Daming Shuanglong Biography

100 [a plan]2

Huo Fangyi, who made up his mind, began to carry out his actions, but so far he has no better reason to approach Li Rusong, because he has just applied for a plan to transform the three-eyed jig, so that he really has no good opportunity and reason to go except to visit his father-in-law during the Spring Festival. Li Fu, and if he doesn't devote himself to the project of transforming weapons at this time, it is not like his style, so Huo Fangyi temporarily decided to let go of this matter. If there is a chance, just do it if there is no chance. When this project is completed, I will try to create opportunities for myself!

The transformation of the bayone is not complicated. Huo Fangyi found a craftsman and designed a drag hook that can fix the bayonet, instead of welding the bayonet directly to the muzzle, because the body of the bayonet will be very long and not conducive to carrying. If it can be installed flexibly, it will be very good for both combat and carrying. Favorable. This is also based on the experience of Japanese bayonet rifles.

The manufacture of the bayonet also selected the best craftsmen in Liaodong. Huo Fangyi gathered them together and told them to refine the strongest steel! Although the ancient steelmaking technology is far worse than now, these craftsmen did not underestimate this future descendants. After months of research and forging, they finally made a sharp knife sharper than Ye Da's Japanese knife. Because the generally slender knife body is easy to break, it does not take up light in the cutting, but this time this group of craftsmen finally broke through the bottleneck. In fact, China now does not lack good craftsmen, but sometimes the demand really determines the quality of a talent. Because no one has thought of putting the knife on the god's knife before, from the perspective of ordinary people, they will not study this kind of thin and long knife, and Liaodong is used to killing enemies with a big knife, let alone study how to concentrate the density of iron in a very narrow range.

However, the use of bayonet still needs a process. After all, the elite riders in Liaodong are still used to slashing people with big knives, or directly smashing people with divine knives. Now the sudden addition of bayonet is equivalent to changing their knife-waving habits and adding a "sting" and "poking" action. On the other hand, it is equal to It is the same as Guan Gongxue's eight snake spears. Although it is difficult to explain the advantages and disadvantages of doing so at once, generally speaking, Huo Fangyi believes that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages!

By the time when all the elite riders in Liaodong were equipped with a bayonet, it was the autumn of 1594. During this period, Xiao Jing, who was abnormal between the Jurchens and the Mongolian Tatari. Li Rusong, as a guard general, first found something strange. This calmness made him extremely worried about whether it was a Jurchens and What is the joint action of the Mongolian salams? However, even if there is a conspiracy, there is nothing he can do now. He can't send troops to Mongolia and Jurzhen just by feeling. Let's wait and see what happens. The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth!

Huo Fangyi completed a big event and began to plan another big event for him.

During this period, he and A Lian have also been to Li's house several times. The key is that Li Rusong only entertained them in the guest room these times. He didn't have a chance to get close to the inner place at all. So far, he doesn't even know where the official seal is. Huo Fangyi was also very worried about this matter. Ye Da had been wanting to tell Huo Fangyi about his decision to leave during this period. The key was that Huo Fangyi was busy with the plan to transform the elite riding in Liaodong all day and rarely stayed at home, which made him unable to find a suitable opportunity to open his mouth. This drag has been delayed until now.

Ye answered an idea for Huo Fangyi: "I think this official seal is probably in his study, because after all, it is the place where he writes, and ordinary people's thinking must put things in the most convenient place to use."

Huo Fangyi nodded: "I understand when you said that, but if I can be sure it's there, I have to test it myself."

"What do you want to do?"

"Well, keep it a secret for the time being. In this way, you and I will quickly think about how to write this chapter."

"Don't care about the chapter yet. There is another link, that is, how can this chapter be guaranteed to be delivered to the Wanli Emperor?"

"This can only be bought by the person responsible for delivering the fast horse!"

"This is very risky! Once he doesn't like yours, he will sue you to Li Rusong, and you will be finished.

"That being said, there is no other good way!"

"Find an opportunity to test him!"

Huo Fangyi and Ye Da immediately drew up a memorial. The general meaning of the memorial was that when he led troops to assist * against Japan in Li Rusong's tone, Nurhachi took the opportunity to expand his power, fought south and north, and unified the Jianzhou Jurchin, which has posed a great threat to my eastern border. However, the power of Nurhachi Compared with the various parts of Haixi Jurchen, it is still slightly smaller, so there is no suitable reason to give a major blow, and I heard that the eighth son born by Nurhachi was named Huang Taiji. Although this name does not mean anything, it is only one word away from the crown prince, which shows his ambition! In order to maintain the security of our Liaodong border, I applied for His Majesty to appoint an official to Huang Taiji, which is essentially to let Huang Taiji go to the court as a hostage! If Nurhachi refuses, then we will send troops to attack, so that we can restrain it.

