Single Soldier Alliance

Chapter 42 Group Brawl

The sudden change made the Catella people's face change greatly, and the mounts under them were so scared that they roared loudly and kept jumping around, falling down some people directly. Suddenly, everyone was in a mess.

"Quiet!" Brother Hu jumped down from the blood scales, and his eyes were full of solemnity. He opened his mouth slowly. His voice was not loud, but it was full of a magnificent source of power. It fell into everyone's ears. The blood was really boiling, and the time suddenly calmed down.

The Huge Mountain people in front of Lanfeng's crowd, with a cold light flashed in their eyes. Looking at the nearly eight people who had no command behind, a trace of murderous intent appeared in their eyes. They waved their arms, and a faint voice came from Lanfeng's mouth: "The fourth and fifth team went down with me and solve the eight people behind! The sixth team left it to observe the enemy's situation, notify it as soon as there is a situation, and immediately support it as soon as there is a change!"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded together!

Lanfeng waved his palm, and the fourth and fifth team followed him closely to the canyon, and in an instant quietly approached the chaotic Katera family behind.

With a snap of his finger, the fourth and fifth team clenched the long knife in his hand and quietly went up, instantly dividing the eight people into two parts and unraveling them. The murderous intention of the fourth and fifth team spread undisguised...

In the face of the sudden appearance of the crowd, the faces of the Keira family changed greatly and showed panic. It was really funny that they were panicked. They had already lost their backbone without any command. Although each of them was strong, they could not play it!

The fourth and fifth team did not answer. They pulled out a long knife and fought directly with them, and the terrible power suddenly spread.

After the previous panic, the Catella family quickly forcibly calmed down, and pulled out the long knife in their hands and collided with the Lan family's guard. They did not give in, and a surging force continued to spread, and the two could not hold on to each other...

Lanfeng's body floated like a ghost in the whole battlefield and hidden in the darkness, like a hunter quietly waiting for his prey. His eyes swept over the battle circle. Lan Feng frowned slightly. The strength of the Keira family was a little beyond his expectation, even if the fourth and fifth teams separated them. They also resisted with their strong strength.

In the dark, Lanfeng frowned slightly. After the Katla people fought with the fourth and fifth team, they did not show any flaws, which made Lanfeng seem to have no way to do it. In the darkness, Lanfeng snapped his fingers, and his voice was subtle, but it fell into the ears of the fourth team, but a trace of sneer appeared on everyone's faces. , the original formation of the five-pointed star changed quietly, revealing a breakthrough...

The sudden breakthrough made the Katera people who fell into the siege of the fourth team and rushed to the breakthrough. As long as they rushed out of the breakthrough, they would have a chance to survive.

The four people coincidentally broke through the breakthrough. The speed and strength of the road have greatly enhanced their combat effectiveness.

In the darkness, Lan Feng looked at the Keira family who desperately rushed to the deliberately exposed breakthrough of the fourth team. There was a slight sneer on his slightly thin face. The palm of his hand waved the ancient shadow halberd like a lightning flash appeared in his hand, and the intention in his body was crazily poured into the ancient shadow halberd...< /P>

At the moment when the Katla family rushed to the breakthrough with hope and ecstasy, the ancient shadow halberd in Lan Feng's hand suddenly spread out, and the power of terror quietly spread out at this moment. The ancient shadow halberd in Lan Feng's hand came from the darkness. At the moment when he punctured and went straight to the front and went here, Lanfeng's palm suddenly hit the gun body. A wisp of silver light poured down from the sky and fell on the ancient shadow halberd, which made the ancient shadow halberd flash, and the cold voice came from Lan Feng's mouth: "Star Chopping Type 2 - Breaking through the air!"

The silver beam suddenly penetrated through their bodies under the frightened eyes of the four Ketla people, making the expression on their faces quietly freeze.

Under the gaze of the fourth group, the four Katela fell suddenly, and the original smile on their faces was replaced by panic and horror before their death.

Looking at the four cold corpses that fell in front of him, a touch of shock appeared in the eyes of the fourth team, looking at Lanfeng's eyes with deeper awe...

"Good job!" Looking at the cold bodies on the ground, Lan Feng smiled at the five people of the fourth team and said, "All the items on their bodies are your trophies!"

"Thank you, young master!" Everyone said with a smile.

"No! Hurry up and harvest the trophies to help the next five teams. Let's go to the front and have a look!" Lanfeng said with a smile, and then his figure turned into a streamer and went straight ahead.

