Daming Shuanglong Biography

107 [the plan to frame up]

Shurhachi said with a sad face, "I don't know, that's why I came to you, son-in-law. Then you must save me!"

Li Rubai frowned and walked back and forth in the room: "It's impossible. Where did these robbers come from?"

"I don't know. Looking at their appearance, they are all Han people. This time, the escort team sent by Lord Li also died under their knives!"

"Are you Han Chinese?"


"Is Huang Taiji also dead?"

"If you are dead, the body is in the box outside. Why don't I bring it over and have a look."

Li Rubai waved his hand and said, "No, what's the dead? Father-in-law, your matter is difficult to do this time. The key is that the two imperial envoys died. How can my eldest brother explain to the court!"

"To tell the truth, my eldest brother said that he would personally prepare tributes and go to the capital to apologize and let the emperor go. The key is to save your father-in-law and my life now!"

" Let me think about it" Li Rubai is now worried not about how to help Shuer Hatch out of trouble, but about what kind of impact this matter will have on the Li family.

Shur Hatch saw that Li Rubai was determined for a long time, and he quickly opened what he brought: "Son-in-law, this is the treasure hidden by your father-in-law. Two thousand-year-old ginseng, look at the appearance of this ginseng, it is almost refined!"

Li Rubai's thoughts were interrupted by these two ginsengs. How valuable should the thousand-year-old ginseng be! He took the ginseng and looked at it and said, "Unin-law, I didn't expect you to hide such a treasure!" Li Rubai said and returned the ginseng to Shuerhachi: "This kind of treasure should be enjoyed by your father-in-law. How can I be so unfilial?" Despite this, Li Rubai's hand holding ginseng did not release at all.

Shurhachi certainly knew what he meant. Instead, he took over the ginseng and said, "My life is almost gone. How can I be in the mood to enjoy these?"

"Haha, you are really my good father-in-law. Don't worry, I'll take care of this matter!" Li Rubai has decided to help Shuer Hatch. On the one hand, Shuer Hatch is his father-in-law, and on the other hand, it is also because of this ginseng. He doesn't have to work hard, just ask for a request for him.

"Thank you, son-in-law."

"Alas, thank you for not being busy. Let me ask you, who else knows about your escort?"

"It's Nurhachi, and no one else knows anything else."

"Well, you can rush back tonight and bury this matter in your heart. Don't worry about the rest."

"Good son-in-law, have you figured out a countermeasure?"

"I have a score in my heart, but I don't know if it works."

"Tell me, or I will be scared to death when I go back."

"This is very simple. You gave me the body of Huang Taiji, and then I sent a confidant to pretend to run for his life and told my eldest brother that he met a robber on the way and the whole army was destroyed. This responsibility has nothing to do with you, and I won't mention that you have participated in escort from beginning to end.

"This method is good, but in this way, Mr. Li will be charged with poor protection and will be punished by the court at that time!" In fact, Shuerhachi was not worried about Li Rusong being punished. He even hoped so. The key was that he was worried about whether Li Rusong would shift everything to the Jurchens in order to escape his responsibility, which would trigger a war between the Jurchen and the Ming court.

"That's true, but don't care so much. It's the main thing to put aside your relationship with this matter first. The rest is our own business. I will discuss it with the eldest brother."


"Don't do that. You go back first. There are so many people here."

"Well, it's all up to you, son-in-law."

Shuerhachi has done half of this matter. To put it bluntly, the fate of the Jurjin clan is now completely in the hands of Li Rubai. Li Rubai is thinking that he has thought a lot. The most important thing is that once the court blames it on this matter, it will take his eldest brother's black yarn and then guard Liaodong. Ninety-sirth of the heavy responsibilities are likely to fall on themselves. Which man has always been willing to be a younger brother? Although it may be a little unfair to the eldest brother, in order to gain power, sometimes he has to do whatever he can, otherwise his martial arts champion will be in vain!

Li Rubai knew that this matter could not be done during the day, because Huo Fangyi might be by Li Rusong's side during office hours, so Huo Fangyi must have known all the people in the Huo family and would ruin his big event. So the next night, Li Rubai explained the matter to a cronin and staged a "bitter meat trick" Li Rubai personally slashed the body of this cronin, making it look like he had escaped for his life.

The cronin ran to Li's house with the body of "Huang Taiji" in his arms and began to knock on the door: "Your Excellency, Lord Li!"

It was late at this time. Li Rusong hadn't fallen asleep yet. He was reading with a lamp. After opening the door, the housekeeper saw a young man in front of him holding a baby who had already lost his breath.

