Daming Shuanglong Biography

122 [war grassland]

This shield is the mother of the viper, and the third arrow penetrates the heart of the viper. He almost got into Zhuang Tulai's heart. There is only one person who can have such great strength and release three purposeful arrows in a short time, that is Ge Muller!

Gmulle passed the observation of the spy in the rear. The Ming army had no intention of attacking at all. It simply returned to the front from behind. Unexpectedly, as soon as it arrived, it saw Zhuang Tulai's mother threatening Li Tuo. Ge Muller did not want to release three arrows in a row. He wanted to force Zhuang Tulai to lose his center of gravity and could not move. This The third arrow just pierced Zhuang Conglai's heart, but he didn't expect Zhuang Conglai to use the mother who was working hard as a shield.

Gmule is stupid, and the focus is also stupid. The most important thing is that Zhuang Tulai is also stupid.

Gmule stamly said, "Big sweat, I..."

At the beginning, he was heartbroken. He sprayed a mouthful of blood and cried loudly, "Mom!" But soon he realized that such an ending was the best for him, because he could order the siege without hesitation!

Zhuang Tulai is also deeply aware of this layer, and he knows that it is necessary to vent his anger on his mother's death. It seems that this battle to defend the city is still inevitable!

He cried for a while, then stabilized his mood and ordered: "Kill me!"

Gmler didn't know what to do now. He was frozen in place, but when he passed by him, he said, "You make contributions to me and cut off Zhuang's head!"

Gmler shouted, "Yes!" Then he patted the horse's buttocks and rushed under the gate!


In fact, sometimes there will be unexpected consequences on the battlefield. Originally, Zhuang Tuze still thought that if he didn't listen to him, he still wanted to move all his family members of his generals out, and if not, he would push all the soldiers' families up the tower. At least these three-layer tricks would be different in the end. A small number of soldiers defected, but they didn't expect that Gmulle's three arrows had completely taken the situation out of their control. It's a little late to say anything, because the soldiers who worked hard on the doder had begun to attack the city with ladders!

Ge Muller sat under the town gate and personally directed the car crash into the door. More than a dozen of the most burly and brave Mongolian men pushed a car carrying a huge wooden stick and hit the door together with a sound of rhythm.

"Hey----you!" This hit the door and hit a crack in the huge city gate, but there were also dozens of enemy soldiers behind the door. They were knocked out by this inch of strength. Fortunately, even if they could return to their original position, they were waiting for the other party to hit for the second time.

The gates of Zhuangtuse City are extremely simple. The two doors are only inserted with an iron bar, but with the continuous impact of the car crash, the door bolt (wood) used to insert the iron bar was cracked and then broken, which is equivalent to saying that the current door has lost its original role. Fortunately, there was a meat shield firmly against the door, and Ge Muller and the others couldn't open the door for a while.

Zhuang Tuse is now trying to continue his three-layer threat on the tower. As he grabbed a woman casually, he roared at the bottom and said, "Whose mother is this? Stop it quickly, otherwise..."

Before he finished his words, the arrows flew towards him. Zhuang Tuose, who was scared, quickly dodged and broke out in a cold sweat.

"Sweat, go down quickly. This move doesn't work!" A vice general pulled Zhuangtu lai down the tower.

The battle in front of the city continued. Zhuangtu lai thought that he could not go on like this. His own army could never resist the strong army and must let the reinforcements act! Zhuang Tuse immediately ordered troops and called on the death squad!

In fact, the detectives of the Ming army are trying to find out the movements of Li Tuo's troops, but the Li Tuo's troops have pulled farther away. These spies can't go to the front at all, and they can't see the difficult situation of Zhuang Tuose at this time. Before entering the battle, Gemule had pulled away his palace troops in order to block the sight of the Ming army spies from the siege.

Therefore, Li Rusong does not dare to act rashly now. He has been waiting for an opportunity to focus on attacking the city wholeheartedly. Now is a good time, but Li Rusong can't get the latest situation on the front line.

Now Zhuang Tuose can only rely on his own daring troops!

This wave of members of the death squad is carefully selected, with a total of * composition, just to be able to run out and report a letter. The siege lasted from day to night, and the troops that focused on the dove did nothing, but Zhuangtu's troops could hardly withstand it, and both sides suffered heavy casualties!

In the middle of the night, Li Tu finally ordered the suspension of the siege, which was undoubtedly the best opportunity to break through with Zhuang Tuse. However, in order to ensure the success of the death squad, he decided to make a breakthrough. After all, all his hopes were on this death squad.

