Daming Shuanglong Biography

088 [Xiaoxing Alian] on

After inspecting the palace, Huo Fangyi was very satisfied. He immediately greeted Li Deng: "Tonight, prepare a rich dinner, buy some good wine and come back. Our brother will have a good drink with him tonight!"

"Good! I haven't seen you for a year, and I will pick you up today!" After saying that, Li Deng happily went out to buy wine and vegetables. In fact, he was also the housekeeper of Huo's house, but today was of great significance. Because the master came back, he was very happy to go out to buy it himself. Of course, he also called two brothers. Because he needed to buy a lot of wine, he could not carry it alone.

Huo Fangyi and Ye Da walked to the study in front of them, and there was no book in it. Although they told Li Deng to build a big study, they didn't tell him to buy any books. There was a table and a chair on the front of the study. Huo Fangyi stroked it with his hand and said, "Ye Da, this thing must be very valuable if it is moved to our place. This is the original pure mahogany!"

Ye Da looked around. Good boy, this study was all made of red wood into small squares, surrounded by walls, and only two places were left with doors and windows.

"Oc, how many books do you want to buy?"

"Anyway, if you don't fight, you usually have nothing to do, you can't surf the Internet, you don't have a computer to play games, you can only read books."

Ye Da sighed, "You're right."

The chef who used to cook for Huo Fangyi in the army is also in the remaining list of 20 people, so naturally he has become the head of Huo's house, but he doesn't have to cook tonight, because Li Deng took people out to buy ready-made ones.

In the evening, the dinner was held by the rockery pool in the backyard, which was requested by Huo Fangyi, because it was very pleasant for him to drink and eat meat on the rockery.

More than 20 people sat on the edge of the pool, in a circle, and Huo Fangyi and Ye Da sat in the middle against the rockery. More than ten jars of wine were neatly placed in front of them, and more than 20 large plates surrounded the wine, each with cooked meat of different animals such as chickens, ducks, fish, cattle and sheep.

Huo Fangyi called Alian over: "You have to serve well today!"

Alian nodded. She is good at this. She arranged the dishes, began to pour wine into it, and soon went down to a jar of wine.

Come on, Huo Fangyi picked up a bowl heroically: "Come on, all the good brothers have done it!"

Ye Da looked at the wine and smiled. After a period of exercise, his drinking capacity has actually grown a lot, unlike the first time he was drunk, but he still felt dizzy after drinking this bowl.

It's a rule to dry three bowls of wine first. Ye Da's three bowls of wine are at least half a catty. After the third bowl of wine, Ye Da suddenly became unconscious and soon fell asleep on the edge of the pool.

Li Deng said, "General, your brother doesn't seem to be good at drinking!"

Huo Fangyi picked up a chicken leg and bit it and said, "Don't worry about him, our brother drinks!"

After drinking for a while, Huo Fangyi found that Ye Da lay on the ground and did not move. He smiled and said, "It seems that this boy is really not good at drinking. He has never drunk with him before. Alian, help him back to sleep in his room."

Alian said, "Okay, sir," and helped Ye Da up and walked to the front yard with difficulty. Huo Fangyi didn't think too much at all. He didn't consider whether he could help Ye Da with Alian's delicate woman's body, because he wanted to drink with his brothers, and only Alian was more suitable to go.

Alian held Ye Da on her shoulder and walked step by step to the east bedroom. At the moment she opened the door, Ye Da suddenly shouted softly: "Xiao Xing, don't go!"

Alian was shocked. The name Xiaoxing was the name that Huo Fangyi asked him to change. He didn't know what the name meant for Huo Fangyi and Ye Da, but she knew that the name shouted by a drunken situation must be related to a relationship hidden in his heart.

Alian put Ye Da in ** and was about to turn around and leave. Ye Da suddenly stretched out his right hand and gently pulled Alian's little hand and muttered, "Xiao Xing, don't go. Let me tell you, I finally figured it out. I..." Before he finished speaking, Ye Da suddenly spit out a sip. It seemed that the wine had begun to torture him. Stomach. After all, he drank on an empty stomach and hasn't eaten anything yet.

Alian gently pushed away Ye Da's hand and said, "I'll get you water." She quickly walked out of the door and her heart was pounding. Except for Huo Fangyi and his father, Ye Da was the third man to take her hand.

Alian stabilized her mood, took a basin of water from the outside, and took a broom. At this time, Ye Da was lying by the bed and spitting on the ground. Alian quickly took a wet cloth to wipe Ye Da's mouth. Ye Da lay softly. It seemed that he was a little weak just now. A Lian swept away Ye Da's filth with a broom, and then wiped Ye Da's face with a damp cloth.

