meaning of their word, but he felt that the tone of the two people should agree. Regardless of them, Ye Da took off his clothes and jumped into the hot spring.

"Ah! So comfortable!" The hot spring was not hot at all, and the water was very clean. Ye Da soaked his whole body in the water and felt the temperature of the water. Ye Da only felt that he had dispelled the cold he had felt all winter in one minute!

This hot spring lake is located in the courtyard of the hotel. It should be said that this hotel may have been built by the hot spring. It is night now. If it is daytime, you can see the scenery of the mountain in the hot spring. The hot spring lake is relatively large and is estimated to hold 100 people at the same time. But now he is the only one at this time. What Ye Da doesn't know is that this hotel is specially used to receive high-level guests. Ordinary people are not allowed to live if they have money. The so-called high-level guests refer to those famous people who used to be like Tokugawa Ieyasu. Of course, now they are all obedient to Hideyoshi. They come here to report their work and want to live here, so generally few people can't be seen. Of course, the guests from the Celestial Empire will stay in such a high-grade hotel!

After a while, the two fake imperial envoys also took off their clothes and jumped in. Ye Da felt funny when he saw their fat bodies moving in the water, which was no different from fat pigs.

Ye Da soaked in the hot spring for a long time, until his muscles and bones were soft before he came out of the hot spring lake.

Now use one word to describe Ye Da's mood at this moment, that is: cool!

But the better thing is yet to come.

Ye Da walked to his room. The rooms here are all luxurious single rooms. Slippers are needed first. The room facilities are relatively simple. Each room is a suite, three small rooms, next to the door is the reception room, opposite the main door is a very low table and a cushion for sitting, and several others are placed on the side. Mat. The other one is a bedroom, but Ye Da did not find a bed in the bedroom, but Ye Da was well prepared. The Japanese usually sleep on tatami. These tatami on the ground are also quite soft and comfortable to lie on it. There are several quilts in the corner of the room. The last room was a little small. Ye Da ran inside to have a look. There was a board on the ground that could be pushed open by hand. Ye Da didn't know what it was for. He opened it and looked at it. Suddenly, a stench came from inside. Ye Da quickly pushed the board up. It turned out to be a toilet.

"Little Japan's room is also not bad. Let's sleep first. It's really uncomfortable to sit on the boat for a few days." With that, Ye Da lay on the tatami and wanted to have a good sleep.

At this moment, the door of Ye Da's room rang, and Ye Da wondered, "Who will it be so late?" It won't be those two fakes. They don't want to talk to me. Ye answered to himself and walked to the door and reached out to open the door.

Ye Da opened the door and saw a long-haired woman in a kimono standing outside the door. The woman was about 17 or 8 years old. She was very beautiful and beautiful.

"What can I do for you?"

The woman saluted Ye Da, "General Xiaoxi asked me to serve you."

At the same time, Ye Da found that there were two women in kimonos standing at the door of the other two other fake imperial envoys. Ye Da immediately understood that it was the case, but he didn't expect this to be said in ancient times.

But..., this... Ye Da's head is a little messy. He hasn't encountered such a thing and has no idea for a while.

The woman smiled and said, "Don't you invite me to sit in?"

Ye Da was completely panicked and said, "Please." After saying that, Ye Da regretted it. Is he such a person?

The woman walked into the house calmly. Only then did Ye Da see that the woman did not come empty-handed, and she still held a stroking piano in her arms.

Ye Da saw that the two women over there also entered the door, so he also turned around and closed the door. Ye Da was very nervous and kept jumping. Ye Da turned around and closed the door for a long time. Finally, he made up his mind and asked the woman to leave quickly. On the one thing, I feel sorry for wisdom, and on the other, I'm afraid of being infected with some bad disease. But when he turned around, he was fascinated by the woman.

Although the woman was dusty, she did not lack elegance. She folded her knees and gently covered her whole body in a kimono. Her long hair floated on her shoulders. The stroking piano had been placed on the table. The woman put her hands gently on the piano, waiting for Ye Da to turn around.

Ye Da has forgotten her decision, and the woman asked gently, "Can you play a song for adults?"

"Play it" Ye Da suddenly wanted to hear the woman play.

The woman's fingers were like beating notes and began to play slowly on the keys. A melodious and gentle music passed through the dark candlelight and entered Ye Da's heart. This song was quiet, but without a trace of sadness, so that people could calm down in the restless troubled times. Ye Da listened so absorbedly that the woman played for a long time, and he was still immersed in memories.

"Your Excellency?" The woman's voice called Ye back.

Ye Da has been standing listening to music just now. He walked aside and sat down and sighed, "You play really well. The essence of Japanese music is in it, but it lacks a negative emotion. It's perfect!"

The woman nodded gently: "Thank you for your praise."

"If the piano is here, I really want to play a song with you."

"Piano?" The woman doesn't seem to know much about the piano.

"Ha ha, it's a Western musical instrument."

"Do adults still know Western musical instruments?" The woman looked a little excited: "I've heard some Western guests talk about their musical instruments, and I really want to see them."

"But your musical attainments are really rare in today's troubled times. What's your name?"

The woman's tone of "My name is Sachiko Chizuki" is very humble and gentle.

"Sachiko, you play the piano very well, but why did you do this?"

***Please collect, autumn red ticket, thank you very much ***