Daming Shuanglong Biography

116 [Competition for Beiwei] Wu

Li Rusong's artillery force almost suffered a devastating blow, and he had to send other soldiers to temporarily learn how to set off artillery. This is not difficult, and there is nothing he can do.

Originally, I planned to carry out a siege that night, but I didn't expect to be disturbed by Gmule. Now I can do nothing but rest the army again.

But Li Rusong didn't want his army to rest for long. He let all the soldiers sleep all morning, because he didn't sleep well at night! Prepare to attack the city in the afternoon! He was afraid that the Mongolian iron horse would give him another raid, and he couldn't stand so much torture. Take it as soon as possible and be fine as soon as possible!

The tragic siege officially began after lunch!

First of all, the substitute artillery force took the lead in bombing the guards of the South Gate and the Mongolian soldiers in the city! Li Rusong's general cannon is still very powerful. Shells hit the wall and hit the city, blowing bricks and human flesh all over the sky. The guards at the south gate fled everywhere, dodging the shells. The specific task of attacking the city was entrusted to Cha Dashu. After a frenzy, Cha Dashu commanded the first wave of siege troops to quickly move under the city wall with ladders. Naturally, the defenders at the gate saw these, but the shells blowing up around them from time made them dare not fully stretch their hands and feet. They could only hide under the wall and quietly put arrows outside through the cracks in the stone, opening fire.

The momentum of the enemy is now completely suppressed by its own shells, and Cha Da was led by the soldiers to push forward. The soldiers hardly encountered any resistance, so they successfully set up the ladder on the wall!

"Up!" Under the order of Cha Da, he took the lead in climbing up the ladder.

Gmler has always stood at the forefront of the team. When he saw Cha Da running at the forefront regardless of life and death, he laughed and said, "Aren't you looking for death?"

Gmler took out his bow and arrow and aimed at Cha Dashen: "I, Gmule is also a sharpshooter!"

Bang! A long arrow flew towards Cha Dashen. Cha Dashen was climbing up. Of course, he also stared at anything coming down from the city. When he saw the fast arrow, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He could not avoid this arrow, because he had no time to hide on the ladder. Now there is only one If you can save your life, you can fall off the ladder!

At the dangerous moment, Cha Dassho did not hesitate. He loosened his hands, drilled his whole body from the crack of the ladder to the back, and barely dodged the arrow. He also fell to the ground. Fortunately, he only climbed two heights. Cha Dasou stood up and was fine.

With the spirit of not being afraid of death in front of you, the soldiers behind can only move forward bravely!

Once the soldiers start to attack the city, the sound of artillery will slowly disappear, because firing artillery at this time can only cause accidental injury to their own troops. In this way, the Mongolian soldiers on the wall began to slowly get out of the hiding and began to throw down the stones, rolling wood and boiling water they prepared one by one, screaming for a moment.

At this time, Huo Fangyi remembered the soil strategy he experienced in the Ningxia Campaign, which was simply extinct. Every siege, the attacking side had to pay a huge price. Is it worth it?!

The south gate of Beiwei is also straight up and down. At this time, the crash is useless at all. It can only let the soldiers climb up the city wall to grab the control room, but the Mongolian soldiers are extremely brave, and those who barely climb the wall will be cut to death in a few times. In this siege from afternoon to evening, the Ming army lost thousands of people and still failed to take the south gate.

Li Rusong saw that it was getting dark, but Mingjin had no choice but to withdraw his army. Huo Fangyi stood aside and dared not speak. It seemed that it was indeed a mistake for him to give up the opportunity to guard the south gate rashly. Sometimes the information on the battlefield is really difficult to grasp, and you should pay more attention to it in the future.

The south gate is indeed much more fragile than the north gate, but it is not so easy to fall. Moreover, now the whole city of Guangning Beiwei is surrounded by the east wall of Liaoning, with only two gates in the north and south. When the whole side wall passed through the city of Beiwei, it was transformed into two separate lines to surround the Beiwei Regiment, and then synthesized into a line. On the whole, it looked like a big dumpling.

Li Rusong knew that there seemed to be no other good way but to forcibly attack the city, but in order to make up for his inner condemnation, he proposed: "My father-in-law, the Mongolian soldiers are coming. In my opinion, we can set up an ambush on the periphery of Beiwei, and then just wait for the Mongolian soldiers to enter our ambush circle. , and then give it a surprise and wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop! Anyway, with so many of them, it is quite difficult for all of them to enter the Northern Acropolis. They will seize the time to attack. Even if they take a step back and don't attack, their food and fodder will definitely be excessively consumed. At that time, they will retreat by themselves without us sending troops.