In front of the canyon that was cut off by the boulder, Bao Bo led seventeen teams to confront the tiger brothers in front of him. Bao Bo's face looked solemn, and he faintly felt a dangerous breath from the three tiger brothers, that is, the strength of these three people is almost the same as Bao Bo's strength...

Look at my side, there are only three people who have reached the intermediate level of Samsung Chen, but if you want to delay these three men, it is obviously impossible for the three of them alone, only add Bao Bo himself and two other two teams with Samsung Chen intermediate strength.

So there are still ten people left on their side, and there are still nine of the other team's 12 men minus these three men. In addition, there are two in each of the five carriages, and there are 19 good players on the other side. From the front, the escort has little chance of winning such a battle, so Bao Bo has never come out. Hands!

"Yo-ho!" Wasn't it still arrogant just now? What? Don't you dare to do it now? Found stepping on a nail? Did you kick the iron plate? The dwarf looked at the people in front of him who did not dare to act rashly, with a trace of joking on his face. In his opinion, the other party was not strong enough and there were not many people, and he dared to hit their ideas!

Bao Bo looked solemn and did not answer, but tightened the long knife in his hand. The other party's strength was too strong. He had to wait until the team led by Lanfeng solved the eight people behind to come to support...

"Yo? What? Aren't you too scared to say anything?" Pang Hu also looked joking.

"Master, I'll give you a way to live, remove the rocks in front of you, and then break a wall. Brother Hu, I don't blame you for what you did before! What do you think?" Brother Hu said with a smile, and his face was joking.

"Oh? OK!" Bao Bo showed a simple smile on his face, and then sent a voice to the ears of the four team members: "Wait a minute, these three people will be dragged by me and ninety-two teams, and the remaining two teams will try their best to delay the other personnel and wait for the young master to come to support!"

Everyone nodded together.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Brother Hu's face, but suddenly the eight light spots in a bottle on his body quietly extinguished, making Brother Hu's face suddenly change: "Damn it! They are procrastinating! Let's go together!"

"Kill!" There was no resistance to the Keira people for the sudden order issued by Brother Hu. The long knife in his hand rushed up, and a huge shout broke out in his mouth.

"Hmm! Go!" Seeing this, Bao Bo was also not procrastinating. With a wave of his palm, the clenched long knife led the crowd to collide with the Keira people. Suddenly, the power of terror spread like a wave.

The sixth team left by Lan Feng on the canyon saw that there was something wrong in front of them. They had already sneaked down and hide in the dark. At this moment, looking at the people who went straight to the bag, there was a sneer on the face of the sixth team. This was the best time to stab the back!

"Brothers, go!" The captain of the sixth team shouted, and everyone ran up after the Keira, and the long knife dance in their hands raised layers of strength. Drops of blood flowed along the long knives in their hands. Before the five Keiras rushed into their crowd, they were overtaken by the people of the sixth team, and the long knife in their hands Their backs were pierced, and they killed five people in an instant...

Bao Bo saw this, and there was a trace of joy on his worried face, and the long knife in his hand collided with Brother Hu. The handover of energy in the weapons in their hands continued to spread in all directions, and the rocks burst, and in the circle of war, the magnificent energy surged...

The captain of the ninth team is Asa. His own strength has reached the intermediate level of Sanxingchen, and then the strength of the team is to fight with the dwarf. Five long knives with the overwhelming power collided with the tiger finger in the dwarf's hand. The terrible power spreads but the dwarf can't help it. After all, the dwarf's strength However, after reaching the four-star morning intermediate level, straight Asa is still too strong, but Fortunately, Asa has the support of his teammates and can temporarily drag the other party back...

The captain of the tenth team is Wu's own strength in the four-star morning intermediate, and most of his teammate strength is also in the one-star intermediate level. With the strength of the team, he can barely drag Pang Hu, who has reached the five-star intermediate level, but every attack will make the remaining four teammates' blood boil, if not Most of the power was borne by Ah Wu. I'm afraid that his four teammates can't bear it for a long time. In this battle circle, Ah Wu was firmly suppressed by Pang Hu, but if Pang Hu wants to solve them, it is a useless means...

With the help of the sixth team, the other two teams relied on the effect of two months of training and completely suppressed their opponents. Under the package of the battle array of the three teams, everyone's attack power and morale were greatly improved, and the horrible force spread along the weapons in everyone's hands. The circular shape surrounded the members of the Keira family, and the sharp attack directly killed the other party without resistance. After all, the strength of the two sides is not much different.

It was not until this moment that everyone realized the meaning of Lan Feng's sentence "group fighting is a technical work"!