Daming Shuanglong Biography

120 [Battle Grassland] II

Zhuang Tuse moved out the old lady of Tumei Tielei, and Tumei Tielei didn't dare to say anything more. He went back to the team and followed Li Tuo, "Dahan, Zhuang Tuo asked you to speak in front of the battle."

He said, "NND, let me know him!"

He tried his best to pull the horse to come to the front: "Zhuang Tuose, let our relatives out of the city in time, otherwise next year's today will be your death anniversary!"

Zhuangtu lai laughed and said, "Haha, do you think I'm a fool? Your mother is the trump card in my hand! I won't die if you let them out!"

He said angrily, "Zhuang Tuse, what on earth do you want?"

Zhuangtu lai said, "It's very simple. You submit to me and then hand over your troops and tribes to me. I can also consider making you a minister!"

He listened to Zhuang Tuese's abnormal anger: "QNGBD! Don't do this!"

Zhuangtu lai said leisurely, "Don't make a decision so early. You can think about it when you go back and answer me after thinking about it! I have time to wait for you!" After saying that, Zhuang Tuose turned around and disappeared from the wall!

Attack: "..."

He had no choice but to return to the barracks. The current situation is very unfavorable to him. Not only his relatives, but also the relatives of his soldiers are all in that city. If it takes a long time, his morale will certainly be affected. It is inevitable that he will not repeat the mistakes of the overlord of Chu, but if he attacks now, Then Zhuang Convese is likely to kill all his relatives. The current state is a dilemma, and I'm so worried!

Tumei Tielei didn't say anything, because he didn't know what to say.

Now there is no Ge Muller around, and the only thing that can really speak is the earthy iron thunder.

"Tielei, what should we do?"

Tumei Tielei thought for a long time and said with difficulty: "Khan, it's too difficult to make a decision now."

He focused on looking at Tumei Tielei and was silent. The intelligence of Tumei Tielei is simply very different from that of Ge Mule, and Tumei Tielei still has his own ideas, because he doesn't want his relatives to be killed by Zhuang Convese, and if he surrenders, he may still be reused by Zhuang Convese, no If you work hard, you will definitely be killed by Zhuang Tuose!

This is like Lu Su's persuading Sun Quan during the Three Kingdoms period: "Lord, we will be reused after surrender, but once you surrender, you will die!"

Li Tuo also knows this result. Even if Zhuang Tuo is kind and does not kill himself, he will at least put himself under house arrest. However, if he take the presumptuous attack, it will lead to the massacre of Zhuang Tuo's relatives. Now there is a fierce struggle between family affection and power in Li Tuo's mind!

That night, a soldier under Zhuangtuse came down from the tent of Tumei Tielei. The soldier attacked a vipering soldier in the wild, killed him and changed his clothes, and then quietly slipped into the tent of Tumei Tielei.

Two guards stood outside the tent of the earthly iron thunder: "What are you doing!"

The soldier lowered his head and said, "General Monk asked me to find General Tielei."

Tomei Tielei heard the conversation outside and ordered the soldiers to let it in. He and the monk were both generals who focused on Li Tuo. When they attacked Ningxia to rescue and worship, the two followed Li Tuo to send troops together, which can be regarded as the right-hand man who focused on Li Tuo in that battle! Of course, Ge Muller will have to stay at home!

The two have a deep friendship. This time, they also came to attack Zhuang Tuze together. I heard that he sent the soldiers. Tumei Tielei thought there was something wrong and quickly let the soldier in.

After the soldier came, he lowered his head and knelt on the ground without saying anything.

Tumei Tielei asked strangely, "Why don't you talk? Didn't the monk ask you to send a message?"

The soldier whispered, "General Zaisheng has something to tell you, but I hope to talk to the general at close range so as not to be heard by others."

Tumei Tielei said to himself, "It's strange. What can I say? Come here!" At this time, the earthless iron thunder is defenseless, and now is the best time to assassinate him!

The soldier still lowered his head, slowly walked to the side of the earth and iron thunder, and then whispered (this sound can only be heard by the two of them): "General, please don't panic and listen to me finish my words. I was sent by Zhuangtu lai!"

As soon as Tumei Tielei heard the three words of Zhuangtu lai, he suddenly rushed out far away and shouted, "What!"

The two guards outside them rushed into the tent when they heard the movement inside and suddenly controlled the soldier!

The soldier said, "General, listen to me!"

Tumei Tielei looked at him and looked at the two guards. At this time, he recovered. After all, it would be better if he wanted to assassinate himself just now. It seems that Zhuang Tuose has something to say to himself. It's better to listen to it first and then make a judgment.