"I want to see Lord Li, the imperial envoy of the court has had an accident!"

The housekeeper knew that the matter was big and didn't dare to neglect it. He quickly led the soldier to Li Rusong's study: "Your Excellency! My lord!" The housekeeper knocked on the door and shouted softly.

Li Rusong frowned and said, "It's so late. What's the matter?"

"Something happened!"

"What?!" Li Rusong was shocked, and the book in his hand also fell to the ground. Li Rusong hurriedly opened the door and said, "What's going on?"

The soldier lowered his head and said, "We met robbers on the way back to the city, and the whole army was destroyed. Only I escaped to protect the governor, but the governor has also died." With that, the soldier also shed tears.

Li Rusong was shocked for a long time before saying, "Is the dead baby in your arms Huang Taiji?"


"Who are those robbers?"

"It looks like a Chinese man."

"Are you sure it's a Han Chinese and not a real woman?"

The soldier nodded: "Although it's a little dark at night, I can still see it clearly because it's relatively close." These are all given to Li Rubai to him.

Now Li Rusong is a little confused. He waved his hand to settle the soldier, and then began to think about this matter himself. This matter is really like the soldier said that the two imperial envoys were killed by Han robbers, which is the guilt of his poor protection. Now we have to confirm the scene, and at least pull back the bodies of the two imperial envoys.

Li Rusong immediately, led by soldiers, ordered Li Ning and 500 soldiers to come to the scene. At this time, the scene was already arranged by Shuerhachi. When Li Rusong came to the scene, he saw the two killed imperial envoys. Li Rusong frowned and said, "Li Ning, go and check who died?"

"Obey" Li Ning came back after a while: "The costumes of ten people are my military uniforms. It seems to be Huo Jiajun, who is responsible for escorting the task this time, but they disappeared. The remaining seven or eight people are all in animal skin costumes, but if you look closely, they are undoubtedly Han people. It seems that these should be killing Qin. What a bad murderer."

"In this case, this matter will be difficult to deal with. Pull back the bodies of the two imperial envoys and send someone to report to Huo Fangyi. After all, these are his soldiers."


Li Rubai's cronies were ordered before leaving. Once Huo Fangyi knew about this matter, he would find a way to get out by himself. Once he met Huo Fangyi, he would reveal the truth. Therefore, the soldier heard that the news was about to be transmitted to Huo Fangyi, and he must find a way to leave Li Rusong's team.

Li Rusong ordered Li Ning to take the team and the bodies of the two imperial envoys back to Guangning. The soldier deliberately slowed down the marching speed and slowly fell behind the team.

No one found him, but a small soldier behind the line asked him, "What are you doing?"

"I have a stomachache. You go first."

He successfully got out of the team, and soon Huo Fangyi took Li Deng to the scene. Huo Fangyi and Li Deng were anxious. He didn't expect that this mission would be so tragic again.

"Is the emperor Taiji still alive? Is Ye Da still alive?

"General Huo, I don't know. General Li Ning only asked me to inform you."

The two drove the horse quickly. By the time they arrived, Li Rusong and the others had already left. Huo Fangyi didn't wait for the horse to stop and flew down from the horse. Now he is most concerned about Ye Da. He is very anxious: Brother, you can't leave me alone in this boring ancient times!

After looking around, he didn't find Ye Da's body. He finally breathed a sigh of relief and thought that the boy was still clever. At this time, Li Deng was already crying with his brothers' bodies in his arms.

Huo Fangyi looked at the cruel scene coldly. Because there had been one before, his heart was extremely iron at this moment: "Li Deng, you can't come back to life after death. Bury them all! Now I have to find Ye Da. I want to know what happened between them!"

Two people simply buried their brothers on the spot. Why didn't they pull them back to Guangning City? Because Guangning is not their hometown, it is the same everywhere.

After the two finished their work, their eyes were red.

The soldier who reported the news said that he had met a robber. Huo Fangyi knew in his heart that this must have been Ye Da's failure in the process of implementing the plan, but what happened to the other dead Han people? They also generally carry knife wounds, but although these people look like robbers in their clothes, they do not look ferocious and strange. Huo Fangyi can be sure that this scene is forged, so the purpose of forging the scene is to confuse Li Rusong? In order to shirk responsibility? In this case, it must have been done by Nurhachi!

It seems that I underestimate Nurhachi too much, and I don't know what's going on with Ye Da, brother, I hope God bless you!

"Big Brother..."

"Let's go back to Mr. Li!"

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