It was still the same move. Zhuang Tuze pulled out a group of family, and then lined up on the tower, asking the soldiers to shine on the faces of these people with torches, and then shouted at the bottom of the city: "Listen soldiers under the city, the tower are all your parents and children. If you want them to live, leave the hard. Surrender to me! We can not blame the past for today's siege!"

When the soldiers heard Zhuang Convex's words, they whispered one after another. Some soldiers seemed to recognize their relatives and knelt on the ground and shouted in pain: "Father, mother!"

Seeing that things began to develop towards a worse side, Ge Muller quickly got on the front of the front and shouted, "Soldiers, listen to me that Zhuang Tuose has an feud with us, and now he has imprisoned our family for the purpose of blackmailing us. We can't be fooled by him!"

Although Güller said so, the soldiers still muttered that no one can care about their relatives!

"General Ge Muller, what about our relatives? Are we watching them killed by Zhuang Congse?" Some soldiers asked Gemler at the risk of being killed.

Gmler shouted (now you must use your voice to strengthen your self-confidence): "What are you afraid of! Dahan's mother was killed by Zhuang Conese. What did Dahan say?! Even if you surrender to Zhuang Tuose, he will not let go of your relatives. Once you lose your use value, he will kill you! Therefore, we must break the city as soon as possible and remove Zhuang Tuose's head as soon as possible, so as to protect our relatives as much as possible!"

Gmule's words made some sense. Some soldiers began to believe it, but he really belonged to people who stood and spoke without back pain. He himself was an orphan and had no relatives at all, so he could not feel the pain in the hearts of these soldiers.

No matter what role Ge Muller's words can play, because at this time, the gate slowly opened, and a team of 500 people came out of the city in a muffled voice!

G Muller didn't notice it at the first time because he turned his back to the city, but as the sound of the horseshoe behind him became louder and louder and as the soldiers in front of him began to panic, Ge Muller instantly realized that there was an enemy coming! Gemler turned his horse's head, and there were indeed countless enemy troops and war horses in front of him. Gemler quickly roared, "Come on! Array to meet the enemy!"

"Archers array!"

"Cavalry formation!"

Gumler is still in command, and the enemy in front of him is close at hand. The death squad is coming so fast, and Gmule was also surprised!

At the front of the queue is a fierce general. Gemler knows him, and he is the first fierce general under Zhuang Tuose. This row of Xuanduote attacked and killed Ge Muller with a big knife. Ge Muller was in the face of danger and was restless. He held the knife in his hands and thought to himself: Dort, we have never had a chance to fight well. This time, I, Ge Muller, will take down your head with my own hands!

At this time, Le Xuan Dort's mentality is completely different from that of Ge Muller. Le Xuan Dort completely put life and death aside. His purpose now is to rush out of the encirclement under the cover of his men, so he does not want to fight with Ge Muller, because once the two fierce generals fight, it is impossible to win or lose in a short time, so it is bound to It will delay Khan's plan!

Therefore, Lie Xuanduote held a bow in one hand and bit the arrow with his mouth towards Gemule!

Güller sneered: "Brother Dort, this is the inconvenience of using a big knife. You want to shoot me with your mouth. You are too arrogant!" With that, Güller quickly inserted the two knives back into his waist and pulled out the bow and arrow from behind, twice as fast as Dort.

Whey! Two arrows came out of the bow at the same time, one shot at Gemle and one shot at Le Xuanduott!

Both of them were good at horseback and easily dodged the arrow, but Gemle quickly set up the second arrow. Lie Xuanduott knew that his one-handed speed was not as fast as Gemule's, so he could only rush over quickly!

Gumler tightened his work and swung. The second arrow came straight to Lie Xuanduotte's chest. At the critical moment, Dort leaned down on the horse's back and dodged this arrow. At this time, the big knife in his hand had reached the horse Ge Muller!

Gmler had only skill at this time, so he had to rush to block it. As a result, the bow was split in half by Dort's big knife, but Gmler took the opportunity to dodge a distance and pulled out two knives from his waist again.

Le Xuanduotte did not look back and killed into the crowd at an unabated speed. Ge Muller then had to face the 500 dead men who rushed up from behind.

Le Xuanduote's big knife is still invincible. The big knife does not cut the air, and someone will fall to the place where it passes! Ge Muller inserted into the 500 dead men alone, sweeping like a storm, cutting everyone within a meter of his radius into two halves.

For a while, this battlefield became the killing place of the two Mongolian warriors!

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