After drawing up the memorial, the next step is to try to stamp the official seal on it!

Huo Fangyi, who made up his mind, put the chapter into his clothes and then went to Li Rusong for tea.

It happened that Li Rusong was fine at home today, lying on the recliner in the yard reading a book.

"Father-in-law, my son-in-law came to see you!" Huo Fangyi didn't come empty-handed, and he brought up some snacks.

"Oh, it's Fang Yi." Huo Fangyi put the snacks on the table so that Li Rusong began to have a house with him. Slowly speaking, he turned to study.

"Fat-in-law, what book are you reading?"

"Oh, it's Zizhi Tongjian. This book is well written. By the way, Huo Fangyi, you should also read more books, especially historical books, which is very useful for marching."

Huo Fangyi nodded and said, "Well, my father-in-law is right, but there is no book in my study. By the way, can I ask my son-in-law to borrow a few books from you first?" Originally, Huo Fangyi wanted to let me see what books you bought in your study so that I could go back and buy them, but later I felt that the words were still It's better to talk as little as possible, and it's easy to be exposed if you talk too much.

Li Rusong agreed very quickly. After all, Huo Fangyi's request was not too much, which was human.

"The little son-in-law has gone." Huo Fangyi saw that things were going so smoothly and thought that the official seal would definitely not be in the study. But now that you're here, go in and check it out.

Li Rusong's study is in the courtyard, and there is a guarding soldier standing outside the study. Naturally, this soldier also recognizes Huo Fangyi.

"My father-in-law asked me to choose some books."

The soldier nodded and got out of his way. Huo Fangyi pushed the door, walked in, and closed the door of the study with his backhand.

Huo Fangyi's heart pounded at this time. After all, it was also the first time for him to steal chickens and dogs. The structure of the study is very simple. There is a large table facing the door. There are things such as pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table. Behind the table is a chair. Behind the chair is a row of bookcases, and the bookcase is full of books. Huo Fangyi was not in the mood to read these books. He picked two or three books and then began to search for places where he could hide official seals.

After looking around, he really found a suspicious position. There was a drawer under the table, but the drawer was locked. Huo Fangyi could not see what was inside, but he felt that the official seal was very likely to be here, because if it was a book or two or something, there was no need to lock it. Come on, and there is a soldier outside. Now Huo Fangyi is worried. Although he carries the medal with him, he can't open the lock, let alone stamp it.

There was nothing I could do after thinking about it. I couldn't smash the lock. In the end, there was nothing I could do. Huo Fangyi still walked out of Li Rusong's study with a few books.

At this time, Huo Fangyi suddenly felt a heavy pat on his shoulder, which made Huo Fangyi's legs weak and threw all the books in his hand to the ground.

Huo Fangyi looked back and found that it was Li Rusong's second brother Li Rubai. Li Rubai was not interested in Huo Fangyi, an outsider. This time, he stared at Huo Fangyi with a surveillance look and said, "Huo Fangyi, what are you doing in my brother's study?"

"Ah, it's the second general. I'm going to borrow two books from my father-in-law to read. I just got married, and the study room is empty, and I don't know what books to buy."

Li Rubai looked at Huo Fangyi carefully and said, "Why do I think you are sneaky? Go and follow me to find your brother!"

With that, Li Rubo pulled Huo Fangyi to find Li Rusong. Why did Li Rubai appear here? He also had nothing to do, so he ran to Li Rusong's house to talk to his brother. As soon as he entered the house, he suddenly felt anxious to pee, so he rushed to the toilet and met Huo Fangyi on the way back.

"What's going on?" Li Rusong saw Li Rubai holding Huo Fangyi and came over and asked. Huo Fangyi was pulled away, thinking that Li Rubai's hand was really strong, and it seemed that the title of martial arts champion was not for nothing.

"Brother, your good son-in-law didn't know what you were doing in your study just now?"

Huo Fangyi is now not afraid of boiling water. Anyway, under the banner of borrowing books, Li Rusong will also help me. As expected, Li Rusong smiled and said, "Haha, misunderstanding, I asked him to go to the study to pick a few books and read at home. Young people can't make progress."

Li Rubai then let go of his hand and said, "If you borrow books, you will borrow books. I will slap you. Are you scared to throw all the books on the ground?"

Huo Fangyi said awkwardly, "Second General, I'm facing your back. You slapped me suddenly. I'm not psychologically prepared. Of course, I was shocked."

"Well, it's what you said." Li Rubai didn't want to think like what he said. He was still very wary of Huo Fangyi.

Huo Fangyi can also hear this from his tone. It seems that Li Rubai may not deal with himself in the future! In two days, Li Rusong will die, and it will be difficult for him to do it in Liaodong. It's better to hurry up and do big things.