Li Rusong doesn't want to do this. He thinks that letting the Mongolian darlings be wild on his territory is simply pissing on his face, but he has to agree with Huo Fangyi's point of view, because in the current siege, the loss will be very painful, and even if he barely removes the south gate, he will have them to welcome him. F 50,000 Mongolian troops. Weighing the pros and cons, Li Rusong decided to adopt Huo Fangyi's view.

"The wise son-in-law's idea is exactly what I want. Now let's make specific arrangements for the ambush!"

The terrain of the whole Guangning section is relatively flat, and nothing can really hide the terrain of the army. Finally, the military and political leaders have discussed a specific plan, which is to dig deep ditches three miles away from the south gate, place wooden nails in the ditch, and then cover these large number of ditch pits with leaves and clothes. The loose soil is buried on the back, and there is almost no trace of modification from the outside.

Other than that, there is no other good way. The Ming army retreated ten miles and dug many gullies in each area. A total of ten ditches have been dug.

Then he tried his best to see no trace of the Ming army on the wall.

"Dahan, the Ming army seems to have retreated!" Gmler said.

He frowned. He was afraid that Li Rusong would have some tricks, so he sent two detectives one night to sneak down the wall to see what was going on.

In order to prevent the well-designed trap from being destroyed by the two detectives, Li Rusong also left a hand and sent a team of 50 people to guard the first ditch. As long as they saw someone approaching, they would kill them!

The detective saw these 50 people from afar. They didn't dare to approach, so they had to go back and report it to Liduo.

"Dahan, all the enemy troops retreated, leaving only a team of more than 50 people still in place."

He was very surprised: "Gmule, do you know if there is any other way to this city?"

"As far as I know, there is no more, because this city is strange. There are only two gates in the north and south. Even if they can take a detour to the north gate, it is still impossible for them to seize the north gate, because the defensive equipment of the north gate is better and there are several cannons. At present, I can't see through the actions of the Ming army. However, I think that the enemy has been frustrated repeatedly and must have retreated! They must want to retreat to Guangning City to defend it! Because they can't beat us in the field, and they can't attack the city!"

He nodded and said, "What you said makes sense. Maybe I think too much. Since they have retreated, we will take advantage of the victory to pursue it!" Flatten the whole Liaodong in one fell swoop!"

In the morning of the second day, Lidung led the army to set out, and Ge Mule led 5,000 people to play the forward.

The army went out of the south gate and headed for Guangning City. One of the 50 defenders was to guard the trap, and the other was to lure the enemy deep! They saw Güller leading people over from afar and quickly crossed the gully to the opposite side of the first gully. Each gully is not connected as a whole, but consists of a large pit, between which there is a road that can only be passed by two people at the same time, and only these 50 people know this road, so they are not affected by the trap at all when they cross the gully.

Gmuller turned around and ran away when he saw that the remaining 50 people of the enemy noticed him. He was extremely excited. This was simply fat! He slapped the horse's buttocks hard and accelerated to rush up! It was followed by 5,000 cavalry.

Fifty people continued to retreat and crossed the second ditch. At this time, Ge Muller noticed that although the number of these 50 people was not large, they had to gather together and then disperse every time they walked a period of road. Why? This kind of behavior is too strange, but he can't figure it out. Is there an ambush? Just as Gemler was meditating, before he finally came to the first gully, he was unaware of the trap that was about to fall under his feet.

His horse suddenly stepped on the air, and one of his heels fell into the pit. Ge Muller reacted surprisingly quickly, and he knew that he had encountered a trap at the first time! At the moment when his horse was pierced by a wooden nail, he stepped on the saddle, jumped into the air, turned around in the air and jumped to the ground.

The first row of soldiers who followed him had no time to react and fell into the trap. Güller got up from the ground and quickly stopped the soldiers rushing behind, but with inertia, three rows of soldiers fell into the pit, killing or 600 people. However, the soldiers behind still observed the situation in front of them, and they urgently grabbed the rein.

The army arrived later, and he said angrily, "There are indeed traps!"

The army stopped in front of the first exposed pit and dared not move forward.

Gemler said with lingering flinching, "I didn't expect Güller to die in a trap. What should we do?"

"What should I do? Don't think this means can defeat me! Go, bring me a few horses and let them run forward. I'd like to see how many deep ditches they have dug!"

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