At this time, Ye Da suddenly turned around and took A Lian's little hand with his hand and said weakly, "Wisdom, where are you?"

"Wisdom? Why is it another woman's name?"

Alian was surprised, and Ye Da said again, "No, she is not my wife. We have not registered a legal couple."

It seems to be a dream.

"Wisdom, don't go, I was wrong. Don't go, don't go." Ye Da's voice became lower and lower, and finally fell asleep.

After Alian cleaned up, she helped Ye Da cover a thin list, then walked out of the door and turned around to close the door.

Just as soon as she closed the door and turned around, Huo Fangyi's drunken face suddenly appeared in front of her, which scared Allen.

"Why is it so long?" Although Huo Fangyi was a little drunk, he was still relatively sober. After sending Alian out, he regretted it. He found an excuse to leave the banquet and found here. To be honest, he was worried.

Alian touched her beating heart and said, "Sir, you scared me to death. The second uncle vomited, and I helped him clean it up.

Second uncle? Huo Fangyi was happy, but on second thought, Pan Jinlian seemed to be called Wu Song and Second Uncle, and he was unhappy in an instant.

Alian looked at Huo Fangyi's changing face and was a little scared, but she knew that Huo Fangyi might have misunderstood her.

Huo Fangyi suddenly pushed the door open and was released to see that Ye Da was indeed lying ** sleeping like a dead pig.

Huo Fangyi hugged A Lian and walked to the bedroom: "Alian, I can't wait. Now we will enter the bridal chamber!"

Alian beat Huo Fangyi's chest delicately, resisted feebly, and blushed. Huo Fangyi didn't care about her, kicked open the door with her in his arms and walked in.

"Where is the general?"

"You won't be able to drink and run away, or you can find a place to sleep."

"Bullshit! The general is very drunk!"

"No, I have to find him"

"We will go too"

Mr. Li Deng didn't see Huo Fangyi after drinking for a long time. He simply supported each other in the crooked yard to find Huo Fangyi. Huo Fangyi also drank too much and didn't close the door. Fortunately, the bed was not placed in the place facing the door, otherwise the good deeds of him and Alian would have been seen by his brothers. However, when Li Deng and the other people came here, they understood the general idea.

Li Deng quickly closed the door and said to everyone with a smile, "It seems that the general can't wait. Let's drink ours and go."

"Go!" Everyone was also interested and helped each other back to the backyard.

At this time, Huo Fangyi in the room did not notice the situation outside the door at all. He was fiercely holding his hand at Alian. Alian was softened by him, and his consciousness was a little fluttering.

Huo Fangyi, who drank wine, is not yet in the state of Ye Da's mud, and alcohol can stimulate the super burst of hormones in his body, so Huo Fangyi is simply a brave male lion in the ** period.

Although it was the first time, Huo Fangyi hit Huanglong with one blow. Alian shed some blood on the bed, but in an unconscious state, she could not feel any pain at all.


After the incident, Huo Fangyi lay on Alian's body and fell asleep. Alian was afraid of waking her up and did not dare to move, and slowly dreamed in happiness.

The next morning, Ye Da woke up with urine. He got up from **. His body was still a little weak and his head still hurt. It seemed that he really couldn't drink. Originally, he couldn't drink. In addition, he drank hard on an empty stomach, which was really unbearable. My stomach is also bulging. It's better to find something to eat first.

Ye Da came down from **, put on his shoes, opened the door, and a bunch of warm sunshine came to his face. It was winter, and the sun came out relatively late. In fact, it's already 9 o'clock Beijing time. Ye answered and touched his head and said to himself: I fell asleep!

Huo Fangyi has got up and was practicing in the yard. He saw Ye Da come over and said, "You are too good. Drinking some wine will become like that!"

"Alas, wine is not a good thing, and I won't touch it in the future."

As she was talking, Alian came out. Today's Alian is different from yesterday. She changed a dress. Today's dress is actually more modern. In fact, it is a leather coat made of white fox leather, but what Alian wore yesterday was a very ordinary jacket.

When this pure white fox leather coat is worn, the temperament of the whole person has changed. It's like a beautiful snowflake in winter. Ye Da was stunned. Ye Da was stunned not only because Alian's temperament has changed, but also because leather clothes are ancient and modern, and the style is basically the same. That is to say, Ye Da has clearly realized that he is standing in front of him. This sister-in-law, this woman named Allen, actually looks the same as Tong Xiaoxing!

When Huo Fangyi saw Ye Da standing still, he suddenly understood most of it and thought it was terrible. This time, there was no way to avoid it, but anyway, this matter still needs to be faced. Let's see what Ye Da said!