The soldier did not dare to say anything superfluous at this time, because once he said something wrong and was heard by the two guards, the sweat's plan might be ruined.

Tumei Tielei waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter. You go down first. A spider fell on my head just now, which scared me."

The two guards looked at the earth and iron thunder in disbelief, but the defense returned to their posts.

Tumei Tielei returned to his position, and he said, "Go ahead."

The soldier quietly approached him and whispered, "General, we Khan want to discuss something with the general."

"Oh, Zhuangtuse will also be interested in me?"

"Well, my Khan appreciates the bravery of the general very much. I hope that the general can identify the situation and join our army. My Khan will ensure the safety of the general's family."

Tumei Tielei is not stupid. Since there are such good conditions, he must ask himself to do something for him.

"What do you need me to do? Tell me directly!"

"The general is really smart. In order to show your sincerity, my Khan hopes that you can meet the Khan with your head."

Tumei Tielei whispered angrily, "What, it's simply delusional! How can I do such an unkind thing!"

The soldier said, "The general is really loyal. My Khan has not seen the wrong person, but I hope the general can think twice about this matter. This is not only about the future of the general, but also about the safety of the general's family!"

As soon as Tumei Tielei heard that the soldier mentioned his family again, he suddenly lost his temper. He was silent for a long time, and the soldier also waited for him for a long time. Tumei Tielei thought that there was no need to accompany him to sacrifice his family, and as a general Zhuangtu Se would certainly treat him well, although this decision was a little difficult. It's difficult, but the pros and cons are still very clear, so Tumei Tielei decided to agree to Zhuang Congse's request! But he didn't say that, so he couldn't let the soldier in front of him underestimate himself!

"Once I do this kind of dishonfidelity and injustice, I won't be able to fool around in the barracks in the future!"

The soldier thought that Tumei Tielei had rejected him and didn't know how to end it. Unexpectedly, Tumei Tielei said again: "After the success of this incident, I hope Zhuang Tuse can let me be the first general under him!" And I want a thousand war horses and the control of the whole Hetao tribe!"

The soldier thought: You are really delusional! However, in order to complete the task assigned to him by the boss, he said, "Don't worry about this general. Before I came, Zhuangtu lai had promised that he would agree no matter what questions the general asked!" As long as my Khan can do it!"

Tumei said, "Okay! It's a deal!"

Send the soldiers away, and the earthly iron thunder's heart pounded, because once this matter is smashed, his head can't be preserved!

However, Tumei Tielei sat in the tent for a long time and stabilized his mentality. Then he hid a short dagger on his body and walked towards the big tent.

There are also two soldiers standing outside the tent, with candles lit in the tent. It seems that the tent is not sleeping yet.

Tumei Tielei has already figured it out. First, he went up and followed Li Tuo, gossiped, and then found an opportunity to cut off his head. After that, he took the head of the dove and said to all the soldiers, "If you want to keep the names of your family, follow me to Zhuang Tuose, or you will be killed!" I believe that the leaderless soldiers will still weigh the pros and cons.

Tumei Iron Thunder is very simple to think, but this simple method is often very effective.

When the two soldiers of "General Tielei" saw that Tielei was coming, they hurriedly greeted them.

"Ye, I'm looking for a sweat." The iron thunder did not stop and went directly into the account.

He is in a daze, and now he is worried! He saw Tumei Tielei come in and said, "Tielei, what's wrong? Can't you sleep?"

"Yes, King Khan, my 75-year-old mother is in Zhuang Tuose's hands. How can I sleep!" While talking about the earth and iron thunder, he was close to Li Tu.

"Yes, I can't sleep either, that bastard Zhuang Tuose! How dare you use such a despicable trick! If it hadn't been for his mother's hands, she would have broken his city today and let him see the king of the city!"

"King Khan, although we have hostages in his hands, I advise King Han not to surrender! Because Zhuang Tuose will definitely kill you!"

"I also thought of this. The key is that there is no way to go now. Do I have to sacrifice my brothers' families?"

Now the force dove has completely relaxed its vigilance. While pulling the gossip with him, the earthly iron thunder slowly put his right hand into his arms. Now is a good opportunity to assassinate him, as long as the dagger is cut fiercely from the back of the forceful! If you focus on it, you will die silently, at most spewing out some blood stains.

He didn't find any danger approaching, and he was still worried about his choice in this matter!

Tumei Tielei is now sitting on the ground side by side with Li Tu, while Tumei Tielei sits on the left side of Li Tu. Tu Mei Tielei's right hand reverses and holds the handle tightly and slowly pulls the knife out.

Just as the body of the knife of the earthless iron thunder showed a trace of cold light, a rough and thick voice came from outside the tent.

"Great sweat! I'm back!"

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